Hi Pam ~
Welcome to this forum There is no judgement here, only love and encouragement.
In reading your post, I see there is a long list of challenges you are facing at this time. I am no doctor or healthcare professional, but in my humble opinion I feel most of your concerns stem from depression.
I believe your health issues, financial issues, issues of security, all of it stem from the emotion of not feeling worthy and in turn, depression. I am sure there are those who may disagree with what I am about to suggest, but I feel the first thing you should do is see a doctor about going on anti-depressants. Once you start to feeling somewhat normal emotionally, you will be better equipped to tackle the other points one at a time.
If you have been on anti-depressants and they did not work well for you, try another type. There are hundreds available and not all of them work the same way. Your doctor should be able to help you with this.
I would love to say that PATHS will take care of all your problems, but I don't think that can happen until you get some sort of solid foundation under you.
Remember, that although it may seem like you are the only person in the world going through an experience like this, you are not. Start looking for things in your life to appreciate. You have people who love you and care about you, you have a roof over your head, you have some money - albeit not much. The point is, the more you look for to appreciate, law of attraction will bring more things to you to appreciate. It is law! You must find a way to do this in order for things to change for you.
I hope this helps in some small way. Please keep us informed of how things are working out for you.
Welcome to this forum There is no judgement here, only love and encouragement.
In reading your post, I see there is a long list of challenges you are facing at this time. I am no doctor or healthcare professional, but in my humble opinion I feel most of your concerns stem from depression.
I believe your health issues, financial issues, issues of security, all of it stem from the emotion of not feeling worthy and in turn, depression. I am sure there are those who may disagree with what I am about to suggest, but I feel the first thing you should do is see a doctor about going on anti-depressants. Once you start to feeling somewhat normal emotionally, you will be better equipped to tackle the other points one at a time.
If you have been on anti-depressants and they did not work well for you, try another type. There are hundreds available and not all of them work the same way. Your doctor should be able to help you with this.
I would love to say that PATHS will take care of all your problems, but I don't think that can happen until you get some sort of solid foundation under you.
Remember, that although it may seem like you are the only person in the world going through an experience like this, you are not. Start looking for things in your life to appreciate. You have people who love you and care about you, you have a roof over your head, you have some money - albeit not much. The point is, the more you look for to appreciate, law of attraction will bring more things to you to appreciate. It is law! You must find a way to do this in order for things to change for you.
I hope this helps in some small way. Please keep us informed of how things are working out for you.