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Matrix Energetics

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  • Books

    Aaron wrote:

    "Hi Lance,

    Welcome to the forum! One other resource you might find helpful to put the puzzle together is Bruce Lipton's Biology for Belief... great companion study to Sheldrake's.

    Thanks for the recommendadion. I actually have that book on my Amazon's wish list! Next on my night stand book queue: "The Genie in your Genes", which touches on some of the same themes.

    Last edited by lgambis; 02-29-2008, 09:58 PM.


    • Just attended my FIRST seminar, I am hooked!!!

      Just wanted to let everyone know I just got out of my first seminar here in Baltimore. I signed up for Practioner Certification as well. It was everything I thought it would be and more. I finally "got out of the way". It's so nice to now you don't have to do anything. That took the burden off of me and I two-pointed with ease. I will be attending the level 3 in Miami and will attend another Level 1 and 2 later in the year. I will be well on my way to certification by the end of the year at the latest.
      Marnyka Z. Buttry
      Divine Openings Giver & Healer


      • To Stephen,

        I just wanted to let you know I was shifting as I was reading your experience of the seminar. That was great.

        Marnyka Z. Buttry
        Divine Openings Giver & Healer


        • Matrix seminar

          Way to go!!! We're waiting to hear all the details!!!


          • Hi Marnyka ~

            I am so thrilled for you I agree with Debbie (welcome to the forum by the way Debbie!!) I am dying to hear more.

            I know just a little bit about matrix energies, only what Stephen has been kind enough to post. I would love it if you could share your knowlege with us. It sounds absolutely fascinating. My plate is a little full to add anything else to it, but I really will like to know more about this
            Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


            • Congratulations Marnyka!!
              I'm so excited for you!!!

              Like Pammie, I'd lOve to hear more about your experience there.

              Love and Light and Magic xxx
              Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
              Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
              Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


              • Baltimore Seminar

                Originally posted by marnyka View Post
                Just wanted to let everyone know I just got out of my first seminar here in Baltimore. I signed up for Practioner Certification as well. It was everything I thought it would be and more. I finally "got out of the way". It's so nice to now you don't have to do anything. That took the burden off of me and I two-pointed with ease. I will be attending the level 3 in Miami and will attend another Level 1 and 2 later in the year. I will be well on my way to certification by the end of the year at the latest.
                Hi Marnika: Glad you made it to the seminar. I too would love to hear more about the seminar? How many people attended? What was the set-up? I'm still debating whether to go to the April seminar in upstate NY, or wait till July for Newark (cheaper b/c I live nearby but 5 months away...)

                Take care,



                • Greg Maden - ME parallels // Two-pointing state

                  I just listened to a podcast by Gregg Braden (Theater of The Mind) talking about the Divine Matrix. It's fascinating how ME and other modalities are all essentially talking about the same thing. The field, the matrix, the Conscience of Nature.

                  In an interview, Maden talks about the miraculous disappearance of a tumor in medicine-less hospital in China:

                  "There was a woman who has been diagnosed with an inoperable bladder cancer three inches in diameter. Western doctors have said that they couldn’t help her. As a last resort she found herself at the medicineless hospital where she was trained to nourish her body in new ways, to move in gentle life-affirming movements, to breath life-affirming breath. As she implemented those life-affirming changes into her daily routines, it made sense for her to undergo the process that was demonstrated in the video. Three practitioners are feeling the feeling as if she has already been healed and in two minutes and 40 seconds her body mirrors that quality of emotion and through the miracle of ultra sound we can peer into her body. In viewing the video, we can actually see into her bladder and see her cancerous condition reverse itself."

                  It sounds like those Chinese doctors are two-pointing, or what Maden calls the heart-based emotion? Is it? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the state of mind/soul/heart one needs to cultivate to be successful at two-pointing.

                  Should I simply not worry about this, attend the seminar and see what happens?



                  • Matrix in a nutshell

                    One thing the seminar did for me was turn my brain into a big bowl of mush. So I actually don't remember much right now. This is what I do remember...

                    This is all my opinion.

                    It works best when you don't try and you make it up. It can be a technique but it doesn't have to be limited to that. I always could do it even if I wouldn't have read the book. The seminar allowed me to start realizing the different ways I could 'measure' the change.

                    It is very hard to teach something that is just there. For me it was more about letting me see how many boxes I have put myself in that I should start deconstructing.

                    You are as good as the people on the stage showing you, you just have to begin to open yourself up to realize it. I'm working on that.

                    I promise I will share more when I can be more eloquent.

                    One more thing.. If you are familiar with "Busting Loose from the Money Game" and are understanding it all not being real......then you can take the "not real" stuff, and manipulate it into whatever you want to make it more useful for you.

                    My life sucks, I have headaches, my blah blah blah blah blah (Charlie Brown's teacher) Imagine ever single thing is a car on a train and they are in front of you. To you this "information" is not useful to you in this form. Pretend like you're moving the train cars around. Mix them up and then pretend that the train is going back in you (down your mouth, in your ear.. doesn't matter, it's not real) Then say "if the info was re-presented to me in this way, how could it be useful for me, and what would it feel like?" Recognize what shows up... a tingle, a shift, whatever, even nothing. Know that it did change.
                    Marnyka Z. Buttry
                    Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                    • Hello everyone, I'm brand new here!

                      I found this website by running a search on Matrix Energetics, about which I am very excited. After having devoured the ME website, read much of the ME forum, watched the video clips on the website, read the book, consulted with a local chiro who went to the seminar himself, listened to hours of archived radio broadcasts... I have registered for the Level I and II seminar in Phoenix next month. I am so looking forward to this!

                      Many congrats to those who have already been to the seminar! Your energy is contagious, so keep it flowing, please.

                      I plan to post both here and on the ME website after I return from Phoenix. In the meantime, I have been "playing" around with it quite a bit. My first play session was incredible, possibly because I had no expectations. Now that I have had results, it's more difficult to "let go", I just want results so badly every time!

                      Right now I seem to be able to work on myself more easily than others. Again, probably because my expectation of being ABLE to work on myself is so low. I'll do my best to keep it that way.

                      A bit of an intro... I'm an American certified massage therapist living in Cozumel, Mexico. I've been here for almost 10 years and can't imagine moving back to the States to live. I get up there a couple of times a year to visit family or to take a massage class, and it feels very foreign at this point. It's a nice place to visit...

                      Enough about me! Hope to meet some of you in Phoenix or perhaps further down the road.

                      Barefoot in Cozumel
                      Massage: Barefoot in Cozumel


                      • Greetings


                        Guess it's time to come out from anonymity and say "Howdy".
                        Thanks for a wonderful forum. It really does help to read about
                        other's experiences and answers to problems.

                        Like some others, I've been a sponge trying to absorb everything
                        I can about ME. It is surprising how much is available if one is
                        really interested and willing to put in the time searching. All of
                        this though has just made it even more obvious how valuable
                        the seminar experience is. So I plan to attend Level 1
                        and 2 soon. There will be one in the near future close enough
                        not to require as much cash for travel as for the seminar.
                        Those on the West Coast have a decided advantage. Lucky

                        I do have a problem and would value any feed back. Has any
                        one else had a problem with being visual enough? While I can
                        daydream with the best of them, I don't have much luck
                        visualizing while practicing ME. There seems to be a disconnect.

                        Any suggestions will be very much appreciated. It really puts a
                        hitch in my practicing archetypes and such. By the way auditory
                        and feeling haven't worked with this too well either.


                        • I seem to go back to the same few visualizations over and over. For those times when the images are not flowing as smoothly as I like, I thought I'd find photos of those images on the internet and print them out to laminate. Here are a few of the images I use:

                          Pillsbury Dough Boy (can you hear the giggle?)
                          Play Doh
                          Silly Putty

                          Basically anything that helps me see the body as something else, pliable and transformable! The downside is relying on these images and blocking the flow of new ones which may be the ones needed for the transformation to occur.

                          So it's a crutch that I may or may not use. If I choose to use it, it will just be for those times when I'm having more difficulty with the flow.

                          I haven't taken the seminar yet, does this make sense?


                          • Seeing with ME

                            Richard said "If you can close your eyes and see your front door, you can "see". If you can't see it, can you feel it.

                            I thought I couldn't see either. My assumption was that I was going to see an image when I closed my eyes. Or look up and see something materialize out of thin air.

                            That is not to say that cannot occur. But if you're not used to seeing anything, you gotta start somewhere. I thought archetypes were going to be people or things that I had to see. The basic archetypes are geometric symbols.....They are everywhere in your daily life. So I started noticing when I was drawn to a square, circle, triangle.... The more you let yourself notice things, the more you will get to 'see' things. I did start seeing little things when I closed my eyes. For me imagination is the key. Also, ask yourself this question - "If you could 'see' would you be able to handle it?' Everytime I've had something happen it freaked me out so I now get baby steps of information so I can handle it better.
                            Marnyka Z. Buttry
                            Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                            • Welcome BMarie!

                              Hi BMarie,

                              to Energetic Forum. You've hit the jackpot if you're looking for people who are talented and skilled with Matrix Energetics!
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Two-Pointing help


                                I was wondering if someone can "point" me in the right direction to get a a more detailed description (I already read RB's book) of the two-pointing technique, on this thread or on the ME thread.

                                Is it better to start on one's self with a proxy?

                                And thanks, Sally, for those visualization "crutches". I might try that.



