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Matrix Energetics

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  • Well Richard Bartlett's book has finally arrived today.

    I'll be reading it over the weekend.

    Beam me up Scotty



    • Gorgeous, Stephen!

      Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post

      2 days later, this is the quote of the day from Abraham-Hicks:

      Take the worthiness that is yours, and let the Fairies of the Universe assist you. Stop taking so much responsibility upon yourself, and live happily ever after. Shorten that crevasse between where you are and where you want to be, on every subject, to now, now, now, now, now. Ride the wave. Just pluck the fruit You dont have to be the one who puts it in the ground any more. You can just skip across the top of things and pluck the fruit of all of the things you want. Oh, fruit. Oh, delicious this, delicious this, delicious this, delicious this. In other words, its all right there for you; its ready for you to receive it as fast and as soon as you will vibrationally let it in.

      I've never even SEEN Abraham talk about Faeries before, and here is a major TIP from the universe that maybe I should pay attention to!
      Then, there is the ME reference (my interpretation) to the WAVE which is a major component of the Quantum Physics explanation behind ME. WOW![COLOR=Black]

      I LOVE this Abe quote. I've never seen this one before but it's exactly what I've been need the last few days. They do mention the Fairies of the Universe quite a part of your wonderful synchronicity is that you've never noticed it till now! I love it when stuff like that happens. Thanks for sharing!

      love & hugs



      • Talk about syncronicity !!

        I looked in on this thread as I am going to The San Francisco ME event. I too read that Abraham daily quote a few days ago and also thought "strange, I never heard Abraham refer to the fairies of the universe before". I am also reading the ME book and keep going "yes yes, of course!! - looking forward to the Event.



        • Little Song, Sharyn & Bren... Even though I have not yet been able to attend a seminar myself, I KNOW that you all are in for a complete Life Changing experience!!

          When you come back to 'Earth', your view of Life will be forever changed... in the most Magic ways!!

          I am SO in awe about what you guys are about to experience... and I know that one day, I will join you on this Amazing Journey!!

          Let The Magic Begin!!

          Moria x
          Intuitive Readings
          Web design by Hannah King


          • Fairies

            That a funny story about the Fairie Oracle ...I have that deck of cards.
            And of course a story that goes along with it. I had a similar impression at first I think like your friend. Years ago I had a friend who was helping me out alot in a time of need and wanted to give me a reading with them. I looked at them briefly and said "no thanks they dont really appeal to me." My dad has a panthion of Tarot-esque decks so Ive seen a bunch. With this one there was some forboding mean looking "farries" in it. I'm not a big monster buff. It was a pretty strong aversion I remember. THEN about a year or so later a different friend not at all with a spiritual or metaphysical bent (that I was or am aware of) brought me a present for house was the Fairrie Oracle!?! He picked em up at the airport book store! I thought, how strange. So he and I actually played a bit with it right away and I pretty quickly let go of my book cover judgment.

            6 years later I still love having it(them). Its almost the only deck I use for that "stuff". Its very discriptive about its meanings and duities of the different farries, energies and spirits. It also really encourages you to find your own meaning for each of the cards. To really personalize it for yourself. When I am confused or feeling unsure about what I am doing, or want to look deeper into something it sooo often(always?) has been on the mark, adding many deeper and profound layers to my understanding. I'm sure thats the case with anyones favorite tarot doodad.

            Anyway I thought I'd tell my Farrie-O story. "Strange" it should come up here. Have fun with them...they are rather playful.

            Oh, Stephen, my dads name is Link Fountian. Tallish older guy with a goatee. He "clowns" in his retirement years. He usually sticks out in a crowd... but 400 people is a lot... 3 days though, I doubt anyone could have missed him.
            Last edited by Blake; 06-26-2007, 12:27 AM.


            • Everyone has their own mindset on deities, heaven, higher beings, etc. The present day holy books depict an all powerful God sitting on a throne in a place called Heaven who knew each of our thoughts and commanded the Angels... well, I'm sure most of you know the details...

              The more I learn, the less I understand - meaning there is always something else that I learn that leads me to another thing to learn - especially in this forum!! - but I digress...

              When I was younger, I had some difficulty accepting the literal meaning of the story of God and Heaven - especially after having been thrown into Sunday school and pushed into a Bar Mitzvah at age 13 (coming of age ceremony - a really big to-do), but I couldn't ever put my finger on what it was that didn't sit right with me. I mean, the whole organized religion thing was a big turn off, even at age 13, but I tried to look past that. Well, I tried...

              The more I've learned over the last decade or three, I have finally learned enough to know that I believe what was perceived as God by the ancients was really the higher consciousness, and the angels our energetic twins - in its most simplistic explanation.

              While I was reading the posts about 'songs' above, a thought flashed through my mind about the angels playing their harps - creating resonating music - and perhaps that music is the thoughts of our higher consciousness and, if we are open to it, if we actually listen, it draws us toward what is good for us: abundance, prosperity, like minded people, soul mates, good opportunities, etc.

              The ancient human populations of this world could not have helped having contact with the higher consciousness, but they maybe did not understand the intrinsic connections (perhaps, not ready to for some reason?), so they created stories in metaphor to express their experiences.

              (Another thought for another discussion: the music is the 'song' in the aether...)

              (And another: Was the story of Creation a trace memory of when and how our collective consciousness' created what we perceive as time and space?)

              I have often marveled at how people can so readily accept the doctrine of the holy scriptures (God, Heaven, Angels, Creation, The Father-The Son-and-the Holy Ghost) and then be so frightened of actually coming into contact with ghosts or hearing voices in their heads, etc. and committing violent acts upon those who profess the same. It's like the SETI people actually meeting an alien and either dismissing the encounter as a figment of imagination (a trick of the light..) or shooting them dead on the spot for no good reason, or out of fear (no good reason).

              OK, I think I have purged the voices for now, thanks for listening...

              P.S. I just got the ME book yesterday and will read as soon as I finish the one I am reading.
              Blessings on the journey, Glenn
              Handmade Ceramic Gifts


              • Blake had the right idea and starting me thinking on this; and SJ describes the vibrational 'music' quite nicely:

                Originally posted by S.J View Post
                Another thing that really hit home today is how easily we pick up on vibrations and I don't mean around us, our friends and family and home but in the World. We might as well be spread right across the World because we pick everything up we're intune to! That potentially, someone in say, Australia (trying to find furthest away from me) or on the Moon for example could be in a good mood and I can be open to that and pick it up and share it while simultaneously passing it on. And someone could be in a lousy mood and I can get that too. I'm epathic to a degree which hasn't been much of a help in my life up until now, so I really pick up on other energies a bit too much sometimes lol. Usually always been neg ones but I'm learning But it's not just me, it's everything around me. All swapping and changing energies with each other. I knew this, but what I didn't fully embrace is the enormous gentleness. Intention and Faith is all that's needed and it's done! A changing and sharing of energies is done. So if I'm lying in bed imagining what it's like to walk the white sands of Hawaii, you can bet I'm already doing it on an energetic level - someone somewhere is doing that and we're sharing that vibe. If I pretend I'm counting out my wealth and wondering what good i can do with it today - I'm doing it for real. And the more I pick up that vibe - there it is manifested although I was already doing it all along! Cool huh! Instead of pretending and thinking geesh this visualising kinda sucks, I playing and it's not here - we missed out that we ARE doing it! For real! No wonder loa experts talk about appreciation so much.

                Everything alive is doing it I think, even my plants! For months they were on their last legs, and I really wanted to learn Reiki anyway but in particular focus - my plants. I just love my peace lily (now lilies - split them up and planted them on to try and boost health and growth) nothing worked for them. They were so sickly, my garden centre said THROW THEM! I just couldn't, I love my peace lily So I kept telling them to hang on, and I would find a way! lol. So I am chatting to MoxieMags and explaining about my poor plants and how much I'm looking forward to giving them a Reiki boost. And MoxieMags is giving her plants Reiki and telling me about how I will be able to do it, and I am telling my plants (Prince Charles swears it helps, lol) that very soon they'll be getting Reiki and the next time I look at them they are sprouting! New leaves have grown so fast I couldn't believe my eyes! One even has a tiny flower on it! I had a sneaky suspicion that someone may have read their plight and sent them Reiki, and I asked MoxieMags and she said that my plants would have picked up the Reiki from when she treated her plants!

                So in essence, this makes a lot of sense to me about paths, and why I had good results before even buying it - with just the intention of buying it. I was chatting with Illusions, having not done so for a while. And I was re-reading her infectious bubbly emails about Paths, and I swear I picked it up! The paths vibe. I connected to it and started to get results. I put it down to simple placebo, but it's so much bigger and more beautiful than that I believe! So this is why I make up the other modules etc, because who knows someone on the other side of the world might have developed their own wealth module and I am picking it up just because I casually intended it With any luck I tapped into the same wealth stream as Oprah Winfrey LOL Whoever's it is, I'm giving enormous thanks already!
                Blessings on the journey, Glenn
                Handmade Ceramic Gifts


                • Hi glenn

                  Wow, Well I'm not sure what to say in response, But i can relate to the religion being shoved down my throat, and i rebelled at age 10, it never sat right with me from the beginning when my mom started participating in it. It was some sort of christianity, and i was confused for a long time, with how our world funtions and what i knew inside of me. Just really hits home....and the syncronistic thig about it is that, i am finally starting to feel validated woth what my gut/heart (insides) have always very loudly been screaming at me. Reading "The New Revelations-A Conversation With God" BY Neale Donald Walsch....and my god it is opening so much up for me.
                  Connecting alot of what i have read and heard in convo with many on ESM and connecting truths that have always been inside me...WOW....I am loving this.
                  Thank you for sharing...perfect timing (syncronistic)

                  Originally posted by Glenn View Post
                  Everyone has their own mindset on deities, heaven, higher beings, etc. The present day holy books depict an all powerful God sitting on a throne in a place called Heaven who knew each of our thoughts and commanded the Angels... well, I'm sure most of you know the details...

                  The more I learn, the less I understand - meaning there is always something else that I learn that leads me to another thing to learn - especially in this forum!! - but I digress...

                  When I was younger, I had some difficulty accepting the literal meaning of the story of God and Heaven - especially after having been thrown into Sunday school and pushed into a Bar Mitzvah at age 13 (coming of age ceremony - a really big to-do), but I couldn't ever put my finger on what it was that didn't sit right with me. I mean, the whole organized religion thing was a big turn off, even at age 13, but I tried to look past that. Well, I tried...

                  The more I've learned over the last decade or three, I have finally learned enough to know that I believe what was perceived as God by the ancients was really the higher consciousness, and the angels our energetic twins - in its most simplistic explanation.

                  While I was reading the posts about 'songs' above, a thought flashed through my mind about the angels playing their harps - creating resonating music - and perhaps that music is the thoughts of our higher consciousness and, if we are open to it, if we actually listen, it draws us toward what is good for us: abundance, prosperity, like minded people, soul mates, good opportunities, etc.

                  The ancient human populations of this world could not have helped having contact with the higher consciousness, but they maybe did not understand the intrinsic connections (perhaps, not ready to for some reason?), so they created stories in metaphor to express their experiences.

                  (Another thought for another discussion: the music is the 'song' in the aether...)

                  (And another: Was the story of Creation a trace memory of when and how our collective consciousness' created what we perceive as time and space?)

                  I have often marveled at how people can so readily accept the doctrine of the holy scriptures (God, Heaven, Angels, Creation, The Father-The Son-and-the Holy Ghost) and then be so frightened of actually coming into contact with ghosts or hearing voices in their heads, etc. and committing violent acts upon those who profess the same. It's like the SETI people actually meeting an alien and either dismissing the encounter as a figment of imagination (a trick of the light..) or shooting them dead on the spot for no good reason, or out of fear (no good reason).

                  OK, I think I have purged the voices for now, thanks for listening...

                  P.S. I just got the ME book yesterday and will read as soon as I finish the one I am reading.
                  As for the Angles and the farries Oracle...My friend was over on ....Monday and told me about a friend of here's who had the cards, and i had just read this thread back then (sunday i think).....So it has been trippy, and absolutely wonderful running acrooss all of this on here, right now...WOW
                  And as for the faries and the stuff you were writting about them, I have always heard (what i Describe as) whispering, of Whats gonna happen, of what's happening....Whispering of my soul....telling me things, cuz i would know of things....
                  Don't really know what else to add to that....Oh ya, when my spirit is soaring and i feeling on top of the world, it like i hear a singing, and it sounds like....Agles maybe, a choartlle (spelling eludes me) words to really describe it...actually i have been aware of this too when not nessecarily when i am soaring....Hmmmmm, maybe more aware.

                  LOVE you ALL Love and peace Adrienne
                  Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                  • Matrix Book

                    Hello All.
                    I was wondering how others were fairing with the book?

                    I have been reading off and on but have hit an awkward feeling about it all (as well as my ecxitement around the ME concept in general). I was wondering if anyone might have had similar feelings or a diffrent view on on what Im gonna try to put to words?

                    I guess part of my feelings boil down to control-vs-acceptance and how to fit this around/with/next to my spiritual understandings to date . Maybe I am having my old religious morphic fields challenged. And then theres just a discomfort in the way Richard B. is writing. It feels a bit manipulative making big leaps to stated conclusions that are worded as if he were a salesman trying to get me to make the same conclusion. I dont know. I'll hit that point again in a second.

                    First, the thought for me as a metaphor came to mind right before writing this. That of our culture(s) jumping forward so quickly in its technological capabilities these past 50 years...perhaps being a bit too ahead of its spiritual evolution. I question sometimes if its leading us more to distractions than helping us to grow fully into our humanity ...(then Im led to something like PATHS...) This philosophical - whats the word when something can hold two seemingly opposing truths but both have its own validity?- isnt my point. It could be a whole topic in its self. For me I just wonder If to try and implement (manipulate?) the Matrix Energy transfomations would be best when coupled with a certain level of spiritual awareness- that I perhaps havent achieved yet. What I have understood so far is that the "morphic field" intention surrounding the Matrix is for it to be/create only benificial outcomes. OR if it is God Energy that is really being tapped into and its the inteligence of "God" that directs the outcomes...then what could possibly be wrong?

                    In one way I think maybe this is a new (more effective) way of "praying" so to speak. A new perspective that might teach me how to build a deeper, more interactive relationship with the Great Creator of it all...? On the other hand I question who are we to be playing God like this? Where is the learning of aceptance and forgiveness if we can just time travel away any wound and go on our merry way? ( is that an old school control/fear based religion/morphic field type of thinking? I dont know.) For me its not so much a "playing" God fear because the spiritual philosophies I am drawn to teach that we are all one with that "God" and an expressson of "It", what ever It is. The way I have heard it put is that its only our conciouseness that is out of tune with our "True" nature. Thus we live these silly lives. But at the same time we are fully realized pieces of God. AND that there is nothing we need or need to do to attain God because God is allready us, as us.... That sounds rather quantum-esque... so can this M.E. stuff be a part of our spiritual tune up to help us see/express that True Nature? ....If you want it to be?

                    I just know that I feel I've been rather slow in my run through the flowery field into the arms of my True Love. (When I reread this I misstyped I feel as I fell...hmmm) And I just wonder that in the use of the "unlaws" of the matrix with out the corroberating "proper" conciousness that usually comes with these "powers" (in the past) it might just be putting the cart before the horse...for me. Or is it truely "a new day".

                    The thought of "downloading"/"two pointing"/"time traveling" myself into enlightenment has occurred to me and IS appealing and definately changes my perspective but I wonder if it really works that way. Is ANYTHING really possible?

                    I am drawn to more eastern spiritual philosophies (primarily Indian).Theres a book call Autobiography of a Yogi, which is one of the first books to really spin my world around spiritually. One of the repeating scenerios in the authors spiritual quest early in his life was the visits he would make to all the yogis/gurus/spiritual teachers he heard or came across. All in his search of his one true teacher. The one who could lead him on the inner journey to Self(GOD)Realization. All these teachers he visited had wisdom to share and fallowers to listen and many had special powers (sidhis?) that involved manipulating the "physical" realm to some majical and miraculus end. None of that however mattered to this author, the only thing that interested him was if what they knew (or did) could lead him to God. Powers he said was a common side efffect of the spiritual path but in no way the goal or to be used lightly.

                    Feeling my excitement for this "modality" and knowing my past sloth like progress in the spiritual realm I am wondering if i'm just wanting to hop onto a qwick fix jetliner when the jouney on foot is where the real "experience" is for me and has what I need...right now. I in the past have at times been so easily sidetracked from myself and what I really needed by the bells and whistles of ... whatever was most convenient .

                    So anyway in India it sounds that having amazing "powers" isnt that uncommon. Not having been I am only speaking from books. I have no clue if this Richard falls into a catagory of "power broker" OR as these times change "spiritual masters" are starting to pop up everywhere and theres no need for them(us) to fit into all the old religious packaging. [Side note: I read a book once about this one american homemaker/mother/healer on her own spiritual path who had/has the abilities to dematerialize at will. She apparently would play hide and seek with her kids by dissapearing (literally) and they would have to go find her where she rematerialized!] We apparently are creating whole new "morphic fields" of possibility and the "old rules" dont have to apply anymore This is such a mind bender for me... anyone have smilar or new or old thoughts on adjusting to all this Change thats happening.

                    Lastly again the wording in the book. I wonder if its not an NLP thing that hes using. I think he referred to studying/using NLP previously in his practice(?)I dont know that much about NLP.... What ever it is though its not feeling like a "clean" read? I know he said something about writing the book with the intention of its readers getting "it" and that "it" involves a deconstruction of our concept of reality. This I am sure for some, is not so comfortable for the established inner status quo of the individual....I dunno, is that what I am feeling?

                    This IS really interesting. Its making me I think want/need to tune back into what I have known so far to feel out this "something new". At the moment I'm in a place where Im not sure I trust my own judgement. Ive been "out of tune" for a while. I think I know what I really need but I have been avoiding it because theres a total surrender of a still slightly comforting coping behavior involved. But I think it might be obstructing the "view" of my Godness.

                    So these are my M.E. thoughts of the day. I didnt at all intend to be mr wet blanket here. I was just having some existential issues I wanted to put out there about M.E. ... also I think I have been avoiding driving 10 miles this eve to visit and tend to my garden. Whats the metaphor in that? I need to tend my own garden to grow my own answers...not spend hours typing my longest post yet that people probably dont have time to read. (sorry). AND why have I put my garden 10 miles away!!!?...

                    Thanks in advance for any responce!
                    On with the quest!


                    • Hi,
                      Originally posted by Blake View Post
                      Hello All.
                      I was wondering how others were fairing with the book?
                      I just finished the book last night.

                      When I first started to two point, I was wondering, how the heck do I find the second point, as I was having problems finding the second point on my wife.

                      I guess it comes with practice. She didn't feel much happening. She said she felt more when I was doing reiki. Anyway, 'when' he comes to the UK I'll go along to his lecture to experience it. In the meantime, I'll just do the best I can.

                      I had no problems with his writing, I just wanted to know how to do it. Although there are a lot of examples, I think that is just trying to show you how widely you can apply it.

                      With love and gratitude
                      Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                      Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                      • Hi Blake,

                        I finished the book a few weeks back. There were certain parts that were difficult to understand and didn't resonate with me so I just moved on. Took what fit for me and left the rest.

                        I think reading "Busting Loose from the money game" helped me understand Matrix Energetics better. It it wasn't for reading that book first, I probably wouldn't have absorbed anything from ME book.
                        The BL book blew me away. Actually, after reading ME I went back to re-read Busting Loose and got so much more out of it!

                        I plan to read more on quantum physics and the morphic field by other authors. Sometimes the mix of authors can provide a better understanding of the same topic.



                        • Originally posted by aps View Post
                          Hi Blake,

                          I finished the book a few weeks back. There were certain parts that were difficult to understand and didn't resonate with me so I just moved on. Took what fit for me and left the rest.

                          I think reading "Busting Loose from the money game" helped me understand Matrix Energetics better. It it wasn't for reading that book first, I probably wouldn't have absorbed anything from ME book.
                          The BL book blew me away. Actually, after reading ME I went back to re-read Busting Loose and got so much more out of it!

                          I plan to read more on quantum physics and the morphic field by other authors. Sometimes the mix of authors can provide a better understanding of the same topic.

                          Hi Aime,

                          Thanks for the recommendation about "Busting Loose".

                          Since reading the book have you "Bust Loose" ?



                          • I finished reading the book yesterday. I read it out loud to my husband, (something we like to do, especially when we both want to read it right away)
                            Well...for both of us it was right up our alley!!!!! I have had a lot of experiences with trusting the matrix in my life, so it felt natural and easy for me. But, not an angle to it that i had thought of before.
                            Let's see what has happen so far and I am not kidding you even in the tiniest bit.
                            I was born with one leg about one and a half inches longer than the other one, only noticeable to my dress maker and if I put my hands on my hips...Well, just from reading the book, which I will add I blubber like a baby when I starting reading page 153 and 154!!!
                            My HIPS are EVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            I also took a fall in Feb. down my stairs and landed on my knee. Most likely broke it but can't tell you for sure because I do not do doctors. The front of my knee just below the knee cap has looked smashed in ever since. I asked my husband to, "2 point it", and it isn't smashed in anymore. This is only from reading the bood The other thing is our dog hates her groomers and hates being groomed. She loves to be clean but hates the process. She is usually very difficult to get her through this process. She screams like a banshee and once our neighbor came over and asked what were they doing to her. Our neighbor was so concerned she was thinking about call the authorities, but she know that we treat our dog like she is a Princess.We have tried everything to make this as easy as possible for her to no avail. I
                            "2 pointed her today as she was going out to the groomers van. When our groomer brought her back, she told us, "Wow", what happen to her???, she was sweet and very very calm, she acted like she liked it today"!
                            So, I guess all I can say is this works and it works very well. Just go silent and let it go with no intentions or expectations. Also, you really don't have to believe in it to make it work. It will anyway, just like PATHS does!!!

                            Keoi Already
                            Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                            <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                            Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                            • Matrix Energetics

                              I've been watching Richard Bartlett for quite a while even before he ever had a book.

                              In his book, he gives a good analogy of the radionics stick pad and the two point concept. It is a kinesthetic response to the information from the matrix or collective. The nervous system always responds to info from the collective before the consciousness can become aware of it. It is the ideomotor response.

                              He portrays quantum entanglement in a very simple way that just about anyone can get and I really like that.

                              There is first one morphogenic field that is manifest in the form of a problem. Then that state is no longer realized in the practitioner's mind but a different state is realized and that is what changes the information in the morphogenic field that will dictate what the physical is.

                              Simply by "observing" a new state is automatically collapses a wave to particle state. He has been doing this a long time so his pump is primed for this method and he even mentions the morph field of matrix energetics itself. Everyone is able to ride the coat tails of everything he has built up in consciousness in regards to this modality and over time, the more people that do it the more effective it will be for everyone else. That is the group synergy that is developing now about this concept.

                              Rupert Sheldrake and Bruce Lipton are the two to study to understand the morphogenic field concepts.
                              Rupert Sheldrake Site
                              Bruce Lipton Ph.D.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Another Thread?

                                Hi Aime,

                                Thanks for pointing Busting Loose. I think this is the official website? BUSTING LOOSE From The Money Game

                                Maybe have another thread with this one?


