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Gravity picture.

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  • Gravity picture.

    Please, look this picture.
    The picture shows gravity-mass bend the universe.
    This picture (as effect of gravity) is known in the world
    from 1919 when Einstein was ''crown'' as
    ''the greatest scientist after Newton's time''.
    But what is interesting in this picture?
    Masses really can change the surface of cosmos, but . . .
    but only in local region of the Universe where there is
    gravity-masses (like Sun's) as you see in this picture.
    (and the gravity-masses in the universe is only about 5%)
    Not the whole Universe -net is bend as you see in the picture.
    The whole Universe is a flat net - two dimensions continuum,
    and the picture shows that gravity is only a local phenomena.
    But . . .
    But from 1919 people watches and cannot understand
    this simple and clear fact of their observation.
    How it is a pity . . .
    Attached Files

  • #2
    The Universe as whole is homogeneous.
    The detected material masses* of the matter
    ( + dark matter /energy) in the Universe is so small
    (the average density of all substance in the Universe
    is approximately p=10^-30 g/sm^3) that it cannot ‘close’
    the Universe into sphere and* therefore
    ''the Fabric of space, time, heat and everything''
    is an* ‘open’ and an infinite flat continuum.


    • #3
      1 - Newton's gravity.
      Newton explained gravity from Earthly point of view
      ( as a boy playing on the beach of an ocean)
      Newton explained gravity as interaction between two bodies
      in the flat Solar system.
      ( no curved, no distorted, no bent or warped space )
      2 - Einstein's gravity.
      Einstein explained gravity from Cosmic point of view
      ( as a boy flying at speed of light )
      Einstein explained gravity when there is only one single body (gravity-masses)
      These gravity-masses (of Sun) distorted the flat continuum of the Universe
      only in Its very small , local region
      The local space around Sun's gravity-masses is changed / warped.
      Not the all flat continuum of the Universe was curved, only a small,
      local region was changed around the Sun.
      3 - What is caused the light / photon to change their straight way
      in the Universe: the gravity-masses or the warm / hot atmosphere
      temperature around Sun ?
      ( the cold light / photons automatically flow in the warm / hot region,
      like a cold air enters in your warm room when window is opened)
      4 - It is very possible that light / photons change their way by sum
      of two factors ( the hot temperature + gravity-masses ) and this
      one factor ( the hot temperature of accelerated gravity-masses )
      keeps a gravity-Sun be our ''living-Sun''
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      • #4
        1 - Newton's inverse square law is right to explain
        the interaction between two (2) gravity-bodies.

        2 - Einstein's GRT equation is right to explain
        effect of gravity for one (1) single gravity-body.


        • #5
          * My conclusion:
          1 - gravity is the weakest ''force'' in nature
          2 - gravity is about 10^36 times weaker than EM force
          3 - ''gravitational waves'' distort space only by about a factor of 10^-20
          4 - gravity is only a local effect in the* universe
          5 -* the concept ''Gravity'' cannot be used to the universe as whole
          (for example:
          Gravity cannot gather all matter of universe into ''singular point'' for
          ''big-bang'' as ''modern philosophy of science''* teach us today)


          • #6
            GRT - 1915 / my opinion /
            The basis of modern cosmology is Einstein's GRT
            GRT equations predict:
            1- in the early moment the entire universe was contained in*
            a ''singularity'', where* the mass was enormous, the volume was zero,
            the density was infinite.
            2 - somehow this ''singularity'' was ''expanded'' to the sizes of a star
            3- the gravity-masses of star distorted the absolute ''spacetime'' of the universe.
            4 - the quantum particles change their straight way moving* near star's masses.
            5 - all billion stars in billion galaxies obey Einstein's ''GRT'' scheme.
            6 - all billion and billion galaxies are only about 5% of all mass/energy
            in the absolute ''spacetime'' continuum.


            • #7
              If everything was started from ''singularity'' then we need
              to pay more attention on concept* ''singularity''.
              ''Singularity'' is not only ''a point''.
              ''Singularity'' is also ''a place''.
              ''A place'' where* the mass is enormous, the volume is zero,
              the density is infinite, and the time is zero.
              Somehow* this ''singularity place'' was ''expanded''
              Who* ''expanded'' this ''singularity place'' ?
              In my opinion, it can be only a Zero point energy.


              • #8
                We know.
                1 - we know: the early universe started from '' a hot singularity'',
                where mass is enormous, the volume zero, the density infinite
                and time is zero.
                2 - we know: more than 95% of substance in the universe is a
                dark energy / matter.
                3 - we know : only about 5% of matter is contained in a ''big bang''
                4 - we know: ''a hot singularity'' (with less than 5% of matter in
                the universe) is a basis for modern philosophy of science.
                5 - we know: psychologists tell us we use only about 10%
                of our brain power.
                6 - we can understand : ≈ 10% of our brain power can discover
                only less than 5% of matter in the universe
                7 - we know: modern scientific / philosophical knowledge
                doesn't obey our everyday common logic.
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                Last edited by socratus; 03-22-2019, 01:31 PM.


                • #9
                  I know.
                  1 - i know: Newton's gravity describes that two objects with mass
                  feel toward each other.
                  2 - i know: Einstein's gravity describes that a single object with mass
                  distorts the space and time around it in such a way that causes
                  light in the vicinity to curve toward that object.
                  3 - i know: Newton's and Einstein's matter are less than 5% in the universe
                  4 - i know: these ≈ 5% of matter can bend only ≈ 5% of universe's space
                  5 - i know: the rest space of the universe (+ 95%) is flat continuum.
                  6 - i know: this simple arithmetic is hard to adopt.
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                  • #10
                    Gravity: Spinning Galaxies and Dark Matter
                    Measurements showed that the galaxies were spinning
                    faster than was predicted by how many stars they contemned.
                    In other words, the stars should be flying off the edges of the
                    galaxies -- the gravity law should not be working.
                    In order to explain the high rotation speed (and save the gravity law
                    in each galaxy) astronomers needed to add a huge amount of
                    ''dark matter'' to each galaxy in their calculation so all the stars
                    held together.
                    Dark matter helps normal matter clump together.
                    Dark matter saves gravity law in each galaxy.
                    Without dark matter gravity law doesn't work in galaxy.
                    Question remains: what is dark matter made of ?
                    Short answer: we have no idea.
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                    • #11
                      Dark matter is needed to add so all the stars held together.
                      Dark matter helps normal matter clump together.
                      Dark matter saves gravity law in each galaxy.
                      Without dark matter gravity law doesn't work in galaxy.
                      In other words, there are two kinds of gravity in each galaxy:
                      a) normal (Newton - Einstein ) matter gravity and
                      b) dark matter gravity.
                      Dark matter gravity supports to keep balance of matter in
                      each gravity system.


                      • #12
                        Gravity: Dark matter + Antimatter
                        1 - dark matter is 27% in universe
                        2 - normal matter is 5% in universe,
                        it means anti-matter must be also 5%.
                        So, dark-matter cannot be anti-matter
                        1 - dark matter has stuff and therefore
                        must feel gravity (takes part in gravity process)
                        But it doesn't reflect light or give off light
                        It means dark matter doesn't have electromagnetic
                        force (doesn't have electric charge)
                        2- we don't know what kind of particles it is made of
                        3 - anti-matter is made of anti-particles
                        Anti-particles have their own pure electric charge.
                        So, dark-matter cannot be anti-matter
                        1 - if dark matter doesn't have electric charge (neither normal,
                        nor anti-normal) then it is passive stuff
                        2 - the gravity-matter is the weakest force
                        (it is about 10^36 times weaker than the EM force)
                        3 - antimatter force is also 10^36 stronger than dark-matter
                        It means, anti-force has enough power to manipulate
                        with passive dark-matter to create black - gravity effect
                        To create ''normal-gravity'' is needed energy and matter
                        Antimatter is source of energy and dark-matter is source of mass
                        Their interaction can (with logW of probability) create black- gravity effect
                        With time black-gravity evolves into normal-gravity effect
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                        • #13
                          Cosmology: two ideas

                          The ''big bang'' idea explains how hot singularity
                          created billions hot stars when the rest of the universe
                          is extremely cold
                          Big bang says nothing about where did ordinary matter
                          come from (it says: chickens come from eggs and eggs
                          come from chickens: singularity <---------> big bang )

                          This idea contradict ''dark matter - antimatter'' idea
                          To save gravity as universal law of galaxies the dark matter
                          was invented
                          Dark matter is extremely cold stuff
                          Dark matter is passive / neutral stuff (doesn't have electric charge)
                          This cold stuff is much more in universe than normal matter
                          Dark matter is seed of normal matter and of formation of stars.
                          To create gravity (stars) needs not only matter but also energy.
                          Quantum antiparticles ( antimatter) are cold stuff that carry itself
                          enormous pure energy (according to Dirac: -E=Mc^2)
                          Each antiparticle 10^36 times stronger than dark matter particle
                          (graviton) and therefore each antiparticle can manipulate with
                          huge stuff of dark matter
                          Antiparticles (through so called ''quantum fluctuations'' ) involve
                          dark matter in process which was ended by creation of all visual
                          stars, galaxies . . . etc
                          / my opinion /
                          Attached Files

