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Homemade Sound Healing Technology

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  • Homemade Sound Healing Technology

    Namaste´ All.

    I've been experimenting with the Solfeggio tones ( Solfeggio Tones: Sound Healing and Frequency Freedom » Download Solfeggio Tones ) for several months now and have found that simply holding my iphone speakers against my skin in areas that are injured (muscle injuries, back pain, etc.) while playing the 528Hz healing and miracle frequency decreases the healing time.
    I'm interested in expanding my research into building a resonating wand, but am looking for input on the easiest and quickest way to do so.

    Does anyone have any suggestions, comments or ideas that may assist me?

    Please note all research I do is open-source and experimental results and DIY resources will be fully disclosed for the good of humanity.

    Thank you for your consideration.
    ~ Golden Mean

    If you're interested in healthy living, please check out my site on aquaponics...
    I also have various videos on the new paradigm unfolding on My YouTube Channel

    "Giving with ANY expectation isn't giving... it's bartering."

  • #2
    I have had the digits 528 hand written on the bezel of my second monitor, since I received them as an intuitive answer to the question "what frequency resonates with my true self at it's fullest potential?"

    The reason I asked this question, and my intent for the answer, was to unchain the spiritual wisdom latent in me to allow me to know, to heal and to do everything. We are all unique parts of the same whole, and when we bridge the sense of self to our wholeness, miracles happen. But how to create this bridge?

    You've chosen sound, one of the most powerful mediums. Sound energy as a pure sine wave and it's effects on the body are many and varied effects are woefully under-researched. In specific, we know next to nothing about how sound effects the spiritual body, and our knowledge of entrainment is limited by our incomplete knowledge of how the brain works. So we, we being anyone playing with sound as a healing or enlightening modality, are all canaries in the coalmine. I'm glad that your positive intent has brought you to the right tones, and allowed you to achieve positive results.

    Two important things about sound. One, the surface area of the speaker is a critical factor, since it determines how much air the soundwave will displace, and how large an area the initial source soundwave (not refracted or echoed parts) will be. Two, sound, although we predominantly perceive it as an audio stimulation, actually has a more important tactile effect; that is to say, sound is more felt by the body than heard by the ears (exception, sound from headphones.) You've self discovered and then applied the concept of localised sound therapy. You use a small speaker surface area and direct it's output to a location on the body where the healing is required. But I have a theory that is not what is actually happening.

    My first clue is the frequency you're using. It's literally the number for ANSWERS. I believe you're asking the body a question, "will I heal quicker if I do this?" and your body is providing it's own answers at a cellular level because of the physical induction of the frequency that gives us answers. You're unlocking your bodies truest and fullest physical potential, being good health, and accelerating natural healing in a localised area of the body, and it has as much to do with your intent it should work as the of an inch of surface area on your iPhone's internal speaker and the amount of sound energy (Sound Pressure Level) it can output.

    I'd advise you put the 528hz signal into a bigger set of stereo speakers, set them up so that the speakers form the baseline and mark the base points of a triangle, with you sitting at the apex of the triangle, like this

    Turn the volume up (optimum is about 70 decidels, or as loud as a good shelf system,) and physically bathe yourself in the frequency. sit with a notepad handy, you'll probably need it, and the insights you get may be fleeting, but they will be clear, and ask yourself "What's the best way to make a sound wand like the one I'm imagining?" Then cross the bridge into the place inside you, where you already know the answer.

    tamaso ma jyotirgamaya
    Last edited by noises; 04-23-2010, 11:06 PM.
    “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


    • #3
      Namaste´ Brother!

      Wow!! I think that is the best forum response I've ever read Noises.
      The best word I can think of to fit how I feel about this is resonance.
      Thank you! Thank you!
      I will do some experimentation with the knowledge you have shared and post the results.
      Much Peace to You and ALL of whom you are Brother Noise!
      ~ Golden Mean

      If you're interested in healthy living, please check out my site on aquaponics...
      I also have various videos on the new paradigm unfolding on My YouTube Channel

      "Giving with ANY expectation isn't giving... it's bartering."


      • #4
        If you haven't already, do some reading on the 40 laws.

        John W. Keely's Forty Laws of Harmony.

        Also get familiar with the concept of harmonic doubling as it is important for achieving good results. Double 528, for instance, 1056, and according to wave dynamics you'd expect a similar wave pattern to overlay that which you'd find at 528, which wold be a doubled over itself version of what you'd find at 264. at 529, you have an entirely different pattern.

        Take it to the musical scale. 512hz is middle c. 1024hz is c, one octave above. It's also DOUBLE 512, right? And at 2048hz, another c. C in the second octave. That's harmonic doubling, and it should be a better guide for finding positive frequencies to work at than just fooling around. You don't find something like c at 515hz, you get discord. I think we all need to bare in mind, there's a good chance one day someone will stumble across a frequency that is quite harmful. However, play a C and G together and you get a resonating tone that's waveform is like neither of it's parent notes. But they sound nice together, they work, in HARMONY, together. Yes, there's a lot of interesting things to ponder about sound.

        Oh and don't try to figure out anything you think you find at 19hz or any doubling of it. It's a mental glitch, almost a drug, lots of fun but ultimately almost everything going on there, you're imagining, which is why it works. ( I say almost everything because any visual effects can be tied to the fact that eyeballs vibrate in harmonic unison with a 19hz tone, according to NASA studies on the biological effects of vibrations on an astronaut's body during a rocket launch.)

        न पीएचए दा
        “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


        • #5
          Thank you Nathan.

          I tried the equilateral triangle experiment on my main stereo with large speakers at 528Hz pure tone. It is very interesting to move around within the room and hear the frequency pattern that is set up. In some places it is very loud and in some places very quiet. I didn't crank it too loud though as I didn't have ear-plugs handy. I'm gonna try again with ear plugs and high volume to see how it "feels" in the body. The message I got regarding the question was to look into mechanical vibration devices to synthesize "sound" in solid materials. Perhaps a peizoelectric actuator that can be applied to different crystal structures? I'll have to meditate on it some more.
          I've looked at tuning forks of various frequencies, but I like the idea of a vibratory stimulator tool that is variable on the fly.
          Thanks again for your insight and sharing.
          ~ Will
          ~ Golden Mean

          If you're interested in healthy living, please check out my site on aquaponics...
          I also have various videos on the new paradigm unfolding on My YouTube Channel

          "Giving with ANY expectation isn't giving... it's bartering."


          • #6
            Interesting effect I've also found, the place where you perceive the sound to be loudest is not always where a decibel meter will show the highest SPL. In fact, where you find the sound is loudest is where you are best positioned to get a full body effect, since it is partially resonance of the liquid mass of the human body which gives this false perception of loudness. That is to say, as you walk around the room, where it seems loudest to you is where your body is getting the greatest total effect from the sound, not always where the sound pressure level is at it's greatest. A lot of factors at play, too many to discuss at length or even list, and the complexity of their interactions is one of the most beautiful, mysterious dances you can imagine.
            “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


            • #7
              I'd also like to make a point of the fact you said in your original post, you were placing the speaker of the iphone against the parts of the body where you wanted the effect.

              This point has just led to a little ephinany about headphones and binaural beats. I'm lucky, I have several hundred watts RMS of amplification in each of two extremely high quality, perfectly matched studio monitors, with unusually large speaker cones (for monitors.) Two amps per speaker, one for the high frequencies, one for the lows. So when I create a stereo field, I create a stereo field you can feel. I know, intuitively and theoretically, the fact the body's largest sensory organ, the organ that houses our sense of touch, is the skin. And it's our skin and the liquid mass of the body which receives the predominant amount of sensory stimulation from sound, but our minds bias our perception of sound to what we are hearing, not what we are feeling.

              Because of this, I've always thought the recommendation to listen to holosync, PATHS or any kind of binaural in headphones has been overlooking the critical fact of sound energy, that it's effects on the body come from it's ability to cause the body to resonate. Common sense says, the more of your body in contact with the sound wave, the more sympathetic vibration is induced. And the big one, the higher the sound pressure level, the more pronounced the sympathetic vibration. These are facts I can attest to.

              But I have to say, I'd overlooked another simple fact, headphones sit less than an inch from the physical brain. Though there's not going to be a lot of induced sympathetic resonance, it's generally targeted directly and in close proximity to and converging upon the mid-section of the brain. Much like you holding your phone's speaker to certain parts of your body and targeting a smaller output to a specific physical location. It's a directed vibrational wave, straight to the brain, literally, because it's only what's in the path of teh soundwave that gets the main effect of the induced vibration, everything after that is sympathetic.

              Going to have to brush up on my brain physiology but I'm a long way towards the view that headphones aren't exactly the devil's work after all. What I will say is those tiny little bud earphones aren't as anywhere near as effective as a good set of HD-25s or similar audiophile style enclosed noise canceling headphones would be, just because of the larger surface area of the speakers involved.
              “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


              • #8
                Encouraging experience last night/today

                Greetings Nathan and other viewers.

                My shoulder is injured and has been getting worse the past few days. Last night was really getting bad so I put the headphones on and played the Sedona 11:11 Solfeggio 582hz tone while I relaxed in bed. I fell asleep and woke up about 3.5 hours later and it was still playing on repeat. I shut if off and went to back to sleep. Woke up this morning really tired, but the cool thing is that my shoulder feels about 75% better than when I went to sleep! I can lift my arm with almost no pain at all!!!


                The Sedona's are one of my favorite versions of the Solfeggio Frequencies as they are rather soft and relaxing. There are several other versions out there so I recommend to anyone who is interested to try them all out and see what resonates best for you.

                Peace. Ahimsa.
                ~ Golden Mean

                If you're interested in healthy living, please check out my site on aquaponics...
                I also have various videos on the new paradigm unfolding on My YouTube Channel

                "Giving with ANY expectation isn't giving... it's bartering."


                • #9
                  This thread is just what I needed to see today. I have been doing ionic footbaths (with great results) and also made my own night audio tapes (which I also use as a subliminal during the day) and yesterday I remembered someone writing on the internet that the solar plexes area is important for manefesting and so I decided to place the headphones in the solor plexes area while doing the ionic footbath and then, when I went to bed, I placed the headphones on the solar plexes area and had the best sleep I've had in weeks. One of my goals is to return to having a healthy heart and during the night I was able to breath normally which allowed me to sleep. Now, with the information here I can expand my experience by using bigger speakers and the Solf. tones as I downloaded them months ago. Thank you so much for the information.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rhozzi View Post
                    This thread is just what I needed to see today. I have been doing ionic footbaths (with great results) and also made my own night audio tapes (which I also use as a subliminal during the day) and yesterday I remembered someone writing on the internet that the solar plexes area is important for manefesting and so I decided to place the headphones in the solor plexes area while doing the ionic footbath and then, when I went to bed, I placed the headphones on the solar plexes area and had the best sleep I've had in weeks. One of my goals is to return to having a healthy heart and during the night I was able to breath normally which allowed me to sleep. Now, with the information here I can expand my experience by using bigger speakers and the Solf. tones as I downloaded them months ago. Thank you so much for the information.
                    Thank you for sharing. Physician heal thyself!!
                    ~ Golden Mean

                    If you're interested in healthy living, please check out my site on aquaponics...
                    I also have various videos on the new paradigm unfolding on My YouTube Channel

                    "Giving with ANY expectation isn't giving... it's bartering."


                    • #11
                      this CG image shows in relative terms the position of the brain to the external features, so it's easier to visualise (beg pardon for UK/Australian English spelling habits) the cones of vibrational stimuli being output by a pair of headphones and where it is directed in relation to the physiology of the brain.

                      It highlights in red an area of the brain called the Pons, which is near enough to where an imaginary line from one ear to the other would pass through the brain.

                      It would appear the areas effected would include mostly the midbrain and brain stem (including the superior colliculus and the pineal and pituitary glands,) and. You could also expect a fair amount of the vibrational force from the headphones to meet the temporal lobes and cerebelum. (wikki has some good reads on the function of these areas of the brain if you're interested.)
                      Pineal gland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                      Superior colliculus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                      Pons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                      Medulla oblongata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      haven't learned anything significant yet, nothing that jumps out at me (except the pineal gland being in the line of fire,) but I have gained a much greater degree of consideration for the types of things I would listen to in headphones, what with the brain being mostly water (even more so than most of the rest of the body,) and the knowledge of just how prone to changes from environmental influences water tends to be. The thoughts about the potential effects of angry heavy metal tunes playing in headphones just keeps getting uglier, for example.

                      This is a cross section of the part of the brain that gets the most direct vibrational effect from headphones.

                      I did get around to brushing up on my brain physiology after all.
                      Last edited by noises; 05-11-2010, 04:58 PM.
                      “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the post Nathan.
                        It gets me wondering if it would be more effective to put ear plugs in the ear canals, use external headphones and crank up the volume so it is more vibrationally activating the inner brain more directly rather than through the auditory system?

                        It also gets me wondering if one could use the principals in kidney stone sound therapies used to break up the kidney stones on the calcification typically found in the pineal gland, thereby allowing it to more easily reactivate and function as intended.
                        Anyone want to volunteer?

                        ~ Golden Mean

                        If you're interested in healthy living, please check out my site on aquaponics...
                        I also have various videos on the new paradigm unfolding on My YouTube Channel

                        "Giving with ANY expectation isn't giving... it's bartering."


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Golden Mean View Post

                          It also gets me wondering if one could use the principals in kidney stone sound therapies used to break up the kidney stones on the calcification typically found in the pineal gland, thereby allowing it to more easily reactivate and function as intended.
                          Anyone want to volunteer?

                          @ volunteers, careful what you wish for!

                          as you breathe in, imagine a vortex of intense light like a twister, spinning in through the top of your head (crown chakra), see/feel it concentrate, the spin get faster and the vortex smaller. Focus this vision into the center of your brain until you fell spasms, then as you exahale, see this light charge down your spine. (yep, it does take a lot of practice.)

                          Eventually you'll generate real, tactile, energetic sensations in your mind/brain Practice 'sending' these charges down the spine and out through to various parts of your body. In time, try to send each shock through the paths of chi flow in and around the body. In effect, make enhancing your chi flow a conscious process.

                          The purity of your intent will break down all into smaller particles all accumulated toxins around energy centres and gradually restore your being to its natural blueprint.

                          AFAIK there is no easy, true way to open the third eye/activate the pineal gland. It is in fact one of our most solem and fearsome duties, for it is through the trials the process implies that we confront and conquer our own inner gatekeeper, the entity who protects us our base, physical mind from knowing the truth our light bodies inhabit, and who help keep us tied in a life of materialism and suffering. But if you find an easier way to find, confront and conquer him, let everyone know!

                          Dont be surprised if you hear some pops and cracks occuring in your pineal as it begins to expand again. There's also some physical discomfort to be expected, anything from pain in the ear like an ear ache to nausea and symptoms like those of motion sickness, but this is very much a transitional complaint, it passes as the 3rd eye opens.

                          Another way to "unlock" the pineal gland is to USE it more often. what does that mean? well, the gland produces melatonin, so we could make a safe assumption that anything that stimulates melatonin production must do so by stimulating the pineal gland, right? So what herbal product has been shown to increase melatonin levels in adults by 7000%?

                          This one --> (Ever wondered the real reason why it's illegal? Now you know. Now hush up and drink your flouridated water, there's a good slave )
                          “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                          • #14
                            I don't advocate breaking the law, btw. If you are going to, or do already though, bare in mind melatonin is naturally at it's peak in the body when you are dreaming. Causing a massive melatonin boost in the middle of the day for instance, could have profoundly undesirable effects on a person's sleeping patterns, dreaming function and overall brain chemistry, which has it's own system of daily cycles of production and downtime best not interrupted. Regardless of ANY other benefit.

                            That said, most people who habitually smoke the stuff all day generally don't have a dedicated interested in personal development, good health or enlightenment, if they have any interest in those things at all. Most, not all, namaste. But to those on the path in earnest, well, maybe it's the idea of people like you having a puff before bed that the lawmakers and governments really object to. Because otherwise, it's just another thing people put in their bodies in toxic doses to keep themselves dumb and unproductive, and that my friends is never a good thing.
                            “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                            • #15

                              A kindred spirit you definitely are bro!
                              I'm exactly where you are on the subject of MJ (and probably many other ideas and perspectives). I used to use it for more social interactions, but in the last few years have scaled back to very small amounts for meditative spiritual work and "brainstorming" on free energy research. One thing I've definitely learned about MJ is that it is best used in very small amounts. Large doses quickly "close the gate" to the higher realms (at least for me) so I use it quite sparingly.
                              I feel as though I "woke-up" long ago and have had several major "openings" over the past decade, but I feel compelled to move forward. I have gained tons of information over the years and am actively seeking to move more into action. Now is the time.

                              Thank you for your service at this time (and always)!
                              Much peace. Ahimsa.
                              ~ Will
                              ~ Golden Mean

                              If you're interested in healthy living, please check out my site on aquaponics...
                              I also have various videos on the new paradigm unfolding on My YouTube Channel

                              "Giving with ANY expectation isn't giving... it's bartering."

