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  • Woo Hoo!!!!
    Thanks so much for the cheerleading Blake!!!!
    I Am feels like the difference of being able to shape my own life
    instead of being bounced around by circumstances!

    I will allow myself to be pulled 'home'!!!!

    In Love & Gratitude,
    Life in Balance Ayurveda


    • Why?

      Originally posted by zeropoint View Post
      Why is this forum so dead????

      LOL, and in Matrix questioning fun..."What would it look like if it weren't?"


      • Hi Nancy!

        Originally posted by Ayurved View Post
        Hi All!
        I've just stayed up way too late going through ALL of these posts from the beginning and have found them so inspiring! Sallyjane, very exciting about your progress!
        ME came into my consciousness a little over a month ago, I'm not sure how. I think I actually 'did' it a couple times....though maybe not 'properly'!!! But it worked!!!
        There is a seminar coming here to Chicago in April.....I'm strongly thinking of taking it!!!!! I'm def looking for the pathway to go to the next level in shaping my life and helping other peeps. Does anyone have any guidence in deciding to do level 1 & 2 vs just level 1?
        There are a few areas in my life I'm 'stuck' at...though there's no good reason... except I think the self can't remold it self running on such a low level (normal) vibration.
        looking forward to this new dance!!!!
        Thanks everybody for all this energy and inspiration!!!
        Stephen...congrats on your Master Practitioner, even though it was last year....will you be in Chicago?

        Well Hello Nancy!

        Thanks for your post.

        I have some ideas about attending only Level I or whether it should be I and II.

        Thank you Blake for bringing your perspective as well. Sometimes it is indeed better to take things in smaller bits to integrate etc. However, my own observation and experience is that level I and II are most often done together. Many go to I and then see if they can sign up for II the next day. I find that I and II flow so well into each other that it seems that something pretty big is missing if just I is done alone.

        However, the seminars usually leave a person pretty mind blown by the end, so if you are really sensitive to expanding your horizons and going totally outside your comfort zone, then perhaps I is best just by itself. By the way, getting your mind blown is a GOOD THING. The mind is a useful servant sometimes, but makes a TERRIBLE master. Yet, on earth, the mind with Ego are most often Master. This leads to a repeating cycle of victimhood, though this is a persistent pervasive illusion. Thus, getting a virtual lobotomy is GREAT!

        For me, its hit me hard and hit me with as much as can be delivered but I'm crazy that way haha.

        There were some people last year in Denver who took, I, II, III AND the extra special day with Mark Dunn for their FIRST M.E. SEMINAR!!! Yeah, the movie Dazed and Confused all over again. Actually, more like Dazed and Confused meets Superman meets Independence Day

        I won't be in Chicago, but will be at the upcoming Level III with the special Hector Garcia day on March 14-16th in Los Angeles. Yeah, Hector's gonna teach us about levitation is what I heard.

        Soooo, there is SO much going on in the Matrix World. I can't really keep up as things are changing so fast. However, being in the morphic field of it all, it seems that I just 'get there' to the same place as many of the others who are leading the M.E. brigade and who get to even more seminars as staff. I think there are a lot of us doing this. Its like you just 'know' consciousness stuff as soon as it is brought up by someone.

        Let us know when you go to a seminar Nancy!

        In Peace,

        Last edited by sterlingpg; 03-06-2009, 05:56 AM. Reason: Get correct city for Level III


        • [QUOTE=sterlingpg;47900][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=4][FONT=Times New Roman]
          I won't be in Chicago, but will be at the upcoming Level III with the special Hector Garcia day on March 14-16th in Seattle. Yeah, Hector's gonna teach us about levitation is what I heard.

          Hi Stephen~~
          Please say you meant to write L.A... I signed up for L.A. for those dates in my reality...
          Of course I guess you could always levitate there (I had not heard that rumor!)

          See you there!

          Chris Lynn
          Certified Practitioner of ME
          Los Angeles, CA


          • Drop down, set intention and letting go...

            Hi Everyone!

            For some time, I've wanted to share my own thoughts on what these sayings mean to me. There are a lot of questions at the seminars and on the Matrix Forum about them. I can only share what they mean to me right now. My awareness of what they might mean has constantly been adjusted/refined!

            DROP DOWN: Basic meaning - state conducive to accessing Zero Point Field, through parallel processor 'right brain'.

            Dr. Bartlett has brought more and more Scalar Physics information into the seminars. I think his new book, latest title - The Physics of Miracles - will talk a LOT about this! Dr. B is now careful about what he says on the subject in the seminar because several times upon discussing it the hotel and sometimes surrounding area have blown out the power grid! I was at one of these seminars and its always when he goes deeper into talking about it! I know, weeeeeird, but COOOOOL...

            Anywho, it appears that consciousness is the determining factor in the manipulation and manifestation of our 'real' 3D world. Its from the higher dimension scalar potential field, or ZPF, or aether substructure to this reality, that all form manifests from. WE thus affect it and every thought interacts with it. Manifestation of the most powerful type comes from directly accessing it through our parallel processor, the so-called right brain.

            Thus, 'dropping down' to me now means, letting go of trying to approach a person, place, or thing from a left brain analytical thinking standpoint.

            The 'left brain' is monocular and incapable of doing anything useful with the scalar field. In fact, its barely able to do anything at all with only 7 or 8 bits of information per second processed. It has been said that willpower is so important (in some self-help circles) but when it comes to playing with the actual substructure Scalar field, will power doesn't do squat lol. Radionics and other Scalar technology assist consciousness in this interaction but it is consciousness all along that is the driving force to the manipulation of what 'pops in' to our 3D reality. This includes shifting information patterned one way to a different pattern - ie cancer to not-cancer or shifting cancer 3D cells to 'sub-quantum particles and releasing them from the body'.

            Dropping down is easily done by 'dropping into your heartspace.' If anyone is interested, I will gladly put in a post all about this!

            Dropping down is like turning on your awareness switch! Our five senses are interacting with the tiniest sliver of the available information all around us! Dropping down is like opening up to a much larger domain of information - it means being open to 'whatever shows up' and stuff WILL show up! You retreat from your five senses in order to access infinite information. With practice and a developing TRUST, more and more information will show up. You do not have to understand it, and in fact trying to will inhibit it. You only need to interact with it! Archetypes are a great example of this. Symbolic information (the language of the sub-conscious, read right brain, read parallel processor) coming through in images and a simple question of 'what should I do with this?', then doing it, can lead to a major shift in the client or issue.

            SET INTENTION: Basic meaning - The shift that you are seeking but are neutral to. Can involve *rule-sets*. Has also been referred to by Dr. B as his guides told him: "In the Tent of the One". Can be nested within other intentions/rules.

            Oh yeah, this is a good one! How can one be seeking a shift, or change with themselves, an object or a client and yet be neutral? Well, there are a couple of ways to do this, but neutrality is very important. It has a lot to do with the next step of letting go, or getting out of the way. However, to be neutral involves 'getting in' with your intention or what you seek for a shift, which is best left as open-ended as you can, and then 'getting out' back to a place that you are ok with whatever shows up. Doing less = greater shift/transformation.
            Leaving an intention more open-ended leads to much greater and expansive shifts with a situation than you could ever keep in mind with a left-brain interaction.
            How do you set an intention? For me, its come to just having the client or thought of the subject/issue at hand as being the obvious area a shift is sought. That is the intention - the subject is either expressed by them, on a intake sheet, or silently in their mind. No thinking, no imagination. The intention is implied by the situation. That is enough and works awesome. I don't usually try and imagine or picture any solutions or think any words unless I'm repeating the mantra "I'm not doing anything", "I don't know anything" which I do pretty regularly.

            I mentioned that intention can be associated with 'rule sets'. Reggi and Justice (Justice is Dr. B's daughter, and Reggi is at every seminar on stage with Justice) both often talk about 'rules' they have. I'll do another post on what they are and mean (to me). Basically though, they are statements of what your rules are not just in Matrix Energetics but in life. Thus, they have to do with beliefs but are much more powerful. They are like a framework you set up to interact with your environment, and 'as above, so below', it is so. In other words, the rules become the non-physical substructure to how you interact with Life and how it interacts with you! Its YOUR game, how do you want to play it?

            LETTING GO: Basic meaning - Getting out of the way by letting go of attachment or expectation of any certain outcome. Being Neutral, also referred to as "Loving, but not caring".

            Letting go is like the proverbial 'dropping the pebble' that Dr. B has often used to illustrate as one way of getting out of the way. There is a MAJOR reason this is so powerful that is not mystery, but directly related to how we interact with the Scalar wave potential.

            Funnily enough, I've even often thought that the negentropic circuitry of a lot of the alternative energy devices is a form of this 'letting go' to access the Scalar potential. Its like an electromagnetic circuit is used to start accessing the Scalar potential present in any space, but specifically an electrical + - potential, and then the circuit is cut off or completely separated so as to trap the negentropic flow of energy to charge a battery or capacitor. This is because all current electrical circuit designs cancel out the scalar potential before it can do anything - they are closed systems (though there is ultimately no such thing, Law of Thermodynamics being 'broken' anyone? lol) However, a electrical circuit designed to tap the vacuum power is an open design, and uses EMF theory circuits to get the negentropic flow going. I digress......

            Back to the pebble illustration: You, as left-brain conscious awareness, have control over which pebble you pick (intentions), how you move your arm, where you aim, how hard you throw etc, but as soon as you LET GO of it, you no longer have control over that pebble. You are now Not-Doing in a big way and the smaller time-frame you go in not-doing, the greater power that is accessed. All the magick happens in the moment between seconds. There is Infinity between zero and 1.

            This is more of the same to do with accessing the parallel processor to interact with the Scalar Field. It is important to realize that this is apparently the only way we can do anything useful there. The multicular abilities of the right-brain access are needed because millions, billions of pieces of information can be interacted with at the same time. There is no way for the monocular left-brain to do this.

            Now, say you have a person in front of you with some 'terrible' condition or situation - how do you stay neutral, how do you access the state of 'not-caring' and what does not caring really mean? Is this some cold-hearted modality or what?

            Well, one technique I use to stay neutral is to hold BOTH possibilities in mind with the issue. In other words, I have a limited amount of observation power looking at the apparent 'solid' reality 'thing' the client has as their issue, but I do not go any deeper than that. If you've been following Matrix at all, you know how powerful our observation is! So, you do more of a 'CASUAL noticing', not a 'CAUSAL noticing'. Not deeply delving or thinking about the issue, ya dig? THEN, I also hold a state of 'What would it look like if it was different or not-there?' Now, I do a sort of 'dithering' between the two, 'there, not-there, there, not-there' and Let Go in the middle of that! This 'dithering' is another freakin Scalar idea that may correlate to being able to access the infinite possibilities and weight them so that one of them becomes a probability to manifest!

            How to not care? What does this mean? For another post - this one is getting really long!

            Many ask: "When do I drop down? Do I do the intention first? What do I need to think?" etc etc. Great questions, until they're not haha. There are no rules except the ones you make. So, until you are comfortable and have practiced enough to gain the trust that will release you from your previous ideas, such as linear timeline, questions like 'why' (ack), then try doing it in the 1,2,3 of 'drop down, set intention, let go'. THEN, let go of all of that! When your trust develops enough, you will truly know you are making it all up. Its then playing for real.


            1) For me, dropping down is a simultaneous narrowing of the information of my five senses and complete opening to the much MUCH greater field of information all around me, 360 degrees in 3D space beyond the 5 senses. Over time, I have simply allowed this to be a state I am in whether I'm doing Matrix stuff or not - can you say CLAIRVOYANCE?!

            2) Intention in my world is the possibility of shifting whatever, whenever anything in life that is where I am here and now, in and out of my awareness. If its there, the possibilities for it to be different is a given!

            3) Letting go has become a constant and easily accessed place of not-doing. Like Socrates apparently said and I say now: "I'm the smartest man in the world, I know nothing"! I have come to know this through time and practice. Do the games of two-point, time travel, archetypes, all of it, and then think of something else. Your favourite sandwich, vacation spot, animal, doughnut lol.

            Perhaps you could say in the state of having dropped down, the intention of any situation is a given - is like the 'getting in' that accesses the Scalar potential, then letting go is the 'getting out'. In an interactive, 'dropped-down' infinite information awareness state, what 'shows up' may be interacted with, namely 'get in' with the information, then move along, 'get out/let go', then move immediately to the next information that shows up and get in with that, then out, and so on.

            I will now try to find and post an incredible article on Scalar wave theory but with some practical application. Some of it is over the top in technical information but its made as a type of summary and several lights went on, with new correlations and realizations when I read it.
            Just read it and know that a part of you totally gets it and it will be useful!


            In Peace and Matrix FUN,



            • Thanks!

              Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post
              [color=DarkSlateGray][size=4][font=Times New Roman]
              I won't be in Chicago, but will be at the upcoming Level III with the special Hector Garcia day on March 14-16th in Seattle. Yeah, Hector's gonna teach us about levitation is what I heard.

              Hi Stephen~~
              Please say you meant to write L.A... I signed up for L.A. for those dates in my reality...
              Of course I guess you could always levitate there (I had not heard that rumor!)

              See you there!

              Chris Lynn
              Certified Practitioner of ME
              Los Angeles, CA
              Thanks Chris! I've edited it to show Los Angeles!


              • Physics of Consciousness article.

                Ok, I said this in that last big post..."I will now try to find and post an incredible article on Scalar wave theory but with some practical application. Some of it is over the top in technical information but its made as a type of summary and several lights went on, with new correlations and realizations when I read it.
                Just read it and know that a part of you totally gets it and it will be useful!"

                I found the article buried in the innards of my hard drive. I've excavated it and will send it to anyone who asks, pm or email. (I don't have an online file storage account anywhere to post the article so you can just click on it, and the website it came from doesn't seem to have it easily found anymore. If anyone does have online storage and would be willing to upload it, that would be great!)

                The official title is:

                written for the Institute for Applied Consciousness Science


                The Role of Infolded Order in Mindbody and Personality

                by Iona Miller
                Asklepia Foundation

                I've underlined, highlighted, and made notes in the margins all over my copy!

                Just email or PM me to have me send it to you!



                • Hi Nancy and all, I just joined this group because I am new to ME and am signed up for the level I ME seminar in Minneapolis July 10-12, 2009. My plan is to go and if I am not too overwhelmed and feel that it is beneficial, try to sign up for the 13th, level II. I decided to give myself the most options that way hoping that it won't be too difficult to sign up for Level II if desired.

                  It has been helpful to read all these posts, hearing others' amazing experiences with ME. I have had 1 session with ME with someone that took the Level I & II a little over a month ago and I was so excited by the results. I have had some really profound experiences through some very extreme emotional catharsis and through various types of meditation and hypnosis where I believe I had dropped down. I didn't know how to describe it to people. My experience with ME was even deeper. Anyway, it got me so excited that I got the book, signed up for the July Minneapolis seminar and am going to do another session tomorrow with the person I worked with before. So, I am wondering, Nancy, how was your experience? Also, I'm interested in hearing about Dr. Garcia's levitation. I am in Iowa and know of people that have levitated using TM, though have not seen it or experienced it myself. I have watched, "What the Bleep Do We Know", love Easter-Hicks, Lynn McTaggert, Dean Radin, William Tiller, and many more that are pioneers in the area of spiritual/science entaglement.

                  I have found Alex Grey's art work to be very helpful in visualizing the Matrix.

                  I will quit now. I am just so grateful to be able to connect with others that are experiencing the magik and really could use the support because even though I "know" we create our realities and that we can co-create in such amazing ways, I find myself pulled back into my old way of thinking and viewing when I am away from ME and those who practice it.



                  • Hi Heather,

                    Originally posted by hbrumm View Post
                    I find myself pulled back into my old way of thinking and viewing when I am away from ME and those who practice it.
                    This is THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to practice ME! Two point yourself and ask the question, "What would it be like to feel like ME and those who practice it are always with me?"

                    Have fun at the seminar!



                    • Hi and welcome Heather

                      Originally posted by hbrumm View Post
                      Hi Nancy and all, I just joined this group because I am new to ME and am signed up for the level I ME seminar in Minneapolis July 10-12, 2009. My plan is to go and if I am not too overwhelmed and feel that it is beneficial, try to sign up for the 13th, level II. I decided to give myself the most options that way hoping that it won't be too difficult to sign up for Level II if desired.

                      It has been helpful to read all these posts, hearing others' amazing experiences with ME. I have had 1 session with ME with someone that took the Level I & II a little over a month ago and I was so excited by the results. I have had some really profound experiences through some very extreme emotional catharsis and through various types of meditation and hypnosis where I believe I had dropped down. I didn't know how to describe it to people. My experience with ME was even deeper. Anyway, it got me so excited that I got the book, signed up for the July Minneapolis seminar and am going to do another session tomorrow with the person I worked with before. So, I am wondering, Nancy, how was your experience? Also, I'm interested in hearing about Dr. Garcia's levitation. I am in Iowa and know of people that have levitated using TM, though have not seen it or experienced it myself. I have watched, "What the Bleep Do We Know", love Easter-Hicks, Lynn McTaggert, Dean Radin, William Tiller, and many more that are pioneers in the area of spiritual/science entaglement.

                      I have found Alex Grey's art work to be very helpful in visualizing the Matrix.

                      I will quit now. I am just so grateful to be able to connect with others that are experiencing the magik and really could use the support because even though I "know" we create our realities and that we can co-create in such amazing ways, I find myself pulled back into my old way of thinking and viewing when I am away from ME and those who practice it.


                      Your idea of keeping options open for level II is a good one! Having attended 11 groups of M.E. seminars, I have seen many who have done it this way and there is always room built in to allow one to add level II. This is good, because level II is not offered on its own.

                      I was at the recent level III LA seminar (I believe it was March 09) where Dr. Garcia talked about his levitation experiences when he was younger. This is not the 'levitation' of hopping around but actual sustained space between Earth and Dr. Garcia, which is cool. Perhaps this will become much more common on the planet as the 'rules' science has said are real become more like the suggestions that my experience is ummm, suggesting lol.

                      I love the artwork of Alex Gray and had seen it before I knew who he was from the album art of my fav band, TOOL.

                      Though I do not feel that M.E. is intrinsically more powerful or accessible when at a seminar vs. later at home...this is often the experience of attendees because that is their experience. Do you hear that? Practice and playing in the morphic field of M.E. is what makes it more 'real' to a person. I have now observed increased awareness, knowing, and conclusions on my so-called own in between seminars that at the next seminar were new subjects or information not discussed previously! Sounds like the idea of separate time and space is becoming more and more blurred. The really cool thing is that there are play groups, study groups, teleconference calls, Dr. B's first book, a second one in October, an awesome DVD, and his new offering The Matrix Energetics Experience. This last contains 6 CD's recording a special seminar for that purpose (occurred in Boulder, Colorado 2008) and a new DVD, a workbook, and 41 thought-provoking Instructional Cards (21 of which are on each Frequency). I haven't finished listening and reading it all yet, but will report on it when I am done - so far, I just love how the energy and information of the seminar (of how it looked in at least in that moment) is captured! Then, there is also the great web forum at Matrix Energetics Healing seminars taught by Richard Bartlett (click on the message board tab at the top and register (free) in order to see all the main headings) with opportunity to read about M.E. and ask questions. Oh, and of course this forum and thread on it! (shameless plug haha).

                      Come on back after you attend the seminar and tell us all about it, please!

                      In Peace,

                      Matrix Energetics Master Practitioner


                      • Thanks

                        Thanks Stephen,

                        I hear what you are saying about the matrix not being any more powerful here or there. What I have found at this point is that ME has helped me get to a "place" (the field, the force) that I have been before, but have a hard time getting to without some sort of catalyst (great emotional catharsis, meditation, experienced ME person that 2 points me, hypnosis). Since my friend did ME on me, I have found that I have been able to dip in since I can remember what it feels like to be there. It has been after a good yoga experience with breathing, mantra and meditation, but I recognized what it felt like when I was there. I have not been successful with 2-pointing or time travel yet. I think I am trying too hard. I have been focusing right now on just trying to drop into that place. I actually did it in a dream the other morning.

                        Matrix Energetics is such a felt-sense experience, if that makes any sense. I am not in my head when I am experiencing it. My hope is that when I am at the seminar, I will have time to practice feeling what it is like to drop into it enough that I will know how to do it well enough when I am home that I can practice it and play with it here. Plus I am really excited to be able to practice with my friend that was there just a few months ago. I am hoping that I can learn the 2-pointing and time travel too. I am excited to gain these tools and skills for life transformation. I think the thing I am the most excited about it having fun with this. It is so magical. Much of my life transformation thus far has been through going back to my past and feeling the feelings that I was not able to in my childhood because it was too scary and painful thus far and becoming unstuck. I am so ready to have some fun with life transformation.

                        I will let you know how my experience goes, though it is hard to find words with this stuff.



                        • Right on!

                          Originally posted by hbrumm View Post
                          Thanks Stephen,

                          I hear what you are saying about the matrix not being any more powerful here or there. What I have found at this point is that ME has helped me get to a "place" (the field, the force) that I have been before, but have a hard time getting to without some sort of catalyst (great emotional catharsis, meditation, experienced ME person that 2 points me, hypnosis). Since my friend did ME on me, I have found that I have been able to dip in since I can remember what it feels like to be there. It has been after a good yoga experience with breathing, mantra and meditation, but I recognized what it felt like when I was there. I have not been successful with 2-pointing or time travel yet. I think I am trying too hard. I have been focusing right now on just trying to drop into that place. I actually did it in a dream the other morning.

                          Matrix Energetics is such a felt-sense experience, if that makes any sense. I am not in my head when I am experiencing it. My hope is that when I am at the seminar, I will have time to practice feeling what it is like to drop into it enough that I will know how to do it well enough when I am home that I can practice it and play with it here. Plus I am really excited to be able to practice with my friend that was there just a few months ago. I am hoping that I can learn the 2-pointing and time travel too. I am excited to gain these tools and skills for life transformation. I think the thing I am the most excited about it having fun with this. It is so magical. Much of my life transformation thus far has been through going back to my past and feeling the feelings that I was not able to in my childhood because it was too scary and painful thus far and becoming unstuck. I am so ready to have some fun with life transformation.

                          I will let you know how my experience goes, though it is hard to find words with this stuff.

                          I look forward to your report!

                          Also, don't forget that PATHS has an Energetic Practitioner module, and that you can specifically request the Matrix Energetics application of it.

                          To find it, go to: PATHS home page, Products, Spiritual and Metaphysical, Energetic Practitioner Module, then when ordered, home office says to do this:
                          If you are an Energetic Practitioner, this package is will supercharge your learning and skill development. If you would like one of the Add-ons, simply order this package and then email the Home Office at Let them know which Modality you are involved in and they will adjust your package to that Modality.

                          This is what the module says:

                          The Energetic Practitioner Module assists you in enhancing your connection to the Infinite to provide the best service to your client, boosts your ability to help clients heal themselves, and more keenly tune into your clients needs so you can best direct them in their healing. Help your client experience results in a deeper and more profound level.

                          These Add-on boosters will assist in your learning curve and your skills, no matter what level you are currently at.

                          In addition to the Standard Energetic Practitioner Module, you may choose one of the FIVE Special Add-ons.

                          Matrix Energetics add-on allows the Matrix Energetic Practitioner to experience a boost in the following areas:

                          Ability to enter wavefront consciousness

                          Freely allow connection with Collective Mind whereby miracles happen

                          Ability to two point

                          Connection to the Matrix Energetics Morphic Field

                          Connection to the Wisdom, Experience and Knowledge of Dr. Richard Bartlett in relation to Matrix Energetics.

                          Ability to observe transformations

                          Ability to collapse the wave- let go

                          Stephen Opp, a Matrix Energetics Certified Master Practioner and student of Dr. Bartlett, provided valuable insight into this Add-On.

                          This is a great reminder to all Matrix Energetics people that are on PATHS or want to be, to have this added boost to 'get it' and DO it even easier!!!

                          In peace,



                          • been awhile

                            hello everyone! it has been quite a long time since i last logged in, seems like a lot has changed here. i have changed considerably as well.

                            im glad to see that the Matrix Energetics area is still going, and with many of you that i remember.

                            i will go through all these posts for the last year and see what i have missed. im still not quite getting the process. im sure you have adressed so much in this thread, it will take some time to read it. (read the book twice now)



                            • Hey Bryan ~ Welcome back.

                              I know that Richard Bartlett has a new Matrix Energetics book out. I believe it was just released in the past week or so.

                              Have you seen it?
                              Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                              • not yet

                                no, i have no yet read the second book. hopefully i can get the first one to work right so then i can justify buying the second
                                what are the differences in the second book?


