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Matrix Energetics

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  • I'm going to a seminar!

    Originally posted by Arioch View Post
    I was surfing the web and came across this thread so I thought I would contribute. I too was motivated to attend the seminar this past weekend (June 1-4) in Seattle. I have been doing energy work for about 9 years now. I am a Reiki Master Teacher and I practice Chi Gong. In addition I have explored many, many fringe type things in the last decade remote viewing (serious effort put into this), theta healing, quantum touch, assessing the validity of scenar technology, out of body work using Monroe Institute Technology, exploring the power of pyradyne products, and much more.

    Out of all the things that I’ve explored Matrix Energetics has been the most mind blowing experience. I cant even fully express to you my experiences at the seminar and I strongly encourage everyone that reads this to attend one of Richard’s seminars. For me this event was life changing, inspiring, beautiful, playful, amazing, and it proved to me that we are all connected (I knew that before but it really cemented it).

    I will try to express some of my thoughts about my experiences. I work as an engineer but I’m also an artist. I’m open to the possibility of there being magic in the world and I’ve tapped into some of it with Reiki, Chigong, and other things that I do. However at the same time I don’t want to be completely gullible so when I approach a new modality, I’m open minded but still a little bit critical.

    First night Demo

    Richard comes in and some loud music is played. The crowd starts clapping and getting into the music. I’ve been in these kinds of situations before and there is a certain energy associated with this kind of thing and large crowds. I’m not really paying attention to Richard, I’m just scanning around the room and looking at the floor waiting for the song to end. Then I get hit by this wave of strong energy all over the front of my body and I’m like wtf. I then realize that he isn’t just clapping and waving his arms around he is actually 2 pointing the room (I had read his book and listened to an interview before coming so I knew a bit about what he does) and I actually felt him change the energy of the room!. After the song he confirmed that he was setting up sacred space in the room. WOW pretty cool that I was able to feel and then put together what he was doing.

    Rest of the Seminar.

    During the demonstrations on stage everyone was affected over the course of the seminar at least as far as I could tell. Most of them you could see were dramatically affected such as succumbing to the changes and collapsing on the ground to fully experience a new reality. Others might be more subtle but you could see things like them blinking their eyes, spontaneous body movements, etc. Here is the really cool thing. As the seminar progressed, I began to experience what the person stage was experiencing. I can’t say that it was always the same thing, however at about the same time their body would react I would feel serious energy changes in my body (head spinning, head expanding, cold energy down through the core of my body, etc). On some occasions I got confirmation such as someone would see something in their minds eye, it was described and I was seeing the same thing in the same area of the room they were pointing to, before they mentioned it. In another instance the person described that their head felt like it was spinning and I was feeling that before they said anything. So basically this was a KNOWING that we are all connected through personal experience, which was awesome.

    During the practice sessions almost (not always but most of the time) all the people that I would practice on would feel something and I would feel something. It ranged from subtle to dramatic.

    By Sunday I had personally felt a lot of interesting experiences and knew something was going on but hadn’t had the “knock down you on your butt” kind of feeling. Part of me wanted that experience to sort of cement it, even though I knew what was happening was real and powerful. I was asking Richard’s daughter Justice a question about the 2 point technique and she touched me for about 6 seconds. The first 3 seconds I lost contact with the feeling of my body, the last 3 secs I felt a twisting motion and I’m pretty sure if she hadn’t let go that I probably would have hit the floor. There was no one around to catch me and I suspect she saw how my body was reacting and let up. I had to go sit down and process these overwhelming sensations for about 10 minutes before I could continue practicing. It was that situation that really drove home the overwhelming reality of matrix energetics.

    On Monday Richard called me up front. First he showed the audience that my hips were slightly of alignment. He hit me with the idea of torsion. I lost sensation in the lower half of my body almost instantly and I felt a very weird twisting sensation. The audience made a big reaction so I assumed they witnessed a physical change (I had seen this happen on others when they were up on the stage, physical changes). I was still standing so he hit me with something else (don’t remember what) and my head was totally spacing out. My depth perception got messed up and I sort of felt like I was bilocating. Since I was still standing he hit me with one more thing (again don’t remember what he said) and it felt like a weight was pulling me to the ground. I laid down on the massage table on stage and processed all the weird feelings that were washing over my body for probably about 10 minutes. IT WAS FEAKIN AWESOME.

    Also there was a guy on a portable oxygen tank during the seminar. Well by Monday, when I saw him, after having been worked on sometime earlier in the weekend, he wasn’t using his oxygen tank anymore.

    There is a lot more that could be said, but I guess that’s all for now. He’s on to something very powerful. It’s something that can be replicated by others. It’s something that I have already integrated into my life and will continue to use on a daily basis.
    (I'm new to Message Boards so hope I'm doing this right)

    Wow! I just get all warm and fuzzy inside reading about your expinece. Thank you so much for sharing! My cells are so excited they're almost leaping out of my body!

    I'm going to the March 2012 Seminar in Vancouver and you have left me with breathless anticipation Arioch! I'll share my experience when I get back.



    • (I'm new to Message Boards so hope I'm doing this right)

      Wow! I just get all warm and fuzzy inside reading about your expinece. Thank you so much for sharing! My cells are so excited they're almost leaping out of my body!

      I'm going to the March 2012 Seminar in Vancouver and you have left me with breathless anticipation Arioch! I'll share my experience when I get back.



      • Look like this thread has quiet done quite a bit. About this program on Matrix Energetic , it is basically a course of demonstration of :

        1 2 Points Body Contact
        2 Demonstration of using this 2 point as a mysterious learning technique for purpose of healing
        3 Leaning about using Quantum Mind force to assist in healing
        4 More practice with your partner on 2-point practice to achieve body immobilization phenomena
        5 Learning about what is current issues on Quantum Mind Research

        In reality , there are many teachers out there , teaching different brands of of the greatest ....... is a young boy from Cananda - Adam the Miracle healer. Adam can heal anyone from a distance through using your voice connected over the telephone network, identify your identity by way of voice frequency and make the quantum change for you. He simply project his mind to have a new you, He is a real miracle healer.

        If you are interested in advancing far beyond the 2-point technique, you have to go to the East. In China, you can find ordinary Qigong Master who will be able to repel the forces of 10 to 20 muscular men without even touching them. He can project his mind to wherever location and the Quantum force is there as he thought. Not even a single souls can penetrade that field...

        I used to practise Qigong meditation. My master was able to make you fall and move your body by not touching one body at all. The Chinese call it Yidao Qidao meaning as you thought the Qi moves accordingly at the speed of thought...faster than the speed of light.

        If you want to perform miracles and have mind projection power to overcome all kind of obtacles, you need to learn how to project your mind to the distant star - the source of original energy and move it back to you faster than the Speed of light. You need to learn Qigong Meditation....and master the connection of energy meridians flowing in your body. This way you will be able to use your mind alone to heal yourself first. After understanding how the energy work perform their work in your organs and cell tissues, then only you can make it happen in others.

        The Qigong Meditation will take at least 6 to 12 months of daily practice to power up your Kundalini and your ability to project force outside your body.

        1 In the 4 Dimensional World - speed of light is the fastest

        2 In the 5 Dimensional World - the thought has to be strong enough to pass through the barrier of the 5th dimension back into the phsical world of the 4 dimensions

        Here you need a lot of training and practice ......and this is where you bend the creation right into the physical world NOW...Speed of thought is faster than the speed of light.

        3 If you cannot access the 5th dimensional world....and if you do not understand what is the function of the 5th dimesion , then you know little of how to bend the future to the NOW into the Physical World.

        4 if you are in North America, you are trully fortunate. There are a lot of masters out there of varying levels of expertise. As a novice, you can learn a bit here and there from all of them and make your progress step by step.The key is consistent daily practice. This is the most important crucial single factor for your success. The nearest person you can seek to learn this practice is Adam the Miracle DreamHealer if you want to experience a REAL MIRACLE CURE...however he has so far did not turn his mircacle knowhow into a striving business ...If he does so...he will create a stampede to his training Matrix Energetics is. If you are a novice, it is OK to follow what Richard of Matrix Energetics can teach got to start somewhere.

        5. However, let me smartly warn you...that no teacher will reveal to you how they obtained that power in manipulating with Quantum Mind Creation. They will tell you that you have to travel the route to find it yourself. They may reveal here and there, the low level and the slow technique to get there.
        Last edited by Zeusman; 08-19-2012, 02:31 AM.


        • Hello Stephen
          I am very glad to see your post its very valuable for us

