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Matrix Energetics

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  • Howdy Alan!

    Yes, I have a lot to share with you!

    Lets Skype if you have it - I have sent you a PM




    • Hi Stephen,
      Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post
      Yes, I have a lot to share with you!

      Lets Skype if you have it - I have sent you a PM


      Thanks for the session It was really helpful.

      With love and gratitude
      Save over $1,000 on PATHS
      Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


      • Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post
        One point

        "What if everyone who reads this thread were to experience the joy and transformation of playful infinite possibilities?"

        May you all truly blessed be...

        With Love,


        And now, Notice what you notice...Notice what's different, not what is the same...

        Hi Stephen and everyone!
        I so enjoyed my ME experience with you last week. And I have been very aware of what's different - especially with 'sound' both in my ears and on the computer.
        I am sure you will get as much of a laugh at this as I did - I called my technician about the lack of sound on my computer and wondered if he could come check it out - he said ' There is one thing we can try - If you go back a couple of weeks in time and do a system restore to a time when the sound was good - that might work' And guess what Of course it did! The sound came back in it's full glory!!!
        Bruce Lipton talks about us being like a computer chip and boy what an example to bring it all home to me. Just think if going back in time can restore my harddrive - just playfully imagine what going back in time can restore in me.
        Thought you would see the 'fun' in this!
        Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy along with a little playfulness,
        Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

        My Mystic PATHS Website
        Word Whisperer
        My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


        • moxie

          that is a great example of what i read in B. Lipton's book.
          very cool and thank you for sharing it.
          love Adrienne
          Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


          • sharing session

            Well hello all,
            I did a ME session on wednesday.....had ME play on me, as well did some too....And OMG, it was Amazing.
            I got to feel what it was like to feel the wave(not sure if that is how it's put) move through me, or more so feel the effect of the ME move through me in getting in done to me, and in doing it....
            very, very cool.
            What i got most out of this play time was that i have to so let go of all pre-concievd knowing and beliefs about all i know.....and i had heard this befor, and kinda got what that meant, but this time really got it and wow.

            This understanding (although i am not trying to understand anything..hehe) comes from not engaging the left brain..(please clarify if i am not quite getting it, still wrapping my brain around alot of stuff)..and getting out of my thoughts, kind of hard to explain, and i can see the need to practice it.....and it also does scare a bit too, cuz i have relied on my intellect for so long....and find where that is challenged. which really is steps right, and i allow myself to take those baby steps, cuz running away is a place that is unappealing today. There is no rush to get anywhere.

            Well i specifically asked for help around finances, and OMG...(although stephen touched on that aspect,he quickly went on to other things that were more urgent i suppose).....And that afternoon (did the play in the morning) i got called in for another suprise shift (happened the next morn, when i did CEM with grace too)
            then the next day at work, during my break i checked for the deposit i was expecting and recieved an extra $300.00
            and it was very different, cuz I no longer whine to everyone i know about my 'desperate' situation, cuz i am simply tierd of everthing that comes with it....and i suppose the payoff has decreased in importance to me...Bla,BLa, BLa....don't really want to get into the details, although Bruce liptons book is Amazing
            And so is LOA, and the truth of how we create everything...

            ok , back to what i was saying.....the way this money came to me, was amazing....pure phenomena, (although i do know now where it came from)
            I really am unsure of how to put it, in regards to how i know that tis was BOOM, BOOM....after ME, when I wasn't acting in ways by my actions, beleifs and get something i needed......I have let that part go now for like three maybe four months.

            I think maybe i am ramblelling now, but i will share more later..Tis truely an amazing modality.

            Love and peace...Adrienne
            Last edited by Adrienne; 07-23-2007, 06:48 AM.
            Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




            • Quotes

              A magazine appeared on my daily path at work that caught my eye today! It was on writing and poety. I turned it over and there was this BIG quote on the back...

              "Love kicks the ass of time and space." ~Hafiz

              I thought that was hilarious and thought of you guys and ME. Then I come here and see the time/mind travel syncronicity module!

              The book the quote is from is called "I heard God laughing". Its a bunch of selected poems of a Sufi master called Hafiz, i guess . I've never heard of him. A more contemporary Rumi???

              "I have learned so much from God that I can no longer call myself a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, A Buddhist, a Jew. The truth has shared so much of itself with me that I can no longer think of myself as a man, a woman, an angel, or even a pure soul. Existance has become so saturated with laughter it has freed me of every concept and image a mind could ever war with." ~`Hafiz

              That was at the bottom of the page... sounds like a sort of M.E. wisdom. Funny how this stuff can find us in the most unlikely of times and places.

              the unBlake


              • Apologies...

                Hello everyone,

                I have some ongoing things that are taking up a lot of my time right now - life responsibility stuff.
                So, for those who I have not yet been able to do ME with, please accept my apologies and know that I am thinking of you and wish to connect as soon as possible.
                Some of you have been so patient and I really appreciate that.

                I have a new place to still find and move into, over the next couple of weeks, then if all proceeds forward, I'll be going to Hawaii on Aug 16th for the ME seminar Level I, II, and III!

                After that, I do wish for things to settle back into more of a routine
                But not too much of a routine, that would be cruel lmao.

                Love and light,



                • Stephen, 2 Pointing a Smooth Move


                  Keep us posted on all the synchronicities of how you find your cool new digs! You'll have lots of supportive energy as you move through this process.

                  Can't wait 'til you get 'wizardized' in HI and start to share your stories?
                  In harmony,
                  ZPoint Practitioner


                  • Hawaii Rocks

                    hello all
                    well, just got back from hawaii....and omg what a trip the ME seminar was....actually the whole trip was.
                    actually got to go with my dear friend Steve-o....and that made it so much more cooler, still trying to wrap my mind around nothing, hehe....and bla, bla, bla
                    really at this time have no words to share the phenomenal experience, but the shifts are none stop now and the power of ME is my knowledge on this day...
                    I am adjusting to the expantion i have gained to this world that i left behind, when i chose to go to Hawaii to learn ho to play Again....
                    This all came together for me in like 6 days...had no idea i was going for sure till two days befor i left.....thank you, Ah and thank me
                    It was great to meet you Sharyn, Allen, and Peg.....very nice, to bad there hadn't been more time

                    just wanted to pop in and share....peace and gratitude, Adrienne
                    Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                    • Finally!

                      Finally signs of life from the Hawaii MEers!!!

                      I seriously have been chomping at the bit waiting on you guys. I want to read all about it, so come on now, start posting!!

                      Welcome back!

                      ~Viviana - xoxo
                      "The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba


                      • the music

                        What music was playing when you were all clapping and he entered the room?


                        • Aloha! I'm back!

                          Hello Everyone

                          Just a quick note as I arrived back at 1:30 am last night - after 25 hours traveling with no sleep! I shall post some more, including a couple of photos, as soon as I have caught up with everything here, (including sleep).

                          I had a wonderful time - still haven't absorbed it all. It was fantastic catching up with Steven, Adrienne & Alan, meeting them in person & getting to play with them. Especially as I got a few opportunities to partner Steven - pay back time!

                          Love & Blessings to You All,

                          Theta Healing
                          Paths 2 Potential

                          "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                          • Hi, back from HI!!!

                            Ok, so to say ME in HI was Freakin' Incredible is an understatement!!!

                            It is SO cool that Adrienne was able to also attend!!! You Rock!!!

                            And, how WONDERFUL to meet Allen, Sandra and family, lovely Sharyn and Pegi!!!

                            However, I must hold off on really getting back into posting and connecting until I get settled in my new place which includes getting phone/internet hookup! (I'm doing a quick post here with the work laptop)

                            I love you all and have particularly sent off Multiple Selves to Pamela and Grace to help ease the Stephen withdrawals Be Good with them!!!

                            Hugs, Kisses, and handshakes -whatever is your pleasure!!



                            • Welcome Home, My Beauties!

                              Oh, My Darling Ones!

                              I am so Happy and Grateful that you are all safely home from the workshop! I am sure you must know that we are all dying to hear about your adventures with Dr. Bartlett as well as each other, but I know that you all need to settle in after the long trip... Take your time , but Hurry Up, okay? You all know how impatient I can be!!!

                              Sharyn and Adrienne...I am so looking forward to catching up with you...I have lots to share and I am sure you do also!!!

                              And Steven....(sigh) Honey...You know I am swooning over the Multiple Self you have sent me.... In fact, right now you are standing behind me giving me the most delicious shoulder rub...(Mmmmm....That feels sooo good... Thanks SO Much... )

                              I cannot wait to do some skyping with all of you, so let me know when you settled in and are all connected!

                              With Much Love and Gratitude to you ALL,

                              My PATHS Website
                              My Art Website
                              My Paintings As Prints
                              My Facebook


                              • Welcome Home!!

                                WE MISSED YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!!! WELCOME BACK!!

                                p.s. Steven, I have been sending you multiple selves of me for a long time now!
                                Last edited by Grace; 08-29-2007, 12:42 AM.
                                IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE


