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Matrix Energetics

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  • Originally posted by tezzaa View Post
    How do I get on a beginners conference call?

    Any answers to my question?


    • Ooooh - I'm SO Sorry Terry!!!!!!!!! I meant to answer yours after I posted the thank you to John, but I had to rush off and forgot! Sorry!!

      The details are on the ME site - here's a link to the post on the teleconference: Matrix Energetics Message Boards:Teleconference

      I see the next one is on the 3rd November 9am to 11am PST. It's $15, and they record it as well and send you a recording of the call.

      Love and Light and Magic xxx
      Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
      Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
      Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


      • A practical two point description for Illusions

        Hi Illusions,

        I saw a woman last night who's situation reminded me of yours.

        At the end of last month she went to the dentist for a routine check-up. He told her he wanted to cap one of her molars because the tooth next to it had a filling that was too large .

        He put the cap on and soon after that she started experiencing pain. He told her that it would go away in a day or two. It didn't.

        Long story short, when I saw her last night she had been through three root canals and two crowns and was in even worse pain than before.

        To start I asked her when she last remembered the tooth being perfectly healthy. She said that she knew exactly when because that was the day she went to the dentist the first time - September 25.

        First, I established a two-point by placing a couple of fingers on each of her TMJs. I envisioned a wide white cylinder (2-3 cm in diameter) appearing between the two points I had chosen. Once that connection was made, I envisioned the cylinder narrowing while concentrating down to the thickness of twine.

        We time traveled back to September 25, by counting backwards day-by-day and felt the state of her tooth and jaw at that point in time. Verbally we established the intent to move that state forward to October 23 and counted forward day-by-day. Once we reached October 23, we replaced her present state tooth/jaw with the one we had brought forward. This is much like replacing a water filter in a pitcher -- pop-out pop-in .

        Her pain was completely gone and the swelling in her cheek had reduced a bit.

        Hope this helps you a bit with your situation.



        • WOW!!! That's FABulous!! Thanks Jon!! I'll do that today

          I'm not sure what TMJ stands for, but as you mentioned before, it doesn't matter where the points are, so I'm assuming I can just make the two points my left and right lower jaw?

          Love and Light and Gratitude xxx
          Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
          Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
          Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


          • Originally posted by illusions View Post
            I'm not sure what TMJ stands for, but as you mentioned before, it doesn't matter where the points are, so I'm assuming I can just make the two points my left and right lower jaw?
            TMJ stands for Temperomandibular Joint and it's the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. More simply stated, it's the joint that lets you open your mouth.

            As for where you two point, yes, your left and right lower jaw will work just fine.



            • Attending an ME Seminar

              This is a reply that I posted on the ME website in response to someone who didn't understand why she had to go to a seminar to "get ME" (see quote below). I thought it would be interesting to share here.

              My observation is that as yet different healing/alternative modalities often seem to go down the route of becoming companies that generate lots of money i.e. Reiki, Melchizidek method, Louise Hay etc. I, personally, prefer the possibility of ME, or whatever you wish to call it, to be available easily for all. Freebies? Yes, of course I believe that this is essentially free! It is something that is innate in all of us, so I do not seek a freebie rather I feel in essence it is free! And as for effort, surely effort is counter-productive and stems from the deletive conscious mind as said by Richard!
              Actually, your payment is your part of an even exchange of energy. Let me illustrate this with an excerpt from the story of Dr Mikao Usui, the man who discovered (or re-discovered) Reiki.

              "Dr. Usui hurried down the mountain to tell the Abbott all that had happened.

              At the bottom of the mountain, he felt hungry and stopped at a home, asking for rice and tea. The girl who served him had a bandaged jaw, and Dr. Usui asked permission and placed his hands on her aching tooth. The pain and swelling disappeared, a miracle. The girl's father was unable to pay for the healing and asked that he be able to exchange the food for the healing (thus an equal exchange of energy had taken place).

              After Dr. Usui returned to the monastery, he guided to go and heal the poor. After many free ministrations, Dr. Usui saw a beggar whom he had once healed. The beggar told Dr. Usui that he had returned to begging because he did not want the responsibility that his new life had brought to him. Dr. Usui was saddened and confused, and returned to the monastery.

              The monks told him that he was healing only the body and not the spirit. Dr. Usui understood: the receiver must have some responsibility in the process. Dr. Usui had taken away that responsibility by "giving away" the healing.

              An equal exchange of energy must take place between the giver and the receiver for both parties to benefit."

              Getting back on subject, the energy that Dr Bartlett put into creating a transferable, repeatable system is the effort to which Rapier is alluding. For an even exchange between Dr Bartlett and yourself, where he is offering you his approach, you offer him in return your tuition. Your tuition represents a portion of the energy that you put into your job or business (to earn your money).

              Your tuition pays for the approach that Dr Bartlett created so that we could access the energy we are calling Matrix Energetics in the way that he does, not Matrix Energetics itself.

              You are correct that the energy is free and open to everyone. If, however, you don't innately have access to it and you would like to access it, you'll need someone to show you the way.

              If you feel that the amount of effort (energy) you put into your job or business to earn your tuition is worth much more than the energy Dr Bartlett put into creating the seminar and puts into presenting each seminar, then it wouldn't be a fair exchange for you. But to say that he should make it easily available to everyone who wants it, isn't a fair exchange for him.

              I would ask you to consider the possibility that not everyone would get it from a video on the Internet. Would that mean that mean he would have to create a new approach for those people? And what of the people who don't have Internet access? Furthermore, what of the people who didn't get it from his new approach? Wouldn't they feel as dissatisfied and inconvenienced as you do now?

              I submit to you, for your consideration, the following challenge:

              Attend a seminar and see if you feel the same way afterwards, because I truly believe you couldn't.



              • Weight Loss

                Hello everyone,
                I've been absorbing as much as I can from all the different threads. This one caught my eye tonight and I went to the ME website to learn more. Based off of what I saw in the video clips and how everything is energy here is my question:

                For an overweight person (like myself), wouldn't it possible to imagine my fat as big sponge that needs to be wrung out (but still a little wet) and the sponge going back to it's original state. Thrown in with a little time travel of tighter skin like when I was in high school?

                It was thought that came into my mind. I most definitely will need to go to one of these seminars
                Marnyka Z. Buttry
                Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                • I bought the Matrix Energetics Book

                  so I went and bought the book day before yesterday. I was in my bedroom reading about making the connection with hard surfaces. I did it on the wall....and the wall moved where my finger was Freaked my out because I didn't think anything was supposed to happen. So of course, now I can't let the thought go and expect it everytime. Any suggestions????
                  Marnyka Z. Buttry
                  Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                  • Originally posted by illusions View Post
                    Ooooh - I'm SO Sorry Terry!!!!!!!!! I meant to answer yours after I posted the thank you to John, but I had to rush off and forgot! Sorry!!

                    The details are on the ME site - here's a link to the post on the teleconference: Matrix Energetics Message Boards:Teleconference

                    I see the next one is on the 3rd November 9am to 11am PST. It's $15, and they record it as well and send you a recording of the call.

                    Love and Light and Magic xxx
                    Hi Illusions,

                    A belated for your reply


                    • Thank you jtkya!

                      For your insightful and helpful posts

                      I too had read that post regarding the accepting of 'appreciation' for doing M.E. with someone and the important role it plays in the transformation of a client and thought it was a very useful viewpoint!

                      Nice to see you over there and now here!

                      In gratitude,



                      • Marnyka

                        Originally posted by marnyka View Post
                        Hello everyone,
                        I've been absorbing as much as I can from all the different threads. This one caught my eye tonight and I went to the ME website to learn more. Based off of what I saw in the video clips and how everything is energy here is my question:

                        For an overweight person (like myself), wouldn't it possible to imagine my fat as big sponge that needs to be wrung out (but still a little wet) and the sponge going back to it's original state. Thrown in with a little time travel of tighter skin like when I was in high school?

                        It was thought that came into my mind. I most definitely will need to go to one of these seminars

                        I bought the Matrix Energetics Book
                        so I went and bought the book day before yesterday. I was in my bedroom reading about making the connection with hard surfaces. I did it on the wall....and the wall moved where my finger was Freaked my out because I didn't think anything was supposed to happen. So of course, now I can't let the thought go and expect it everytime. Any suggestions????
                        First of all, thank you for your post and questions! Questions are the magick, not answers, as you will see the more that you look into this

                        And yes, you are RIGHT - the seminar experience is not easily replaced by just reading the book - though the book is very helpful in starting out, and there are even a few that have 'got it' from just reading on the M.E. website! Very cool!

                        In your first question, you bring up two things that jump out at me - one is regarding the 'talk' you use and the other is more obvious - the idea of using archetypes for transformation.

                        In considering your question regarding weight, understanding what your body actually is, merits consideration. In the Matrix world, which has many ideas taken from Quantum Physics (as well as the Holographic Universe model), you do not have a body but rather just patterns of light and information. Thus, the language we use, especially as we observe ourselves, gives away our true beliefs and in fact 'locks in' whatever we see in our hologram. Thus, if you can start to both accept what you are observing about yourself as well as accept that there are any number of other viable outcomes to your observation - you have set up the foundation of entering the realm of playful infinite possibilities for a new 'collapsing of the waveform' in your reality.

                        This leads to your archetype scenario. The archetype can occur to our awareness both spontaneously or by direct consideration. There are no big 'rules' for this game (of M.E. lol). However, all of this is usually done at some place after the two-point has been established. Usually, but not always. Its very hard to nail down anything as 'must be done this way' with M.E. because its Morphic field has not been created that way.

                        As for your first two-point experience, I say - Freakin' Awesome!!! That is often how it feels to me when I practice against hard surfaces. They become very soft and mushy, yet by vision the table or glass clearly is still solid appearing. The key here is to PRACTICE so that it gets more and more repeatable for you! Also, don't expect anything to be the same time after time - you have to let go your expectations in lieu of something new and interesting showing up whenever it wants to! We all like to have some 'evidence' that 'something happened', but often M.E. can be much more subtle than that as we are really 'getting out of the way' so that the actual DOER can work/play through the DOOR that we opened!

                        Now, one last thing - you have enough already to start effecting your OWN transformation with M.E! First, for the matter that will be your Intent - your current 'apparent' body weight, you need to decide if you are going to two-point yourself, someone else, or a surrogate for this matter. Yes, you can two-point anything to establish the state of 'infinite playful possibilities'!

                        Many like to use a surrogate (like a teddy bear or doll or a pillow) when doing M.E. on themself - but really, its whatever is good for YOU. So, find your two points. Take as long as you wish, and when you feel them, and 'see' them (through awareness) that they are good and connected, simply ask an open-ended question like: 'If my body of light and information were to <insert intention here>, what would that look like?' Or any number of variations as long as you are leaving it Open-Ended! What changes and transforms from this, and believe me it will, it always does, is not up to You to decide the specifics of for you do not know all the subtleties of what has led to this situation you are no longer happy with. Trust, Trust, TRUST that things will shift! When you have finished your question, always be in a quiet state of awareness for anything that might 'show up'....Notice what you Notice! Any archetypes that show up are a great opportunity to ask "What should I do with this?" - then whatever shows up, simply DO. Then if it seems that nothing else is showing aware of the connection of the two points and when it begins to 'feel done', or wane, then go to a 'no-place' which simply means a place of 'no thoughts'. Enter the void, drop the pebble in the pond, swing the golf club - whatever works for you to go to a place without thought/judgement/thinking.

                        You have entered a most wonderful world of transformation and I appreciate very much your comments and questions on this thread!

                        In gratitude,



                        • Thank you for the response

                          Hi Stephen,
                          Nice to meet you. I am very appreciative of your response. I've been practicing on my husband to help me 'get out of my way'. It is quite interesting. Results are mixed but I do notice what is different and can tell when I have totally let go, so can my husband.

                          There is a seminar in Chicago next year that I am planning on attending. I'm so antsy I can't wait. I will continue to practice and get better and calming my mind down. I think I'll add a module to my PATHS for that.

                          Marnyka Z. Buttry
                          Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                          • Hi tephen,

                            Thanks for your kudos to me! Will I be seeing you Friday in Seattle?



                            • Way to go Marnyka!

                              Hi Marnyka,

                              I'd like to echo and add to what Stephen wrote. Your experience was wicked cool! Especially after only reading the book!

                              Just a couple of comments regarding what you said:

                              Originally posted by marnyka View Post
                              For an overweight person (like myself), wouldn't it possible to imagine my fat as big sponge that needs to be wrung out (but still a little wet) and the sponge going back to it's original state. Thrown in with a little time travel of tighter skin like when I was in high school?
                              Stephen mentioned a morphic field. The morphic field of anything is, in extremely simplified terms, the amount of energy being put towards a certain state. When you make a statement like the ones above, you are putting out energy that is making this state stronger for you.

                              It's like being a former smoker versus a non-smoker. Both don't smoke but a non-smoker doesn't even have the urge to smoke. So the morphic field around non-smoker completely excludes smoking from their reality. So if you refer to yourself as someone who has a few extra pounds that i'm getting rid of instead of an overweight person, this will assist you in you moving into your new reality. If a good state for you was high school, then time travel back to that year and move that whole state forward to the present and integrate it into your current state.

                              Also, since you have a lot invested in the outcome of this new reality, it may be harder for you to achieve since the emotions that are stopping you from losing weight in this reality will also keep you from attaining new realities where new possibilities may occur.

                              You can also use ME to release emotional blockages. I have been using a new approach where I use an archtype of a perfect lawn for my desired state and all the emotional blockages that are preventing that desired state are weeds. I continue to pull all the weeds and heal the holes left behind until all the weeds are gone.

                              Originally posted by marnyka View Post
                              So of course, now I can't let the thought go and expect it everytime.
                              Cool! Don't let it go! The more real you make the possibility that you can have positive outcomes every time, the better!!

                              Keep playing with your realities and have fun in Chicago!!



                              • On Behalf of Stephen

                                Hi John (Jtkya),

                                I was chatting to Stephen last night so I know that he will not mind if I answer on his behalf. He is away on a business trip right now & I do not know if he has his computer with him so that he can reply for himself, hence my intervention.

                                He is returning at the end of the week only to leave almost immediately to attend the ME seminar at Seattle so you will indeed find him there. Make sure you look out for him as I'm sure he'd love to meet you in person.

                                Hope you both have a great time. I shall be thinking of you both. I wish I could be there as well, but unfortunately the distance is a barrier for me at the moment.

                                Looking forward to hearing all about it from you both.

                                Love,Light & Blessings,
                                Theta Healing
                                Paths 2 Potential

                                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"

