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  • Blake

    Originally posted by aps View Post
    Hi Blake,

    I finished the book a few weeks back. There were certain parts that were difficult to understand and didn't resonate with me so I just moved on. Took what fit for me and left the rest.

    I think reading "Busting Loose from the money game" helped me understand Matrix Energetics better. It it wasn't for reading that book first, I probably wouldn't have absorbed anything from ME book.
    The BL book blew me away. Actually, after reading ME I went back to re-read Busting Loose and got so much more out of it!

    I plan to read more on quantum physics and the morphic field by other authors. Sometimes the mix of authors can provide a better understanding of the same topic.

    Thanks for the parts about "There were certain parts that were difficult to understand and didn't resonate with me so I just moved on. Took what fit for me and left the rest." and for mentioning Busting Loose.

    That has always been the way I approach things. What works for one person, may not for another. Blake, if ME doesn't resonate with you it doesn't mean you have to question yourself about being on the right path and finding your 'real' experience - because everybody'd path is different and all your experiences are real. Go with what you are drawn to: Eastern (Indian) Spiritualism. There are so many aspects and disciplines to explore in that area that you could make a lifetime study of it. If the 'convenient, quick fix' approach is not for you - then go the long way - your way.

    "Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." --- Robert Frost

    Oh, and never, ever doubt for one moment that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! If it can be thought, it can be done - you just have to figure out how by following your heart and gut.
    Last edited by Glenn; 06-27-2007, 10:32 PM. Reason: forgot to add sumtin'
    Blessings on the journey, Glenn
    Handmade Ceramic Gifts


    • Busting Loose

      Hey Aime,

      Busting Loose is an amazing amazing amazing -ly great book. I happened upon it last fall and it revolutionized my own creative process. I was one of the "charter" members of the Busting Loose thread on PI, which is not very active any more, but was for a while. I've read the book a couple of times and do the process pretty much daily, when stuff comes up for me. I've had astonishingly wonderful results from that. Stuff that I'd wanted to do/be/have for a long time just came pouring on into my hologram. I see it almost as "Abraham 301" (ie graduate course in Abe processes.) Abraham teaches that you can't get from one part of the emotional scale to very much higher b/c of law of attraction. But my experience with BL process demonstrated exactly the opposite. If you dive into the discomfort, feel it, and then do the process, sometimes you can end up not just a couple rungs up the emotional scale, but all the way to bliss. GOTTA love that process!!!

      Funny you should mention that b/c I was just thinking the other day that after reading ME (twice) and practicing some, I want to go back and re-read BL. I just love how all of these modalities fit together one way or the other. If one doesn't suit you, hang in there, another will come along that does .... I've also started doing Zpoint process...which is freakin' astoundingly effective.

      This is such a fine time to be physical on the planet

      love & hugs



      • Hello Beautiful Chansonette!

        Originally posted by Chansonette View Post
        Hey Sweet & Handsome...
        That PFE is good stuff, huh!!!
        I'm so grateful to you for starting this thread -- I'm almost finished with my second reading of the book, and have been practicing here and there on myself, my inanimate objects, friends at a distance, whatever. One thing that I've been doing is two-pointing myself with one hand on my head, crown chakra-ish area, and one hand at a point off my physical body in my energy field. It is aFREAKINmazing what happens to me when I do that. I don't know if you're familiar with Network Chiropractic, but it is very much akin to ME in some ways, and Reiki in others -- it's a modality where they just touch certain points on the spine VERY lightly, and the body goes into this allover undulating wave-like movement, and it corrects all kinds of things. I had network for about 12 weeks about 7 or so years ago and just loved the results I got....but it got really expensive and I was a grad student/single mom at the had to quit. Then later when I was working I went to a massage therapist who also did reiki, and whenever she did her reiki stuff on me, my body would go right into one of those Network Chiropractic wave movement things, without her even touching me. Well....when I do this two-pointing on myself, same thing happens (except not so fluid, there are a fair number of jerking movements too)....when it's over I feel so calm. Flooded with calm. I have no idea what is being accomplished but it blows me away how powerful the energy shift is, for it to do that to my body.
        I am REALLY looking forward to the SF workshop (I got in, btw) -- I can't wait to learn in that immersion environment.
        Bizarre thing for me, thinking about this, is that I don't consider myself a "healer" or anything....I'm just following the magnetism of what calls to I don't see myself putting out a shingle and charging people....and when I start thinking of it as a "healing modality" I think "um...why are you going to this?????" but what an amazing amazing life tool for getting your resistance out of the way so that you can expand in joy and power and love and manifestation. I think you're absolutely right about the new thing that is coming into being with the convergence of all these modalities.

        Thank you so much for your wonderful post, Chansonette!

        Its great that you are getting some experiences with ME. Its great that you have other modalities to look for similarities with ME. One major difference is that ME does not run energy though. Which is kinda neat for you don't have to worry about clearing 'negative' energy and plus some get tired with the running energies modalities, but for me at least, I never get this tiredness with ME since it is simply getting out of your own way to allow a shift, a transformation to occur. HOWEVER, don't ever get me wrong - all these amazing tools are freakin Awesome! They all are doing SO much good that its really COOL to hear about them and the successes everyone has
        Its SO incredible that you are having these ME experiences even before going to the seminar in SF as you will be ahead of the game in many ways - AWESOME!



        • Welcome Moxie Mags to dis tread eh

          Originally posted by MoxieMags View Post
          Reading these posts about ME is so exciting I can hardly sit still. I sooooooo want to get the book and find out more and more!!!! I checked the website for where there might be a session but nothing any where near my area [yet].
          These discussion on this and other forums is so enlivening I just can't wait to read what the newest posts are saying.
          I want to know more! , I want to know everything! , I want to know now!
          I know there is no rush - all in good time
          Stephen, reading about your experiences has been so incredible - keep it coming.
          So much to learn!!!!!
          Don't ya just love it!!!
          Love you all,
          Yes, I feel the SAME! I want it to know everything and right NOW darnit!

          I SO hope a seminar comes near you or perhaps that you are able to travel to one - MANY people find ME starting to affect them, even before knowing how to do the two-point! I think this is partly because of a time-travel component and additionally, just their connection to the collective and the effects of their interaction with others tapping into the ME morphogenic field AUTOMATICALLY happens. This reminds me of the responses on the other thread about perceiving changes even before viewing PATHS about certain modules - this universe is a crazy and cool place!!!

          Its like everyday, a really huge puzzle I'm working on, gets a whole bunch more pieces fitting in and the picture gets slowly more perceptible, except that the puzzle seems to grow all the time, so that there is no end in sight to the project!!! WOOHOOOOOO

          Love and Light!



          • Hi Bren!

            Originally posted by Bren View Post
            I looked in on this thread as I am going to The San Francisco ME event. I too read that Abraham daily quote a few days ago and also thought "strange, I never heard Abraham refer to the fairies of the universe before". I am also reading the ME book and keep going "yes yes, of course!! - looking forward to the Event.

            I'm SO excited for you! Prepare thyself to be transformed - Even before you get to the event, you may feel the 'wave' and shifts occurring

            Please tell us all about your experience when you get back!




            • Wow, lots of stories about the Faery Oracle!

              Originally posted by Blake View Post
              That a funny story about the Fairie Oracle ...I have that deck of cards.
              And of course a story that goes along with it. I had a similar impression at first I think like your friend. Years ago I had a friend who was helping me out alot in a time of need and wanted to give me a reading with them. I looked at them briefly and said "no thanks they dont really appeal to me." My dad has a panthion of Tarot-esque decks so Ive seen a bunch. With this one there was some forboding mean looking "farries" in it. I'm not a big monster buff. It was a pretty strong aversion I remember. THEN about a year or so later a different friend not at all with a spiritual or metaphysical bent (that I was or am aware of) brought me a present for house was the Fairrie Oracle!?! He picked em up at the airport book store! I thought, how strange. So he and I actually played a bit with it right away and I pretty quickly let go of my book cover judgment.

              6 years later I still love having it(them). Its almost the only deck I use for that "stuff". Its very discriptive about its meanings and duities of the different farries, energies and spirits. It also really encourages you to find your own meaning for each of the cards. To really personalize it for yourself. When I am confused or feeling unsure about what I am doing, or want to look deeper into something it sooo often(always?) has been on the mark, adding many deeper and profound layers to my understanding. I'm sure thats the case with anyones favorite tarot doodad.

              Anyway I thought I'd tell my Farrie-O story. "Strange" it should come up here. Have fun with them...they are rather playful.

              Oh, Stephen, my dads name is Link Fountian. Tallish older guy with a goatee. He "clowns" in his retirement years. He usually sticks out in a crowd... but 400 people is a lot... 3 days though, I doubt anyone could have missed him.
              Awesome that you have the deck too!

              I feel the same about some of the 'weird, sorta mean' looking cards, but I've accepted it now since those cards can mean so many deeper things beyond just a surface judgment call.

              Weird, neat story - I had a friend over to do ME with, and the person went through the cards and picked out the two that felt the most attracted to, as in appealing to their Self. They were the SAME TWO that I had chosen and had to really calm my mind to choose which one was my power card over the other!!! WOW

              LOL, you won't believe this Blake, but YES, I know your father! I talked with him a BUNCH! I have a picture right here of him and I. I would love to post it if you get his permission first!!! I've got two of his business cards for stuff he does. He even brought in balloons and made balloon animals for everyone! He is a REALLY COOL DUDE. Very funny, very kind, and definitely has some Higher Connection going on!




              • Hi Glenn!

                I mean, the whole organized religion thing was a big turn off, even at age 13, but I tried to look past that. Well, I tried...
                I was born into a JW family and left it in 2004 - I've been cured of a need for an organized religion, thank you very much

                P.S. I just got the ME book yesterday and will read as soon as I finish the one I am reading.
                Awesome! The more feedback, the better!




                • Wow, Faery Synchronicity Week!

                  Originally posted by Adrienne View Post
                  Wow, Well I'm not sure what to say in response, But i can relate to the religion being shoved down my throat, and i rebelled at age 10, it never sat right with me from the beginning when my mom started participating in it. It was some sort of christianity, and i was confused for a long time, with how our world funtions and what i knew inside of me. Just really hits home....and the syncronistic thig about it is that, i am finally starting to feel validated woth what my gut/heart (insides) have always very loudly been screaming at me. Reading "The New Revelations-A Conversation With God" BY Neale Donald Walsch....and my god it is opening so much up for me.
                  Connecting alot of what i have read and heard in convo with many on ESM and connecting truths that have always been inside me...WOW....I am loving this.
                  Thank you for sharing...perfect timing (syncronistic)

                  As for the Angles and the farries Oracle...My friend was over on ....Monday and told me about a friend of here's who had the cards, and i had just read this thread back then (sunday i think).....So it has been trippy, and absolutely wonderful running acrooss all of this on here, right now...WOW
                  And as for the faries and the stuff you were writting about them, I have always heard (what i Describe as) whispering, of Whats gonna happen, of what's happening....Whispering of my soul....telling me things, cuz i would know of things....
                  Don't really know what else to add to that....Oh ya, when my spirit is soaring and i feeling on top of the world, it like i hear a singing, and it sounds like....Agles maybe, a choartlle (spelling eludes me) words to really describe it...actually i have been aware of this too when not nessecarily when i am soaring....Hmmmmm, maybe more aware.

                  LOVE you ALL Love and peace Adrienne
                  I'm SO glad that you have that CWG book - I have read several of them, but not that one - I'll need to get it so I can keep with the Conversation with Adrienne!!!



                  • I would love to help, Alan

                    Originally posted by firehorse View Post
                    Hi,I just finished the book last night.
                    When I first started to two point, I was wondering, how the heck do I find the second point, as I was having problems finding the second point on my wife.
                    I guess it comes with practice. She didn't feel much happening. She said she felt more when I was doing reiki. Anyway, 'when' he comes to the UK I'll go along to his lecture to experience it. In the meantime, I'll just do the best I can.
                    I had no problems with his writing, I just wanted to know how to do it. Although there are a lot of examples, I think that is just trying to show you how widely you can apply it.
                    With love and gratitude
                    Yes, practice is very important. Two-point Everything - the kitchen table, your dog or cat, whatever and whoever is available. Get right out of your mind lol, and allow the much deeper reservoir of knowledge and perception in the right-brain to take over.

                    I would be glad to help you and since I was planning on contacting you as soon as I can, then we can talk more about this - I will share what I have experienced and of course, you will be getting a totally unique ME experience yourself.

                    I believe the way Dr. Bartlett has written his book, mirrors in some ways the seminars. This modality cannot be compared to virtually anything else - in how you read about it, how you 'do' it, how it does a quantum shift of the light potential. There is no running of energy. The shift can happen even without doing all the two-point and other techniques.

                    The book teaches your subconscious more than anything else, in my opinion. What do I mean by this? Well, these are just my musings but if there is a morphogenic field that is 'Matrix Energetics', and if one's vibration through merely intending to look into ME out of curiosity comes into alignment with that field - then a person begins to access all the information contained in it. This means the words you read in his book will affect you on a subconscious level for it is more about interaction with the field. The actual written words may lead to disappointment for some who re expecting to learn in the usual way - I've seen posts on the ME site expressing this. They are trying too hard to 'get it' with their left-brain 'rational' mind - though calling it rational is another subject for another time.

                    To me, I perceived that the descriptions of the two-point and other techniques are wild leaps into the unknown, which is done On Purpose! ME is all about getting the basics so you can start building onto the ME field in your own unique way. More on this in my reply to Aaron's post later.

                    The two-point is simply a way of measuring between two points to notice a difference, with the real magic totally happening IN YOUR MIND. As one begins to have their awareness open, through LOTS of practice (for most of us) of the physical two-points, then you may begin to realize you don't need to actually touch both points on a person! Suddenly you might be able to touch one on their body, and intuitively know the other one in their energetic body! Or, you won't have to slide your fingers looking for the sticky spot, since you just 'know' where they are, you touch, and sure enough there is a harder, different spot right where you place your hands.

                    Then, you might realize, the whole two-point is simply a perception in your mind that you can suddenly feel and 'hear', like gentle whisperings in your ear, and that you can do this long-distance! Before you know it, you are two-pointing a surrogate (like the teddy bear Dr. Bartletts daughter was showing in the book in the pictures) for your child who may not like to have two physical points held on its body. Its neat now, after some practice with them, my boys are getting used to it, and even like it when Dad offers to do 'magic' with them for an ache or pain or just for fun

                    I think you are SO right that Dr. Bartlett was trying to show how widely you can apply it, by leaving in completely open-ended! No limits!

                    I hope to be able to chat with you soon, Alan,

                    Love and light,



                    • Cool! Dr. Bartlett recommends it too!

                      Originally posted by aps View Post
                      Hi Blake,
                      I finished the book a few weeks back. There were certain parts that were difficult to understand and didn't resonate with me so I just moved on. Took what fit for me and left the rest.
                      I think reading "Busting Loose from the money game" helped me understand Matrix Energetics better. It it wasn't for reading that book first, I probably wouldn't have absorbed anything from ME book.
                      The BL book blew me away. Actually, after reading ME I went back to re-read Busting Loose and got so much more out of it!
                      I plan to read more on quantum physics and the morphic field by other authors. Sometimes the mix of authors can provide a better understanding of the same topic.
                      Hi Aime

                      This is SO neat that you are bringing this book up! Dr. Bartlett made sure we all could write down the name and author of this book because it obviously can add to the ME experience. There was a mischievous twinkle in his eye when he did it though, because it sounds like a lot of preconceptions are challenged and as he pointed out, it really doesn't have a lot to do with money but contains a much larger message.

                      Its on my 'to order SOON' list

                      I just have to get through about 10 books in front of it - When Aarons book comes in the mail, there will be battle royale between it and The Holographic Universe - who will win???

                      Aime and light



                      • WOW, Awesome Keoi!!!

                        Originally posted by Keoi View Post
                        I finished reading the book yesterday. I read it out loud to my husband, (something we like to do, especially when we both want to read it right away)
                        Well...for both of us it was right up our alley!!!!! I have had a lot of experiences with trusting the matrix in my life, so it felt natural and easy for me. But, not an angle to it that i had thought of before.
                        Let's see what has happen so far and I am not kidding you even in the tiniest bit.
                        I was born with one leg about one and a half inches longer than the other one, only noticeable to my dress maker and if I put my hands on my hips...Well, just from reading the book, which I will add I blubber like a baby when I starting reading page 153 and 154!!!
                        My HIPS are EVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        I also took a fall in Feb. down my stairs and landed on my knee. Most likely broke it but can't tell you for sure because I do not do doctors. The front of my knee just below the knee cap has looked smashed in ever since. I asked my husband to, "2 point it", and it isn't smashed in anymore. This is only from reading the bood The other thing is our dog hates her groomers and hates being groomed. She loves to be clean but hates the process. She is usually very difficult to get her through this process. She screams like a banshee and once our neighbor came over and asked what were they doing to her. Our neighbor was so concerned she was thinking about call the authorities, but she know that we treat our dog like she is a Princess.We have tried everything to make this as easy as possible for her to no avail. I
                        "2 pointed her today as she was going out to the groomers van. When our groomer brought her back, she told us, "Wow", what happen to her???, she was sweet and very very calm, she acted like she liked it today"!
                        So, I guess all I can say is this works and it works very well. Just go silent and let it go with no intentions or expectations. Also, you really don't have to believe in it to make it work. It will anyway, just like PATHS does!!!

                        Keoi Already
                        I am SO happy for your experiences and not surprised in the least!

                        There were SEVERAL visible physical body shifts to people during the seminar I was at, besides lots of other cool stuff .

                        Even with just the book, I had several shifts and events happen, which I've already commented on earlier, though there is a really big one that I'm just going to accept as quite possibly being affected by ME that has to do with the 'biggest flood in decades that never happened, though it really really should have' lol, in the area that I live. It got a two-point with an archetype that just popped in my head of a bathtub with a really big plug. I asked what to do with this? And, PULL THE PLUG came through (DUH LOL), so I did!

                        'Go silent with no intentions or expectations' is MAGIC! Now, there is a part in the three steps of 'drop down, set your intent, and let go' that has an intention, but if I understand what you meant, perhaps you are talking about the mistake it would be to try and control the outcome? If so, I TOTALLY agree! The outcome of the shift is accomplished by the Source, of which we are One yes, but it is an amazing thing we tap into their in a much more open way.

                        Thanks for the freakin' incredible post of your experiences!!!

                        Love and light,



                        • Great information, Aaron

                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          I've been watching Richard Bartlett for quite a while even before he ever had a book.
                          In his book, he gives a good analogy of the radionics stick pad and the two point concept. It is a kinesthetic response to the information from the matrix or collective. The nervous system always responds to info from the collective before the consciousness can become aware of it. It is the ideomotor response.
                          He portrays quantum entanglement in a very simple way that just about anyone can get and I really like that.
                          There is first one morphogenic field that is manifest in the form of a problem. Then that state is no longer realized in the practitioner's mind but a different state is realized and that is what changes the information in the morphogenic field that will dictate what the physical is.
                          Simply by "observing" a new state is automatically collapses a wave to particle state. He has been doing this a long time so his pump is primed for this method and he even mentions the morph field of matrix energetics itself. Everyone is able to ride the coat tails of everything he has built up in consciousness in regards to this modality and over time, the more people that do it the more effective it will be for everyone else. That is the group synergy that is developing now about this concept.
                          Rupert Sheldrake and Bruce Lipton are the two to study to understand the morphogenic field concepts.
                          Rupert Sheldrake Site
                          Bruce Lipton Ph.D.
                          Hi Aaron,

                          Thank you a TON for your comments on this thread. They are very valuable for they explain more of how it 'works' and what is being accomplished. Your comments (I bolded them folks ) about the morph field of ME are practically word for word what Dr. Bartlett said during the seminar! Fantastic!!!

                          Not only can we ride on his coattails, but WE can access the morphogenic field of Dr. Bartlett himself to aid in our own application of it! Not only that, but we can also ADD to the ME morph field by 'making stuff up' that we want to to personalize it for ourselves. For those familiar with the Control Panel of the 21 frequencies (a part of the ME morph field), this is something you can TOTALLY customize for yourself. It is a virtual control panel and mine has all kinds of modifications (this is in your mind) to it - as Tim the Toolman might say - I added more horsepower <insert ape sounds here>

                          We're ALL MAKING IT UP! All the modalities have been created by consciousness - they work if you do them according to how they were designed/constructed by the original mind(s) that put them together - Reiki, QT, EFT etc etc ETC! The symbols of Reiki for example, have 'power' in the sense of the representation and connection they have to the DESIGNED meaning for them in the morphic field of Reiki!

                          Now, many of the minds, especially on the 3D level, who have originated most of these modalities, may not have understood they were creating a morphogenic field. However, when you attend the ME seminar (if it floats yer boat lol), you will get to hear wondrous things about how Dr. Bartlett (and I believe his former partner in crime, Dr. Dunn, as well as others, I think non-physical beings were mentioned) very much KNEW about the morphic fields, and purposely created ME into that format, in full knowledge of the process. The SUPER COOL part is that it is left open-ended and so simple, that you can pretty much do anything with it, including 'customizing' the field for yourself - if it sounds like I'm talking Alien here, its because this is hard to explain, and even harder for me to comprehend - so please excuse my limited way of trying to communicate what is a lot of just 'feeling my way through it' lol. I don't know that much about all these morphogenic fields etc, and am reading like a (nice) demon to catch up - but really, I am getting SO much more information through the collective, subconsciously, with feelings, hunches, and intuition. Yet, I would be very grateful to experience one of these major 'downloads' of information and enjoy years of flipping through the holographic pages of my mind .

                          Again, Thank you Aaron for your comments,


                          (ps, have you or are you ever planning to go to a ME seminar? Say YES, and that it will be in Hawaii! We'll Party in Kona, swim with the Dolphins (the collective Dolphin consciousness is an important part of ME), and time-travel to the future for a look-see around lol)


                          • To Blake

                            Originally posted by Glenn View Post
                            Thanks for the parts about "There were certain parts that were difficult to understand and didn't resonate with me so I just moved on. Took what fit for me and left the rest." and for mentioning Busting Loose.
                            That has always been the way I approach things. What works for one person, may not for another. Blake, if ME doesn't resonate with you it doesn't mean you have to question yourself about being on the right path and finding your 'real' experience - because everybody'd path is different and all your experiences are real. Go with what you are drawn to: Eastern (Indian) Spiritualism. There are so many aspects and disciplines to explore in that area that you could make a lifetime study of it. If the 'convenient, quick fix' approach is not for you - then go the long way - your way.
                            "Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." --- Robert Frost
                            Oh, and never, ever doubt for one moment that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! If it can be thought, it can be done - you just have to figure out how by following your heart and gut.
                            Hi Blake,

                            I was thinking of a longer post to respond to your awesome thoughts, but really, Glenn has expressed it perfectly. I love your honesty and way you share all these things running through your head and heart - keep it up! Its ALL good! Your Emotional Guidance System is amazing and wonderful and I am SO glad you perceive these things and wish you all the best no matter what or where you are in your 'journey'.




                            • Whew!

                              That was a lot of Freakin' Posting!

                              THANK YOU SO MUCH everyone for your love and light and curiosity and honest expressions on this thread!!!!! Please, keep them coming!

                              Peace, Beautiful People!



                              • I was born into a JW family and left it in 2004 - I've been cured of a need for an organized religion, thank you very much
                                OMG Stephen! So was I!!! I left at 19.
                                Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century

