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New Modality: Soul Realignment

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  • #16
    For Tim

    Hi Tim! Glad to hear from you! I’m sorry I’m not taking any more practice clients now. However I hope within a few months (a very few months!) to finish the course and set up a professional practice, then I will be very very happy to receive paying clients!

    As to how effective Soul Realignment is?? Well!! In my personal experience, and it’s only my personal experience, it’s the most effective technique I have ever tried! But I think it also depends on the kinds of problems you are trying to resolve.

    For example, as I wrote in other posts, my major major problem was financial. I couldn’t find a job no matter what I did, no matter how many CV’s I sent out, and I was sending out hundreds, literally. People who owed me money never paid me, and this had been going on for years and years, practically all my life. When I was supposed to receive money it was always delayed, or I simply never received it at all. On the other hand people kept showing up in my life whenever I did manage to manifest a little bit of money for myself, using (usually) emotional blackmail techniques to take the money away from me, since I was always a real sucker for emotional blackmail it usually worked!

    I had tried all sorts of different things to try to solve this problem, I had traditional therapy and then I started trying different alternative healing methods. I won’t go through the list of everything I tried but, bottom line is, NOTHING WORKED!!

    I always thought that I probably must’ve had lots and lots of limiting negative beliefs about money, after all it’s what people usually think, well New Agey type people anyways. (Non New Agey types usually just think they’re jinxed, or born with bad luck or something.)

    After I had a Soul Realignment session the practitioner discovered that, okay so it was true, I did have some super big balloony limiting negative beliefs that were certainly contributing their large role in keeping money out of my life. But they weren’t the only factors. I also had, as suspected, things like feeling guilty about some things, which attracted certain people who unconsciously knew just exactly how to take advantage of this. But a major block that I had was a curse from a past life. Now these aren’t the sorts of things that New Agey types tend to think about, they’re considered too woo-woo, or spiritually inclined types tend to think that curses and such belong to areas such as “black magic” or other lower vibrational kinds of techniques.

    But really, a “curse” isn’t some elaborate and scary dark ritual using knives and black candles and upside-down crosses, and you don’t need to be a magician to cast one. Anyone can send out a curse, we all send out curses when we wish something bad would happen to someone we’re mad at. I know sometimes I see speeding drivers who jump red lights (veeery common here in lawless southern Spain! ) and I wish they would have an accident. Oh that is so naughty! But since I’m aware of karma I usually try to take it back (but my heart doesn’t want to, my heart still wishes they would have a bad accident! ) and change it instead to just wishing that they would get what they deserve.

    On the other hand it’s true, no one can be affected by a “curse”, that is, someone else’s bad wishes towards you, if you reject it or don’t believe in it. But if, like me, you’re the perpetually guilty-feeling type, the kind who feels guilty because it’s raining so your friends can’t go on their picnic and you think it’s your fault it’s raining, and who feels guilty when someone you know loses their job or has an accident because you think maybe you should’ve been nicer to them and if you had been nicer to them they wouldn’t have lost their job, or had an accident, etc., then of course you welcome every opportunity to receive a curse, because you think that is what you deserve!

    Now blocks like this aren’t the sorts of things the usual alternative techniques would remove just simply because the usual spiritual, New Agey type techniques just don’t take these sorts of items into account. They think they don’t exist, or that if they do exist they would only affect unspiritual people. (Once again this is only my personal experience with the different alternative techniques that I’ve come in contact with personally, I’m sure someone else could tell me that they know about some other New Agey techniques that do work on curses.)

    As for other factors like limiting beliefs, feelings like feeling guilty about things that aren’t your fault, but you can’t help but feel deep inside like they are your fault, that sort of thing, well I believe there are techniques that help with these blocks and problems. Paths for example is very good for this. However, I find that one single Soul Realignment session can remove these blocks – zass! – faster, more effectively and more efficiently than any other technique I’ve tried, like Paths (which is also, nonetheless, very effective, but it doesn’t work overnight and Soul Realignment can solve your problem and remove your blocks, literally, overnight! ).

    It’s also a lot less work. You don’t need to do anything, like journalling, soul searching, meditating, talking with a therapist, etc. However that doesn’t mean that someone else does the work for you, the practitioner will tell you about the limiting beliefs that you had, even if they were subconscious and you weren’t aware of them, so that you can continue to work on yourself at your own pace. After all spiritual development and self-improvement are things that are never finished, you’re never done, there’s always something else you can be doing to work on yourself and become a better person, have a better life, etc.

    Anyways, Tim, so I guess it depends on what kinds of problems you’re trying to solve. Other Soul Realignment practitioners say that Soul Realignment will eventually solve all problems and remove all blocks, from physical to emotional to spiritual. However depending on the problems and the number of blocks that you have, it can take some time. For example it will eventually solve physical problems, but it won’t provide immediate relief from the symptoms because it will remove the blocks at the root that are causing your physical problems, but since it takes longer for things to show up in the physical it might take longer for the person to notice an improvement. It’s like taking an antibiotic, when you take an antibiotic you don’t notice an improvement immediately, you’ll probably still have a fever for a couple more days, still suffer from a runny nose, sore throat, etc. for several days more. If you want symptomatic relief you can take a cough syrup or Acetaminophen and it will make you feel better immediately but it won’t cure you, the antibiotics will cure you, eventually.

    Also, often people suffer from a “healing crisis” when they have been treated with a healing technique, which makes it seem like their problems become worse than ever, but that is necessary before they can become better. It’s like a detox. And if you give up before you give your “detox” a chance to work, well it won’t work anymore. It’s like antibiotics, if you only take them one day, and then you think it isn’t working and you stop taking them, well they won’t work!

    (Well alternative healers would probably say antibiotics don’t actually cure, that Mother Nature and your own immune system are what is really doing the curing, but well, you can’t deny, antibiotics do kill lots of nasty germs and most people do get better after taking them!)

    I don’t know what kinds of problems you have been having and have been having no luck so far finding a method that works for you. If you would like to try Soul Realignment you can wait until I finish the course, and I’ll be super happy to help you! Or if you prefer you can contact a professional practitioner right now, you can find the list here:

    Practitioner Directory |

    The practitioner I contacted is called David Topi and you can contact with him here:

    David TopÃ*- Lectura de Registros Akashicos, Evolución Personal y Espiritual

    The best way to find a practitioner you like is to just browse through their pages and see which person you like just from reading their pages.

    Good luck Tim! I hope this helps you!
    Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
    Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


    • #17
      For Noises

      Hi Noises! Oh thank you sooooooooooooooooooo so much Noises! I’m so glad you’re not bristling over with impatience! I haven’t advanced one iota on the course and in the next post, which I’ll be putting up right away, I’ll explain why.

      Yes I suppose some things just are supposed to happen at a certain time. Even when that happens for predictable reasons – in my case as I’ll be posting in a minute, I started the course at the beginning of summer vacations. I was really really really hoping that the kids would let me study, even though ample experience has already taught me very very well that I can’t do anything when the kids are around. I tried, I thought that now that they’re older they can spend longer periods of time on their own and leave me alone for a while. After all they know how to get snacks, they know how to put on a DVD, they certainly know how to use the computer! But just like they say in the stereotypes you can’t work at home if you’ve got family there. There’s just no way that your family will let you alone and pretend like you’re not there. When you’re not at home your family will gladly wait for you to get home, whatever it is that they want it’s not urgent and they know they can wait. But when you’re there all of a sudden everything is urgent, and it can’t wait! All of a sudden they can’t get their own snacks anymore, they have problems with the DVD player and the computer is too boring.

      And you can’t study when every 2 minutes someone is screaming, Mami I want a ham-and-cheese sandwich! (Doesn’t matter that they know how to make a ham-and-cheese sandwich by themselves, you know, Mami is there so why should they make it?) Mami I’m right and he’s wrong, punish him! Mami my brother hit me!

      So, I guess, the thing that must shift so I can get from 3 of 10 to 4 of 10 is called: SCHOOL!! Or more precisely, back to school for the kiddies! No great mystery there, no energetic problems, just, kids need to go to school so they can vent off steam over there instead of at home, and bug their teachers for a while instead of their Mamis!

      And give their Mamis a break so their Mamis can study at home!

      But come to think of it your analogy’s a really good one, Noises! Just like flowers can only bloom in spring, and trying to make them bloom in winter won’t do anything, so school can only happen in the fall, and trying to make kids sit still and be quiet when they’re at home during the summer is like trying to make a flower bloom in wintertime. (Unless you can send them to a camp or something, but I couldn’t.)

      Fortunately school will be starting in a week or so. Then I definitely hope to be posting soon that I’ve finally made it to 4 of 10!

      Thanks a lot for hanging in there, Noises!
      Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
      Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


      • #18
        Hi all! Here I am on a lovely September night after a day of 40-degree heat (that’s about 104 F.), getting back into the routine again after our vacations. The Soul Realignment session that I received from David Topi was SOOO effective that I was actually able to afford some vacations for me and the kids!! Cool! I haven’t been able to afford any vacations since about before the kids were born!

        So you can see that was a real big turnaround in my life!

        Anyways, I haven’t advanced at all in the course since the last time I posted. Asides from the wonderful holiday we were so lucky to be able to enjoy, when of course I obviously didn’t do any studying at all, in fact I left the book at home. Asides from that, I really really really tried to study with the kids around. Now I can study pretty well even if all h**l is breaking loose around me, as long as it doesn’t directly affect me. However one thing is a little bit of noise and a totally different thing is having kids screaming for help every minute. Not that they’re hurt of course, but they don’t need to be hurt to scream for help! Just being thirsty and needing a drink of water is reason enough to scream for help. (I might add that they know how to get a cup of water, but of course when Mami is here, well, let’s just say that they all of a sudden no longer know how to get a cup of water.)

        In addition, learning Soul Realignment has 2 parts. One part is the theoretical part, which you read in the book and learn in audio recordings. I can do that when the kids are around (and I’m not getting a cup of water, making sandwiches, fixing the DVD machine or trying to figure out who hit who, etc.). The other part is the actual Realignment, practical part. This part requires a calm, still, meditative setting, because it’s actually doing an intuitive reading. I don’t know how many of you have ever had someone do an intuitive reading for you, but I can assure you I couldn’t possibly ever receive a reading from someone if a bunch of kids had been playing ball around the table where the psychic was trying to give me the reading! And I don’t think the psychic could’ve worked under such conditions either!

        And as the kids are with me 24 hours a day, because I’m a single mom and if they’re not with me there’s no other place for them to be, so I just had to resign myself in the end to the fact that I won’t be able to do a thing in the course until the kids go back to school. And Spanish kids being the lucky beings that they are, they don’t have to go back to school for another week! Oh yes, Spanish kids get to enjoy 2 more weeks of fun summer holidays than Americans do!

        (Don’t let your kids know this or they’ll all want to move to Spain!)

        So, I’ll just have to wait another week before I can even look at the course!

        And in the meantime I’m off to……. well I’m off to do something, the youngest just wandered into the room so he’s sure to be asking for something in a minute!
        Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
        Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


        • #19
          Hello everyone! Synchronicity spoke in my life right now, so I thought I'd post a little comment.

          I just happened onto one of my favourite blogs/webpages, and they were talking about curses and how psychics often use them as an excuse to scam vulnerable people.

          The article went on in detail about curses and scams. So it occurred to me that maybe some people reading about Soul Realignment and that it touches on the subject of curses, might therefore think that perhaps Soul Realignment could be a scam, simply because it deals with the subject of curses.

          So I thought I'd set that idea straight, not that anyone has mentioned it here, but just in case someone thought of it. No Soul Realignment practitioner will EVER tell you that you have a curse and then ask you for money in order to remove the curse for you!! NEVER EVER!

          A practitioner will never even know if you have a curse at all or not, unless you first hire them to do a Realignment for you. When the practitioner is working on you, they may discover that you have a curse (it's not really that common, but then again you just don't know how extremely radically guilt-inclined I always was before, to give you an idea I used to think that people died if I just looked at them, or talked to them, because I was some sort of walking black death, and in addition other people I knew agreed with me! So I really went out of my way to find every means possible to punish myself, seeing as that was what I considered the only thing a walking black death person could deserve).

          Anyways as I was saying, after you have already ordered (and paid for) a session from a practitioner, while they are doing the session for you they might possibly discover that you were cursed at some point. But if that happens, no need to sweat it. Curses, like other blocks, limitations, negativity, etc. are quite easy to remove. The practitioner will automatically remove the curse for you as part of your session. If they didn't tell you about it you wouldn't even have ever known about it at all, you wouldn't have felt anything, you'd just notice that your life becomes much better. Curses are nothing more than just one of a fairly long list of possible blocks and negative influences that people could be having in their lives, nothing more.

          In fact you could probably find information on the webpages of other Soul Realignment practitioners on how you can remove a curse from yourself all by yourself, I wouldn't know however because I haven't read all the pages of all practitioners. And if it should happen that no one has touched on that subject yet, I'll be blogging about it myself, when I finally manage to finish the course and set up my own website. Yeah! Plans...........

          Well thing is ANYONE can remove a curse from himself, for free, just with the power of their own intention, without any sort of paraphernalia. No need to buy trinkets, candles, incense, pouches, potions, etc. I can't actually tell you how to remove a curse yet because I haven't reached that lesson in the course, but as I said I believe other practitioners might soon blog about that subject, and then you can read it for yourselves on their webpages. The tricky thing isn't learning how to remove a curse, it's finding out if you even have one to begin with! If some psychic tries to make you believe you have a curse, you probably don't, and if you did you don't need to pay them, you can remove it yourself. Just tell them, well thanks for your offer but I can just idle on over to the webpage of So-and-so Practitioner and look up for myself how to remove the curse all by myself!
          Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
          Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


          • #20
            Hi! Here's an appendix with a link to the webpage I was reading:

            Run In The Opposite Direction If A Psychic Tells You This | Psychic But Sane

            She hasn't written any articles on how to remove curses for yourself yet, but she affirms that she will in the future. I'm also planning on writing a blog about it when I finish the course. (Believe it or not I'm already preparing some blogs/articles for the webpage I definitely really hope to be setting up as soon as I finish the course and actually succeed in becoming a certified practitioner! )
            Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
            Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


            • #21
              Finished Lesson 3..........

              Wasn't too sure whether to infuse what might be false hopes but, after debating about it for a bit, finally decided to announce that I've finally finished Lesson 3!

              Now the kids are back at school I'm really going to try and move along at a pace of about 1 lesson per week. So there are 7 lessons left, and there are about 5-6 weeks of school left before the Christmas hols begin. Christmas holidays last almost 4 weeks here (now all of you with kids really ARE going to have to fight with them every day to convince them that no you do not have to all move to Spain, just because they get more hols here...........? ). That's because in Spain they have some celebrations at Christmastime that don't exist in the US, so of course the holidays have to be longer, in order to cover all those extra celebrations!

              So figuring 6 weeks till Christmas holidays, plus almost a month for the holidays, plus 2 more weeks in January to finish the last 2 lessons, I calculate (hope! pray!) more or less to finish the course around the end of January. Then, well yay! I'll be getting in touch with y'all for your practice sessions!

              Thank you all so much for your patience! Cheers!
              Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
              Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


              • #22
                Thank you!!


                • #23
                  Hi all! Been away for so long (2 months according to the Energetic Forum, my how time flies), found it so refreshing to get back on and discover loads of lovely new posts out there!

                  Well I've been very very busy just tryin' to make a living! My computer's also been bust for weeks and weeks. Everyone is talking virus but I can't turn it on! That's not a virus is it? I think if you had a virus you could still turn it on but Windows wouldn't come on, right? But I can't turn it on, as in, as if the cable were disconnected, but it isn't, it's perfectly well plugged in.

                  Anyways for any of you who are dumbfounded reading about this, I assure you all the people in my life have been equally dumbfounded, even computer experts. Seems the world is full of experts who can reformat your computer but no one, it seems, who can turn it on for you!

                  Anyways last week I found this really really really nice guy who really tried very hard to figure out what was wrong with my computer by talking to me on the phone, but my computer's insides are about as whacky as I am! And I am whacky. What was it that they say about people and their pets, cars, etc., being just like their owners?..............

                  What I mean is, apparently inside my computer none of the wires and other mysterious coloured stuff with strange shapes are where they're s'posed to be. So in the meantime I'm making do with my son's mini-computer, I find the universe really delivers, just when I needed a computer my son got a new mini-computer. It's a gift from the government, part of a plan to help those of us who are living in the poorest region of the country..........

                  However. Since it IS my son's school computer and not MY computer there are lots of things I can't do on it. I don't want to use documents on it for example, because they get stored in the computer's memory, somewhere....... in its mysterious depths......... where only a programmer could ever discover them......... And I don't want the people at his school reading my articles (on Soul Realignment for example!). I also can't access my Soul Realignment course, because it's on my computer. Not to worry, it's not lost, it's on CD and I downloaded it into my computer, but I don't have a CD player or reader now, my son's mini-computer has no CD drive for example.

                  One day a saviour will arrive and rescue my computer! I have no doubt, I have faith! (And if not, I'm saving up to get a new computer anyways, I wanted to use that money to buy a motorcycle (don't laugh, I do like motorcycles and I've never had one, don't look like much of a motor gang member, people always think I'm delicate and sweet but really, inside I'm a lot more heavy than I look! ) but I guess a computer's more important. The universe always provides for what I really need.) Really, to be without a computer today is more crippling than to be without a car. And I imagine most people wouldn't be able to imagine their lives without a car, so try and imagine it without a computer!

                  Anyways, more or less that's the gist on where I'm at right now.

                  So, I'm discovering there's no point in trying to set up a time frame or deadline for studying this course, every time I try to set a deadline (for example finish Lesson 4 by December) something happens and then I can't. I've read that it can take a year to finish the course, so since I've done 4 Lessons and have 6 left, maybe half a year? Perhaps? I hope? Or sooner I hope?

                  Oh by the way Happy Holidays everyone! And Happy New Year, in case I don't get back on again before 2011!
                  Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                  Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                  • #24
                    Hi all! Update on Broken Computer (not that it matters much to anyone I suppose except the Soul Realignment course is inside it). Really really really nice guy came over today to check out its mysterious components. He said, my computer isn't old, it's an antique, it's obsolete. It's so old most of the components aren't even made anymore, so they can't be replaced. I said, well it IS older than my kids. And my kids aren't exactly newborns anymore. Let's say the oldest will be setting off for high school soon!

                    So he said doesn't know if he can find people sell the pieces that need to be replaced which is why it's all broke to begin with. Poor thing's just all worn out and long past retirement age! And if he could find people, well maybe it's not worth the price of getting all these new components, because soon something else's gonna break down too, cuz that's just what happens when we get old, computers, people, cars.........

                    Too bad I can't feed the computer broccoli!

                    Then I'd just have to wait till I saved up enuf to buy me a new computer. Debate's on, really really really nice guy recommended a PC cuz he said they're more powerful, but I'm lemming a laptop, so I can type away on the bed heehee!
                    Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                    Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                    • #25
                      Maybe the computer is getting a Realignment.......

                      Hi all! Latest update on: Continuing Broken Computer Saga! Or rather, just some reflections, that's all.

                      It's occurred to me that maybe the computer needs an overhaul because of the ongoing process of energetic healing and renovation that takes place when we do Soul Realignments. When things start to go awry in my life, and I start to manifest things that I say, where the h*** did THAT come from??! Then I realize it's time for a new Realignment. So I'm doing one right now, on myself. Doing a Soul Realignment is like a disintoxification process, it's like cleaning your face with castor oil or something (I haven't done that before but I've read about other people who did, you cleanse your face with castor oil and then you can use your regular cleanser and moisturizer, people who have done it say that it removes all the gunk from deep down in the pores and it can cause rashes and lots of acne and breakouts, you do this cleansing a few days in a row and when all that disintoxication ends, you will end up with beautiful, glowing, radiant skin with NO blemishes).

                      That means that all the gunk (energetic gunk) that's in your life that isn't doing you any good and isn't serving you gets chucked out by the handfuls. And I suppose that since a computer is such an integral part of one's life, and you're energetically VERY much in contact with your computer all the time, well I suppose it also needed a Realignment!

                      Good thing I don't have a car that needs an overhaul too! (Or a pet, or an office, or....... worse.......)

                      PS. As I noticed before I seem to manifest things a lot faster now. So, sometimes these manifestations can be a bit, er, surprising! Not necessarily a big, overwhelming, blowing-you-over transcendental manifestation but just something little and fun that makes you say, huuuuuuuuuh???

                      So I was browsing this makeup board (unfortunately I'm a makeup fanatic, baaaad addiction I'm really trying hard to kick!) and I read about this really fun makeup, neon electric blue liquid eyeliner! Now what's so exciting about that, you might ask! Well, it's not too exciting, it's just kinda fun and freaky, you can go out and freak everyone you meet out with your eyes painted up in neon colours. That's the sorta things I like, like I said I'm sorta whacky. I don't like being predictable.

                      Well I didn't really feel like neon electric blue eyeliner, but I got to thinking and I thought, boy it'd be fun to get some neon hot pink eyeliner and freak people out with it! I have a friend who likes to hide strange colours on her eyelids, so when her eyes are open you can't see them but when she blinks you see a flash of neon, and I was feeling like that kinda look.

                      Well ta make a long story short, the makeup company that makes that neon electric blue eyeliner doesn't make neon hot pink eyeliner. I didn't know anyone who made a neon hot pink eyeliner. Do you? So I decided it would be impossible, and went about my life.

                      And part of my life was going to the store, like most of us every once in a while I need provisions. So off I went for provisions and what should I see in the store but a hot electric pink liquid eyeliner! I wasn't even looking for one, or expecting to see one. And it was cheap too, only 3€. Of course I snatched it up.

                      And then spent the rest of the evening ruminating on how incredibly, amazingly fast I had manifested that one up!

                      Have a Happy 2011 everyone! And a great time at your parties!

                      Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                      Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                      • #26
                        Speaking of manifsting. Someone manifested my guitar and battery powered amp out of the back seat of my car, unfortunately they had to smash the window of my car to get it. This actually happened on christmas day, in a locked up carpark. Yeah, that actually was a bummer. I just hope whoever stole it gave it to someone who will love it and use it well.

                        Anyway, I've found a vehicle the same make being wrecked, and I've been told I can have the window glass cheap if I can get it out. On boxing day, a friend I haven't heard from for months called me out of the blue, he's back in town now, working for a autoglass company. I laughed and said he's just the guy I need to talk to, and explained what happened. He said he could help me out with an "at cost" replacement. I told him about the wreck and he said "oh, we'll just go and pull out that one and put it in." total cost there, $70 instead of $400. Actually make it $100, I'm should buy my mate a bottle of something to say thanks for his serendipitous help.

                        I went to a few music stores, and found an even nicer guitar than my last one on sale for less than I paid for my last one. The battery powered amps are on 50% off sale this week too. Upgraded guitar (now rocking a solid spruce top, mahog sides and an ebony fretboard,) and the same amp for a total cost of $360, less than the new guitar would cost retail, so I was already starting to see silver lining.

                        Then the police called to tell me they've recovered the amp that were stolen and I could come down to the station to sign for it. Dropped in at the music store and got a $100 refund for the new amp in no time flat. So 360 bucks I'm out of pocket, including the window. Thing is the guitar that was stolen was my busking guitar, it made ten times that for me in the last month while I've been out getting paid to do something I really enjoy doing, so what have I really lost?

                        Come to think of it, I'm in touch with an old mate again, I've got a really gorgeous new guitar that's just going to sound better as the years go by. I normally buy a cheap ply top for busking, that way I don't have to worry about it getting damaged, or stress if someone's drunk and wants to play around with it. Now I've got a cheap solid top I don't have to worry about instead. I must be doing ok, if I can take getting my car broken into and spin it into a win.
                        “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                        • #27
                          Soul Realignment

                          I found your article on the above subject most informative and inspirational. Keep thinking those positive thoughts; you will soon find a job to fill in the gap between now and October. Namaste!
                          My Website
                          Learn more about Theta Healing


                          • #28
                            I'm back or HOW TO MANIFEST A NEW COMPUTER A NEW WASHING MACHINE AND 300€ IN ONE MONT

                            Hi all! Thank you all soooo much for keeping up with this thread and for being so patient! Alternatively I am now also going to call this particular post:


                            Okay so maybe I was working on this for more than one month, but it all showed up in the past month.

                            And no you won't have to purchase anything from me, I'm not selling any get-rich-quick formulas or workshops. But I'll tell you what happened to me!

                            So. I was sooo depressed for so long cuz I didn't have a computer and there just seemed to be NO WAY possible for me to get one ever again! Then as synchronicity would have it I started to stumble upon one tool after another. (I might add I used to have the Paths Synchronicity module, but I haven't used Paths in about 6 months and my life is now full of more synchronicities than ever before.)

                            So now here I am writing on my new computer!! I just got it and when I get it set up I'll be getting back into my exciting Soul Realignment course again. So looking forward to it!

                            Well before I talk about how this computer showed up (it's a brand new laptop, not secondhand and not a table PC like my old computer) I'll narrate all the things that have happened lately, and how I manifested a new washing machine, a new brand new laptop and 300€ in the past month. There is nothing special about me, I don't even have a job but I'm self-employed, so if I can do it you can do it too.

                            Anyways I was saving up for a computer since I didn't have one and as things would have it, the day I finally saved up enough to buy one, I actually was about to run out the door and get the computer I wanted and which I'd seen online, the washing machine crashed. I had to use the money I'd saved up to buy a new washing machine instead! I really really did feel like there was some sort of conspiracy by the universe to make sure I NEVER, EVER got another computer ever again! I ought to know better by now! I ought to know by now that when untoward things happen it's always FOR THE BETTER for me in the long run!

                            Well, so as I was browsing washing machines I did have to admit that it actually was an amazing piece of good fortune that the washing machine just happened to break down when I had the money to buy a new one. If it had broken in a different month I could have been months without a washing machine. And as the mom of 2 dirty boys in a land with no public laundromats (if anyone needs some new business ideas for a lucrative venture I could recommend you open a public laundromat in Spain hehe! ) a washing machine is a necessity for me!

                            I didn't buy the machine the same day because I always like to sleep on major purchases. And then I was too busy to go to the store to buy one for the next few days. When I was finally able to get to the store, it just so happened that that very same day they were having a flash sale at the store, I didn't even know about it! It was for one day only. So I got a big discount (50€!) on my new washing machine!

                            After that I immediately set to work saving up for my new computer. I expected it to take months. One day I went to the store to browse through computers. The sales lady told me they were having a sale of 120€ off of all computers. But I didn't have the money then, so I didn't buy anything.

                            However the next week, that's this week, I just COULDN'T resist running down to the store again to look at computers, even though I didn't think I had the money yet. I got there, and the sales lady told me, well now they had a new sale, 250€ off any computer!! That's about $340. Well I don't know what someone in the States would think about saving $340 on his new computer but round here that's a lot of money! I couldn't believe my incredible good fortune! Wow!!

                            So now here I am with my brand new computer (which cost me less than the computer I was originally about to buy and is a better, more reliable brand), having the time of my life and thinking that something I'm doing must be working! My business is also picking up as well and I'm getting new clients, and this when I thought that there was no hope left for me!

                            I'm not too sure exactly what I'm doing to be making such major improvements in my life. However I did start doing a ton of things to try and change my vibrations and energy. I read about something really neat called Mind Movies, so I decided to make my own. I didn't have a computer to actually make movies with, but I got some photos of what I wanted and combined them with affirmations that I wrote out. And then every day twice a day I looked at my "presentations" and read the affirmations as I looked at the presentations, and I imagined that what was in the presentations was actually real. (One of these presentations is actually just photos of a bunch of laptops which I just looked at over and over, nothing but one laptop after another, and at the same time I affirmed, I now have a great new laptop.) (Another of these presentations was to improve my business.)

                            I also did visualizations. I don't know about you guys but that's hard for me, because I start to imagine other things instead. So I wrote out scripts for me to visualize, I suppose if you have a great voice and you don't mind listening to yourself you could actually record guided visualizations for yourself. That's not my case, so I just wrote out scripts and memorized them. After all it's not like I had anything better to do, my kids were at school, I didn't have a computer to fool around with as I usually like to spend time doing and I had practically no business going on at the time.

                            And finally I also started doing some chakra balancing work.

                            And all of these combined, I suppose, are helping me create the most incredible amazing life! Just reminds me of how powerful we all are and how we really are capable of manifesting what we want (or what we don't want, if we don't work on it), if we just get down to work on it.

                            So now when I get the computer set up (it's brand new so I haven't even installed programs into it yet! ) (and I still have probs getting used to this compressed keyboard and the finger slidey mouse thing) I'll be running ahead with the Soul Realignment course. And gettin' back ta y'all about that!
                            Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                            Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                            • #29
                              So yes I am chugging along ahead with the Soul Realignment course again! About time, right?

                              I finished Lesson 4 and am about to begin Lesson 5. So it shouldn't be too many weeks longer before I finish the course.

                              I've discovered that in addition to Skype it's also possible to communicate with people, without a telephone because I can't call out on my telephone anyways so I got rid of it and now I have a new internet plan called Instanet, Internet-Without-A-Phone. Sorry, getting off the subject, I mean who cares who my internet provider is anyways, right?

                              As I was saying I also discovered Messenger. So if anyone has Messenger and prefers Messenger to Skype it's also possible to do the reading using Messenger. This week I'm going to schedule a personal lesson with the teacher of the course as well, we get 3 personal lessons.
                              Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                              Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                              • #30
                                Hi, yes so now ploughing through Lesson 5! Right. Just had the first of the 3 private classes we get with the teacher as well. Sooo uplifting and encouraging! This is so fun, this is just so cool and neat. Really looking forward to finishing the course and getting out there doing real sessions with real people, with my volunteers!
                                Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                                Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:

