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Electron and Information.

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  • Electron and Information.

    Electron and Information.
    Information is transferred through EM waves.
    There isn't EM wave without electron. (H. Lorentz)
    ''Information is the new atom or electron,
    the fundamental building block of the universe ...
    We now see the world as entirely made of information:
    it's bits all the way down.''
    / Bryan Appleyard /
    ''It is important to realize that in physics today,
    we have no knowledge of what energy is.
    We do not have a picture that energy comes
    in little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way.''
    / Richard Feynman about an electron /
    Electron is a quantum of information.
    Electron is a keeper of information.
    An electron has six ( 6 ) formulas:
    E=h*f and e^2=ah*c ,
    +E=Mc^2 and -E=Mc^2 ,
    E=-me^4/2h*^2= -13,6eV and E= ∞ . . . .
    and obeys five (5) Laws :
    a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy/ mass
    b) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
    c) The Pauli Exclusion Principle/ Law
    d) Dirac - Fermi statistic
    e) Maxwell / Lorentz EM law
    It means in different actions electron must know six different formulas
    and must observe five laws. To behave in such different
    conditions a single electron itself must be a keeper of information.
    Michael Brooks:
    ' The laws of physics dictate that information, like energy,
    cannot be destroyed, which means it must go somewhere.'
    / Book The big questions. Page 195-196. /
    It means an electron (as a little blobs of a definite amount of energy)
    even in different situations never loses its information.
    Please, leave comment:
    a) it is nonsense
    b) it is doubtful
    c) perhaps, it is possible
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    Last edited by socratus; 05-05-2018, 07:59 AM.

  • #2

    John Archibald Wheeler
    It from Bit symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world
    has at bottom at a very deep bottom, in most instances
    an immaterial source and explanation; that what we call reality arises
    in the last analysis from the posing of yes-no questions and the
    registering of equipment-evoked responses;
    in short, that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin
    and this is a participatory universe.

    / John Archibald Wheeler /


    • #3
      - "Do Electrons Think?" (BBC 1949)
      ** / Erwin Schrdinger /
      * Erwin Schrdinger asked: - "Do Electrons Think?"
      In my opinion, if an electron can keep
      different information it means an electron has memory.
      If an electron has memory then one single and free electron
      has ability to use his memory for thinking.*
      (but scientists have ability to manipulate with electron's free will.)


      • #4
        The Solvay Conference,
        probably the most intelligent picture ever taken, 1927
        The most famous conference was the October 1927
        Fifth Solvay International Conference on Electrons and Photons,
        where the worlds most notable physicists met to discuss
        the newly formulated quantum theory.
        What are Electrons and Photons?
        This question is still waiting an answer.
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        • #5
          What are Electrons and Photons?
          We still don't have a clear answer to this question but today
          it is hard to find debates about this issue.
          All debates are around new inventions (string-particles,
          multi-universes,dark matter, dark energy, black hole,
          super-symmetries . . . etc) and the old ''simple''
          electron / photon puzzles remain encoded.
          If we don't know 1+1=2, how is possible to solve
          more complex problem?


          • #6
            Entropy is responsible for heat, time, information

            'Arrow of time reversed in quantum experiment
            But the second law of thermodynamics still holds true
            BY EMILY CONOVER
            NOVEMBER 27, 2017

            '' ... heat can spontaneously flow from a cold quantum particle to
            a hotter one under certain conditions:. . .''

            The existence of an arrow follows from the second
            law of thermodynamics. The law states that entropy,
            or disorder, tends to increase over time.

            Reversing the arrow of time was possible for the quantum particles
            because they were correlated their properties were linked in a way
            that isnt possible for larger objects, a relationship akin to quantum
            entanglement but not as strong. This correlation means that the particles
            share some information.


            Entropy Phenomena
            Between 1850 - 1865 Rudolf Clausius published a paper
            in which he called " The energy conservation law" as
            " The first law of thermodynamics". But in our nature the
            heat always flows from the higher temperature to the
            lower one and never back. In our everyday life we don't see
            the heat itself rises from cold to hot. So, it seemed that
            in thermodynamics " The energy conservation law"
            wasnt kept, this law was broken. But Clausius had another
            opinion. He thought:
            I know people believe that this process is
            irreversible, but I am sure that " The energy conservation law"
            is universal law and it must be correct also for thermodynamic
            process. So, how can I save this law ?
            Probably, in the thermodynamic process there is something
            that we don't know. Maybe, there is some degradation
            of the total energy in the system which never disappears .
            Perhaps, there is some non-useful heat, some unseen process ,
            some unknown dark energy , some another form of potential
            energy/heat itself which can transform heat from the cold
            body to the warm one. I will call this conception as " entropy"
            and it will mean that changes of entropy (dS) can be calculated
            for reversible process and may be defined as the ratio of the
            quantity of energy taken up (dQ) to the thermodynamic
            temperature (T), i.e. dS= dQ /T.
            And because I don't know how this process goes I won't call
            it as a law, but as " The second principle of thermodynamics "
            which says that " the entropy of an isolated system always
            increases ". Another version: " No process is possible
            in which the only result is the transfer of heat from a hotter
            to a colder body. It is possible some reversible process which
            is unknown now ."
            Later, Ludwig Boltzmann described ''entropy'' by a formula: S= k log W.
            And, finally, Max Planck described ''entropy'' as: h*f = kT logW .
            a) ''entropy'' saves us from ''cold death'' by creating hot systems (stars, planets ).
            b) entropy phenomena can allow 'Arrow of time
            c) entropy phenomena allow particles to share some information.
            Entropy is responsible for heat, time, information and it is a pity, that until today
            we cannot understand so called '' phenomena of entropy''',
            Best wishes
            Israel sadovnik socratus


            • #7
              " The entropy is only a shadow of energy.''
              * * / W. Ostwald /
              One scenario.
              Let say, we have quantum particles and antiparticles
              Then* quantum particles have real - Energy* and
              quantum antiparticles have Entropy - energy.
              When the real - Energy going to zero then
              the Entropy - energy (as a shadow) appears to save
              the universe from thermal death.
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              • #8
                Russian poet Valery Bryusov wrote:

                ''But what if these so-called electrons
                Are worlds with continents and seas,
                And arts, and math, and wars and peace,
                And scrolls and scrolls of memories!''

                / Poem, The World of the Electron 1922 /
                Мир электрона. The World of the Electron. Valery Bryusov, 1922 | Lang-8: For learning foreign languages
                Scientific Truth Is like Poetry and vice versa
                ( but maybe most scientists and poets don't think so)
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                • #9
                  An Electron: 1897 - 2019
                  In 1897 J.J. Thomson discovered an elementary particle - ''electron'' and
                  immediately many physicists ( M. Abraham, W. Kaufmann, H. Poincare,
                  H. Lorentz, . .) went to work trying to make models of the electron

                  In 1905 Einstein realized that electron can behave as a particle

                  In 1923 De Broglie wrote that Einstein's electron can be "wave"

                  In 1928 Dirac formulated the relativistic theory of the electron.

                  In 2005 Volodimir Simulik wrote book " What is the Electron?"
                  In this book:
                  ' More than ten different models of the electron are presented here.
                  More than twenty models are discussed briefly.
                  Thus, the book gives a complete picture of contemporary theoretical
                  thinking (traditional and new) about the physics of the electron.'
                  All of these models of electron are problematical.

                  In 2015 Brian posted article '' How big is an electron?''
                  Until today we know electron by what it does, not by what it is
                  After more than 120 years electron is still remains an abstract, symbolic
                  construction and therefore you can read '' the quantum theory is weird'',
                  it is ''beyond common sense'', and therefore all debates about the
                  essence of ''Quantum Theory'' are ''blah blah blah . . .''
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