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Divine Openings with Lola Jones

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Pamela Vicik-Smith View Post
    I have a question that maybe yall can answer. I know you are only supposed to do one diving opening every 7 days because of how strong they are.

    I did my first one on Wednesday but will be out of town on a business trip most of next week. Do you think it will be ok to do my second one on Sunday evening?

    Also, do you have any idea how long it will be before I receive the book?

    Thanks in advance
    Hi Pamela,

    I always try to wait seven days between Divine Openings (Lola suggests this so that you can assimilate the energy of each one), but I have on the odd occasion done more than one within seven days without any problems.

    My book took about 7 days to arrive and I live in the UK, so yours shouldn't be too long arriving.

    Terry XX


    • #17
      Thanks Terri, that helps a lot. I think I will go ahead and do my second one tomorrow nite.
      Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


      • #18

        i just realized that when i posted a few posts back and asked you if you had done any devine openings.. i had just come here to post and didn't re-read the thread.. oops, i had read it while back.. so i see now that i was writting as though you had no experience..
        kinda embarassed
        love and light
        Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


        • #19
          Originally posted by Adrienne View Post
          i just realized that when i posted a few posts back and asked you if you had done any devine openings.. i had just come here to post and didn't re-read the thread.. oops, i had read it while back.. so i see now that i was writting as though you had no experience..
          kinda embarassed
          love and light
          Hi Adrienne,

          Thats OK, I have just been enjoying reading your experiences. I'm currently doing the Level 1 online course which I'm really enjoying. It has hours and hours of audios and video's of Lola. The audios are group calls and one to one sessions and the videos are of Live Intensives. I really recommend the online course to anyone who has read or is reading the book.

          Have fun

          Terry xxx


          • #20
            Thanks Terry for the info regarding the online course. My book should be in this week I hope. I am leaving for a business trip in the morning and will be hope late Thursday nite. Hopefully it will be waiting for me when I get home.

            I am seriously considering the online course. I read there were several conference calls that were recorded for the course. Do these contain a Divine Opening?

            I decided to do my second DO last nite, tho it was only 4 days since my first one. I just did not want to wait until Friday (which would have been 9 days) to do the second one. However, I know not to make a habit of rushing them. From everything I have read, it appears it really is much better to only have one every 7 days.

            How far along are you in the online course? I know you can do the course at your own pace, but roughly how long will it take to complete the course?
            Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


            • #21
              web site..

              Good morning fellow players
              Last night i spent a few hours on her web site reading, listening, browsing...
              and wow i really like this lady... she is simply down to earth.. he he although that could be kinda an oxymoron
              any how... when i first came acroos her site via the links on this thread.. i spent a bit of time on the site and i knew i wanted to get her book... and i then had to wait for the funds to become available to me..
              and that was like 4 months or sooo, but man i jumped on it... like crazy..
              i think it was in april that i started with the book... and this thursday will be when i do the ninth devine opening.. in all truth, i have been reading as the devine openings come up.. so i haven't actually read the whole book..
              i found a section of testimonials that is for the people who experience it harder then it seems many do... and i am sooo glad to hae found that section, cuz man it is useful to have the support of those peoples experience when like feels crazy even if it is simply days...

              i would love to hear of your live course that you attended and your experience..
              how long ago did you start the online course??

              i was looking at that last night and hmmmmmm, i am considering it as well... cuz honestly i don't want to stop after the book...
              however i think i may wait tilll after the book...
              lol, its interesting cuz reading the "jump the matrix" page.. well sounds an awful lot like Matrix energetics...
              at least the concepts and the experiences of one life, to me it feels like another avenue to the same place...
              just with the ability to do it from home and target some direct factors that seem to show up for some.. or even many.. like the connection and relationship with your large self.. and the necessary pieces of the puzzle.
              It's so much more personal.. and i feel like i get real personable kind of love and support through her words, and how she speaks...
              which is like being walked through this process with love... not carried or babied but loved..
              my little girl who seems to have ALOT to feel really likes this... and has needed this..
              anyhow thats how i feel right now..

              thats exciting... ya i would be cautious about doing them too close together... but thats me, to the T
              and i listen to my gut too..
              have fun on your trip.. and can't wait to here about your experience...
              I just listened to such a great audio last night on the sight..
              it is the one that is "cutting through the spiritual crap"
              its under the free audios and videos on the left top side!!

              Ok cheers Y'all
              love and light
              Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




              • #22
                Originally posted by Pamela Vicik-Smith View Post
                Thanks Terry for the info regarding the online course. My book should be in this week I hope. I am leaving for a business trip in the morning and will be hope late Thursday nite. Hopefully it will be waiting for me when I get home.

                I am seriously considering the online course. I read there were several conference calls that were recorded for the course. Do these contain a Divine Opening?

                I decided to do my second DO last nite, tho it was only 4 days since my first one. I just did not want to wait until Friday (which would have been 9 days) to do the second one. However, I know not to make a habit of rushing them. From everything I have read, it appears it really is much better to only have one every 7 days.

                How far along are you in the online course? I know you can do the course at your own pace, but roughly how long will it take to complete the course?
                Hi Pamela,

                The online course contains over 80 audios (a mixture of conference calls and one on one sessions with Lola and a client) and over 20 videos (the videos are recordings of Live Intensives). Most of the audios have a divine opening at the end.

                The text part of the course is split into 8 weeks. It is self paced as you mention. I started it in June , so have been doing it for 3 months now. I still haven't listened to all of the audios and that's with me listening to them fairly regularly. I have read most of the text part of the course, but not all as I seem to concentrate on listening to the audios.

                So really, it takes as long as you want it to. I have been doing it for 3 months and I still have not exhausted all of the resources provided.

                Hope that helps.

                Terry xx


                • #23
                  Woo hoo!! My book came today. Now, that was fast!!!
                  Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Pamela Vicik-Smith View Post
                    Woo hoo!! My book came today. Now, that was fast!!!

                    Have fun reading it Pamela

                    Terry xx


                    • #25
                      Hi Adrienne

                      I have been doing the online course for 3 months now and still have not got through all of the audios.

                      I attended a live intensive with Lola on 5 September. I had the priviledge of assisting Lola to set up the venue. Boy she has so much energy, its unbelieveable!!! Yet she exudes so much peace and love, it was a pleasure and a blessing to be in her presence. Yet she is very down to earth and grounded. Attending the intensive really confirmed to me she is the real deal. We spent alot of the time as Lola says "just marinating" in the Divine Presence. Lola also spent alot of time answering individual questions. It's always hard to describe one's experience, but I know I will definately be attending any other intensives that are being held in the UK.

                      I am getting so much benefit from the online course. I just have a feeling of real calm within me and a trust in the process of letting go and letting the Divine. Although the "outer world" has yet to catch up with how I am feeling on the "inside".

                      I really love the audios on the online course, I really "get" the whole thing about feeling my feelings. The audios cover so many topics I listen to them regularly for a boost in my vibration.

                      I'll be continuing with the online course for many more months until I feel I have assimilated it all. I am just savouring the unfolding.

                      Also, when you do the online course you have access to the members forum, which is great, as you get to read about others' experiences and also get support for when or if you hit a "speed bump" lol

                      Enjoy the rest of the book.

                      Bye for now

                      Terry xx


                      • #26

                        wow your book came super fast, mine took two weeks...
                        thats awesome...
                        you whats wierd, i swear i got an email saying to do the devine openings every two weeks cuz of how powerful the energy is... but i sent them a couple of emails.. customer service and Lola (oops, didn't see customer service ) and i got every 7 days from both... so i am questioning my memory.. however wierd things do happen like that in the matrix.. either way i think it was good for me...

                        Hi, i am actually seriously considering the online course and the diving in audios... i don't want the book to be the end of it (so to speak) i want to keep going with it..
                        seriously considering it... meaning i just haven't actually ordered them yet...

                        you mentioned that each audio in the online course has a devine opening, well most of them... holy cow, thats alot of devine openings....
                        thier are apparently four or six in the diving audios... wow!!
                        and at the price she charges, crazy...

                        Oh BTW, i am. have been feeling better lately, it has been quite the ride, and i am experiencing so many of the things she talks about in the book and online! like the release from feeling feelings.. and am really starting to notice how my small self trys to jump in and drag me down.. befor it was simply feeling good and ****.... now feeling not so good... lots of grief... which is a low vibe emotion on the scale...
                        i think as well Greg Braden "the Power of Now" talks about this as well...
                        i am not sure if i have the author right?
                        ooooooooooooo, i just might go and order the online course and diving in audios toady..
                        i feel soo pumped..
                        thanks terry for sharing your experience with us.. that must have been great...
                        so this would mean you could give devine openings to hey... thats cool...

                        Do you rave?? i notice i have stated doing that, its fun and cool!! at first i was like wtf... it seemed wierd to do so!?!
                        anyhow... perhaps i'll see you soon on the forum over their...
                        a bit nervous and yet excited, this makes me think of a story i heard about a person who was searching... and had been searching for yrs...
                        and one day ended up at three doors... ok, well i am not sure what two of the doors were.... but the third was the door of god, and he had finally arrived or found what he had been searching for.. he had gone up to open it then hesitated cuz if he chose that door then his search would be over....
                        and after a while at contemplating this he chose one of the other doors cuz he wasn't ready to give up the search... funny, lola talks about this in her book and on the sight, the end of searching...
                        anyhow, i am not that great at telling stories, cuz i tend to not really remember them well... but you get the jist...
                        this is what popped in for me, in regards to my hesitation about signing up for her course, and in some ways my mind tells me.. another course.. another anyhow, i know i am gonna sign up, just tip toeing to it!!
                        Love and Light
                        Goddess Adriana
                        Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                        • #27
                          One thing that I have noticed about the book, Lola gets a LOT of inspiration from Esther Hicks and Abraham. Almost to the point of plaigarism.

                          I am a huge student of Abraham and have read all of their books - some of them three times. I also subscribe to the bi-weekly CDs and have hundreds of them. Therefore, it is really noticeable to me that Lola's ideas and concepts mimic those of Abraham and Esther. In many cases, she uses the exact same terminology and in other cases, she has changed a word or two.

                          Adrienne, you had asked about "raving." That is a process Abraham has written about for many years, only they call it a "rampage of appreciation." Lola uses the analogy of a plane whose nose is tipped up or down. Abraham uses the analogy of a boat on a stream and whether you are pointed upstream or downstream. Lola uses the analogy of being in NY and going to California. Abraham uses the analogy of being in Phoenix and going to Yuma.

                          I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Lola did say she has read some of Abraham's books, but the similarities are a little too close for me to be real comfortable with. Esther Hicks has been channeling Abraham for over 20 years whereas this is newer work for Lola.

                          I am not quite sure how I feel about it at this point. I have to admit I am enjoying the book very much and I certainly feel I am getting something out of the Divine Openings. I have always loved Abraham's work and Lola's does dovetail with it. I guess I wish it did not seem like she is copying their material.

                          However, if it is truly inspired, I guess that is why it could be so similar. I am trying to be open-minded about it. And for many people, like yourself who may not be familiar with Abraham's work, this is all new and fresh.

                          And I have to admit, I love the art.

                          I am about halfway thru the book. I am leaning towards the online course as well as I will like to have access to the audios.
                          Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                          • #28
                            Howdy Pamela

                            Originally posted by Pamela Vicik-Smith View Post
                            One thing that I have noticed about the book, Lola gets a LOT of inspiration from Esther Hicks and Abraham. Almost to the point of plaigarism.

                            I am a huge student of Abraham and have read all of their books - some of them three times. I also subscribe to the bi-weekly CDs and have hundreds of them. Therefore, it is really noticeable to me that Lola's ideas and concepts mimic those of Abraham and Esther. In many cases, she uses the exact same terminology and in other cases, she has changed a word or two.

                            Adrienne, you had asked about "raving." That is a process Abraham has written about for many years, only they call it a "rampage of appreciation." Lola uses the analogy of a plane whose nose is tipped up or down. Abraham uses the analogy of a boat on a stream and whether you are pointed upstream or downstream. Lola uses the analogy of being in NY and going to California. Abraham uses the analogy of being in Phoenix and going to Yuma.

                            I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Lola did say she has read some of Abraham's books, but the similarities are a little too close for me to be real comfortable with. Esther Hicks has been channeling Abraham for over 20 years whereas this is newer work for Lola.

                            I am not quite sure how I feel about it at this point. I have to admit I am enjoying the book very much and I certainly feel I am getting something out of the Divine Openings. I have always loved Abraham's work and Lola's does dovetail with it. I guess I wish it did not seem like she is copying their material.

                            However, if it is truly inspired, I guess that is why it could be so similar. I am trying to be open-minded about it. And for many people, like yourself who may not be familiar with Abraham's work, this is all new and fresh.

                            And I have to admit, I love the art.

                            I am about halfway thru the book. I am leaning towards the online course as well as I will like to have access to the audios.
                            Hello lovely,
                            hmmmm, well i haven't read any of abrahams stuff except the daily quotes which i get by email.. which yes they do fit together..
                            hmmm, well i would think the sameness would come from the sourse of where it comes from...

                            i just know that when i was at th ME seminars Dr barltlett was teaching us about this amazing power that we all have, and he said that you can't use it for ill will....

                            i am not entirely new to this info... i have come across alot of it here and their... in my readings and seminars and of course Stephen etc.. there's even some on here.. it lolas approach that really fits for me... i really like it and it works for me.. it also has alot of resemblense to ME when you start reding i think the level two description and jumping the matrix description... which seem to be so similar, i suspect that their will be more and more of this stuff that comes out that sounds similar or very like something else... we are in that time.. these are all the new
                            just make s me think of all the religions and how they have the same thread poping throught them and all have there own book too..
                            hmmmm, i have wanted to attend an Abraham cruise, i may simply for the experience..

                            i just thought actually doing the raving would be idiotic, lol, i was uncomfortable at the thought of acting that way.. it felt idiotic... now i just get excited just cuz, so it feels great...(not that i actually did it till it just started pooring out of me)

                            I do have to say though...that i have had many ideas and concepts show up for me from with in and then i read something somewhere or have a convo with Stephen or grace and they already got this or knew this.. or it has been written about... so i think in guidnce can give us much, perhaps she already had some refference so she found it hard to be original... who knows...
                            anyhow... on the note that i am sure that is coming across through the screen, i'll just spill the
                            i read your post and was like ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, i didn't want to read something that came across negative to me.. cuz i am really into this..
                            however i am sure defensiveness comes through my post, so....
                            i got some awarness of myself... which is great...
                            i know its not a personal attack on me and what i like and what i chose... but i react, perrrrrrrrrrrrfect thing to dive into ...
                            i found journalling is awesome to get the energy moving..

                            hmmm, this fits with the HUGE MASSIVE hairball that i have been coughing up for the last two months.... in incraments!!
                            Can you all say "Pattern"
                            ok i am not mad.. just needed to say that...
                            thanks for the post and your views, experience.... and it apparently was very useful to me...
                            love and light
                            Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                            • #29

                              Hi Pamela,

                              Lola states the following in week one of the online course:

                              "Appreciation goes to Jerry and Esther Hicks and their Abraham work. It influenced the conscious mind aspect of my work powerfully. Jerry and Esther are masters."



                              • #30

                                i am now signed up for level 1 course and i also got the diving in audios...
                                lol, howevr i can now see how one at a time would have probably been just fine!!
                                however, the energy given off by simply signing up of her level one course and the email you get with blessings..... it was alot for me... i just did the first devine opening and completed week 1...
                                talk about powerful.... wow, i am gonna have to take this slow....
                                i swear i can feel it all.. like everything..
                                there are like 83+ audios and videos combined... and more i think..
                                anyhow on that not have a grand day
                                love and light
                                Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me



