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Matrix Energetics

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  • Welcome!

    Originally posted by Avatarza View Post
    Hi there,

    I am so happy to have found you all here! This is a great forum, and it feels like PATHS is definitely a way to go. I just have to post a bit quickly tonight, as I have a dental appt. in the morning, and I'm behind in getting that deep sleep!

    That said, I've been doing ME since June 2006, so I've been at some of the seminars various ones of you have been attending. I was in Seattle last June where I completed the Certified Practitioner training (yay!). Then I went to SFO in July, LA in October and Phx in Nov. I am slated to be in San Diego in January. I was one of those Facilitators for those, and I did a noontime seminar on Sundays with the Hands-on-Archetypes..... if anyone passed by and played....

    Look forward to seeing some of you at a seminar; if you are coming to San Diego, please introduce yourself to me. I'm easy to find as I am staffing and often sit in the back (minding one of the corners ;.) ).



    WELCOME Isara!

    I am so very happy you have come to this board and also this thread! I wish so much I could devote more time to sharing all of the freakin' awesome stuff about M.E., however, I am packing a lot into every moment of the day with 'work' and raising my two boys.

    Nonetheless, I am happy to be able to reply now and say WOW, we have ourselves a real-live Facilitator on the board now!!! Awesome!

    I was at that seminar in June in Seattle (the PC one) - it was my first!
    Also, as you might have seen from this thread, I also went to Hawaii in August and got level I, II, and freakin' III as well! Then off to Seattle in December for my PC training and certification as well.

    I do desire to go to the Vancouver seminar in March as well as the one in Seattle in May - I'm addicted!

    Ok, one quick M.E. story out of dozens and dozens I've had! My oldest son (6) had a Xmas play he was a part of. However, he has at times been very shy and so the night of the play, I picked him and his brother up for a quick meal and then back to school for the program. He said in the car that he REALLY didn't want to do it and I could tell he meant it. So I found dropped down, set intention, had two points and did some other M.E. Mumbo Jumbo (u know what i mean ) and 'let go'. We went back to the school... I could already see the shift happening in him. We parted ways as he went to his classroom to get ready and I went to the gym to sit down. After the play started and various things were going on from other schoolkids, he came out with his group and was ALL SMILES. He waved at me over and over and looked SO confident! I am pleased to say that this has not been a one shot deal, as he has been far less shy all these weeks from then until now One story amongst many - I am so grateful for this wonderful gift into our lives!

    Again, welcome to the board and to this thread!

    In Matrix Magick,



    • Awesome Marnyka!

      Originally posted by marnyka View Post
      Just wanted to say thanks for the advice.
      My husband had a fever on Christmas day (103). He asked me to 2 point him. I started off with 'no sickness'. Then I noticed his breathing. Very quick, almost panting. So I changed my focus to breathing like me (calm and steady) and 98.6 degrees. The breathing changed almost immediately. His temperature dropped to 101 in about 10-15 minutes. I let him sleep after that.
      At that same time, my son (Bam-Bam Jr. ) Smashed a large plastic snow globe in. I started working on it the day we were leaving. I had an I could feel the connection, but it wouldn't fix itself. Just as we were about to leave, I was telling myself 'you are about to leave, get it over with' and I took a big deep breathe. The whole thing moved under my hands ...scared me and I lost focus. I didn't fix it.
      Learned my lesson regarding agenda (mine was how I expected it to transform) I have to remind myself that there are infinite possibilities.
      You are MOST powerful at doing Matrix Energetics - not because YOU are the DOER but because you are a VERY GOOD DOOR-ER! You are able to crack open that door to something bigger than you and get out of the way to allow for transformation. Feeling scared it OK! Its part of your experience and the next time it doesn't have to be that way - you will know more of what you are facilitating with this most amazing consciousness technology.

      Also, that is a MOST useful lesson you got regarding agenda - a real gift to further progressing in your M.E. skillzzzzz

      Thank you for sharing your awesome story!

      I too, have another one to share. A workmate, who is a good friend, at a conference had not been feeling well and eventually noticed his arm was feeling numb and a chest pain. Some others at the conference had first aid training and immediately scooped him up and took him to the hospital that was only 5 minutes away. He just barely missed having a full-blown 'heart attack'. I soon after began Matrix distance play for my friend regarding his 'heart stuff'. After the conference, I went to visit him and he was in stable condition considering how serious it could have been. So, later that night in my hotel, I dropped down, entering the state and used a surrogate (hotel pillow ) to do some M.E. play with him. The really weird thing was that after a bit I noticed that the pillow seemed to be 'breathing' . My eyes were closed, but the calibrating part of me wished to do just a little bit of testing to notice what I was noticing. Still keeping my eyes closed, I checked if the pillow was moving from my hands in conjunction with my own breathing - nope. I stopped short of opening my eyes, because I didn't want to pop the bubble of experiencing this magickal moment. So, I just continued to do M.E. play while the pillow moved up and down under my hands. I then matched my breathing with the pillow so I could fully be in rapport with my friend lol. I am happy to say that the man is doing very well at home now and has had basically the least problematic outcome to what could have been the end!

      In Peace,



      • For Stephen!

        I have been impressed with your ME abilities since DAY ONE! YOU are GIFTED! I am also aware that your sons are profoundly fortunate to have a father that is so AWARE of what they need!!! Stephen, as I have said to you before, YOU ARE AMAZING AT ME!!! This is no coincidence!!

        I also know that you will be writing several books on this matter! I would not dare to post this if it did not test 100% strong!! So enjoy your good fortune and live the life you are meant to live!! YOU ARE POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE!!

        I am looking forward to your works and what you will do for this world, just by working on yourself!!! Life truly is absolutely fabulous!! Thank you so very much, tephen!



        • Way to go Stephen!

          Excellent tephen!
          I have to agree with Grace.
          It's always great reading your insights and experiences with M E., I appreciate the humor and your encouragement also!
          M E is something I wanna do. Gotta make it to a seminar. Ha, and it would be the coolest to meet you at one of those.

          You are very worthy of the !
          I'll have to see if I can join that club, he he

          Thanks again for all your help,
          With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

          Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


          • im still here

            hey guys, im still here. i have been so busy with the pet store i hardly log on anymore. i have been trying hard to 2 point the store, but something is still askew. i am in the process of selling it right now, although i hate the thought of losing my dream.

            i have experienced the weirdest thing with 2 pointing. what has been happening is that my 2 point questions are becoming reality, but only in my dreams. every night this week i have had dreams of successful pet stores that i owned, tons of money given to me for free, and even dreams of being a hero type persona (personal fantasy of mine).

            today i have started to change my qwuestions to include "in THIS time and space, in this universe and place". i hope that helps.


            • Adam Ant

              Let me know when you become the super hero and we will form the Justice League!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              I think that's really cool. I wil be going to my first seminar at the end of February in Baltimore.

              My son (20 months) were playing 'blow on the stomach' and his head knocked my jaw out of line yesterday. That was as close to getting knocked out that I have ever been.... N E way. I two-pointed it and was too emotionally attached at the time and couldn't let it go. Went to the emergency room because I couldn't close my mouth or even chew. Didn't help either. Day goes on, I two point it again, I go to sleep and it's back to where it is supposed to be. I'm learning that everything isn't instant.
              Marnyka Z. Buttry
              Divine Openings Giver & Healer


              • Hello Everyone,
                I also haven't had much time to post lately but am enjoying catching up & reading everyone's experiences.

                Hello Isara, I know that I have said "hello" else where on the board to you, but it is great to have you find your way here also!

                Marnyka, it sounds as if you are doing fantastically well with your 2 point, especially since you haven't yet attended your first seminar. I had a similar experience to yours with your husband regarding a fever.

                Some months ago I did a session on a friend who had a bad sinus infection & cough They had in fact just gone that day to have chest xrays taken as the doctor wanted to check if it was turning to pneumonia.

                When I called her she had just gotten up to take her temperature which was over 103 deg & she was feeling so rotten that she was going to go back to bed. As I worked on her with archetypes I suddenly heard her begin taking deep breaths through her nose & I thought to myself that "something must be working because I can hear her breathing & her nose sounds as if it has cleared".

                Then all of a sudden she said to me "Sharyn, my temperature has gone down to 101 deg." (She had a thermometer in her mouth which I hadn't realised). So I said to her "Well let's see if it can go down to normal".

                I had an image of an old fashioned mini ice truck spontaneously appear. It pulled up next to her & a little man got out with a big block of ice & put it under her feet. At the same time a shower head appeared positioned over her head pouring water. Within a minute she told me that her temperature was back down to normal & that she felt well and was now going to stay up & begin work. The whole process only took several minutes.

                I've also found ME very useful for burns. I ME'd myself, including just this week, as I've managed to burn myself twice in recent times.

                A few weeks ago I reached across the hot plate on the stove to a pot on the back jet, & caught the underside of my lower arm on the metal lid of the pot in front. The burn really stung & came up in a long welt. I 2 pointed it & within a couple of minutes the pain had disappeared & the welt sank down showing just a red mark on my arm. Next morning when I woke up there was just a pale pink fine line left as if someone had drawn a pencil line on my arm.

                This week I was filling a hot water bottle from the electric jug & I was unwisely as it turned out, supporting it against myself as I was screwing in the cork. Unfortunately, part of the rubber had perished & a small opening suddenly appeared in the bottom of the bag & poured the water over my stomach . I received a burn the area of several cms (2 x 2 inches) before I realised what was happening & felt it through my clothes. It was very red & stinging like mad.

                I 2 pointed it & the pain went away instantly & the red area shrank to less than half its size & became a pale pink color. So the burn didn't completely disappear but the pain did, so I thought that was a good outcome. I find that it is not as easy to 2 point myself & maintain focus when I am actually experiencing the NOW moment of pain as it is working on someone else!

                Love, Light & Blessings,
                Theta Healing
                Paths 2 Potential

                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                • today was extremely cold here, -20f with the wind chill factor. i was nervouse about my jeep starting(parked outside) so i two pointed my starter and battery to work like brand new. i turned the key... it started fine. i said "thank you" in my mind and then drove to the grocery store. when i came back out, the thing would not start.
                  i called my dad to help me (mechanic for 40 years) and he and i got it to the store. he opened up the battery and simply filled it back up with water... and now the jeep starts like new.

                  so it took a round about situation to bring the jeeps battery to the condition that i had asked for. i wonder if i had not two pointed in the first place, maybe the jeep would have continued to start in its normal/slow start fashion.

                  kind of deep huh?

                  nice to meet you marnyka, i havnt become a super hero... yet.



                  • two-pointing dvd's

                    Hi Bryan,

                    I had a similar direct/indirect experience with two-pointing. I was watching a movie and the frame kept locking up in the same spot. It just wouldn't get past a certain spot. I two-pointed and suddenly heard myself saying "Go clean the disc." I went to open the dvd player, took out the disc and sure enough, it had fingerprints all over it from the video store. The solution passively came to my conscious mind instead of me actively trying to figure out what is wrong. I cleaned it off, put it back in and the movie played fine.

                    If I didn't two-point it, would I have spent a few more minutes wasting time hitting fast forward/rewind, etc... lol
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • then that makes me wonder if the Two pointing somehow subconsciously knows which is the MOST effective way to answer/solve our questions.
                      will a "magical" quantum jolt fix it, or is it simply easier to walk over (physically) and fix it ourselves.

                      interesting that we even distinguish between physical and spiritual (quantum) duality constantly, i bet the universe looks at it all as ONE. physical or quantum, there is no difference, it is our perception that changes.


                      • My first 2 point...

                        Hello everyone, I have been reading this thread for a long time, but never posted cause I really did not know anything about ME other than what I read here. I have been wanting to get the book and really wanting to go to a seminar, but those doors have not quite yet opened up... Very soon! I would like to go to May seminar in Seattle. I will order the book probably the begining of Febuary.

                        So this all said, I attempted my first 2 point today. It was awesome! Stephen game me a quick lesson the other night on MSN. This is sooooo fun! I am definitely going to manifest the seminar. First we worked through some stuff over messenger, and then he gave me a quick how to do a 2 point.

                        This afternoon I printed out our entire conversation and read through it. Then I sat on my bed with my pillow as my surrogate and found the two points and then progressed as we had the other night on messenger. It was so cool! The 2 points on the pillow shortly connected to 2 points on my person forming a square. I got very dizzy throughout the process, and am assuming some kind of shift took place. When I finished... I laid down on my bed that I was sitting on and fell sound to sleep... a dizzy sleep! LOL! That in and of itself was a major shift for me to fall into a deep sleep easily and quickly! I am excited about that continuing! I was 2 pointing jobs and housing Izooooz (as Stephen puts it) I have one job, but it will not completely get me off of welfare, so I am working on getting another job before this one starts that will pay well enough to get me off of welfare.

                        Oh also, I got a call today about more graphic design. I am currently working on some for a local store, and out of the blue another client called me, that I did not know was a possible client! Awesome! I think that had something to do with what Stephen and I worked on the other night cause it was before I did my thing this afternoon, although who knows just thinking about working on it may have shifted a paradigm! I don't know, but as of right now I test really low for taking the first job I was offered this last week, and am testing very high for a job that pays what I desire for myself and to get me off the welfare! This is very exciting, and I just wanted to share with you all!

                        Well especially since Stephen is just not listening to my mind link to get onto MSN! So I can share with him! Oh and if you hear a very loud shreak or excited scream it is me, moving out of the shelter! Hehehe! Don't get me wrong I so appreciate this place and I am so glad to have experienced this! There is nothing like being labeled homeless by society and the government to really give you a new outlook on life! Not to mention how much I have gained from being in here and the perspective I have gained from the people who are also in here and those who are repeat guests in this house! I have so much to be grateful for this place, but I will also celebrate my moving out!

                        Blessings to all,
                        Sallyjane zartgirl


                        • good luck with that, i hope it all pans out for you.

                          not that my 2-poiting is being really effective (in this realm but if you want ill send you a 2-point. let me know.


                          • Teacher needed forllearning two-point

                            Dear members of the Matrix Energetic thread,

                            My name is Jan Knegt and I am a 44 years young male from The Netherlands. For more than 15 years now I am a RN specialized in paediatrics but am also a medical school student and hope to become a MD in about 2 1/2 years.
                            I hope to start my own practice using mostly alternative healing modalities and what I read about Matrix Energetics is very interesting.
                            I read the book recently and started to learn the two-point method. First I tried several time to practice using my desk as the stickpad. But was not sure if I felt connection between the two-points. I tried to mentally conncect with drawing a line between them. I also tried to feel if the points wete attrackted to each other. But was not sure if I felt the connect. I also started to use an acupunture doll as a surrogate for myself but find it difficult first to find two points and after I 'found' two points to feel the connection between them. Maybe I use too much my mental mind.
                            Can someone help me to learn how to find the two points and how to connect these points mentally?
                            Thank You very much for Your help!!!

                            With greetings from Holland


                            • A Few Thoughts

                              Hi Jan,

                              I think that you are probably still trying to analyse everything too much in the moment. First, don't worry abut trying to find the "correct" spots where you feel a sticking motion, as to my way of thinking there are no correct spots to set up for a 2 point.

                              Try sitting/standing with your eyes closed when you are feeling relaxed or even when you are tired, as sometimes this helps to get the conscious mind more out of the way & begin by asking yourself "If I knew where two spots for the 2 point would be, where would they be?"

                              Don't analyse it, just let your fingers intuitively find a couple of spots on the surface or surrogate that you are using knowing that anywhere is ok. DO NOT start letting your mind think "I can't find/feel anything". "I wonder if these are the right spots etc". Just go to any 2 places & stay in a relaxed state, accept that those 2 spots are perfect. Then try & visually imagine a connection happening between them. Use whatever works for you eg an arc forming across the 2 points, a curved bridge forming across the 2 points, a piece of string,elastic, a rainbow, whatever comes to mind.

                              At the same time try asking "If I could feel a connection between the 2 point what would it feel like?" Concentrate on visualising some sort of flow or connection between the 2 points whilst at the same time feeling it. At this stage make it up & pretend that you are doing it if you are still finding this step difficult. Just acknowledge & KNOW that they are connected even if you don't really feel it or believe that it is happening at this stage. GO with the FLOW!

                              I tend to feel a sinking, dissolving feeling which begins with my head & will flow down to my fingers. So next try asking yourself "What would it feel like if my fingers were dissolving into the surface?" See if you can get to a point where you can just completely relax & let go & feel (imagine that you are feeling) that you have a connection between the 2 points & now your fingers are now beginning to dissolve & merge into the surface you are 2 pointing on & that you are feeling a softening effect.

                              Once you get to that stage, stay in the state,set your intention & just let go of it.

                              As I mentioned in a previous post, I never found trying to find the sticking point on surfaces worked for me. I found it easier at first to just try doing it on people. When I work remotely I also don't find that I need to use surrogates I just do it in my head.

                              In fact, sometimes I've found that a change has occurred for the person even before I've consciously set up the intention to do a 2 point. There is no right or wrong way. This happened when I was having a phone call with my sister a couple of months back. She mentioned in passing that she had had a bad neck for months & couldn't turn it & nothing had seemed to help so I offered to do some ME on her on the phone.

                              I had literally just begun tuning into her & to told her that I was drawn to the right side of her neck, which she then confirmed to me was the side giving her trouble,when she suddenly interjected in a very surprised voice that the pain was gone & she was now able to move her neck freely. I hadn't consciously even got as far as doing a 2 point, it all only took seconds & she has had no problem with her neck since.

                              Above all, it just takes practise, not trying too hard & know that any way is the right way for you. Hope that helps in some way, Jan.

                              Love, Light & Blessings

                              Theta Healing
                              Paths 2 Potential

                              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                              • Could someone please two point me so I can two point?????

                                Thanks in advance, Yoda!!!!!

