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Matrix Energetics

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  • I've enjoyed catching up on all these threads for the past few days. I've read a few posts from it here and there over the past couple years. But I just recently read all the posts.

    Just some random stuff I was thinking while reading all the posts.

    I like lots of music. BT, Oakenfold, etc... But I noticed Stephen mentioning he liked Tool. I love Tool. One of my favorite bands. Actually it was from listening to Tool that I began learning about chakra's many moons ago. Actually I've been thinking about putting the lyrics from a song as my signature.

    The analogy of the naked cavemen running circles in the cave... Hilarious to visualize.

    Levitation - I read about ?Garcia? sharing stories of levitation. I think on page 16 or 17. Any more stories about levitation or incidences that are pk related? I definately wanna use ME to meld into my higher vibration of experience. And experience the awe 24/7.

    Popping the power grid while talking about dropping down. Stories like this always grab my attention. Anymore stories like this?

    I was given a gift card to barnes and noble from my aunt at christmas. It has 50 dollars worth of credit on it and I've been saving it till I find something I really want. Well here's some books I really want. Matrix energetics, the physics of miracles, the intention experiment, and holographic universe. I tallied up all those books on the barnes and noble internet site and it was like 49.66. But I went to check out and it added some 3 dollars of tax. Anyone wanna give a little ME influence to the price of them books and bring em down enough so I can get em in the mail. I'm gonna give it intention like I've been reading here in the ME threads.

    Lots of questions and lots of idea. I'm happy to be finding myself gravitate towards areas/ideas/people like everyone here. I was practicing pk a couple years back, but then someone entered my life and I adopted his energy patterns. Low and dull, but he's been gone for a while. Also my family tends to have low vibrations and I've been living off their frequencies ever since living with em the past 6 months or so. But they've been gone the past couple weeks and it's nice to be able to lift myself again to a higher frequency. It's something I need work on. Keeping my vibration high , arond those that have lower frequencies.

    Anyone used binaural beats before a ME "session" and did it increase the results? I recall seeing a picture on their site showing how the energy of the mind is scattered all over the place before using binaural beats. Then it shows a second picture where the energy is concentrated after binaural beats. Actually as I recall the pictures in my minds eye it seems that the energy after using bb is concentrated around the crown chakra area.

    Oh I have another question I just remembered. Has anyone used ME on an animal and caused it to fall to the ground the way people in the seminars do? I have a couple of hourses I would love to see this happen to. Not a full on collapse, but I'd love to be out "channeling energy" to em and see em lay down while I'm next to em.
    If you've made it this far then I've finally quit rambling.


    • Matrix Energetics

      I have experienced profound changes in my life after spending a week with Richard Bartlett and completing levels one, two and three (wizard training) It is called that with good reason and the results have been nothing short of magic.
      all the best
      Jimmy Mack


      • I'm Back!

        Hello Everyone!!!

        Wow, its been awhile since I've been around here, but know that I have thought of you all on Energetic Forum and those who are interested in M.E. and have been reading this thread!

        I see that several people have been keeping the love going on this thread and for that I am very grateful!

        Now just what have I been doing since my last post in July 2009?

        Lord knows I've been up to my eyeballs in raising my two sons, traveling (did an awesome trip to Sedona with Janean last year for a week long seminar with Drunvalo Melchezidek!), still attending a J O B (this will change soon!), getting a camping rig together for this season's activities, and also conducting an M.E. official Study Group in the Vancouver, BC area.

        I have MUCH to share with you about further developments, discoveries and experiences with Matrix Energetics as well as answer any questions still hanging around since I was last here. I have a great personal experience using Command with actual physical change that I'll share here as well.

        Much peace and Causeless Joy to you ALL!!!



        • Hi Stephen!

          Hi Stephen, great to see you!

          Happy to hear life has been exciting.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
            Hi Stephen, great to see you!

            Happy to hear life has been exciting.
            Thank you Aaron! Good health to you! : )



            • Hi Josh!

              Originally posted by gtrlvr83 View Post
              So I finished the book. Really good read although I will admi I did grow a bit tired of some of the book seeming like a seminar pitch. That being said is ther anyone here that does this that has never been to a seminar? Sorry but I guess I am still a bit jaded from growing up being forced to go to "revivals" and "faith healings". I'm not saying that real healings do not happen at these, I have seen some real ones first hand. I'm just not sure about the seminar thing yet.
              Also has anyone read the second book, or watched/listened to any of the dvd/cds? If so what is your view on these? Are they worth while or are they more "come to the seminar" type of thing?
              Sorry if this sounded so negative, not what I meant to do. I do belive that tis is for real and I am "playing" with two pointing, not sure if I'm "getting it" yet but will continue for now.
              One last thing. If there is anyone who is working with this that is living in San Francisco please drop me a line, I would love to meet up and maybe go a bit further down the rabbit hole.
              Thanks everyone and I hope your all ready for a great new year.
              Well, I obviously don't fit into the 'never been to a seminar' group. However, you may be able to get a better feel for Matrix on the home website forum. ( Matrix Energetics Message Boards - Powered by UBB.threads™ )Many have 'learned' it there and indeed one does not need to go to a seminar to do so.

              However...the seminar is so much more about getting out of your head and way of thinking that reality is this big ol' solid thing. Solid, full of rules that we are subjects/victims to. Its about having fun and relearning a sense of play (very useful Matrix component). Its a personal journey in any case and the seminar itself has rocked the worlds of thousands of people who had no idea what they were really getting into!

              Once the seeming 'rules of reality' begin to break down, perhaps during a seminar experience, but can certainly begin anywhere...then yer off to the races for a new level of self-empowerment and excitement!

              In my last almost 3 years with attending Matrix seminars (yes 14 of them now!), I have seen Dr. B be clear that one does not need to come to a seminar to 'get it' - he has put this in writing, it is on his website, and I've heard him in person. If there is any sell, it is to come and have a ton of fun many didn't think possible, as well as experience transformation and craziness of the best kind. Yeah, a seminar is party time, and there is never a dull moment! Dr. B's job is to be outrageous to knock some senselessness into us and begin an unlearning of previous notions of reality and a learning, mostly unconsciously, of a much more expansive awareness of infinite possibilities - in our lives, our families lives, communities and the world.

              I've read the books, seen most of the DVD's and heard the CD's - the Matrix Energetics Experience The Matrix Energetics Experience (9781591796770): Richard Bartlett: Books is a great way to get one's feet wet without the attendance at a seminar and if its about money, well, then this is only $62. You get a special recording of a seminar just for the purpose of this kit which contains a lot of good stuff. In that kit, there is also a DVD, some other booklets and cards that are very useful for expanding one's awareness and using some of the tools like the 21 Frequencies. Between that, the book(s), and the website - you could do a lot!

              Bottom line: The seminar is fun - you get 'real' world *snicker* experience feeling what its like to do the two-point and all the other main tools in the Matrix kit - thus establishing new references not previously tracked before.

              I'm sorry I don't live anywhere near San Fran, I'd surely love to do a demo for you!

              I hope you get to really experience the Wave!

              In peace, and Matrix magick!

              M.E. certified Master Practitioner


              • Hi Andrew! AND, how to `DO`Matrix Energetics!

                Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
                Hello All !

                To my shear disgrace I have been having a great deal of difficulty getting in the right state of mind for this. Is there an easy way, or a short way , or a fast way, or well just a click way.... of getting into this ?

                Andrew T
                PATHS ~ Mind Energetics <-- One month using this, and getting better.... slowly... Check it out !
                Nothing disgraceful about your difficulty!

                I truly feel everyone can do this - animals easily respond to it, and I've taken my boys to the children's M.E. seminar (they were 8 and 6 at the time) and they easily did it!

                What does that tell you? Well, my observation is that the best way to 'do' Matrix (though really one isn't doing anything ) is to approach it with curiosity, with a childlike sense of wonder. Know that it is so easy, that knowing that is the hardest part!

                Many a time I've heard Dr. B and staff say that the seminar can be summed up in a very short time but the rest of the time is spent helping people see how easy it is!!! <--yeah thats the process summed up!

                Now, I'll see if I can help you a titch:

                Forensic analysis of your post as follows:

                I have been having a great deal of difficulty getting in the right state of mind for this.
                State based learning is what the seminar is all about, however, at this point you don't need to worry about any of that - the first thing is to get out of your mind and into your 'heart' - more of a not trying so hard to think your way through but just to do it, through feeling it. It WILL get easier and easier, not because it is easier to do but because you let go of all the effort to 'get it'. Yeah, everything is backwards and inside out and outside in with Matrix! Great Fun!

                Is there an easy way, or a short way , or a fast way, or well just a click way.... of getting into this ?
                In lieu of a seminar, or someone to demo for can absolutely do this, so, yes to easy, yes to short, yes to fast, and yes to a click, or how about a double click hmmmm? (and at my J O B I claim I'm not a yes man lol )

                Practice the Two Point, somewhat of a foundation to a lot of the Matrix approach, and certainly an excellent starting point, as follows:

                ONE) Ask into the air or in your mind (believe me, its all 99.999999% empty space, no offense meant!
                ) this question: "If I were to know my first point, where would it be?, or, What would it feel like to find my first point?"

                Then move your hand around or whatever draws your attention to a point. I first used to do this with
                one finger on a smooth glass or wood table top. At some point, you will perceive your finger wanting to stick or stop on a spot. If there's leftover chocolate sauce from the dessert you just ate, well, you might want to try again, or, that could be the right spot! Now, keep your finger pinned there!

                TWO) Next, ask this open-ended question: "If I were to know where a second point connected to this first one was, where would it be?", or, "What would it look like to find the second point that connects to this first one?" Then drag your other finger on the other hand across, around, over, the table until you feel a another sticky spot (more choco sauce ) - when you do, notice how the first point may feel a bit different as well- perhaps stuck, hard or rigid, or maybe softer. (softer is how it often showed up for me)

                THREE) Then, simply
                see them connected, imagine it, visualize, whatever you want at this point and notice how that feels. Then, imagine a pebble - one you like, perhaps shiny and wet already, or rough or smooth or flat etc...pick it up and toss it into a pond - then think of something else - your car, pet, the clouds - something that you like. Now, pay attention to what you are feeling here - perhaps a 'wave'-like sensation may be noticed. It may start small, or you may get big Tsunami Matrix Wave that will knock you over - either way this is so easy that I never believed how easy this was for a long time and I practiced a lot! But I did that so that many others no longer have to do that so much but they can skip right to doing it. Hopefully, you too can skip along to that point as well!

                To recap what I wrote up above...

                Ask open-ended questions, the answers to which come from a much more dynamic, powerful, knowing, and comprehensive reservoir of information than is mostly unconscious. Your body and conscious awareness will respond with the answer! You will just
                know. Yeah, `fake it till you make it`can be useful here! Cuz in the end, you realize we`re making it all up anyway, so make it up fun and the way you want to. Go with what shows up before you can second guess yourself. At some point (or 2 points lol) you will stop and ask: `Did I just feel what I thought I just felt?¨

                After asking, allow your body to go where it already knows, in other words, get out of the way of a natural, and powerful, access to information beyond your conscious mind. For example, part of what `you`are is able to manage around 100 Trillion cells with untold trillions of more calculations, communications, little miraculous laboratories within the cell and so on, every second!!! Yeah, part of our mind is real powerful, eh! (I`m Canadian, if I don`t say eh once in awhile I might get reported to the Eh Police, eh )

                Connect the two points, see and feel them connected - notice however that connection shows up for

                Then, let go! (pebble in pond analogy) Think of something else and then come back to noticing what you notice.

                Have fun!

                In peace and Matrix Magick



                • Matrix Energetics

                  Very well written. I have found an easy way to do this type of 2 point with yourself and that is to ask for what you want (as Richard Bartlett calls it, in your letter to Santa) Then pose open ended questions of when, where, how and why etc., and it's as if you are asking your angels, guides and or the universe to answer the questions for you. Trust is huge on this and passion can also facilitate this to prevail for you
                  I recently certified in Seattle as a certified practitioner of matrix energetics.
                  very profound stuff and I would encourage others to read Richard Bartlett's books and the matrix energetics experience has helpful CD's and a DVD.
                  Advanced Theta Practioner - Home
                  Jimmy Mack


                  • New ME video with Justice Bartlett &amp; Karen SPerling

                    Thought some of you might enjoy a great new interview by Sandie on Virtual Light with Justice Bartlett & Karen Sperling explaining Matrix Energetics & their Matrix For Kids program.

                    Love & Blessings,
                    Theta Healing
                    Paths 2 Potential

                    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                    • Interesting post .discussion are always helpful in one way or the other. Thanks for giving out information. It’s really nice and mean full.The trust factor and letting go of any outcomes really disempowers the mind/logic and opens you to an infinite number of choices. But I gotta work on that trust thing.
                      Life Coach


                      • Matrix Energetics Feedback ?

                        Hi Everyone,

                        I just discover Matrix Energetics a few days ago.
                        And . . .
                        Found this thread about it !
                        The perfect place to ask for a kind of an eagle perspective, having had a 3 years long thread (from 05-03-2007 to 01-08-2010) and countless experiences.

                        Here is my question :
                        Does Matrix Energetics fulfill its promise ? :

                        I just scratched the surface, but . . .

                        If I'm right, it'll make the user kind of all mighty.
                        I mean, when you can fulfill anything good you want for yourself and others only your imagination is the limit, what could be closer than being like . . . a god or at least a miracle maker (then...again... a god, anyway sort of ...).
                        No need for anything else than Matrix Energetics.
                        Right ?

                        That is what I would like to know from those who practice it and master it (enough).

                        Such a powerful knowledge change life of some of those who master it, you'll have some pretty amazing life changing story to tell, I bet !

                        I must say that, I'm pretty much inclined to rush in and that only
                        one 100% positive feedback will be enough to send me right into it.

                        That's what one could expect when watching the so compelling Matrix Energetics video by Richard Bartlett himself.

                        Then I'll have a good base of reflection to decide whether or not it'll be good to follow your path.
                        Last edited by MAxPundi; 03-13-2011, 10:55 AM.


                        • calling all ME practitioners

                          Hi Everyone,

                          Please join me in sending prayer and using Matrix Energetics to help turn around the situation in Japan. Things are deteriorating. Some serious intervention is needed to avoid a catastrophe. Please do what you can. Perhaps two-pointing as a group we can help...if there were ever a time for major two-pointing, it would be now.

                          Thank you!

                          web: Energy Medicine - Safe Haven Healing
                          blog: Safe Haven Healing
                          Last edited by orca; 03-17-2011, 03:42 PM.


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                            • Matrix Energetics or ME lol !!!
                              good thread !
                              i have a good time about Matrix Energetics...but ..
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