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Matrix Energetics

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  • it was meeeeeeeeeee

    Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post

    As someone else mentioned - this is THE book, a MUST READ, for those interested in consciousness technologies, well, ANY interest in our Universe!

    teehee...meeee it was meeeeee who said it. Yeah baybah!!!!



    • Sharyn, Are yo sure Vegemite is banned. i went on the net and could buy it online in several different sites including one out of Texas.
      if it banned buy it and have it shipped to your hotel

      PS I am hoping to go to Kona for all three seminars in August
      Blessings with Aloha Keoi
      <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
      Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


      • Well, that is interesting info Keoi. Thank you for that. The report that we received over here said it would be seized at customs. I will look forward to seeing you in Hawaii . I am looking forward so much to being able to meet Stephen & now yourself !

        vegemite basically contains riboflavine, niacin & folate. If I remember correctly the report said it was banned in USA because some group/body said that the level of folate was greater than was deemed safe for pregnant mothers.

        I have to say I think there is some vested interest going on here somewhere & that it is a load of codswallop! I have eaten it every day for breakfast, all my life, during both my pregnancies & never suffered any ill effects! In fact, I have never had to take iron or vitamin B supplements & I attribute that to eating vegemite daily. With the number of people who consume it over here I am sure that any potential problems would have surfaced by now & the appropriate action would have been taken.

        Sorry everyone, didn't mean to turn this into a vegemite thread!

        DeAnn, I do hope that you can work with Kingsley & resolve your food issues as I'm sure that you are meant to attend the ME seminars. I see that he has posted a reply & is working on time slots.

        I have just posted on Grace's Chinese Energetic Medicine thread & I had requested assistance from her earlier in the week for my condition. You may like to pop over to her thread too if it feels right for you & receive some of her corrections also. It all helps!

        I am fortunate that my condition is not life threatening in any way, just makes me very unwell. I do understand, however your concerns about the food as I have to cook everything for myself also & avoid eating out. I have a 19hour trip with 3 flights coming up, so the food at the airport & on the plane could prove challenging. I guess the worst case scenario would be that I wont eat for the duration - Water is good!

        I'm doing lots of Reiki on myself at the moment & with Grace's help hope to see results soon. I'm hoping to be able to get my 2 pointing going before I leave for Hawaii but I've let practising slip for a little while as I've been concentrating on my Reiki for the past couple of weeks. Although I feel at ease about that now & know that ME will come to me when the time is right! I was feeling a little frustrated before when I finished the book & wasn't able to feel the 2 point, so I decided to withdraw my attention from it for a while & relax with it.

        Hope you experience wonderful health soon & will be able to select from the whole food banquet!

        Love & Blessings,
        Theta Healing
        Paths 2 Potential

        "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


        • The Divine Matrix

          Stephen, thank you for your response to my post. I am overhwelmed with joy to be a part of all of this discovery. I have found over the years that as I am opened to new information and ideas and understandings that I go through a process of discovery. I have been blessed with the ability to write a form of freeform poetry which seems to teach me when I go back and read it. On the weekend I wrote sometime I titled the Divine Matrix. Normally I am hesitant to share my writing - but I have been so blessed through PATHS and these forum discussions and by my dear friend Pamela that instead of sending it to you in a pm, I am posting it. Please take from it what you will and enjoy!

          The Divine Matrix

          Imagine a network connected with golden fibres of love
          A tight woven blanket surrounding all
          The universe nestled safely in its secure hold
          Nothing to fear, nowhere untouched
          Never alone, never let go
          A treasure
          Hidden in the imagination
          Waiting patiently to be discovered
          By those who look within
          Who allow the light to shine in recessed corners
          Of a mind once covered with chaos
          Now resting in trust and open to see
          Ready to reach beyond previous imaginings of what life can be

          Blessed to remove the illusion of past belief
          Finding answers
          Feeling energized by sacred space
          Being held up before us
          Ours for the taking
          Open to possibilities
          Imagination that holds no limits in front of us
          What one has accomplished
          Can be challenged by any
          As we are all one and the same
          There is no separation, no division
          Only our past hesitation has held us at bay.

          With childlike faith,
          Run down the path, the mystic path of discovery
          Celebrate the joy
          Of knowing anything and everything is wonderful
          Life is amazing
          We are healthy, happy, powerful, strong, majestic, and alive
          Kissed by the angels
          Who celebrate each opening, no matter what size
          Awake; see the golden fibres of love
          The Divine Matrix

          With love and gratitude,

 Energize Your Mind ~ Transform Your Life
          Last edited by CeCee; 07-04-2007, 06:42 PM.
          Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

          My Mystic PATHS Website
          Word Whisperer
          My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


          • Maggie YOU are DEVINE!!

            Maggie this Poem is so beautiful!! Absolutely Fabulous!! I am so Happy and Grateful now that you have posted this divine Poem!



            • Thank you, Maggie

              For sharing your wisdom & love through your writing with us. That is another beautiful poem, as is your other one posted on our Reiki forum, "My Mystic Path".

              Perhaps if you feel comfortable you might post "My Mystic Path" on our Reiki thread here as well, as you have such a gift for expressing your thoughts & I know a lot of people would resonate with it & love to read it.

              It is so wonderful to see people such as Pamela & yourself sharing your beautiful healing talents with us.

              Love & Blessings,
              Theta Healing
              Paths 2 Potential

              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


              • My Mystic Path

                Hi Sharyn,
                I have posted 'My Mystic Path' in my blog already. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
                Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                My Mystic PATHS Website
                Word Whisperer
                My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                • Maggie Shines Again!

                  Oh, Dear Maggie....

                  Your Beautiful Poem has given me shivers of Joy and Delight!!! Your creation is just another example of the Powerful, Healing and Loving Energy that is overflowing from the Perfect and Beautiful Beings on this forum!!! I do believe that our community of Dear Ones, found right here, is undoubtedly THE MOST profound and life changing forum on the planet!!! As each day passes, I become more and more filled with Love and Gratitude that I have found you all! And Maggie...You Darling Angel...NEVER be hesitant about sharing your Wonderful gift... I have learned over the past year how important this is...

                  "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind, don't matter, and those that matter, don't mind." Dr Seuss

                  And...WOOOHOOO, My Darlings!!! I got my ME book the other day and NOW I am going to play catch up so I ALSO can do this magical 2 pointing....Hey Steven...(sigh...) wanna play ME with me again soon? (blush..)

                  With Much Love and Gratitude,

                  My PATHS Website
                  My Art Website
                  My Paintings As Prints
                  My Facebook


                  • Hello Blake!

                    Hi Blake, I loved all of your post, but these are some parts that really stuck out for me!

                    Is see too that in so many ways M.E. and all this quantum theory is very congruent with the Eastern Indian spirituality/philosophies that I barely "understand" so far.
                    I believe that ME is a mix of many different ideas from the near past, to the distant ages ago, some stuff probably from the 'future' (my guess) and some totally creative new ideas that make it such an incredible 'thing' lol.
                    On one level I have not let myself dive deeply into that realm because of this feeling of unworthiness I have created around all things in such a spiritual package. That is partly whats liberating about M.E., that it dosent have this organized religiosity wrapped around it with all these customs and rituals.(as long as I dont put it there).
                    I AGREE! Coming from my dogmatic religious upbringing - ME is VERY liberating! It is SO creative and totally embraces the MYSTERIOUS and lets that BE OK No need to put everything in little boxes, since the boxes are ALWAYS illusions we create!

                    I wonder if what Richard dose in the workshops isnt similar to what I have heard of as shaktipat? Where an enlightend master is able to convey to a seeker a trancendent experience of ones own inner Self (the God Self) through a touch or even a look...or at times the reading of a book written by them that is filled with their Shakti/Energy... or Morhic Field? And that experience sometimes can bring about kryas(sp?) like one having sponaneous fits of yoga postures or movements. From what I understand shaktipat can be the begining unfoldment of ones spiritual awakening and purification process leading to a realization of the God inside (us all) .. thats a pretty simplistic discription. I dont know if one can really describe such things if they havent experienced it (or even if they have). But some of what I am reading from others experiences in M.E. is making me think of this.
                    You might be right! Though some of my perception is that ME does not NEED to have Dr. Bartlett transfer something to you, it just helps to be in the seminar experience. From what I understand, the seminar 'state' helps us to really step out of consensus reality into a place where anything is possible. Once we observe that, we can know ever deeper in ourselves that WE too can DO THIS! Oh, and there were several people who went through kundilini releases at the seminar doing the 'spontaneous fits of yoga postures' and movements. This can be induced in a moment with Frequency 18 - Its a safe thing with ME (it has be created in the morph field that way - the art of 'playing' with ME is what brings the highest good, Always!), though many may find that hard to believe with all the other stuff out there written about Kundilini. It does NOT take years and tons of effort at Kundilini Yoga or a traumatic emotional event to trigger this release. LOL, in triggering this in one person of the seminar, even Dr. Bartlett got the 'backflash' effect since we are all One, and ended up going through a half-release of Kundilini with some hilarious twists to his body until it had worked itself out through his being. 'you had to be there lol' Ask your Dad about it, Blake lol.

                    Anyway I am going back to the ME book piece by piece. ITs funny a few pages after I stopped reading Richard addresed some of my worries. I need to learn to keep moving forward through these resistances. That ego/control part of me dosent want to give up the flat world it has me living on that easily. Even though its such an outdated world view...
                    So next time maybe I'll wait till I finish reading the whole thing before I try and give my book report. Just wait till you all see my Matrix Energetics Diarama!!!
                    Post Script: I also have a "food thing" I think. It may not be as medical but one of the things I am struggling with is how I use food and sugar (and B&J's ice cream) as a drug. I am having a hard time thinking it could be for me like alcohol or drugs is for other "addicts". The whole addict mind though I think I am getting. The defensive stance, an irrational protective layer, avoidance of all things feeling, and the negaivity. Even with out "drugs" or alcohol I seem to have all the other symptoms of the "disease". I also really have a hard time believing it is a "disease" as we use the term medically. But then M.E. tears that whole thing to shreads so to speak too.

                    I just know I have been resisting doing a 12 step program around it because of the ridgid structure and surrender involved. I think I am also still looking for the "easier softer way". Anyone have thoughts about addiction as it applies to all this "new thought" and also PATHS.
                    I think its great you are working through all this stuff- what excitement, what joy you must feel to be in a process of releasing all of it!
                    Just think - when you have confidence and assurance in your deepest self that it is 'ok' to really pursue whatever means you want to release and progress - that the instant transformation of ME will be available to you. Addictions? These too are something that can go through an instant shift with ME - all it takes is 'getting out of your (or of mine) way'!

                    In Love and Light,



                    • Hi DeAnn!

                      Originally posted by DeAnn View Post
                      Hi Sharyn and all,
                      Why in the world is Veggemite banned from the U.S.????
                      The food issues have created a lack of confidence in me that I'm not comfortable with. My gosh, I have tried every healing modality I could think of. I even heal a lot of people with my different talents, so why can't I heal myself? I've never been a picky eater and have always been a happy positive person. My QXCI shows a variety of problems, including heredity. Is it possible to have some deeper/cosmic cause that is throwing a wrench in the whole process?
                      It seems a lot of people these days have digestive issues; what is the link? When one of us transforms a dis-ease within ourselves, I think we transform it for humanity also.
                      DeAnn, I am so new on this journey of the 'healing arts' that I can only share that 'healing and disease are two sides of the same coin' to paraphrase Dr. Bartlett. He (and now me lol) prefers to call it GONE! I truly believe, that when we 'get out of our own way', that true transformation will occur, resulting in a total shift of all the reasons that contribute to the steps that lead to physical manifestation of what many call 'disease'. Our actual 'makeup' in the morphogenic field shifts to something new. We know we are ready to do this because we do it. If we were not ready, then it would not occur.

                      I believe in the theories that Dr. Bartlett presents in his book.
                      You know, Reiki has an initiatory process, what if Dr. Bartlett's seminar is the same kind of thing----you attend, you automatically become "initiated"----maybe that's why it's a bit difficult to "get it" from the book alone. Any thoughts?
                      I feel the best way to view ME is not to compare it to anything else. It will stump that part of you that is left-brain thinking to no end. The power is and always was, INSIDE OF YOU, period. This is the true message that Grace sends out in her thread on CEM. I will post on this soon. Don't get me wrong - she is amazing and wonderful and so very generous with her time and attention (I LOVE you Grace! ) but she might be the first to say - "what I do is not uniquely 'special' to me - you ALL can do this!"
                      And DeAnn, ME is no different. The beauty of ME to me lol, is that there are no limits - no 'rules'...just a few simple techniques that are PURPOSELY left vague-ish so that you can create something that is uniquely your own!

                      Now, about the seminar. The seminar is important for this reason - many find it hard to step out of consensus reality before taking a seminar - so they go there, experience the wave of the 'impossible', which is really the playful arena of infinite POSSIBILITIES, and then know it is possible for them to do all of these things, and as Dr. Bartlett says, do things even greater than him! He is very frank about this as he knows those 2 degrees he has 'get in the way' of his 'getting out of the way'!

                      DeAnn, I would be happy to help you 'get it' from just reading the book, if we can coordinate a time - I know there are still a few I need to do this with - thank you for being so patient! However, there is no known replacement for experiencing the seminar - there is nothing like it on earth!

                      I just know there is now this glitch in me that won't allow me to attend/travel unless I have some resolution with my food issues. Haven't heard from Kingsley. I'll be calling one or two practitioners this week. I'll let you know how it goes.
                      Perhaps we could also talk about the food stuff if we get a chance to chat in the future - I might have some good information for you. In the meantime, I do hope that Kingsley or some other practitioners can be in contact with you

                      Love and Light,



                      • OMG how wonderful Moxie! THANK YOU!!!

                        Originally posted by MoxieMags View Post
                        Stephen, thank you for your response to my post. I am overhwelmed with joy to be a part of all of this discovery. I have found over the years that as I am opened to new information and ideas and understandings that I go through a process of discovery. I have been blessed with the ability to write a form of freeform poetry which seems to teach me when I go back and read it. On the weekend I wrote sometime I titled the Divine Matrix. Normally I am hesitant to share my writing - but I have been so blessed through PATHS and these forum discussions and by my dear friend Pamela that instead of sending it to you in a pm, I am posting it. Please take from it what you will and enjoy!

                        The Divine Matrix

                        Imagine a network connected with golden fibres of love
                        A tight woven blanket surrounding all
                        The universe nestled safely in its secure hold
                        Nothing to fear, nowhere untouched
                        Never alone, never let go
                        A treasure
                        Hidden in the imagination
                        Waiting patiently to be discovered
                        By those who look within
                        Who allow the light to shine in recessed corners
                        Of a mind once covered with chaos
                        Now resting in trust and open to see
                        Ready to reach beyond previous imaginings of what life can be

                        Blessed to remove the illusion of past belief
                        Finding answers
                        Feeling energized by sacred space
                        Being held up before us
                        Ours for the taking
                        Open to possibilities
                        Imagination that holds no limits in front of us
                        What one has accomplished
                        Can be challenged by any
                        As we are all one and the same
                        There is no separation, no division
                        Only our past hesitation has held us at bay.

                        With childlike faith,
                        Run down the path, the mystic path of discovery
                        Celebrate the joy
                        Of knowing anything and everything is wonderful
                        Life is amazing
                        We are healthy, happy, powerful, strong, majestic, and alive
                        Kissed by the angels
                        Who celebrate each opening, no matter what size
                        Awake; see the golden fibres of love
                        The Divine Matrix

                        With love and gratitude,

               Energize Your Mind ~ Transform Your Life
                        And I am SO OVERWHELMED by the beauty and power of this poem extraordinaire! I will print this out and keep it by me all the time! I am SO THANKFUL that you chose to share it with us ALL!
                        I, am truly BLESSED for your gift to me, and all of us in this wonderful poem and I thank you from all my heart

                        I apologize for not responding sooner, but you must know that I saw it when you first posted, and I have been thankful and joyful for it from that moment on - (((((((Moxie)))))))

                        Lots of love and light be yours, Wonderful Soul Moxie,



                        • Mmmmm Dear Pamela....

                          Originally posted by Pamela View Post
                          Oh, Dear Maggie....
                          Your Beautiful Poem has given me shivers of Joy and Delight!!! Your creation is just another example of the Powerful, Healing and Loving Energy that is overflowing from the Perfect and Beautiful Beings on this forum!!! I do believe that our community of Dear Ones, found right here, is undoubtedly THE MOST profound and life changing forum on the planet!!! As each day passes, I become more and more filled with Love and Gratitude that I have found you all! And Maggie...You Darling Angel...NEVER be hesitant about sharing your Wonderful gift... I have learned over the past year how important this is...
                          "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind, don't matter, and those that matter, don't mind." Dr Seuss
                          And...WOOOHOOO, My Darlings!!! I got my ME book the other day and NOW I am going to play catch up so I ALSO can do this magical 2 pointing....Hey Steven...(sigh...) wanna play ME with me again soon? (blush..)
                          With Much Love and Gratitude,
                          WOW, isn't that poem truly WONDERFUL, Pamela??? I am in awe- truly delighted to have it to read again and again - reminding me of the wonder, joy, and awesomeness of this Universe!

                          And Yes, Sweet Pamela, I will play ME with YOU again soooooon - we always feel so good when we do that, don't we? oh ya!




                          • Enjoy

                            One point

                            What a Joy it is to share with each other! I am so very thankful for all of your replies, AND, I am very grateful for the excitement and interest that all of you who are even just reading this thread are generating.

                            For you, yes YOU are all contributing to the energy of all these wondrous things - you know that, don't you???

                            Yes, we are all ONE. What you do to the other, you do to yourself and what you do to yourself, you do to the other. Yet, in these physical bodies with our somewhat singlemindedness that is our main perception, we can so easily forget our constant, unending connection with each other and with Source.

                            However, changes are afoot, things are shifting in the collective consciousness and even more powerfully, in the Collective Unconscious! We can feel it, can't we??? Something is different 'out there' but really there is no out there, there is only in here, in all of us - a power and purpose that drives us forward in our evolution on this planet.

                            Matrix Energetics is just one (though an extremely flexible powerful one) way of accessing the Divine inside of us and in realizing our connection to the Source.

                            Instant transformation is the realm of where we come from. It is coming to us now with Purpose - NOW is the only time there IS! So NOW, is the time to embrace whatever it is that makes you get excited, thrilled, pumped up, cranked up (tribute to Aaron lol). Maybe its Reiki, or EFT, or QT or T&T (oops, telephone on the brain), CEM or ME!!! Many do several different things, using what works with whatever the situation is at the time. I know at the ME seminars, there are people doing all of these and more, and are looking for something to Supercharge their various modalities. Of course, most leave transformed themselves, nevermind all the people they are going to share it with. Boy, do they ever get some surprises at the seminar!

                            So, in the same vein as Dr. Bartlett in his book, I leave you with this second point and know in my Highest Self that all who read this will be deeply affected by M.E. as you are now shifted into the new reality of this open-ended question:

                            "What if everyone who reads this thread were to experience the joy and transformation of playful infinite possibilities?"

                            May you all truly blessed be...

                            With Love,


                            And now, Notice what you notice...Notice what's different, not what is the same...


                            • Onward

                              Thanks so much everyone for the encouragement.

                              Stephen, thanks for the encouragement. I would like to experience some of this ME before I make a decision on the seminar. I so want to experience it first.

                              Sharyn, LOL, I know how you feel about eating and that long plane ride. There have been times when I have thought, hmmmm, can I do this or that and simply not eat if I can't take my food????

                              As an aside, I've been doing a lot of EFT on myself with great results. The stuff really works. Lots of trauma and stress in my life. It feels good to do the EFT work and release it, very transforming. And thanks to Reiki I am in a wonderfully deep, spiritual place of peace in my life.

                              So many good things. I know ME is gonna be awesome!

                              Off to check out Grace's thread....

                              Love and Blessings,

                              Dr. DeAnn Upton, A.M.P.
                              My PATHS Affiliate Website


                              • Hi Stephen,

                                My wife and I have booked for the Hawaii seminars. Any chance you can 'prep' us for that

                                Many thanks
                                With love and gratitude
                                Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                                Live your dreams through choosing PATHS

