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  • Potentiation

    Hi there, I want to let you know about an event planned for Nov. 13th 2008.

    Sol and Leigh Luckman are giving the first activation in their series free of charge as a group experience.

    I highly recommend this event, and I think it will be amazing. click on the link below, and keep scrolling down till you get to the bottom to sign up.

    November 13, 2008 is Global Potentiation Day!

    The interesting part of this is that, from what I read, this will be a live phone meeting, or teleconference. we will get to hear the sound, which is tones, chanting, or ? I have not heard it yet, as it is done at "distance" while the receiver meditates, is quiet, or whatever, at the appointed time.

    To look at their services (I really liked the book, Conscious Healing):

    Phoenix Center for Regenetics DNA Activation

    A lot of great reading on this site, and I have done the first two services... in process.


    Matrix Energetics Certified Practitioner
    Isara Argent's Profile — Gaia Community