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Interesting Post Regarding QXCI/SCIO

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  • #16
    if it is at all possible, add the salt after you have cooked the food. high heat will alter and destroy some of the beneficial properties of the salt. you still retain all of the minerals inside, but there are other aspects to sea salt that i have not yet mentioned, that are high heat sensitive.

    i know in a professional type environment this is difficult to do, but when you cook for yourself, friends, or family, try to add it after you take it off the heat.

    what is your specialty????


    • #17
      The brand I got was the Celtic Sea Salt.

      What other properties of salt lose their structure when exposed to high heat?


      • #18
        Celtic Sea salt is definitely one of the better ones (my second preference).

        for now i will say that there are certain bonds that are formed from being solar dried that are destroyed in high heat.

        if you would like, i will upload a chemical analysis of the Desouza and Celtic sea salt, given to our group directly from them.



        • #19
          that would be awesome! Thanks Bryan!!!!!


          • #20
            darn! the only analysis i found was that of Real Sea Salt.
            Celtic Himalayan, and Desouza ALL had better analysis than this, but it will at least give you an idea.
            Attached Files


            • #21
              SCIO training

              DeAnn is so right about the importance of the training for the SCIO!

              Although the SCIO is an amazingly powerful tool, the software is NOT very intuitive. In fact, many of the "therapies" are hidden in crooks and crannies of the hundreds and hundreds of menu screens.

              When I got my SCIO from Quantum Alliance they included (at no extra cost) over 100 hours of DVD training.

              Until you start actually working on one it is not possible to fully appreciate how difficult it can be to locate/navigate through the software. The training in that and in the principles of how the SCIO approaches restoring health are very useful in becoming a skilled/effective practitioner.


              PATHS For Healing
              Energetic Science Ministries
              Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

              ESM Forum Support Link


              • #22
                Originally posted by adam ant View Post

                my question about PATHS is about the method of delivery to the brain. im not asking specific proprietary info, but is it subliminal messaging, or color, light, or sound, pictures, symbology, swirls, blips or???

                the reason i ask is because i saw it mentioned that PATHS goes beyond frequencies. this is an impossibility because EVERYTHING is a frequency. (or combination thereof)

                Hi Bryan

                Jamie did a good job explaining the method of delivery to the brain. PATHS uses RDT via an online Theater Presentation (audio and video) to deliver "instructions" to the brain in a Universal Language, regardless of the spoken language of the individual.

                These instructions are not frequencies (which is how the SCIO primarily works).

                They are subliminal in the literal sense of the word, not in the commonly understood sense of the word. The conscious mind is not/cannot be aware of them, they are communicated Below the conscious minds ability to be aware of them.

                Regarding your comment about frequencies...

                Modalities that utilize frequencies (like the SCIO) are very effective. This is because every life form is vibrating at a certain frequency or frequencies.

                If the frequency that my adrenal glands (as an example) are vibrating at is at less than optimum, then I will experience dis-ease. If the SCIO can "come along side" my adrenals and get them vibrating at the optimum frequency, this then eases the dis-ease.

                HOWEVER, I would put forth the following concept

                Since thoughts become things, and since as a man or woman thinks in their heart, so are they, or as Moxie Mags put it so well in her Energy Field document-
                Our internal conscious or subconscious thoughts, words, are many times the foundation for the frequencies we experience. Or to put it another way, the words in our minds affect the frequencies in our bodies.

                So even if we get our body frequencies vibrating at the optimum (via the SCIO or some other method), it is altogether possible that the words in our minds will soon have our body frequencies back to a less than optimum level.

                I believe that the reason PATHS modules are more powerful than the SCIO and other frequency modalities is because so many of the PATHS modules address the root (from which frequencies spring) of the words in our minds, not just they symptom (the less than optimum frequencies).


                PATHS For Healing
                Energetic Science Ministries
                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                ESM Forum Support Link


                • #23


                  Kevin has already said it well but on the frequencies...

                  For example

                  in one frequency set 292hz stimulates any ectoderm tissue in the body. so by sending 292hz to the body electromagnetically, pulsed leds/lasers, sound, etc... that will of course entrain damaged ectoderm tissue up to the 292hz and/or harmonics thereof.

                  PATHS for example and the instructions or affirmations if you want to compare them to that are sent not based on a=1 or b=2 or c=3 and if you want b you get a frequency of 2hz for example. it is a different principle than sending frequencies.

                  Yes everything has a frequency but in PATHS case, any frequencies involved will be incidental and not the method.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #24
                    Interesting Post

                    Regarding the training. I fully understand. I was contacted by Quantum Alliance, and it seems that they have quite a lot of training available now.
                    I would take outside classes as well. It would probably be a great segue into getting people involved in PATHS!

                    The person from QA said that some of the earlier machines that were sold, didn't offer as much training time.
                    I felt I was being interviewd as much as them by me. (maybe, maybe not, but my friend who also wants to buy one, felt the same thing)

                    I have another session set up for next week with a local practioner that QA says is one of their best.

                    Kevin and Aaron, these explanations are very helpful.

                    I have talked one of my friends into signing up for PATHS! yeah!


                    • #25
                      thank you Kevin and Aaron for your explanation.

                      i have found through my consortium and through extensive research that even WORDS and THOUGHTS are ALL frequencies. so, in a fashion, PATHS is indirectly utilizing frequencies for it's funtionality. Every color, every sound, smell, every thought, word, cell, element, DNA, planets, all consist of vibrations/frequencies.

                      Dr Masaru Emoto has proven this through "Messages from Water", how water structure is affected by consciousness.
                      Masaru Emoto: Messages from Water
                      he shows how dispite language barriers, words all have the same signatures. he tested and proved this by writing the word "love" on the outside of bottles of water, but he wrote "love" in a different language on each bottle. he freezes these bottles and then photographs them to interestingly find that they all structure the water crystals in a similar way. of course no two crystals are the same, but they had a general structure similarity.
                      likewise he did this with "thank you" "i hate you" "adolf hitler" and many others. his work includes different types of music as well. hard core rock was shown to totally destroy the natural hexagonal structure of the water molecules.

                      most interesting (to me anyways) was his thought experiments. he had groups of people project blessings, thoughts, prayers, hate, love, etc towards the bottles, AND GOT THE SAME RESULTS AS THE WRITTEN WORDS!!! not only did it work on bottles of water, they selected various LARGE bodies of water in many different countries, ponds, fountains, rivers, etc. and everything resulted the same. they did before and after photos of the water, and even the dirtiest water was altered by mere thoughts and prayer alone.

                      this is what i am currently studying now, absolutely fascinating. there are also universal harmonics, cymatics, scales, notes that have different effects on matter, light, elements, magnetism, gravity, and much much more.

                      this ties in directly with the Coral Castle thread that was just started.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by adam ant View Post

                        most interesting (to me anyways) was his thought experiments. he had groups of people project blessings, thoughts, prayers, hate, love, etc towards the bottles, AND GOT THE SAME RESULTS AS THE WRITTEN WORDS!!! not only did it work on bottles of water, they selected various LARGE bodies of water in many different countries, ponds, fountains, rivers, etc. and everything resulted the same. they did before and after photos of the water, and even the dirtiest water was altered by mere thoughts and prayer alone.

                        Your quote above illustrates the distinction I attempted to make in my previous post.

                        Words/thoughts of words/prayers of words create/generate frequencies. Therefore, at least in some instances, words are more fundamental than the frequencies (they are the precursor and/or the creator of the frequencies).

                        Frequency therapy is powerful, but in many instances words (our internal tapes or thought programming) is much more powerful, because it is the root cause of so many frequencies.

                        P.S. Not many to go to far astray of the is a related illustration: If one were to believe in telepathic communication between two life forms that did not speak the same verbal language, how does one project their thoughts in their language and the other life form understand the communication in a different language. This happens in words, or in feelings that are expressed in words. Could this be the "Universal Language" that PATHS RDT uses?


                        PATHS For Healing
                        Energetic Science Ministries
                        Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                        ESM Forum Support Link


                        • #27
                          haha !! good on ya!
                          dont you see? it is all about perspective. an instrument that plays a certain frequency has the same effect as the spoken word as well.
                          it doesnt matter what method of delivery, only the understanding and the functions of them.

                          you are 100% correct about the universal language, it is the only way that different languages can understand each other without direct translation.
                          love is amor is agape is aisuru is 10hz (just example) doesnt matter if it is written, spoken, played, tapped, strummed, or whatever.

                          PATHS has to be frequency, it is just a more creative way of using it. (and obviously more effective in its delivery method)



                          • #28
                            Interesting Kevin and Brian,
                            I communicate with my dog and she with me, as well as with other animals. I always explained that it was in pictures but when I really think about it, it is not in pictures really. To try and explain, it is sort of melt down pictures, that are distinctly kept very unclear and intentionally vague.
                            Sorry way off topic!!!
                            I love the Scio, no matter the brand name but even better yet, easier, less expensive PATHS!!!
                            Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                            <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                            Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                            • #29
                              excellent!! i forgot about body language... that is another form of frequency. believe it or not, certain body postures create different geometrical shapes, which translates into guided, or directed frequencies.
                              hands on the hips(akimbo) or folded arms creates an angry tone, as two palms outstreched and facing up are a submissive/accepting tone.
                              try it out, it is fun.


                              • #30
                                body frequencies

                                interesting. Have you done any studying on what different yoga positions mean or what frequencies they resonate with?

