Hi Everyone,
I have had a wild journey since I have joined this forum. It is the only forum of this nature that I am a member of. I would like to share an article with you from this woman name Lola Jones. I am taking her online course for Divine Openings. It is unbelievable and falls in line with what Grace is always saying to us about being whole and perfect all the time. I hope you enjoy it.
It's OK To Feel Bad!!!
Alright, I just have to say it.
The popular personal and spiritual development movement has given
us the silly idea that one day we'll get to a place where we never,
ever again have to feel bad..... that one day we are beyond and
above feelings. That one day we are "healed," done, perfect.
That will never happen....
.... but for different reasons than you perhaps think.
People who experience Divine Openings do get very happy and free.
They come to feel better than they've ever felt, more of the time.
But they still feel.
Feelings are incredibly valuable information.
How else would you know if you were off course?
How would you know it was time to change something?
How else would you know which way to go?
You want to go toward what feels good and away from what feels bad, like when you put your hand on a hot stove.
Would you turn off the smoke alarms, or have someone come remove them from your house because they hurt your ears?
Would you tape over the red light on your car's instrument panel? Would you smash your compass because it says you're headed the wrong way???
Your feelings are your smoke alarm, your red light, your compass... your instrument panel reading on where you are headed.
Listening to them now prevents the escalated physical problems and
manifestations that follow.
You always want to feel your feelings - not cover up, ignore, clear, cleanse, "heal them," or make them go away!
Most people label some feelings good and some bad.
They're all good.
They need to be understood and listened to.
Most people can't read them accurately, or numbed out or stopped listening because it was too overwhelming.
Divine Openings shows you how to understand their true meaning, and
experience them ALL as Divine Energy.
And most importantly, to move emotions, even surf them!
Here's the best news. When you are flying in the high vibrations
most of the time, even a little dip will feel really bad, and you will
make adjustments FAST because of it! Then you'll be back up in the
high altitudes.
Feeling bad will indeed come to be unacceptable to you.
But you will listen to it and thank it, and you will change, and then outer circumstances will follow and change ....
without work, without fixing, without resisting it.
And when you can use your instrument panel readings to navigate in this way -- you can go anywhere you want to go.
I have had a wild journey since I have joined this forum. It is the only forum of this nature that I am a member of. I would like to share an article with you from this woman name Lola Jones. I am taking her online course for Divine Openings. It is unbelievable and falls in line with what Grace is always saying to us about being whole and perfect all the time. I hope you enjoy it.
It's OK To Feel Bad!!!
Alright, I just have to say it.
The popular personal and spiritual development movement has given
us the silly idea that one day we'll get to a place where we never,
ever again have to feel bad..... that one day we are beyond and
above feelings. That one day we are "healed," done, perfect.
That will never happen....
.... but for different reasons than you perhaps think.
People who experience Divine Openings do get very happy and free.
They come to feel better than they've ever felt, more of the time.
But they still feel.
Feelings are incredibly valuable information.
How else would you know if you were off course?
How would you know it was time to change something?
How else would you know which way to go?
You want to go toward what feels good and away from what feels bad, like when you put your hand on a hot stove.
Would you turn off the smoke alarms, or have someone come remove them from your house because they hurt your ears?
Would you tape over the red light on your car's instrument panel? Would you smash your compass because it says you're headed the wrong way???
Your feelings are your smoke alarm, your red light, your compass... your instrument panel reading on where you are headed.
Listening to them now prevents the escalated physical problems and
manifestations that follow.
You always want to feel your feelings - not cover up, ignore, clear, cleanse, "heal them," or make them go away!
Most people label some feelings good and some bad.
They're all good.
They need to be understood and listened to.
Most people can't read them accurately, or numbed out or stopped listening because it was too overwhelming.
Divine Openings shows you how to understand their true meaning, and
experience them ALL as Divine Energy.
And most importantly, to move emotions, even surf them!
Here's the best news. When you are flying in the high vibrations
most of the time, even a little dip will feel really bad, and you will
make adjustments FAST because of it! Then you'll be back up in the
high altitudes.
Feeling bad will indeed come to be unacceptable to you.
But you will listen to it and thank it, and you will change, and then outer circumstances will follow and change ....
without work, without fixing, without resisting it.
And when you can use your instrument panel readings to navigate in this way -- you can go anywhere you want to go.