Hi Everyone 
I'm finally getting 'round to writing this!
I'm going to share in this post how a combination of playing Monopoly and Paths, has helped me to change a life-long pattern of financial struggle.
I'll also post where you can download the Monopoly game for free, and would love to hear from others who try this method.
Naturally, because we each have a Unique physical experience, this may not work for everyone, and it may not work exactly the same for others, but in sharing my experience, hopefully it will work for some of you, and give ideas to others...
A Brief Background:
For those who don't know my experience so far (it's a very long story, so I'll just give you a brief idea):
* Raised with a very strong work ethic, and a lOt of financial struggle
* After a lifetime of financial drama, I found "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", which comletely turned around my attitude and (conscious) beliefs about money.
* Since then (about 8 years ago) have tried EVerything!! A WIDE variety of work, business and self development. Have done EXACTLY what others have done, yet where they succeeded, I failed. For an explaination of why, read this post: http://www.energeticforum.com/person...-not-work.html
* Have used a Wide variety of tools to clear old subconscious programming about money (consciously my beliefs, attitude and thoughts are exactly like those of the wealthy - it's the ingrained subconscious beliefs that have been the problem.
* Any money owed to me was usually delayed (and I mean by MONTHS some times) - the most bizaar things used to happen to keep money from me! Banks made errors that no-one else experiences, documents got lost in fires, timing seemed to be planned so that I would always be in a position of stress and struggle about finances no matter what I did.
That's the background in brief.
For the past few months, I've been as far from my previous financial struggle as a smoke signal is from a cell phone call! lol. I've gone from having minus money, to having a "buffer" that I never use!!!! Wow!!!!
No more delays - money arrives bang on time, and sometimes even early. I seem to consistantly receive more than I'm expecting as well!
I'm not doing any different work. Still doing the same as before. The only things I've done differently, I'm going to share here.
I started a new Paths theatre aimed specifically at my Money Issues, and I use it EVERY DAY while playing Monopoly on my PC!!! This may sound absurd, but stay with me - it will make sense once I explain it in detail.
The modules I'm using (reccomended by Paths Customer Service - Thanks guys!!
) are:
* Trauma Release (I think this is a key one! And I'd not have thought of it myself, relating to money!)
* Self Esteem (Vital to ALL issues)
* Mindset for Money (Self Explanatory lol)
* Business Productivity and Creativity
The Monopoly game I'm playing is called "Monopoly Deluxe" and I received the disk from a friend who had received it free in a Sunday Newspaper. I did a bit of a search and found that you can download it from either of the following links:
Monopoly Deluxe Freeware*-*Play Online Flash Games
Miniclip Online Games - Monopoly Deluxe
In the next post I'll go into why and how I believe playing Monopoly on my PC while listening to Paths, has made such a difference....
Love and Light and Magic xxx

I'm finally getting 'round to writing this!
I'm going to share in this post how a combination of playing Monopoly and Paths, has helped me to change a life-long pattern of financial struggle.
I'll also post where you can download the Monopoly game for free, and would love to hear from others who try this method.
Naturally, because we each have a Unique physical experience, this may not work for everyone, and it may not work exactly the same for others, but in sharing my experience, hopefully it will work for some of you, and give ideas to others...
A Brief Background:
For those who don't know my experience so far (it's a very long story, so I'll just give you a brief idea):
* Raised with a very strong work ethic, and a lOt of financial struggle
* After a lifetime of financial drama, I found "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", which comletely turned around my attitude and (conscious) beliefs about money.
* Since then (about 8 years ago) have tried EVerything!! A WIDE variety of work, business and self development. Have done EXACTLY what others have done, yet where they succeeded, I failed. For an explaination of why, read this post: http://www.energeticforum.com/person...-not-work.html
* Have used a Wide variety of tools to clear old subconscious programming about money (consciously my beliefs, attitude and thoughts are exactly like those of the wealthy - it's the ingrained subconscious beliefs that have been the problem.
* Any money owed to me was usually delayed (and I mean by MONTHS some times) - the most bizaar things used to happen to keep money from me! Banks made errors that no-one else experiences, documents got lost in fires, timing seemed to be planned so that I would always be in a position of stress and struggle about finances no matter what I did.
That's the background in brief.
For the past few months, I've been as far from my previous financial struggle as a smoke signal is from a cell phone call! lol. I've gone from having minus money, to having a "buffer" that I never use!!!! Wow!!!!

I'm not doing any different work. Still doing the same as before. The only things I've done differently, I'm going to share here.
I started a new Paths theatre aimed specifically at my Money Issues, and I use it EVERY DAY while playing Monopoly on my PC!!! This may sound absurd, but stay with me - it will make sense once I explain it in detail.
The modules I'm using (reccomended by Paths Customer Service - Thanks guys!!

* Trauma Release (I think this is a key one! And I'd not have thought of it myself, relating to money!)
* Self Esteem (Vital to ALL issues)
* Mindset for Money (Self Explanatory lol)
* Business Productivity and Creativity
The Monopoly game I'm playing is called "Monopoly Deluxe" and I received the disk from a friend who had received it free in a Sunday Newspaper. I did a bit of a search and found that you can download it from either of the following links:
Monopoly Deluxe Freeware*-*Play Online Flash Games
Miniclip Online Games - Monopoly Deluxe
In the next post I'll go into why and how I believe playing Monopoly on my PC while listening to Paths, has made such a difference....
Love and Light and Magic xxx