phoenix seminar
High everyone...(oops)!!
Just finished level 1, and level 2 is stretched out before me today!! Can't begin to express how AWESOME this is. My mind has been stretched in so many different directions, the possibilities are endless. There were times when my judgements got in my way for a moment or two, and I decided Richard Bartlett was just TOTALLY insane, and what the hell was I doing playing in his reality
Then, the moment would pass, and I'd decide that his reality was one hell of a ride
He lends new dimensions to what we hold as "normal"
I kept looking at him, and Justice & Nate (his children) and wondering how wild and exciting their life must be....and how different from the rest of the world.
This morning, (at 4;00 a.m.), I'm making a point of noticing what is different. And I notice that I feel very "together". I feel STRONG, I feel POWERFUL, I feel full of expectation about all the things I'm going to learn today in Level 2. I also feel this overwhelming KNOWING that I SO WANT to do this over, and over, and over and over, and over.........and did I mention OVER again!! Once is just not enuff, it's just a wee little taste of the possibilities, dipping your toe in the ocean on a hot day, and just KNOWING that you've gotta immerse yourself.
There's SO MUCH information, and I'm just trusting that my brain will absorb everything that serves me, and that which will be useful to others. I'm telling myself, that I've just GOTTA go to another one, real soon! As, I'm just starting to get the idea of "letting go" of my need for the results and just playing with it. Last night when I got home, my husband's foot was hurting and he asked me to look at it and see if there was a splinter. Couldn't see I just 2 pointed it, and let it go without much concern whether it worked for it didn't. He got up a couple of minutes later, and said "Hey, it's all better now!!" He said it was an expensive sliver!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the energy in that room, I love the way my mind is racing and immediately getting the possibilities. This is the BEST vacation I've ever had in my life, and I haven't even left home. The partner I was working with yesterday said she had a big block in her way, and just couldn't "see" things. We were working on hallucinations!
Having had my fair share of them in my mis-spent youth, I easily play that game!! So I had her describe what her block looked like and where it was located, and just moved it for her.....and VOILA! She was a hallucinating fool
and pulling strings out of my back and dumping stuff on my head, and generally behaving in the most ridiculous, entertaining way
Too much fun!!! I really think I've gotta give up my calm, quiet, relaxing, laid-back, retirement life, and become a M.E. junky..........and take my place in the bigger picture of life. This is calling me in such a loud and obvious way, I'm not sure I can ignore it, even if I wanted to.
Any of you who are wondering if the seminar is "worth" it...........let me just say YES, YES, YES, YES...........the experience can't begin to compare to just reading a book and applying a technique. It's an alternate reality!!
Love you guys......and thanks for all the inspiration and the passion in your experiences with M.E. I might have deprived myself of this experience if it hadn't been for all of your stories!
High everyone...(oops)!!

This morning, (at 4;00 a.m.), I'm making a point of noticing what is different. And I notice that I feel very "together". I feel STRONG, I feel POWERFUL, I feel full of expectation about all the things I'm going to learn today in Level 2. I also feel this overwhelming KNOWING that I SO WANT to do this over, and over, and over and over, and over.........and did I mention OVER again!! Once is just not enuff, it's just a wee little taste of the possibilities, dipping your toe in the ocean on a hot day, and just KNOWING that you've gotta immerse yourself.
There's SO MUCH information, and I'm just trusting that my brain will absorb everything that serves me, and that which will be useful to others. I'm telling myself, that I've just GOTTA go to another one, real soon! As, I'm just starting to get the idea of "letting go" of my need for the results and just playing with it. Last night when I got home, my husband's foot was hurting and he asked me to look at it and see if there was a splinter. Couldn't see I just 2 pointed it, and let it go without much concern whether it worked for it didn't. He got up a couple of minutes later, and said "Hey, it's all better now!!" He said it was an expensive sliver!!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the energy in that room, I love the way my mind is racing and immediately getting the possibilities. This is the BEST vacation I've ever had in my life, and I haven't even left home. The partner I was working with yesterday said she had a big block in her way, and just couldn't "see" things. We were working on hallucinations!

Any of you who are wondering if the seminar is "worth" it...........let me just say YES, YES, YES, YES...........the experience can't begin to compare to just reading a book and applying a technique. It's an alternate reality!!
Love you guys......and thanks for all the inspiration and the passion in your experiences with M.E. I might have deprived myself of this experience if it hadn't been for all of your stories!
