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Matrix Energetics

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  • Blake and anyone else, Sharing session

    Originally posted by Blake View Post
    Hello All.
    I was wondering how others were fairing with the book?

    I have been reading off and on but have hit an awkward feeling about it all (as well as my ecxitement around the ME concept in general). I was wondering if anyone might have had similar feelings or a diffrent view on on what Im gonna try to put to words?

    I guess part of my feelings boil down to control-vs-acceptance and how to fit this around/with/next to my spiritual understandings to date . Maybe I am having my old religious morphic fields challenged. And then theres just a discomfort in the way Richard B. is writing. It feels a bit manipulative making big leaps to stated conclusions that are worded as if he were a salesman trying to get me to make the same conclusion. I dont know. I'll hit that point again in a second.

    First, the thought for me as a metaphor came to mind right before writing this. That of our culture(s) jumping forward so quickly in its technological capabilities these past 50 years...perhaps being a bit too ahead of its spiritual evolution. I question sometimes if its leading us more to distractions than helping us to grow fully into our humanity ...(then Im led to something like PATHS...) This philosophical - whats the word when something can hold two seemingly opposing truths but both have its own validity?- isnt my point. It could be a whole topic in its self. For me I just wonder If to try and implement (manipulate?) the Matrix Energy transfomations would be best when coupled with a certain level of spiritual awareness- that I perhaps havent achieved yet. What I have understood so far is that the "morphic field" intention surrounding the Matrix is for it to be/create only benificial outcomes. OR if it is God Energy that is really being tapped into and its the inteligence of "God" that directs the outcomes...then what could possibly be wrong?

    In one way I think maybe this is a new (more effective) way of "praying" so to speak. A new perspective that might teach me how to build a deeper, more interactive relationship with the Great Creator of it all...? On the other hand I question who are we to be playing God like this? Where is the learning of aceptance and forgiveness if we can just time travel away any wound and go on our merry way? ( is that an old school control/fear based religion/morphic field type of thinking? I dont know.) For me its not so much a "playing" God fear because the spiritual philosophies I am drawn to teach that we are all one with that "God" and an expressson of "It", what ever It is. The way I have heard it put is that its only our conciouseness that is out of tune with our "True" nature. Thus we live these silly lives. But at the same time we are fully realized pieces of God. AND that there is nothing we need or need to do to attain God because God is allready us, as us.... That sounds rather quantum-esque... so can this M.E. stuff be a part of our spiritual tune up to help us see/express that True Nature? ....If you want it to be?

    I just know that I feel I've been rather slow in my run through the flowery field into the arms of my True Love. (When I reread this I misstyped I feel as I fell...hmmm) And I just wonder that in the use of the "unlaws" of the matrix with out the corroberating "proper" conciousness that usually comes with these "powers" (in the past) it might just be putting the cart before the horse...for me. Or is it truely "a new day".

    The thought of "downloading"/"two pointing"/"time traveling" myself into enlightenment has occurred to me and IS appealing and definately changes my perspective but I wonder if it really works that way. Is ANYTHING really possible?

    I am drawn to more eastern spiritual philosophies (primarily Indian).Theres a book call Autobiography of a Yogi, which is one of the first books to really spin my world around spiritually. One of the repeating scenerios in the authors spiritual quest early in his life was the visits he would make to all the yogis/gurus/spiritual teachers he heard or came across. All in his search of his one true teacher. The one who could lead him on the inner journey to Self(GOD)Realization. All these teachers he visited had wisdom to share and fallowers to listen and many had special powers (sidhis?) that involved manipulating the "physical" realm to some majical and miraculus end. None of that however mattered to this author, the only thing that interested him was if what they knew (or did) could lead him to God. Powers he said was a common side efffect of the spiritual path but in no way the goal or to be used lightly.

    Feeling my excitement for this "modality" and knowing my past sloth like progress in the spiritual realm I am wondering if i'm just wanting to hop onto a qwick fix jetliner when the jouney on foot is where the real "experience" is for me and has what I need...right now. I in the past have at times been so easily sidetracked from myself and what I really needed by the bells and whistles of ... whatever was most convenient .

    So anyway in India it sounds that having amazing "powers" isnt that uncommon. Not having been I am only speaking from books. I have no clue if this Richard falls into a catagory of "power broker" OR as these times change "spiritual masters" are starting to pop up everywhere and theres no need for them(us) to fit into all the old religious packaging. [Side note: I read a book once about this one american homemaker/mother/healer on her own spiritual path who had/has the abilities to dematerialize at will. She apparently would play hide and seek with her kids by dissapearing (literally) and they would have to go find her where she rematerialized!] We apparently are creating whole new "morphic fields" of possibility and the "old rules" dont have to apply anymore This is such a mind bender for me... anyone have smilar or new or old thoughts on adjusting to all this Change thats happening.

    Lastly again the wording in the book. I wonder if its not an NLP thing that hes using. I think he referred to studying/using NLP previously in his practice(?)I dont know that much about NLP.... What ever it is though its not feeling like a "clean" read? I know he said something about writing the book with the intention of its readers getting "it" and that "it" involves a deconstruction of our concept of reality. This I am sure for some, is not so comfortable for the established inner status quo of the individual....I dunno, is that what I am feeling?

    This IS really interesting. Its making me I think want/need to tune back into what I have known so far to feel out this "something new". At the moment I'm in a place where Im not sure I trust my own judgement. Ive been "out of tune" for a while. I think I know what I really need but I have been avoiding it because theres a total surrender of a still slightly comforting coping behavior involved. But I think it might be obstructing the "view" of my Godness.

    So these are my M.E. thoughts of the day. I didnt at all intend to be mr wet blanket here. I was just having some existential issues I wanted to put out there about M.E. ... also I think I have been avoiding driving 10 miles this eve to visit and tend to my garden. Whats the metaphor in that? I need to tend my own garden to grow my own answers...not spend hours typing my longest post yet that people probably dont have time to read. (sorry). AND why have I put my garden 10 miles away!!!?...

    Thanks in advance for any responce!
    On with the quest!
    Hello Blake,
    Not sure if it worked to break up your post, inorder to post on it, but first off I really like your writting, you do it well and it's alot of things that at different times i myself haven't said out loud...but not about ME, just anything new and things i didn't understand....the sorting of my spiritual understanding, well are being sorted out as i speak, and although i haven't read the book at this time i have been hit with the biggest and most profound spiritual experience and understanding of my life...when i first experienced ME (Stephen) it knocked me on my ass spiritualy, Iguess. And it wasn't because of him, but because of the power i could feel, and the power i felt as i was being MEed, It so much more than me, and that scared the **** out of me cuz, i had always relied on me...A learned survival trait, but since that wasn't working for me anymore, i did have some direction to god/higher power/universe/source/creator....and although i fought it, and struggled with had been growing in me....the faith, the trust.....And i like how you wrote Acceptance vs. control OMG...that game sucks, as in it don't work for me to resist i guess is what i mean....i just get tierd of fighting after a while and more often, BLA, BLA, BLA.

    I have felt confused and tormented and distressed often on my new journey into the MATRIX....hehe (ya, no need to respond on that, i know)

    Back to the faith and trust thing i was saying though....i Spent a couple of years avedly persueing an understanding that suited my insides, my spirit...although i have made progress it has been slow, mind you is it meant to be quicker than it had been?.....but since Paths and CEM and exspecially Matrix E, it's like i have been rocketed into the millionth dimension, Among other things to and probably as a result of all of them at there exact moment.

    I am not exactly sure what i am trying to get at, but i know that reading your post Blake has help another piece of me open up, and to not be afraid to express my thoughts and feeling....personally i think it's a process and in this process for me, i am discovering what I truely desire. At first i thought it was all cool, and i was like, me too, me too...but now most stuff here (that i have read about) interest me, .....CEM has facinated me, and ME really blows my mind, But i think paths is slowly getting me closer to what my desires are, or actually being able to hear the things that are coming from inside me....In other words Removing the the blocks, hmmmmmm, interesting way how it all came around there (full circle).
    Anyhow think that will be all for now....been actually doing ME for a few days...And i think i have backed off again for a bit, but that is totally ok...MUST ALLOW THE PROCESS TO TAKE PLACE....Been on this new road...which is less travelled...(thanks for the Quote Glenn, one of my favs)
    Seems to have always been more interesting to me.
    That is all for now...Cheers and LOTS OF LOVE...ADRIENNE
    Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


    • Amazing Energy

      There is some AMAZING ENERGY in this thread

      Blake, Aime, Aaron, Alan, Adrienne, Pamela and the master blaster himself - Stephen!

      Wow, I am reading Aaron's book (awesome and mind blowing folks - order a copy!). Then I gotta get back into Busting Loose, read the ME book, and check out the Lipton and Sheldrake sites. Need more hours...!!!
      Blessings on the journey, Glenn
      Handmade Ceramic Gifts


      • Hello Stephen,

        Thank you for your reply
        Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post
        Yes, practice is very important. Two-point Everything - the kitchen table, your dog or cat, whatever and whoever is available. Get right out of your mind lol, and allow the much deeper reservoir of knowledge and perception in the right-brain to take over.
        It took me 6 months of practice to be certain whether I was doing muscle testing correctly I hope to get ME quicker
        Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post
        I would be glad to help you and since I was planning on contacting you as soon as I can, then we can talk more about this - I will share what I have experienced and of course, you will be getting a totally unique ME experience yourself.
        I'm really looking forward to this

        Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post
        ... ME is all about getting the basics so you can start building onto the ME field in your own unique way. More on this in my reply to Aaron's post later. ..
        Sounds cool to me

        Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post
        The two-point is simply a way of measuring between two points to notice a difference, with the real magic totally happening IN YOUR MIND. As one begins to have their awareness open, through LOTS of practice (for most of us) of the physical two-points, then you may begin to realize you don't need to actually touch both points on a person! Suddenly you might be able to touch one on their body, and intuitively know the other one in their energetic body! Or, you won't have to slide your fingers looking for the sticky spot, since you just 'know' where they are, you touch, and sure enough there is a harder, different spot right where you place your hands.

        Then, you might realize, the whole two-point is simply a perception in your mind that you can suddenly feel and 'hear', like gentle whisperings in your ear, and that you can do this long-distance! Before you know it, you are two-pointing a surrogate (like the teddy bear Dr. Bartletts daughter was showing in the book in the pictures) for your child who may not like to have two physical points held on its body.
        Sounds really great. There's so much do explore and do!!!!

        Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post
        I hope to be able to chat with you soon, Alan,
        I look forward to it

        With love and gratitude
        Save over $1,000 on PATHS
        Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


        • Stephen,

          Did you say that Dr Bartlett mentioned the Busting Loose book at his seminar?



          • Oh my gosh!! I agree 100% I love the energy on this thread!!!

            I recently re-read Busting Loose and now I am practicing everyday. Everytime something uncomfortable happens I apply the process.
            I haven't Busted Loose yet But I only seriously started this week.

            I can't wait till "weird" things start to happen in my hologram. I love to hear all about your experiences. As mentioned earlier (thanks for the suggestion henrii), maybe we can start a separate Thread here and it will be more active? I was following the one on PI forum, but it has dropped off a bit.
            I KNOW isn't Zpoint fun?!! I use this ALL THE TIME now too!
            I love your "Abraham 301" comment. I totally agree! You are the bomb!

            Stephen...that is so interesting that he mentions the book in the seminar. You are is so much more than just about money.

            Any recommendations on what to read next in the area of holographic Universe stuff?

            Love you all!


            • Lighten Up Your ME Study

              Hi All ME Devotees,

              For those of you who have viewed the zpoint videos
              Introduction to ZPoint
              and used the process with success, I offer this for your further consideration during your journey with ME.

              As I am reading the ME book, I use clearing statements around the concepts that are most 'unbelievable'. For instance on page 145, Richard says "Consider the possibility that in a quantum reality, things can happen instantly".
              Well, our rational mind is extremely invested in a time-encoded bias. So in order to clear that misconception, I formulated this statement: I clear all the ways that I disbelieve that things can happen instantly in ME.

              If you are all bogged down in the idea of 'I don't know how to two-point', you might consider a statement such as: "I clear all the ways that I believe that I need to know how to two-point for it to work". As we read the book, we know that it is the conditioning of the conscious mind that causes us 'not to get it', so simply clear all the ways that you get mired in those 3D beliefs/concepts.

              From my perspective, all of these energy processes are to be dealt with in a playful manner. The serious, 'I have to know it all', conscious mind is best set aside while in the throes of exploring these delicious, unconventional notions of time travel and instant release of old 3D patterning.

              In harmony,
              ZPoint Practitioner


              • Peg, you're a genius!!!

                Thanks for the suggestion re zpointing these areas!!! So smart!!!!

                love & hugs



                • Bustin' loose

                  Originally posted by aps View Post
                  I can't wait till "weird" things start to happen in my hologram. I love to hear all about your experiences. As mentioned earlier (thanks for the suggestion henrii), maybe we can start a separate Thread here and it will be more active? I was following the one on PI forum, but it has dropped off a bit.
                  I KNOW isn't Zpoint fun?!! I use this ALL THE TIME now too!
                  I love your "Abraham 301" comment. I totally agree! You are the bomb!

                  Stephen...that is so interesting that he mentions the book in the seminar. You are is so much more than just about money.

                  Any recommendations on what to read next in the area of holographic Universe stuff?

                  Love you all!
                  Aime, darlin! Good idea, I just started a Busting Loose thread here, so we'll see how the conversation develops. You are so right that it isn't just about money. In fact, it's not about money at all, as the concepts apply to any subject area of one's life. I started doing BL last fall, Septemberish I think, right after the book came out. Even though I bought it b/c I thought it would help with finances (always my big sticky wicket -- at least up to now)...but what actually started manifesting for me as "eggs" to bust were relationship issues, mostly with men. It was bizarre. The farther along I get with it, the more long-term the eggs are as which I mean I can be progressing along a story line in my hologram for weeks or even months and then at a certain point I'll look at it as a whole and realize, OMG, THAT'S AN EGG!!!!!!!!

                  My EB has been having a lot of fun with me in this

                  Re Zpoint -- wow. what can I say. It's already brought me so much relief from longstanding issues I am in awe. I've bought three of the virtual cds and am listening to them every day. Just love 'em. and practicing it also whenever stuff comes up for me. It's fabulous.

                  As to the next book, if you haven't read it, Michael Talbot's The Holographic Universe. It's an absolute foundational must-read, and a real page-turner.

                  love & hugs



                  • Peg, that is brilliant!! Great idea and thanks for the sample clearing statements!

                    Ohhh, I noticed the BL thread...thanks Chansy...I'm heading over there now!!

                    Love ya all,


                    • Wicked stiff neck

                      Hi Stephen,

                      Big favor...would you be able to 2-point my neck area when you get a chance. I woke up with a huge stiff neck. I can't move my head left or right. Yikes!

                      I tried 2-pointing myself a few times but it's not working. Any suggestions for "self 2 pointing". I know Dr. Barlett mentioned it is difficult at first to work on ourselves.

                      Also, when do you know to let go of the 2 points?

                      thanks so much!!!!


                      • Aime is a swan with a lovely long flexible neck

                        Hi Aime,

                        Heading into a meeting so rushed here but just wanted to let you know I just 2-pointed you and got an image of you as a swan with a lovely long flexible neck. I hope it helped! If not, here's a hug anyway (gentle hug)



                        • Reading, Reading, Reading

                          Hi Stephen
                          I went on line and ordered ME and along with it I ordered the Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden and The Intention Experiment by Lynne Mctaggart. They arrived yesteday and I have already read Braden's book and am now into Richards. It is so interesting to me - someone so not interested in science or quantum physics to be so inundated with this stuff My mind doesn't have a clue what I am reading about so I just keep reading knowing at a much deeper level things are getting through.
                          I finally got to the point a bit ago when I just said 'So what are you trying to tell me???? Everything I read says the same things over and over'.
                          I have always had such amazing experiences and syncronicities in my life and have never cared or bothered to try and justify or understand any of the science or 'proof' behind it all - I just Know what speaks to me as truth.
                          Your quote below - makes me think - yeah that is it - just let it happen - I don't need to know how or why - just let it happen and then I read about two point and think - what the bleep is that?!?!

                          MANY people find ME starting to affect them, even before knowing how to do the two-point! I think this is partly because of a time-travel component and additionally, just their connection to the collective and the effects of their interaction with others tapping into the ME morphogenic field AUTOMATICALLY happens. This reminds me of the responses on the other thread about perceiving changes even before viewing PATHS about certain modules - this universe is a crazy and cool place!!!

                          It is indeed a crazy and cool place to be - who would have guessed just a few months back that I'd be here - but we all have a Mystic Path and I am so glad to be travelling down it with all of you. For now I am just going to keep reading the book, this forum and trusting it will all be clear when the time is right.
                          So please agree with me or ME me or whatever ME, Stephen.
                          Love and gratitude,
                          Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                          My Mystic PATHS Website
                          Word Whisperer
                          My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                          • Stephen's Work with Matrix Energetics

                            Hi Stephen,

                            I will be posting soon on my thread about YOU!! I am so happy and grateful now that you are practicing ME!! I want to tell everyone that Stephen did some work on me with ME, and it was fantastic!

                            Stephen first asked what I wanted to work on, and the first thing that popped into my mind was The International Karate Tournament I was going to compete in . I told him that I could sense that I was feeling Fear concerning this matter. I told him it wasn't about the actual tournament itself, but it was concerning other "issues" revolving around this tournament.

                            As Stephen started working on me, I noticed a bright white light about 15 feet in front of me. It came and went, and then as Stephen continued I noticed a deep relaxation surrounding my neck and shoulders. It was completely gentle and effortless.

                            I was very happy to feel this sensation without having to do any type of Energy work myself!!

                            As I told you on the Skype call we had "YOU, Stephen are a Leader in this field ALREADY!!" I am so happy and Grateful now that you have brought greater awareness to this Fabulous Forum about Matrix Energetics.
                            Last edited by Grace; 07-02-2007, 11:01 AM. Reason: spelling and grammatical errors
                            IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                            • Gracie Darling Angel Woman

                              Hi beautiful....

                              What an inspiring description of your experience of Stephen's work on you!!!!

                     this kind of feeling that you had around your tournament...also check out zpoint. I have been practicing zpoint for less than a week and I am just miraculously free of all kinds of resistance in the form of anxiety, fear, whatever (we all know what these forms of resistance are regardless of name) and this evening, sitting in my back patio just watching the light change through the bamboo I was struck with how truly blissfully, deliciously at peace i am on all subjects in my earthly life right now...(and I currently have some meg-challenges in play)....

                              I am employing so many modalities in service of life expansion i'd be hard pressed to pinpoint one over the other...but this I know...this amazing shift has come about in the days since I started practicing zpoint. I've never experienced anything like this freedom I am now feeling.

                              love you!!!!



                              • Hi Gorgeous people

                                Am going crazy finishing re-doing my hallways and everything else, before my family can't find time to keep up here!!
                                Anyway, I would highly recommend that you all have a look at Kingsley's blog, Exploring Matrix Energetics UK, His from London and has done all three levels and I had a remote session with him a couple of weeks ago. He's a Beautiful Soul and I just got an email from him about wanting to do more remote sessions with whomever would like to participate. The details and his email is on the blog.
                                My session with him was AWESOME!! Not only did he work on me, I got to practice on him as well... Absolutely Fantastic!!

                                So between our own Beautiful Matrix Wizard, Mr Stephen Handsome , and Kingsley, we are in for a Ride, even though we haven't had the Bliss of experience the seminars yet!

                                For you, Stephen ... do get in touch with him if you feel like, I'm sure you guys would have SO much to talk about!!

                                And, Alan... since he's in your area, here's your chance of maybe getting a session in person!!

                                Ok, off to work on the house again!!

                                If someone could please send over three cleaners/sanders/painters and a plumber, I would be Most Grateful!!

                                Much Love,
                                Moria x
                                Intuitive Readings
                                Web design by Hannah King

