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Matrix Energetics

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  • #61
    Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post
    There is no Time or Space in the Matrix! These are illusions of the material world be only believe is so 'real' and 'solid' LOL!

    I didn't ask Dr. Bartlett about any seminar in the midwest, however, I do plan on preparing the facilities and having the attendees for one up in Northern BC where I live.

    I know there's not really any such thing as 'time' and 'space' but I hadn't seen anything in my limited reading about ME of being able to do it at a distance. I was going to be very surprised if the answer was 'no'.

    Hmmmmm - Northern BC. I've always wanted to visit Canada.....

    It'll be fun to see where 'my' seminar turns out to be!

    Thanks for all your help, Stephen! When will you be hanging your ME shingle?!

    Paths To Your Success


    • #62
      ME Practitioner Certification...

      Originally posted by Ann-ticipatingSuccess View Post
      I know there's not really any such thing as 'time' and 'space' but I hadn't seen anything in my limited reading about ME of being able to do it at a distance. I was going to be very surprised if the answer was 'no'.
      Hmmmmm - Northern BC. I've always wanted to visit Canada.....
      It'll be fun to see where 'my' seminar turns out to be!
      Thanks for all your help, Stephen! When will you be hanging your ME shingle?!
      I already put out the feelers about bringing this up to where I live with some people and they were SO pumped and offered to help right away!

      For me, I wish to go through the Practitioner Certification seminar as it becomes available (they just finished their first one while I was at Seattle). As well, I will become a Whizzard after Level III which really goes deep into the unknown and unknowable, yet out of this world incredible! As this comes along with a ton of practice - the play will become cosmic

      Namaste, <---very appropriate description of what Actually happens when becoming entangled with someone in a ME session



      • #63

        Thank you very much, Stephen, for your very fascinating/informative thread.

        ME excites me like radionics.

        Goodluck To Your Magick (old spelling)


        • #64
          oooo so excited

          My book came from amazon today!!! record time!!!



          • #65
            SOS, Please...

            I just got a call from a friend that is looking after another friends horse at the moment. The horse, Jiga, is about 26 years young, having some issues with tumors under her tail. She's had these for a few years, but suddenly, now, when her owner is away, it's gotten pretty serious. If any of you feel like practicing on Jiga, to make her feel better and for the tumors to reduce... please work your magic on her! She lost her life long partner a few weeks ago so maybe that has added to her current reality.

            Would appreciate if you Lovely people here, would send her some good energies!

            Jiga is white/grayish, fairly tall, not sure what breed.

            Thank you ALL!!

            Much Love,
            Moria x
            Intuitive Readings
            Web design by Hannah King


            • #66
              Thoughts on threads and small lawn-mower story

              The excitement on here is really wonderful.. One thought about "not getting it" seems no matter what, we are doing it all the time even without the Matrix Energetic template. This template seems to focus the law of attraction energy in a unique and powerful way...and fun... But with or without this "package" we can and are doing it... no matter what. Its apart of the law-OA. The obvious add-on to this is the thought of not getting it being self creative but thats been honed in on here already.

              Just by our mere intention to make a focused intent and then a tiny little action with this two piont thing then a surrender or letting go of the outcome you/we have altered reality. Wether visable or wavy gravy or not. Its simply another form of using our thoughts conciously... The simpleness of it is exciting (and a relief to me) but my left brain always wants more...It thinks I have to work hard to get some change. Thats one of my hang ups..."and now its not"!

              I'm trying not to get hung up on the wave thing. What also excites me and is different for me is the focus on letting go and trusting in the awareness of the "matrix energy". The NOT KNOWING part is so freeing...expecially with my "God" concepts...I like so many of them... the thought I dont have to know exactly what it is and have the "right" name for it has begun a liberation of sorts. This quantum package has really triggered something for me. However I am sure for myself and probably alot of others here that sooo much other info and work and planetary evolution has led up to this...not the least of which being the PATHS modules for me and Aarons work. So manny facets of the same diamond.

              Thanks to all who brought and are bringing attention to this M.E. un-perspective! I love the mind bending aspect to this. It seems to really trigger that right brain creativity ...and the left brain "Huh?"-ness. I am going to go
              to a workshop...I dont know which yet

              OK all this typing and pontificating has triggered/is my left brain/ego package...AND NOW ITS GONE! Really I'm just playing with this ..I havent even read the book yet...just reading/watching/listening to the website.

              more later Blake.


              • #67
                Lawn Mower Man

                My Dad has gone to the Seattle workshop.Got back and has played only a little with it so far... A quick story. Totally stunned him and me.

                His lawn mower hasnt been starting no mattere what we tried. Then I said two point it pops! He tried it with the frequencies ..nothing...I was pulling the cord... Both he and I were visably disappointed...and were were about to leave it affraid to try it more and fail and have our majik bubble popped with something so tangable.

                Then the thought to time travel it. Dad took it through a time window or something, back to when he first bought it....he didnt tell me this. He looked at me to pull the cord. Both of us with a look of "whatever". We didnt expect anything this time. From the begining of yanking the cord it felt totally started so clean and quick. We stood looking at eachother with this stunned look on our faces. Then huge smiles!...... The kicker is how many times we and he had tried starting it before -15-20 pulls for me...? the day before?... it didnt stick though for later... the next day dad took it to the shop. Turns out it was complely broken...the starter or something. there is no way it should have started at all.... It has been the Little teaser and a tangable experience to give more hope and excitement...and some verve to keep us practicing.

                One thought about when it stuck that my fatther and I thought was we had no expectations the 2nd time...gave up really. Just did it with kind of a "who cares?" ness.


                • #68
                  All I can say is Wow....

                  This stuff is amazing. I just can't seem to read enough and I don't have enough time to learn it all! It's blowing me away!

                  So... just wanted to say thanks for this thread and all this amazing potential!!

                  BTW, Stephen, I'm in BC too - nice to know of some "locals" around here!



                  • #69
                    Re: Jiga

                    I am sending energy and love to her. She feels very sad

                    Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                    <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                    Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                    • #70

                      (Cavaet emptor-this is a long-but hopefully meaningful to some- ramble through my mind.)

                      You know I may be misreading the non action on this thread-as I have been known to be misperceptionally challenged. This being the case I am still worried that I may have said something, or come off sounding, critical (and/or ignorant) and have single handedly stalled out this thread. If I am wrong I know this comment then flushes out another core misperception... that I am working to release...the classic world revolving around me thing.

                      I havent really introduced myself here so I guess in reality I am pretty much a stranger in this forum. I have only recently discovered the world of forums and have almost 0 experience participating. I have been quite reluctant to assimilate into the technofrenzy at large...and am only slowly beginging to grow out of a well grooved analog lifestyle.(things Im discovering like PATHS are definately helping me to change my mind...Pun not subconcious is so clever. ). I think I am the LSR archtype... (and now its gone.)

                      This creative thought paradigm is so tricky(case in point) to state my challenges in the positive to explain or work on so as to not strenghten that which isnt wanted or working for me???

                      So wether I am right or wrong in my perception I've decided to begin opening up here. I have been checking out this place for a few months and have recieved sooo much valuable help and links to such interesting "new" info and "healing" modalities. I am hugely greatful. However I havent really grasped or had enough experience -effecting change- to speak with much credability/integrity.

                      That is one main reason for not chiming in much here. Another is insecurity as I feel much farther back on the scale of this concious evolution or in mastering my thoughts/feelings than most here (However I feel I "get it" on a gut level... that this "stuff" is what I have been about, but have been pushing away ...what I really need is to "do it!") .The main block though, I believe, to my breaking out of this kind of nondoing "suffering stasis" is trust-or the lack of it. Cue the violins...There is some early trama and a pretty huge betrayal when I was young. Leading me to conclude I am better off (safer) alone. I really need to change that. Along with this depression that colors so darkly so much of what I see.

                      This I am sure sparks the thought in many of you..."he should get on the self esteeeeme and/or mood elevation module!!". Rest assured I have been. This being my 5th month for those two and two others SL1 and Ult. Body. I have knowticed some change(so I havent done the op success add on) but nothing yet to give me the excitement or happiness or hope I hear from most in here. In reading some case studies on the EFT site I'm now thinking that there must be a deeper conclusion I made at some point that gives keeping this "suffering" purpose and meaning... and changing a betrayal of that purpose.

                      Now that I have broke my silence I may perhaps bring up my experience, so far, in another PATHS related thread. My insecureities got the best of me here though first.

                      Wholly cow. All this said the Matrix Energetics possibilities did give me a MAJOR boost of hope/excitement.I feel this is where we are all going in our spiritual evolution... I however gave my purchased ticket to the Seattle workshop to my dad as I felt I was too much of a "dull blade" and wouldnt be very effective in my state of mind. I wonder now if that wasnt just another self sabotage choice based on a fear of breaking free. And now I am not so sure my father was any better a tool for this work as I would have been. But then my "vision" is admittedly skewed. Expecially regarding him.

                      Oooh the negativity.... just deciding to be honest here in all my glaring imperfections-and see what happens. Practicing trust, I guess. I hope I'm not banging my victum gong too loud in all this, thats not my intention. I just wanted to show up "real" here and see the response. I'm not fishing for the pitty thing or "rescuer". I know its all my job really. I just need some help I guess, and am not fond or too good at asking.

                      So Stephen if you need to log some hours for practice or to prepair for your upcoming practitioner training... I am game. Or anyone else with a pespective boost or experiencial "advice" ...please...I could really use some mental/emotional reinforcements right now.

                      AND...with my previous comment, all I was trying to say was to try and trust, you are doing it even if its not showing up as we expect when we expect. Learnig to trust it before you see the results seems like a part of it. Something I really need to learn myself in so many areas. With the M.E. package I was not speaking from experience and thus not really speaking my truth. Hopefully this is closer. Otherwise its just a buch of mental jockeying...and whos riding who? I HAVE ordered the book finally.

                      Thanks for your ears and hearts. In my ignorance/arrogance may I say "please carry on..." I miss the M.E. conversation.... Blake


                      • #71
                        Hi Blake

                        I don't want to derail this thread into a different healing topic, but I would like to suggest that you check out the ZPoint Process if you haven't already. I just recently learned about it - from Nlivened (Peg) - right here on this forum in the CEM thread. I think you might find it helpful.

                        ZPoint Process

                        Hope it helps. Btw, feel free to be the "real" you any time here.

                        Paths To Your Success


                        • #72
                          no worries, Blake!

                          Hey Blake,

                          I just skimmed back over your posts and don't see anything in there that you need to worry about in the least... So please put your heart at ease! Sometimes people just get busy and don't post for a while...I know that's been the case with me lately.....These threads have an ebb and flow .... My guess is the conversation will start up again one of these moments

                          Speaking of which, I got the book last week, devoured it in a weekend and am now slowly re-reading it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this stuff. It ties everything together for me. I even had an experience the other day -- my cd player was sticking for some reason, wouldn't play the cds, and I was working on the house so I really needed Sweat Equity music to keep me company. I got the idea to two-point it and do a time travel to the last time I remember it working. I did that, and boom, it started working!!!

                          Coincidence? Maybe...but like Dr. Bartlett says "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!"

                          love & hugs



                          • #73
                            Hi Blake,

                            It is great to see you posting about your experiences please don't feel insecure, although I understand what you mean. We may be all at different levels of consciousness & self development but it doesn't matter - You are here & aware & we are all journeying together at a rate that is suitable for each one of us. I certainly count myself as in the beginner class !

                            I do hope that you will soon experience wonderful successes with your Paths modules.

                            It is probably quiet on this thread because most of us have probably either got our heads buried in our books trying to learn everything, or those that have "got it" are probably really busy having fun performing their new feats of imagination.

                            It is interesting about the trust issue as I know that that is something I need to work on myself regarding ME. I have somehow convinced myself that I need to work on my intuition before I'm going to be able to do it successfully ( maybe it is a message from my intuition ). So about 10 days ago I went out & bought a book to help me with that & I'm also hoping to add the intuition & insight module soon.

                            So my excuse for not posting for a while is that I'm trying to read 4 books at once, learn ME, learn Reiki 1 & do my homework for that, keep up to date with everything going on on this forum, trying to fit in a modicum of work & keep the home fires burning .

                            Do keep letting us know how your Dad is getting on with ME.

                            Love & Blessings,

                            Theta Healing
                            Paths 2 Potential

                            "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                            • #74
                              Hawaii, Here I Come !!


                              I've done it! I've booked & paid for Levels 1,2 & 3 seminars in Hawaii in August. I just know that I've got to be there!

                              I'm coming to meet you !!! Can't wait ! I'm filling out my passport application now!

                              See you there!

                              Love & Blessings,

                              Theta Healing
                              Paths 2 Potential

                              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                              • #75
                                Way to go, Sharyn!!!

                                Originally posted by Sharyn View Post
                                I've done it! I've booked & paid for Levels 1,2 & 3 seminars in Hawaii in August. I just know that I've got to be there!
                                Congratulations, Sharyn!!!


                                Paths To Your Success

