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  • Hola ppls...

    Does anyone here know if there is some good place in europe where one can order the ME book and where it doesn't take forever to get?

    Amazon for instance takes such a long time to deliver here...

    And do you think I'd get anything out of reading it although I'll probably never travel to the US to take a course?




    • book source

      Check AbeBooks: New & Used Books, Textbooks, Rare & Out of Print Books I have ordered a LOT of books from them. They are used but you may find a bookseller in Europe selling a copy. Of course you will see new copies of books there from different booksellers.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • Thanks (Jtkya),

        Thanks for the feedback. It most definitely changes my thinking pattern. I'm finding it easier to focus on others than myself, but I am getting better with 'noticing the change' and removing thought patterns that come up that are not in my best interest.
        Marnyka Z. Buttry
        Divine Openings Giver & Healer


        • danny, I ve ordered it from Amazon Germany and got it in a week .
          Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn´t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


          • Thanks a bunch Jure...

            ...Just ordered the book from and tried to make due with my extremely limited school-German and babelfish-translations...hopefully it'll end up on my doorstep in a week without costing a fortune



            • What I notice

              I notice more transformation when I have taken my Spirulina.....

              What ever I'm using to 2 point with (finger, entire hand) pulses like there is electricity going through them. I wait for it to stop,then I visualize hitting a homerun with softball.
              Marnyka Z. Buttry
              Divine Openings Giver & Healer


              • Hi Sharyn,

                I caught up to Stephen at the seminar and we did have a chance to chat a bit but because he was interning there his time was very limited. We actually spent more time together on the last day cleaning up the room after everyone had left!

                Thanks for the info!



                • Matrix Energetics Seminar Journal

                  Hi All,

                  I posted a daily journal of the seminar I just went to in Seattle on the Matrix Energetics (ME) website. It's in the public forum so you won't have to login.

                  For everyone who hasn't been to a seminar it'll give you a little taste of what an ME seminar is like.



                  • Hi jtkya!

                    Originally posted by jtkya View Post
                    Hi Sharyn,

                    I caught up to Stephen at the seminar and we did have a chance to chat a bit but because he was interning there his time was very limited. We actually spent more time together on the last day cleaning up the room after everyone had left!Thanks for the info!

                    Wow, it was great to meet you jtkya! I wish we would have more time to chat but it seems we were both interacting with so many others at the seminar. Yet, I could feel your presence there several times when I was just walking into a room or an area which was a cool thing to observe for me!

                    I just loved being there doing whatever was needed even cleaning up after the 'party' that might be a good way to describe attending one of these seminars!

                    Your day by day description of the seminar is awesome! We need it over here!

                    Peace brother,



                    • Going to Balitmore

                      I signed up to go to the Seminar in Baltimore next year. I can't wait. There are things that transform well with two-point for me and others that don't. This stuff is amazing.
                      Marnyka Z. Buttry
                      Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                      • December 2007 Seattle Practitioners Certification Seminar...

                        Hi Folks!

                        Ok, John did such a great job on the blow by blow description of this recent seminar that I don't wish to cover all that again but rather a more conversational relating of my own personal experience.

                        The short version: It Freakin' Rocked!

                        Longer version:

                        Day 1: Drive from my city in British Columbia down to Seattle starting on thursday evening after a full day of work. I had to drop my kids off with family in Vancouver then straight on down to the seminar location. I arrived there early Friday afternoon as being in the Practitioners Certification, there are a lot of extra sessions to attend for personal growth and application of ME. There was a large special room set aside for the PC attendees. It was to be a 'quiet room' for everyone was on a very personal intimate journey with what the ME experience was going to bring them for the next 5 days. LOL, I was doing pretty good, until I saw a good friend and then made a ton of happy fun noise and got shushed hehe.

                        The early meeting started around 3pm and involved a very heartwarming but solemn sort of meditative experience as Sharyn (with ME staff) led us through entering the state of personal transformation. This included being open to what we each would notice coming up for us and the open offer at any time to approach her or others on the PC staff to have any help we needed in going through this process. Additionally, details of what the different attendees were assigned to do was discussed. Essentially, there were

                        1) those in the PC training who were attending there first seminar. This meant they had to attend at least one more as well as had 1 year to gather the hours of practicing M.E. in a journal in order to complete their training.

                        2) those in the PC training who had already attended at least one seminar and had their hours or close to it, to complete the certification.

                        3) those attending who were doing the PC training and also were signed up to be Interns (I was one of these). Being and Intern meant that you were Staff and representing ME to the gathered guests. I am SO glad that I was signed up for this as it led to many very powerful and amazing experiences for me, including a feeling of great gratitude for being included with the 'team'.

                        During the meeting, assignments were handed out to the Interns. I was one of the last to get my assignment and I didn't care what it was - I had no expectations and was just plain happy to be a part of it all! Anyhow, I ended up being one of two new Interns joining the team of established 'catchers'!!! This was incredible for me! During the seminars, Dr. Bartlett brings many people up to the stage to demonstrate ME on. Many times these people go through an amazing personal transformation right there, and often this means the brain kind of does a 'reboot' leading to many different possible physical manifestations. Sometimes its just a little swaying right on up to a major collapse to the floor. Though it is unheard of that people ever get hurt during such a collapse - it seems that they are 'looked after' through this shift - there is still a very active effort to catch them and ease them to the floor or perhaps just stand there with them leaning (usually heavily lol) against you. A 'catcher' is the person who stands behind or near the person. It was a very important job since there is a very dynamic seminar environment up on the stage and Dr. B can being moving around a lot and extremely unpredictably. He might suddenly get a whole bunch of people up there and catchers are coming up quickly to adapt to the situation as best they can - it can be QUITE chaotic (which I think is just the way he likes it lol). I've often seen him 'zap' the catchers too so they collapse, just to spice things up a bit LOL. Anyhow, I got this assignment and took to it with enthusiasm and seriousness (on the inside) as I wanted to do a good job. Oh, and the catchers were to try to be as 'invisible' as possible because you're not the centre of attention there, and the whole thing is being videotaped so you were to try and avoid ever being in front of the people, thus blocking the camera. So ya, I really got into this job and though they started using me a little at a time to try me out, gradually they sent me up there more and more - I was all smiles!

                        After the end of the seminar that evening, it was time to catch up with some friends I've made since my first June ME seminar, then off to my accommodations. At this point, I had been up for over 40 hours from when I started work at 530am thursday morning I was doing really good though, so no worries! I had a buzzing, a tremour running through me while I was there at the seminar - just filled with energy for how I knew 'anything could happen'!

                        Oh, another cool thing about being an Intern - I didn't have to wait in the lineups to get in - I was already in like Flynn anytime I wanted!

                        Next, day 2!

                        In gratitude,



                        • Hi Marnyka!

                          Originally posted by marnyka View Post
                          I signed up to go to the Seminar in Baltimore next year. I can't wait. There are things that transform well with two-point for me and others that don't. This stuff is amazing.
                          How awesome that you are signed up for Baltimore! I'm sure you will love it!

                          With your two-pointing, see if you can step into a reality where 'all things transform well' for you. Maybe you could ask yourself: "If transformation were always to occur, or to occur here, what would that look like?"

                          I do believe that you are facilitating (by offering yourself up to be the Door, to the Doer) transformation EVERY TIME! What often gets in the way is our (yes OUR, because I too have and do face this situation) Judgment of what has occurred. We feed into the experience our expectations of what that transformation must look like, and then feel we 'haven't done anything' if the results don't fit.

                          Soooo first of all, we don't 'do' anything - that is taken care of by Something Else, for lack of a better label for the unlabelable lol, but rather that Something Else seems to be willing and ready to effect change based upon a Consciousness (you) Intending it. Maybe thats a good label - The Unlabelable One

                          What can help get into a place where we see more transformation - from a strictly experiential level - is to have NO expectations that something *defined this way* MUST occur or else 'nothing happened'. Perhaps we could always TRUST that a shift has occurred but that we may not know exactly what that looks like and we're Totally Cool With That! That Trust is pivotal to allowing full transformation to occur AND to opening our awareness to what that might look like - for the very reason that we have not boxed in what that might look like by our own judgments!

                          Your excitement is SO contagious - its thrilling to see you thrilling away with this!

                          In Grateful Transformation,



                          • Have fun in Baltimore!

                            Originally posted by marnyka View Post
                            I signed up to go to the Seminar in Baltimore next year. I can't wait. There are things that transform well with two-point for me and others that don't. This stuff is amazing.
                            I'm sure you'll love your first seminar experience. Have fun!

                            As for the things that don't transform well, try focusing more on the outcome, rather than the process. For example, I might want my car's engine to run better so I'll two point the spark plugs, pistons, crank shaft, oil, etc. That would keep me in a problem state or the state of solving a problem.

                            Instead, it might be better for me to focus on me driving down the road smoothly with no problems at all. By focusing on your end result rather than the process of getting to that end result, you'll let the matrix flow freely and find the best solution for your issue.



                            • Hello Everyone!!

                              Hi there,

                              I am so happy to have found you all here! This is a great forum, and it feels like PATHS is definitely a way to go. I just have to post a bit quickly tonight, as I have a dental appt. in the morning, and I'm behind in getting that deep sleep!

                              That said, I've been doing ME since June 2006, so I've been at some of the seminars various ones of you have been attending. I was in Seattle last June where I completed the Certified Practitioner training (yay!). Then I went to SFO in July, LA in October and Phx in Nov. I am slated to be in San Diego in January. I was one of those Facilitators for those, and I did a noontime seminar on Sundays with the Hands-on-Archetypes..... if anyone passed by and played....

                              Look forward to seeing some of you at a seminar; if you are coming to San Diego, please introduce yourself to me. I'm easy to find as I am staffing and often sit in the back (minding one of the corners ;.) ).




                              • Thank you for the advice

                                Just wanted to say thanks for the advice.

                                My husband had a fever on Christmas day (103). He asked me to 2 point him. I started off with 'no sickness'. Then I noticed his breathing. Very quick, almost panting. So I changed my focus to breathing like me (calm and steady) and 98.6 degrees. The breathing changed almost immediately. His temperature dropped to 101 in about 10-15 minutes. I let him sleep after that.

                                At that same time, my son (Bam-Bam Jr. ) Smashed a large plastic snow globe in. I started working on it the day we were leaving. I had an I could feel the connection, but it wouldn't fix itself. Just as we were about to leave, I was telling myself 'you are about to leave, get it over with' and I took a big deep breathe. The whole thing moved under my hands ...scared me and I lost focus. I didn't fix it.

                                Learned my lesson regarding agenda (mine was how I expected it to transform) I have to remind myself that there are infinite possibilities.
                                Marnyka Z. Buttry
                                Divine Openings Giver & Healer

