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Matrix Energetics

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  • See, you stopped worring about it.... CONGRATS!
    Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasnīt been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


    • You asked, the Universe will Answer!

      Originally posted by adam ant View Post
      maybe you can ME my mind to be more open then, or help me to access the Quantum State easier.
      Done - not kidding!

      i have been struggling with a failing pet store these last two years, and i havnt been able to focus very well on anything, meditation included. i have been BLing and MEing the store and personal finances like crazy, i know something will work out.
      thats probably why whole "egg" all my power neatly tied up into one giant one.
      Brian, you are awesome!

      The first thing that came to me when I read these lines just now is 'there is no store, and there is no such thing as 'personal finances''....god, I'm not sure if that helps!

      Perhaps what the information I received means is that releasing all things to the Universal Intention is the way to find our true Purpose in existing and we can next ask ourselves 'what would that look like?'

      Surrender to a Power that IS us, but also beyond our current 'memory' is one of the most difficult choices we can make and I'm not saying or judging that you have or have not done this, however, I've come to a place now where THAT is the ONLY TRUE POWERFUL CHOICE WE CAN EVER TRULY MAKE with the often over-used idea of 'free will'.

      After surrendering, making that Choice, all other events just flow without resistance, without nary a need to truly 'choose'. Instead we go to a place of true Creation, where our Imaginations , the reservoir of Source/Intention lies. If we live by our creative imagination, then we can KNOW that we are aligned with Source! I have found the book, the Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer particularly helpful in remembering this part of ME

      Love and Light,



      • Delightful Sharyn!

        Originally posted by Sharyn View Post
        Thank You for your lovely post mon cher mon ami, teeeephen!!

        (I'm still having fun over in Paris!!). We must get together soon & play with some wizardry on each other! It was great chatting to you the other night & finally catching up since Hawaii!
        Love, Light & Blessings to You

        You are so very welcome - the pleasure has been mine!

        Infinite Blessed Remembrance be yours,



        • Holy Moly!

          Originally posted by Sharyn View Post
          Just had a good little success with myself tonight that I thought I'd share:

          For the past week I've had trouble with something pinching or out of place in the top of my right arm which has annoyed me particularly when I'm sleeping, as I usually sleep with it raised underneath my pillow.

          I finally got around to deciding to work on my arm myself tonight. Even though I'm using ME I sometimes forget that I can use it on myself! So I 2 pointed on my arm using myself as 1 point & my left hand touching the middle of my right arm as the second point, I also had a couple of archetypes come up & then I finished. A few minutes later I was moving my arm & there was a loud "crack" followed by another a couple of minutes later & hey presto my arm is now able to move freely again without the pinching, locked up sensation!

          Love, Light & Blessings,
          What a fantastic ME experience, Sharyn!

          I am more and more amazed by the limitless opportunities offered by M.E. Tapping into the Source, being the Door, to Infinite Playful Possiblities is INFREAKINCREDIBLE!

          I use ME all the time, every day, several times a day on EVERYTHING! LOL

          I felt 'nudged' to go to a colleagues and do M.E. on her mom who is going to a specialist for 'heart stuff', including possibly having to go under the knife. In great gratitude for the opportunity to go to a place of allowing the 'greatest highest good' for this person, I enjoyed a wonderful ME session with her. She was open to trying it and had many perceptions at the time, that night, the next day, and the day after (which is the last I spoke with her). Archetypes came up, as well as Frequencies, Modules and Radionics! (I LOVE Radionics) One of the greatest pieces of feedback was her relating at the time and days later that her heart felt Very Calm and umm...'is that good, Stephen?' ...i'm like Yes!

          In gratitude to all of you, and to Source,



          • Wow!

            Originally posted by adam ant View Post
            WOO HOO!!

            alright guys, i think i broke out of my "rut". i had some major breakthroughs this weekend. one of Chicagos worst traffic hotspots (I-55S) coming out of the city i Two Pointed the roads clear!! speeds of 10-20 MPH are normal on this HIGHWAY (55 - 65 MPH speed limit) but even at the normally worst spot speeds were around 70 - 80.

            i think my technique is what is making it easier for me... i only use my index finger and my thumb on the same hand. i can Two Point this way anywhere, any time, and look totally inconspicuous to boot! also, it is easier (for me) to mentally connect these points because they are already physically connected by the hand, plus the distance is virtually the same everytime, and it is relatively small. these are factors that dont even have to be thought about anymore, and frees my mind up for the tasks at hand. i automatically know the measurement(4 inches) because of the consistency. even the Doc says that the TP's can go anywhere as long as you can feel it.
            EASY is GOOD! Its not meant to be hard but instead to be FUN FUN FUN!

            The two point 'technique' may change even more for you over time. I know for me it has. I have a personal opinion on this, with a bit of evidence to support it (that is only my own experience and you'll have your own lol) ...are you ready? Do you want to hear it???

            Well, here ya go! The two-point, if you keep going where I believe ME eventually leads...will become such an automatic state of Being, that you won't hardly think of it. Two points automatically IS your awareness (point one), and the thing you are being aware of (point two), and so you set your consciousness up as an Observer and as such, you CANNOT HELP BUT AFFECT WHAT YOU OBSERVE! Besides being able to measure a 'change', the two-point also is part of entering waveform consciousness (instead of particle 'reality) in the Zero Point Field of Infinite Playful Possibilities! From there, our Intention weights a new outcome which becomes a Probability, not just a possibility!! As we hold the new Observation, and then Let Go, even particle reality will alter, it being malleable and already created by our beliefs, judgments, and observations. New beliefs, no judgments, different observations of what is Useful??? NEW REALITY!

            Oooooooh, you are in for SO much FUN and PLAYFUL CHALLENGE if you go to a seminar and see that there is more More MORE to this than you might be able to imagine right now!!!

            right after the traffic cleared up, my wife was complaining of a headache. while driving (at 80MPH), i reached over with my hand and did this new technique right on here neck. i then went through the rest of the process normally and she fell back into the seat and said she felt something weird. i asked how her headache was and she said it was completely gone!
            if you guys try it, please let me know of your results.
            Another awesome experience! I'm THRILLED for you! Stepping out of consensus reality is oh so VERY POWERFUL! Instead of the problem set - head aches, needs 'healing'...we can simply imagine GONE! LOL Or, as I am sharing with my boys, (they are 6 and 4 and on their way to true Magick and Whizardry as well!) if they hurt themselves or have an owie, to declare in confidence a term from one of their favourite movies, Harry Potter - to say RIDICULOUS!

            In Peace,



            • thanks Stephen for some awesome posts!

              one of my new things is Two pointing my wife to sleep. she is literally asleep as soon as i touch her, and so soundly that i can bounce on the bed and she wont wake up. one downside though, now she has trouble waking up in the morning LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!

              i tried to may my hands purple like Dr Dunn, but not yet happening. i really need to attend a seminar.

              i REALLY appreciate you taking the time out to Two Point me(ME hahaha!)
              it is funny, because i woke up this morning feeling particularly froggy(confident) about my Two Pointing. i am going for the gold and trying everything. my number one thing is my poor eyesight, trying to "GONE" it away.

              what is funny is that when i was in the military, i could step out of consciousness with ease. now im re-learning this process all over again. although back then i never tried to use it for anything, only for meditational bliss.

              thanks again,



              • Help, Advice or Suggestions from more experienced ME'ers Please?

                Hi there

                I've read the book, and really enjoyed it - it makes perfect sense to me. I'm in the UK, and haven't yet manifested the means to get to a seminar. So, in the meantime, I'm practising with what I've picked up from the book and online. And I was on the beginer's conference call last Saturday.

                Here's where I've got to so far: When I do a "two point" - I "see"/feel the wave collapse (I see everything as light and information and everything is the same thing, so I can see and feel the two points as one), and... well that's it - my understanding is that's all that's needed.

                I have an absess under a tooth, which I've had for a while. It's not painful, but the dentist has said if it didn't clear with antibiotics, the tooth will have to be extracted. It didn't clear with antibiotics (that was last year ) and it's still there, still the same. So I two-pointed it.

                I couldn't feel any difference. So I figured I just need more practice. I've been doing a two-point on it every night before going to sleep, for the last week, but if anything, it's slightly bigger.

                I must point out that at all other times, I forget about it. Because it's not painful, it's not something I'm constantly aware of.

                What I've tried: thinking nothing; imagining it the same as the other side (no absess); highest good; asking: "What would it be like if it was the same as the other side?"; "What would it be like if there were no absess?"; I've imagined it being cleared out, washed out; I've imagined gold light coming through the top of my head and cleansing my whole body; realising this is just an illusion - light and information; ... I think that's it.

                Any ideas please?

                Any help and suggestions would be VERY much appreciated

                Love and Light and Magic xxx
                Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                • About Sharyn

                  Hey everyone,

                  Hop over to the CEM thread and read what I wrote about our amazing Sharyn and ME

                  I tried to post the link here...but...maybe someone needs to 2 point me for that

                  Blessings with Aloha
                  Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                  <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                  Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                  • Originally posted by illusions View Post
                    Hi there

                    I've read the book, and really enjoyed it - it makes perfect sense to me. I'm in the UK, and haven't yet manifested the means to get to a seminar. So, in the meantime, I'm practising with what I've picked up from the book and online. And I was on the beginer's conference call last Saturday.

                    Here's where I've got to so far: When I do a "two point" - I "see"/feel the wave collapse (I see everything as light and information and everything is the same thing, so I can see and feel the two points as one), and... well that's it - my understanding is that's all that's needed.

                    I have an absess under a tooth, which I've had for a while. It's not painful, but the dentist has said if it didn't clear with antibiotics, the tooth will have to be extracted. It didn't clear with antibiotics (that was last year ) and it's still there, still the same. So I two-pointed it.

                    I couldn't feel any difference. So I figured I just need more practice. I've been doing a two-point on it every night before going to sleep, for the last week, but if anything, it's slightly bigger.

                    I must point out that at all other times, I forget about it. Because it's not painful, it's not something I'm constantly aware of.

                    What I've tried: thinking nothing; imagining it the same as the other side (no absess); highest good; asking: "What would it be like if it was the same as the other side?"; "What would it be like if there were no absess?"; I've imagined it being cleared out, washed out; I've imagined gold light coming through the top of my head and cleansing my whole body; realising this is just an illusion - light and information; ... I think that's it.

                    Any ideas please?

                    Any help and suggestions would be VERY much appreciated

                    Love and Light and Magic xxx
                    Hi Illusions,

                    I am new to this forum and have been playing in the Matrix since April (with the book). I attended the August seminar in Kona and that really made a world of difference. Hopefully you are able to attend one soon!

                    Here's some suggestion that might help you:

                    Sharyn, a Certified Master Practitioner (CMP), said in her last teleconference that she asks the client to give her 3 reasons how this condition affects them. What does it help them or prevent them from doing? This may help you to focus on the real issue of which the abscess is just a symptom.

                    Dave, also a CMP, said in his last teleconference, that when doing a two point, don't get hung up on getting the right points because there really aren't any. Like with Reiki, intent and focus are more important.

                    He also did a remote session with someone and used an archtype -- a representation of the situation and this may help get your conscious mind out of the way and let the miracles happen. For instance, when I think about what is happening to you I see a flame under your tooth and when I ask what to do, I get the answer to put it out. So maybe you bring in a dental water sprayer or an itty-bitty fire engine.

                    In addition all of that, you may be too close to this situation to deal with it. There are many who are part of this forum that would probably be able to do a remote session with you and do exactly what you have done, except they get better results than you because they have nothing invested in the outcome.

                    I hope this helps a bit. Don't be too frustrated and manifest a seminar in your future.



                    • Beginners Conference Call

                      Originally posted by illusions View Post
                      Hi there

                      I've read the book, and really enjoyed it - it makes perfect sense to me. I'm in the UK, and haven't yet manifested the means to get to a seminar. So, in the meantime, I'm practising with what I've picked up from the book and online. And I was on the beginer's conference call last Saturday.
                      How do I get on a beginners conference call?



                      • Sharyn

                        I totally agree with you, Keoi!

                        Sharyn is SO good at what she does! She's been doing some sessions on me and it felt like she was inside of me, moving stuff around!

                        I'd recommend anyone to Sharyn!

                        Moria x
                        Intuitive Readings
                        Web design by Hannah King


                        • Thank You!

                          Keoi & Moria for your kind words & for the privilege & opportunity to work with you both.

                          Nothing brings me greater pleasure than when I receive feedback & know that a positive change or transformation has occurred in some way for people.

                          I am in no way special as I am really just a portal for Matrix Energetics to flow through me to you or a line of communication.I am always amazed at what shows up for people. I believe that all "healing" is self healing & that your body always knows what it needs & requests it on your behalf when asked.

                          Love, Light & Blessings,
                          Theta Healing
                          Paths 2 Potential

                          "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                          • The Joy of Service

                            Each and every day I am more and more in awe of the wonder that we are all creating!!! I am so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you, for being you!
                            It was so special to know that when I had my recent revelation about some issues that you were there for me. Working with me until the last possible minute before I had to leave - was so affirming, healing and wonderful.
                            Have I said - YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!!
                            I LOVE YOU!
                            Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy,
                            Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                            My Mystic PATHS Website
                            Word Whisperer
                            My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                            • Hi John

                              Thank you SO much!! I really appreciate your suggestions - they're really incredibly helpful

                              Thanks again kind sir

                              An ME seminaar is definitely at the top of my list for manifesting - I can't Wait to attend one!!
                              I actually dreamt I was at one the other night - it was a bit weird in the dream, but I can't remember now why. It was fun, but weird

                              Love and Light and Appreciation xxx
                              Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                              Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                              Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                              • Maggie

                                Originally posted by MoxieMags View Post
                                Each and every day I am more and more in awe of the wonder that we are all creating!!! I am so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you, for being you!
                                It was so special to know that when I had my recent revelation about some issues that you were there for me. Working with me until the last possible minute before I had to leave - was so affirming, healing and wonderful.
                                Have I said - YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!!
                                I LOVE YOU!
                                Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy,
                                Dear Maggie , I was so pleased that I was available when you needed assistance & that you thought to ask me.

                                Thank YOU for the opportunity to work with you & remove some of those issues - I was so glad that you ended up feeling well enough to leave for your trip on time & know that I was able to play a small part in that.

                                Thank you for your post, it means a lot to me! to you!

                                Love, Light & Blessings

                                Theta Healing
                                Paths 2 Potential

                                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"

