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Living on Love

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  • #31

    It gets better and better. I finished the book yesterday and I'm noticing animals more. Walking with my laundry I noticed this one bird didn't fly away - I was pretty close. And you know there is the usual "fly away distance" with them as you approach...
    Back in my home office room, I'll get wasps somehow sneaking in my window and I still haven't seen their "trap door" even though I've taped some gaps in the frame, etc., etc. Now there's three of them and two were hanging out facing each other on the wall, hmm... (in love? )
    My usual short glass and cd sleeve maneuver to capture them and send them outside was different... Instead of quickly flying away, wings flapping at 90mph, and that "what did you just do to me, I'll get ya" look on their face, they just seemed to want to hang out. They kept crawling towards my hand holding the glass. And the solo guy crawls to the top of the glass, stops and was looking towards me, yes - I'm not joking here. They always fly away immediately.

    Wow, now that I've learned about the "birds and the bees" we'll see how it goes for me at the Halloween party tonight... Update: Oh, it was mucho bettero -- it was a blast and I noticed more attention from the ladies -- more than before. Cool!

    Sending more LOVE,

    Last edited by Doug; 11-05-2008, 07:09 PM.
    With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

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    • #32
      I Love This!

      Hi My Lovies!

      I have been meaning to post to this thread for the past week, but "time" kept getting in my way and as the days unfolded, even more magical events have come to fruition, so I guess it was meant to be! But before I say anything else, I want to, once more, THANK our Precious Blake for sharing these books with us!!! Oh, Honey...What a GIFT you have given us and I so much LOVE seeing how this is spreading throughout the forum and transforming the lives of those that practice the Loving instructions contained within the books!

      I have finished the second book and as soon as I finish this post I will begin the third and I cannot possibly tell you how Over The Moon I am about how filling myself with Love and sending it out is creating such FABULOUS dramatic changes in my life! The delightful reactions I am receiveing from ALL the people that I send Love to is quite immediate and astonishing! But I don't know why I am so surprised at this since I have been exquisitely aware of the power of conscious intentions for such a long time and have been putting this conscious awareness into practice on a daily basis... It's funny how the author says that this little "secret" was under our noses all along, yet it never quite occurred to me to consciously "fill myself with Love" and send it out with such a beautiful visualization!

      So....once I started to notice the immediate reactions from people, I started to send Love to EVERYTHING and THEN, I had an idea.... I thought, "Wow...if this works so fabulously now, I wonder what would happen if I added the "Unconditional Love" PATHS module to my Theater?" So I sent off a little email to the PATHS folks and had them make the old switcheroo and began watching as soon as they got me all set up, and WOOOOOHOOOO, MY LOVIES!!! It's as if I am a walking, talking Love torch and I can actually "feel" my entire being filled up with this BRILLIANT, GLOWING Love/Light that shines off in all directions to eternity!!! Holy Moly!!! It is INCREDIBLE!!! Talk about "knowing" my Infinite Power!!!

      So okay...never mind that I am feeling Blissful, but all these magical manifestations are occurring out of the blue! People who used to push my buttons are suddenly being as sweet as pie, strangers are smiling and greeting me, friends are telling me that I "glow", feelings of judgement are immediately replaced with compassion...Whew...The list goes on! Within the past 36 hours several things happened that I KNOW were the results of sending Love...When I went to stand in line to vote yesterday, I was told to go to the head of the line... when I went to Town Hall to see about a "descrepancy" with my Property Tax bill, they told me I didn't have to pay ANY of it.... AND I manifested a HUGE painting commission!!! There's more, but it's a wee bit too personal for a public forum... I just HAVE to say...THIS is Beyond AWESOME!!!

      Sooooo....I am wondering...Have any of you other Sweeties also added the "Unconditional Love" PATHS module to rev up the power of this Loving practice???? Tell me!!!

      Okay...Gotta go start the 3rd book send some more Love...

      With Much Love and Gratitude,


      Last edited by Pamela; 11-05-2008, 10:01 PM. Reason: spelling again...Duh!
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      • #33

        Jaime, Doug and Pamela, THAT IS AWESOME!!!! I still need to practice. When I first tried it I really felt it. But the other times I tried it, it wasn't the same as the first time where I could really feel it. So now I'm going to use stereo headphones to really quiet all the distractions and fully try to hear my soul self and connect. I want to send love too!!!!

        Pamela, I have thought about that Unconditional Love module for awhile now since reading the books by Klaus. I think I might have to do that soon!!

        With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


        • #34

          I just swapped out one of my modules for that. I am sooooo enjoying sending out love to everyone! I am looking forward to working with that module in my theatre. Ooooh!

          I did have one fantastic attraction into my life... This is huge cause I had not seen him in many years (no pamela he is not from Colorado) but instead a friend from my windows in the redwood forest! Yes I turned around and this time instead of being a face in my window he was standing right behind me in my house . It took me a minute to process who and what he was?

          For those of you who do not know the story, I use to live in a cabin in the redwood forest. We heated our house with wood and the likes. Anyways when my now X husband was gone at night I would get visitors, but not of the human sort! Freaked me out!!!! They were only tall enough to reach their faces to the window and they would come and check on me and my newborn baby. I believe them to be Elves. So since I have been sending love I also started sending love to the fairy world and such... They stopped showing themselves to me because I was soooo afraid of them. This was a very special treat to see one again!

          Now I have to work on attracting men of the human kind I guess...

          Blessings Sallyjane


          • #35

            Today I started my new modules. I say modules because the universe decided to surprise me this morning with one I did not expect, but somehow feels right, so I decided to keep it too. I also started the unconditional love which I am going to love.

            It dawned on me what a perfect time and way to work on growing your love than while you are watching your paths modules!

            Thanks Pamela for suggesting the unconditional love, and I have to say all of a sudden I am getting calls and text messages from people I have not heard from in sometime! Kind of fun!

            Love Sallyjane


            • #36
              Originally posted by Christine G. View Post
              Jaime, Doug and Pamela, THAT IS AWESOME!!!! I still need to practice. When I first tried it I really felt it. But the other times I tried it, it wasn't the same as the first time where I could really feel it. So now I'm going to use stereo headphones to really quiet all the distractions and fully try to hear my soul self and connect. I want to send love too!!!!
              Awww Christine, You are!
              I'm not sure what you mean on headphones, but open up your and let it rip! Let the love flow...
              Some really cool things happened today, besides another beautiful day to bicycle - 72°, a guy helped me out with some work I was doing which saved me time, a neighbor gave me a dvd/vcr player and some mini spkers for an Ipod - I still have some tapes - no player, a buddy of mine that manages a ski shop gave me a pair of goggles to bike in the winter with, and I found out about a job from someone I used to work for and he's at another location. Cool! That love is the real deal -- back to that 3rd book!

              I wish you the best!

              With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

              Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


              • #37

                Thanks Doug! I don't know the name of it, but it's the old school stereo head phones with the big cups for each ear.
                LOL! Sorry I don't know what they're called. My dad used to put them on and then plug it into the stereo when he listened to his music.
                They're supposed to block out all or most noise. Kinda like the ones singers use when they are recording in the studio.
                With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Christine G. View Post
                  Thanks Doug! I don't know the name of it, but it's the old school stereo head phones with the big cups for each ear.
                  LOL! Sorry I don't know what they're called. My dad used to put them on and then plug it into the stereo when he listened to his music.
                  They're supposed to block out all or most noise. Kinda like the ones singers use when they are recording in the studio.
                  Okay Christine, you got me
                  I realized I forgot the key word "using" I don't know why you are using headphones? For sending love? If that's deal, now what kind do you have? eh? He he Sounds like you have a great pair for that - noise canceling? That is the way to go these days, so I hear.
                  With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

                  Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


                  • #39

                    Do you remember in the book where he would put his headphones on and meditate? The part where he time travels by totally relaxing the body and imagines hopping on the train to get the numbers for the lottery or gambling I think

                    I thought it would help to tune out all the outside distractions and just focus on opening my heart, filling and sending love
                    With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


                    • #40

                      Alright gotcha,

                      I thought there was a special program, etc. that was part of some instructions at the end or something that I missed. Didn't wanna be out of the loop, ya know? Mebbe late eve's or early mornings? Usually quiet then.
                      Have a great weekend
                      With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

                      Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


                      • #41
                        Having used Ho'oponopono a lot in the past, (once I'd figured out exactly how to do it - thanks to the Ho'oponopono module), I'm finding it really really easy to get the feeling and send love, and it's having FABulous effects!!!! Including getting my first gig since I decided to do a new style of music - which I'll write about in a different post. The challenge I have right now is REMEMBERING to do it lol. I'm remembering when I wake up in the morning, and when I go to bed at night, but during the day, I often remember, but I do often forget as well. And it's INcredible the difference it makes during the course of the day when I remember!!! Things supposedly "out of my control" turn out perfectly for me - often beyond expectation!

                        But something that helps when you can't get the feeeeeeling going, is, think of someone or something you love. Can be a child, a pet, someone you don't even know, a friend or family member - anyone who, when you think of them, makes your heart feel like it's opening. You can also use activities that you love... Christine, you could use singing, or singing a specific song, or singing in a particular venue, or with someone specific who you admire.

                        And then carry that feeeeeling over to everything else you want to send love to - or, as the feeling comes up, imagine seeing it as the golden light he talks about, and then continue with that visualisation.

                        Starting by thinking of someone or something you love that much, kick-starts the whole thing. If you find you loose it again, just go back to thinking of the person or activity again. And the more you do it, the easier it gets - it's litterally like learning to ride a bike (or anything else for that matter), just takes practice, and once you've got it, it becomes automatic.

                        Blake, I can't thank you enough for sharing this here! It's really clicked for me, makes SO much sense, and is something that I've somehow always known, but not realised in this context! It's like I've had a lawn mower, but have been pushing it over the grass to flatten it, and I've just now realised how to switch it on and actually cut the grass!

                        Love and Love and Love xxx
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                        • #42

                          Thanks!! I needed that! I will try it today
                          With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


                          • #43
                            cheers mates and matesses

                            Maggieb, Grace, WPage, Jamie, Doug, Christine, Sally Jane, Pamela, Illusions and everyone before!!!! You "guys" are funny. Thank you all for thanking me. This is what I love about this forum. I have learned about so many things I probably would have never come across on my own! Such a "stone soup" we have going!

                            I met this interesting bloke in a coffee shop once and had one of those random unexpected deep philosophical conversations...I love when that happens....and he told me his mission as he sees it. (perhaps Ive shared this a long while back?) He said that life is like a dot to dot picture that we used to do as a kid. We dont know what the picture is so we connect the dots. then gradually it starts to look like something or make sense. He said he sees his mission as "connecting the dots" and the dots are somtimes people and sometimes information...(or both)...he had a very social job.

                            I think Energetic Form is full of all us amazing dots and theres alot of connectors and connecting going on! Its awesome. I wonder what the picture is going to look like when its done! I guess thats up to we all are makin up our own ? The collectivity is inspiring though.

                            Can hardly respond to everyones at the moment but was reminded in reading about his suggestion to send light to his brain stem, or our survival brain(reptillian brain), in order to slow or stop the mind chatter and get into a heart space.( Illusions, your suggestions are awesome...knoticing whats already your magic pill !!!!! I have gottn soo much out of your insights! Thank YOU! ) Ive noticed a big help when Ive tried tranquilizing my caveman brain with light or love.... also helps with that running around like a "chicken with its head cut off " syndrome. ...working on loving my inner caveman... and my inner headless chicken.

                            Also I liked fallowing the visuals and metaphores brough up in Matrix Energetics "archtyping". He gave out a picture of a control pannel in the notes that you could use to visually turn on/off frequencies or assign morhic fields or mentors to ect. All with their switch or knobby...and "volume control".

                            Sometimes I see switches for all my chakras and balance knobbies... I have a giant grounding toggle and a connection to creator toggle that I throw (you know like those old giant theatre ot stadium light "switches" that you might need two arms to push up. Then the heart/Love toggle switch and frequency/volume...ect, ect...

                            I'm not big into thechno gizmos but this was just such an easy tangible way to focus on something less tangible ....energies ect. I hardly think twice whith all the gizmos I do use that pushing each buttons gonna do that "thing" is supposed to do. Like this key pressing gets me all these letters!!!!!!!!! hhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooo o! So my personal control panel helps me believe what I'm focusing on will happen....Stephen I think talked about the panel in the Matrix thread. Then with the sending love it can get kinda scifi-y. Makes it kinda fun. Some times my love valve/control panel is like from a submarine movie.

                            Thanks all for sharing and takin off with this...i have to catch up now...both in books and practice! Love the stories!!! "birds and the bees"...what a hoot. Funny thing is I just met this animal comunicator woman this last weekend and she talked about having conversations with the bugs all around her!!! Comes in handy when the mosqitos are thick in the air shee says...

                            later sqater
                            Last edited by Blake; 11-09-2008, 01:14 AM.


                            • #44
                              Keeps getting better!

                              Rock On!
                              Living on Love - another wow day and no, don't expect a daily diary from me I just had to say how cool things are already. I wanted to catch a bike ride this weekend and forgot to call my friend Gary a few days ago. So Sat. morn, I call and he was just heading out for a ride, (go figure) cool. While riding, we went thru the oldest town in Tennessee - Jonesboro. It's still a small town and main street is only 2 1/2 blocks long. There's even a 2 story hotel that has a sign "High Speed Internet here" Riding was great w/o much traffic. I was enjoying myself so much, I didn't know it was 1:30pm and we left at 11am. We turned around and caught up to the Ole Towne Pancake House that I saw earlier. When it's 50°, your blood sugar's low -- having some steaming, made-from-scratch blueberry pancakes and a coffee does that trick!!!

                              He was able to help me w/my computer and getting a picture online soon for my profile. My digital camera is the size of a credit card and more of a toy. For his help I decided to give him the speakers someone gave me and work great w/an Ipod. He couldn't believe how loud they were with just an Ipod shuffle -- we both ride with one of those. A bunch of other cool stuff happened and I told him about Klaus's book, of course.

                              I'm amazed how cosmic events are getting. It seems that I'm more tuned in and aware of everything to a higher degree, the synchronicities. The beauty of fall is still "in the trees" Life seems more fluid - I'm in tune, right in tune. Hmm... meeting that woman that likes to ride -- well, that'll take the cake. Another thing I'm doing is listening to Hay House Radio that Louise L. Hay has. One hr. programs that are amazing. It seems so fitting to hear the "good stuff" that I'm into and the ideas and thoughts that arise -- it's so synergistic -- and I'm up for that! For me with the PATHS programs, Living on Love books, bicycling, the Louise Hay deal, you guys I'm astounded -- I feel like I've fallin' in Love with the whole Universe - glad you're part of it!<- I can't believe I'm writing those words... Ha, that may sound a little deep but believe me, it's true. Watch your PATHS programs, allow yourself to have more by loving it now and have a great day and jump on a bike. The power is in the present...
                              Still another day for the weekend!

                              With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

                              Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


                              • #45
                                Busting through anger

                                "...working on loving my inner caveman... and my inner headless chicken."

                                I LOVE THAT!

                                I also LOVE the control panel and toggle switch - priceless! Thank you.

                                Has anyone experienced initial anger after reading Living on Love?

                                I finsihed the first book five days ago and began applying what he taught. On day 3 I found old, familiar tapes running in my head -old under-appreciated mom, martyrdom stuff - but I was just aware of them, listening but not attached. They haven't reared their head for a long while so I figured it was old "pain-body" looking for a foothold. I thought about checking in here to learn if others experienced similar but decided to sit with it a bit.

                                Day 4 it maintained a low simmer all day. I wanted to stay within myself, barely available for others around me.

                                Day 5 (today) it FLASHED!!! It's a good thing no one was home and didn't get home for a couple of hours or I'd have ripped 'em a new one... I raged! I rarely feel anger to that degree. Whoa, heady stuff.

                                For another hour I thrashed about, cleaning, trying to let go but hanging onto the anger, tears streaming and voicing out loud what I would never say had anyone been around. (Got a lot of cleaning done though! )

                                Finaly, I took myself out to my studio because I could find no comfort anywhere in my home and I sat myself down to meditate, to fill myself and others with Love. I sat with it for 1 1/2 hours, pulling myself back into it two or three times before feeling I might be done. The rage abated but I wasn't necessarily fit for human consumption yet.

                                I went back to cleaning for another hour, voicing out loud, tears streaming, knowing it was my own creation but caught in the eddy of emotions. And then...


                                I found my way into new understanding of what I had been creating and how clearly it was time to let it go now - and what to create in its place. It's like suddenly becoming a grown up. It's obvious creating with Love but whoa - heady stuff! in dimensions unexpressable.

                                So - any one else do the heavy emotional thing?

                                Last edited by Bobi; 11-09-2008, 07:33 AM.

