A very real danger exists for the future of QXCI/SCIO Therapists/practitioners because untrained people are buying QXCI/SCIO machines, believing that they do not need any academic knowledge of pathology or remedies because the QXCI/SCIO machine is capable of infallible information. [which it is not] Unlike the Allopathic/orthodox medical profession, any lay person has access to the QXCI/SCIO machines. Short seminars by the brokers are regulary attended by these lay people who then have ready access to such machines. This situation reflects adversely on well-trained therapists and practitioners who, due to their knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology and methods of treatment, have a reference point for any illness and remedy selection made by an instrument. In this setting, dangers from the subjective factor are minimised and an approach such as the QXCI/SCIO becomes a valuable addition to the other skills of the therapist/practitioner.
Dr Renier du Toit
The above post was found at the Yahoo Group: qxci-english : qxci-english
Dr Renier du Toit
The above post was found at the Yahoo Group: qxci-english : qxci-english