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Matrix Energetics

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  • finally

    So glad that you are back and posting again. I have been checking!!
    Congratulations on being you and now on being a Master Practitioner!



    • Dead?

      I just found this thread a few days ago and have enjoyed reading much of it. It appears to have died last month though. If that's true, I find it unfortunate. My wife will be attending the ME levels 1-2 at the end of October and the level 3 in November. I would be attending with her but I have reservations at a riverside resort for the next year that I can't cancel.

      I've enjoyed reading how more and more people found ME and became friends on this board.



      • Thanks Doug!

        Originally posted by Doug View Post
        Stephen, Congratulations!!
        Master Practitioner? Perfect
        I like how you explained M.E. and it being a different paradigm in a way, not a different technique. I liked how Dr. Bartlett said it wasn't healing. It is shifting isn't it. The conventional "doctoring" that's been done for a gazillion years is very old school. Sure we've gone to medicine from homeopathic of yesteryear. But medicines have side effects (which are illnesses too) And, that's still healing either way. I'm sure it's a challenge having people being very "objective" in their questions about something that's really very "subjective" This is a way to get out of our own way in the creative process and access different versions of our own reality, eh?

        Speaking of subjectivity, the whole M.E. experience is totally subjective. It drives those commonly thought of as 'left-brain' really nuts sometimes. However, I think the right-brain, left-brain labels are just made up and everyone is a whole being with leanings in various ways in their thinking and that its always up to shift to different leanings lol. One of the greatest experiences of M.E. is being freed of the labels (label = millstone around the neck ) and well, just generally holding a space for the UNEXPECTED to show up! The Universe loves novelty, creativity and the 'weird' and will time and again especially respond to that which is a new combination of 'old' elements. The unique, the unusual, interesting, exotic. Its our paying attention to all the elements in our life that allow more of them to show up! There is no good or bad, just a response to what we create by our Observation and attention.

        One excellent way to get out of our own way is to practice innocent attention. Seeing things just as they are, before our judgement faculties kick in. For example, seeing a beautiful plant and immediately saying: 'Rose, red, still hasn't opened up yet', rather than seeing a miracle in action and accepting it just as it is. The rose does not know it is a rose - that is just an outside label applied by man in their neverending game of categorizing and focusing on structure. Structure - buildings, roads, houses, cars, planets, and our bodies - merely distract from the sublime Truth of what Is. Structure occupies most people's thoughts incessantly, yet structure is the most transitory part of Life. Structure comes and goes, but Love lasts forever.

        More and more I become aware that all structure games, including medicine - allopathic and homeopathic - are just as transitory and more about a self-correcting system of consciousness that eventually leads us to realizing WE are the system of transformation and beyond that, that we are God-manifest. WE are the eyes of God looking at God in everything that exists physically in 3rd dimension and in all that doesn't take physical form. A good practice is to go around in innocent perception and instead of seeing the structures, see God in everything. See it in so-called 'other' people. With some practice of dropping into the Heartspace of Love, I feel that we can see God even in those we might have at one time thought of as 'enemies' or certainly not OUR friends. Truly this is a magickal experience as in the moment we see this, we change the WHOLE game and after experiencing this a few times, it becomes more than a belief, it becomes a Known for us.

        Stephen, I like your "have an open mind" approach. Being too analytical, just slows us down-- especially those looking for proof. I wanna thank you and Sharyn and everyone else that has helped us absorb and know what's possible with this "portal"

        Your explanation to Rajan was great and it furthered my understanding of Matrix Energetics even more, Thanks!

        Again, M.E. leads one to the portal of consciousness that sees unity in all things, all peoples, all times. It is not a teaching per se of M.E. though certainly the idea is brought out at the seminars, but rather it is an experiential thing when one keeps up the practice and allows whatever it is that has such a limited label as 'M.E.' to flow through in one's life. We are so conditioned to needing 'proof' for our 'beliefs', but in experience we have our own 'proof' and when it comes to realizing at some point, that on some level, we are all just 'making it up', then that really blows the roof off of possibilities so that they become unlimited. WE are the directors AND the main actors in our own movie. WE make the sets, give out the scripts and hire and fire the actors in our movie. We, collectively, conscious and unconsciously may even be making up the so-called laws of physics etc, as more and more evidence is showing these are more like suggestions!

        Thanks again Doug!




        • Thank you Sherry!

          Originally posted by cablecreekcottage View Post
          So glad that you are back and posting again. I have been checking!!
          Congratulations on being you and now on being a Master Practitioner!

          Thanks and I hope to really crank up the stuff I'm doing in my life to more incorporate M.E. in interacting with people with a local Study group as well as a distance practice!

          In peace and love,



          • He's not dead yet! (Monty Python - Holy Grail lol)

            Originally posted by Raist View Post
            I just found this thread a few days ago and have enjoyed reading much of it. It appears to have died last month though. If that's true, I find it unfortunate. My wife will be attending the ME levels 1-2 at the end of October and the level 3 in November. I would be attending with her but I have reservations at a riverside resort for the next year that I can't cancel.

            I've enjoyed reading how more and more people found ME and became friends on this board.

            Just like M.E., the thread comes and goes in waves, R

            For myself, I have been traveling a lot, as well as the full-time job of raising two young sons, but I always think of this thread and all the wonderful people reading and posting here and on the whole ESM forum! I especially love to follow along Grace's thread on CEM as I find it awesome to see her Love in Action and its direct reflection in all the beautiful people becoming more of Who They Really Are by that interaction.

            Also, I recently had the MOST AWESOME PRIVILEGE and MET GRACE IN PERSON!!! Truly something that I am most grateful for - she is everything and more that the word 'Grace' signifies! (more on that later )

            Oh, and R, I have met several people on this thread at M.E. seminars! How awesome is that?!

            I hope you or your wife can give us a report on the seminar - that would be great!!!

            Thank you. In Peace,



            • For Stephen!

              It was a Blessing and a great Gift from the Universe to have you visit me! I can't begin to describe how magical that weekend still is in my mind! Watching you Practice M.E. while I made CEM corrections on my Family and friends together has been the greatest delight I have experienced so far with my energy work.

              You truly changed our lives, and the most amazing part is that IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!

              We make a powerful team, and so I am going to make a powerful intention that at the next Paths Conference we unite and do a workshop for everyone on Matrix Energetics and Chinese Energetic Medicine combined!

              I am already making corrections and sending much Love and Light to this life changing event! LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!




              • Originally posted by Grace View Post
                We make a powerful team, and so I am going to make a powerful intention that at the next Paths Conference we unite and do a workshop for everyone on Matrix Energetics and Chinese Energetic Medicine combined!

                I am already making corrections and sending much Love and Light to this life changing event! LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!

                When and where? I wanna be there!
                Blessings on the journey, Glenn
                Handmade Ceramic Gifts


                • Update

                  Just a quick update! As many of you who have read way back... I have been working on loosing weight, but not by dieting and all that jazz!

                  I started two pointing myself on this manner and also using the paths module healthy eating. What a powerful combination!

                  I have lost 35 lbs. I have dropped from 250lbs down to under 215lbs. I am still dropping. All of my sugar cravings have disapated completely. As a matter of fact I don't eat sweets anymore. I have given up my chocolate milk and I have no desire for these foods anymore!

                  It is sooo cool because all my clothes are sooo big on me now! My daughter refers to my jeans as my gangster pants, because they are like huge on me, and I walk around pulling them up! The other day we were at the park and I had my hands full of pebbles from the river, and she had to pull them up for me, cause I was about to loose them clear down to my ankles. Luckily she caught them!

                  Just a litte encouragement for you all... I have never gone to seminar! I have the book, but I learned to do this without even the book! I do suggest getting the book though it will make it easier. The challenge most have is that they do not believe they can do it, so they can't! I have always been one of those people who just does stuff, and doesn't think about if it is possible or not! I am not overly intellectual... okay, I am not dumb, but I float in a creative space far from most of your realities... some of you need to let go of your realities and come float with me!

                  YOU CAN DO THIS! IT AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE! Maybe quantum physics, but even I got the gist of that!

                  Just believe and you can change your REALITY!



                  • Ausome Water

                    There's been some interesting talk about this product on the Matrix Energetics forum:

                    Ausome Water - an awesome spiritual experience

                    connection - Matrix Energetics Message Boards

                    I've ordered the sample and look forward to giving it a try...

                    Love and Light,


                    • I have a sample waiting for me in Atlanta, where I will travel for Thanksgiving. I'll post my experiences as well.


                      • Seattle comin up

                        Anyone heading to Seattle?

                        Congrats!!! Steven. That is awesome and amazing how youve taken off with this!!! Are you still doin personal sessions if time allows? Thinkin of goin to the next "seminar"... would love to touch bases before...



                        • Why is this forum so dead????


                          • zeropoint

                            Just wanted to assure you that this is just a lull in the activity on the forum. I believe it is because of the holidays and whatever other exciting things that are manifesting through the Universe for many people. Just stick with it for a while.

                            I would suggest posting some of what you are experiencing and ask questions if you have them... Someone has to start the conversation going again! I personally would love to talk to you, and learn more, and answer any questions I can...

                            Everything will pick back up, probably very soon since the holidays and all the distractions are gone and now with the new year people are back to focussing on where they want to get to...

                            Blessings and Hugs Sallyjane


                            • Hi All!
                              I've just stayed up way too late going through ALL of these posts from the beginning and have found them so inspiring! Sallyjane, very exciting about your progress!

                              ME came into my consciousness a little over a month ago, I'm not sure how. I think I actually 'did' it a couple times....though maybe not 'properly'!!! But it worked!!!

                              There is a seminar coming here to Chicago in April.....I'm strongly thinking of taking it!!!!! I'm def looking for the pathway to go to the next level in shaping my life and helping other peeps. Does anyone have any guidence in deciding to do level 1 & 2 vs just level 1?

                              There are a few areas in my life I'm 'stuck' at...though there's no good reason... except I think the self can't remold it self running on such a low level (normal) vibration.

                              looking forward to this new dance!!!!

                              Thanks everybody for all this energy and inspiration!!!
                              Stephen...congrats on your Master Practitioner, even though it was last year....will you be in Chicago?

                              IN LOVE & GRATITUDE!
                              Life in Balance Ayurveda



                              • Nancy!!!

                                Thats exciting Nancy!!! When you go I'm sure you'll love it... your question is pretty apprapot (or however you spell that) to my experiences of attending. I have attended two level I and IIs. I however only signed up for level one (fri nite, sat, sun) both times. Both times I did not plan or expect to go farther. I figured one step at a time. First time It took me till afternoon of Sunday to aclimate (to what ever degree) myself to the environment and start to "get it" or trust might be a better word. I just didnt want to leave the feeling and experience of the whole thing at that point. So I scrounged the rest of the months food and utilities money and borrowed a tad to do Monday with absolutely no regrets. It all worked out $ and time wise...rather miraculously.

                                Second time a similar thing happened...A week before the next Seattle workshop I felt this inner alarmclock go "Check the website"...then "GO". Not seemingly planned ...I just went. I figured I wanted to reconnect with the energy/spirit/love/all possibility-ness that time and perhaps find some more of my spiritual "kin". While there unexpected doors opened up and I stayed again. I set a couple other intentions that time and was more clear why I was there...then that all seemed to dissappear once i was there. It felt like the Matrix responeded though by anty-ing up (giving) more back to me as well...and reminded me of my intentions later... with great connections with other attendees and syncronious messages.

                                I am sure everyone whos been to these has these stories of amazing connections and lightbulbs firing (and/or old fuses blowing ) One huge suggestion from my experience...Be totally honest. Set an intention of pefrect connections with the perfect people and trust.(it is an amazing collection of hundreds of wise and eclectic people/beings with all sorts of backgrounds!) Interacting and practicing with everyone is one of the huge gifts of being there. My greatest connections were in the not getting it moments or in the "all my stuff getting stirred up" times. Speak your truth be totally honest about what your experiencing and amazing doors will open. Its so not about PC-ness or fitting yourself into a "modality" or method.

                                Thats awesome with your experiences already. I am sure you ARE already doing it ... "proper" way . Thats one of the things I love about this...there is no "proper" way!!! I love that its such a non-modality. Its not like trying to squeeze our unlimitedness into yet another structure or box. It more about setting ourselves free of the boxes weve already constructed. There are tools but there is no "right" method of using them. The method is YOU. The true tool is YOU...and the space we hold in our heart...The infinate possibilities of the expression of the love that We ARE.

                                That said they do give you plenty to play with for the three (or four)days!... Things for our minds to occupy its-self with if we find that necissary.

                                I dont know if the price differential is big if you sign up early for I and II or add two later. However you do it will be perfect...what ever gets you there (and be open for it to change )

                                Blessings and Bon Voyage!

