I just wanted to pass along info on some "energetic supplements" Ive started to add to paths that I am noticing as helpful...!I'm also very happy and greatful for the binural beats!
These are all free or have free resources to learn from:
1) EFT-emotional freedom technique...Kind of an emotional acupucture/pressure to clear emotional "baggage", negative feelings or resistance to inner change. Also to "reprogram" beliefs ect. Simple! Just tap in sequence 8 acupunture points on your head and chest with your finger. Theres a new mini intro video at their site made by the Secret director. For me, when I do it, it clears my mind and emotions when I feel I'm getting "clogged" with old energetic muck. It actually feels a bit like rebooting my mind...and heart. Or what I assume that would feel like.
2) Wealth Beyond Reason- Bob Doyles work (one of the Secret movie people). There are 9 free sample chapters on his Law of Attraction material but the gem is how generous he is with all the new info he finds and sends to even the free subscribers... He should definately find out about PATHS! I bet he'd be a great supporter!
3) another learned from BOB's site. The Sedona Method. A simple technique for awareness and clearing. 3 short questions to ask yourself to focus your attention and raise your awareness etc. I haven't implemented this one yet personally-check out their website though. Seems, wise, useful and simple. Thats a key for me (simple) if i'm gonna actually do something now a days.
4) And for those of a more woo woo spiritual/metaphysical bent - which I'm doubting is too much of a stretch for anyone here - theres a healer/lightworker in New Zeland, Judy Satori. "Satori Empowerment" is her web site. It has free downloads, or activations she calls them, that she was taught, to help us through the ascention cycle the Earth (and We) are in. They're a bit like a meditation-effortless with her speaking in "light language"... which you just have to hear! all are14-30 minutes. There was for me difinately an obvious, strong yet gentle energetic exchange in listening/watching the Activations That I FELT. And I'm not all that intune yet. Something happened. I felt happy free-er and I dont know, just different in a really good way. One of its purposes is to clear old karmic patterns and debts. Also to help us to connect with/develop our individual unique gifts and talents (expecially the healers, teachers and communicators) and to help us to live out our true purpose in this world at this time.
Read what she has to say and feel out where she's coming from and if it resonates try it out. I started with the 12;12 activation-its audio and visual, or it was. The others are just audio. Then I did them all in sequence to their dates as recomended.
Im sure thats enough for now.I love the Idea of this energetic "Potlatch"! The sharing of ideas, support and wisdom is wonderful. Thanks to all who are running and supporting ESM and PATHS! I'd love to hear others experiences with these if you have had or will now OR other stuff you have found that works for you!Such an amazing time were in.
Peace, Love, Om Blake
I just wanted to pass along info on some "energetic supplements" Ive started to add to paths that I am noticing as helpful...!I'm also very happy and greatful for the binural beats!
These are all free or have free resources to learn from:
1) EFT-emotional freedom technique...Kind of an emotional acupucture/pressure to clear emotional "baggage", negative feelings or resistance to inner change. Also to "reprogram" beliefs ect. Simple! Just tap in sequence 8 acupunture points on your head and chest with your finger. Theres a new mini intro video at their site made by the Secret director. For me, when I do it, it clears my mind and emotions when I feel I'm getting "clogged" with old energetic muck. It actually feels a bit like rebooting my mind...and heart. Or what I assume that would feel like.
2) Wealth Beyond Reason- Bob Doyles work (one of the Secret movie people). There are 9 free sample chapters on his Law of Attraction material but the gem is how generous he is with all the new info he finds and sends to even the free subscribers... He should definately find out about PATHS! I bet he'd be a great supporter!
3) another learned from BOB's site. The Sedona Method. A simple technique for awareness and clearing. 3 short questions to ask yourself to focus your attention and raise your awareness etc. I haven't implemented this one yet personally-check out their website though. Seems, wise, useful and simple. Thats a key for me (simple) if i'm gonna actually do something now a days.
4) And for those of a more woo woo spiritual/metaphysical bent - which I'm doubting is too much of a stretch for anyone here - theres a healer/lightworker in New Zeland, Judy Satori. "Satori Empowerment" is her web site. It has free downloads, or activations she calls them, that she was taught, to help us through the ascention cycle the Earth (and We) are in. They're a bit like a meditation-effortless with her speaking in "light language"... which you just have to hear! all are14-30 minutes. There was for me difinately an obvious, strong yet gentle energetic exchange in listening/watching the Activations That I FELT. And I'm not all that intune yet. Something happened. I felt happy free-er and I dont know, just different in a really good way. One of its purposes is to clear old karmic patterns and debts. Also to help us to connect with/develop our individual unique gifts and talents (expecially the healers, teachers and communicators) and to help us to live out our true purpose in this world at this time.
Read what she has to say and feel out where she's coming from and if it resonates try it out. I started with the 12;12 activation-its audio and visual, or it was. The others are just audio. Then I did them all in sequence to their dates as recomended.
Im sure thats enough for now.I love the Idea of this energetic "Potlatch"! The sharing of ideas, support and wisdom is wonderful. Thanks to all who are running and supporting ESM and PATHS! I'd love to hear others experiences with these if you have had or will now OR other stuff you have found that works for you!Such an amazing time were in.

Peace, Love, Om Blake