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Matrix Energetics

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  • Awesome Alan!

    Originally posted by firehorse View Post
    Hello Everyone,

    I've finally got back into UK time, more or less. Travelling 24hrs is difficult enough without having to adjust the timezones of two little ones as well!!

    It was great to meet up with Stephen, Adrienne and Sharyn.

    I was really worried I wouldn't pick up ME but I seemed to do OK from the very first person I practised on. However, I only 'felt' ME a couple of times when Richard Bartlett was doing it on me directly, the rest of the time I couldn't feel anything except rocking backwards and forwards a few millimetres.

    We were able to get the little ones to sleep better while we practised on them in Hawaii. But that's all gone out the window with trying to get them back to UK time

    Best trick I pulled off during the seminar was doing multiple selves doing multiple selves on two people. Had to wait about 5 seconds for all of us twiddling our thumbs then both the people I was practising fell against the wall simultaneously as they felt the effect

    Now if only I could feel what was going on and do it consistently then we would be in business

    With love and gratitude
    It was SUPER to meet you, your wife, and the kids!!!

    We even got to do some M.E. magick on each other! I believe we did some radionics at one point? WOW, that was Great FUN! I was even holding the picture of the radionics machine upside down lol, and tapping into Dr. B's little plugless radionics machine for initial calibration Toooo COOL!

    As for the consistency factor, there is the PRACTICE factor! Do it all the time on EVERYTHING, never worrying about whether a 'shift happened'. KNOW that something is happening and with continued practice comes increased sensitivity to the shifts and transformations that were happening ALL ALONG!

    You were great Alan!

    Love and light,



    • Hi Zane!

      Originally posted by zane View Post
      I'm new here. Does anyone have any suggestions about getting your finger to stick to a surface as Dr. Bartlett writes in his book?

      No success with this exercise at all.
      Does anyone have suggestions??? Muhahahahaaaa, you have come to the right place!!!

      Though I would be happy to communicate more through PM or perhaps on Skype or Messenger, I may be able to help you out right here, right now!

      Matrix Energetics is a consciousness technology. So, the two-point technique is a tool of consciousness to interact with the quantum field by finding two points that are entangled. However, this is totally OPEN-ENDED, thus two points can be chosen and joined (read entangled) by conscious intention.

      But suppose we just 'stick' lol, with the basic physical two point idea. When sliding your fingers on a surface trying to perceive a sticky spot, remember that this is a tool of consciousness and especially the unconscious mind, also tied in with right-brain thinking. Thus, try to let go your left-brain analytical mind with this technique. Just sort of release your overwhelming desire for a major tactile stickiness, and surrender to the slightest resistance to your fingers moving. At first, you may not be that sensitive thus, don't drag your fingers with a lot of force. It often helps many people to ask an open-ended question when looking for the first point such as: 'What would it look like to find the first point?'

      Now, with the second point, in this basic procedure, we are seeking a spot that feels entangled with the first point we found from above. This second spot will become something in our awareness that makes the first feel stuck, hard, rigid, or otherwise 'different'. Remember again, this is a tool of consciousness, thus, the actual surface may not appear any different, it is in your awareness that something shifts. Ask another open-ended question (I like doing this sometimes) such as: 'What would it look like to find a second point?'

      This physical way of establishing the two points is only just a START! Many, like Sharyn, quickly find themselves intuitively just 'knowing' where the two-points are. In short order, others quickly find they can establish the two points only in their mind and do long-distance M.E. with ease. ITS FREAKIN' INCREDIBLE!!! Eventually, I imagine practicing M.E. with barely any conscious awareness of two-points or any other wordiness to the techniques, as a state of PLAYFUL INFINITE POSSIBILITIES simply works through you to manifest shifts and transformations without asking or 'working' at it at ALL!

      Once you have your two points, you can imagine them joined in some way <insert favourite visualization here>. At this point, you are entering the realm of playful infinite possibilities as you step out of 'reality' into a world of possibilities where with your conscious intention, you may 'weight' a new outcome, increasing the probability of it manifesting.

      Thank you Zane for your question and your interest - as you might imagine, this is only the BEGINNING!!! There are layers upon layers upon layers of further interesting and FUN aspects of M.E.

      In appreciation,



      • WOW Sharyn, you ROCK!

        Originally posted by Sharyn View Post
        Hi Zane,

        I found that I couldn't "get" the 2 point in the manner described by Dr Bartlett in the book. In fact, I never have. Even now after having been to the seminars when I 2 point it occurs for me in a different way.

        I can't even really explain it, this is in part what makes it so difficult to try & define what Matrix Energetics is, as everyone experiences it differently & will evolve it in a different manner.

        When I 2 point I basically just find 1 point where I am drawn to, find another, form the intention to do it & more or less mentally visualise the connection & let go. I don't physically feel the 2 points pulling together,( in fact for me this was more off putting than anything else). It tends to just happen for me. I have still being getting results doing it my way so I tend not to worry about it now.

        I can only suggest attending a seminar if you feel really drawn to it & get immersed in the experience.

        Love, Light & Blessings,
        Hi Lovely Sharyn!

        What a fantabulous privilege to meet you at the Hawaii seminar!

        Thank you SO much for explaining the way the two-point has been for you!

        You are SO correct in sharing that M.E. is VERY UNIQUE to each person and that is part of why it is SO COOL! It is very open-ended which allows for wide interpretation and implementation of the various facets of the modality!

        And folks, here is a pic of the very lovely Sharyn and 'some guy'

        Love and light!



        • FANTASTIC PICTURE!!!!!!!!

          You both look wonderful I love seeing this.

          I have been a lurker of this thread, especially since a phone conversation with Bren after his ME conference experience.

          I don't know what he did but some energy (good stuff) seemed to have transferred through that phone!!

          I haven't studied ME but I can tell it is great from your posts and the energy from the call with Bren.

          XO Jessica
          Keep your mind on the aether


          • Alan (Firehorse) and ME!

            Hi All,

            I have been very fortunate Lately and have not only had Stephen and Sharyn work on me, but now Alan too!! THANK YOU ALAN!!

            I have noticed with all the sessions of ME that I have had with these amazing individuals is that I have always felt a great deal of warmth from within. I am Reiki Two and I know what it feels like to experience the warmth of Reiki, but this is different. I also know that with my CEM (Chinese Energetic Medicine) the feeling is subtle and very rarely with the feeling of warmth when I work on myself so I was able to easily discern that it was the ME that was in effect.

            I asked Alan to work on a situation that I don't work on myself very much. It is what I like to call a "glamor fluff" issue. When ever I eat in restaurants I am very sensitive to chemicals in the foods especially mono sodium Glutamate, and consequently the next morning I wake up with puffy eyes.
            So I gave Alan the difficult task (one that I don't even waste my time on) of correcting me from being affected in this manner.

            I felt the intense warmth once again, and this time a tingling up and down my spine as well as tingling warmth around my arms, hands and fingers. After we were done I looked in the mirror and noticed a considerable reduction in the puffiness under my eyes. They were puffy again because I had been doing volunteer work (in order to raise funds for my Karate school to assist in paying for tournament fees, hotel costs etc. for all members) and had to eat very "yucky" concession stand food,(which is loaded with chemicals).

            The following Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (this past week) I volunteered again and ate this food. I woke up with puffy under eyes again but it was noticeably less!!

            Today when I woke up I noticed that the puffiness was again less than normal!! I consider this a tough job and Alan was able to help with what I consider wonderful results!! It is so fantastic to have such ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS FRIENDS that are so amazing and talented!!

            I also had the Beautiful Sharyn work on me again with ME, and once again she amazed me too with her new found skill!! Nothing brings me more Joy than to see these fabulous souls realizing their TRUE POWER!!





            • Well, I had a success with 2-pointing! My subject started to laugh so hard she had tears in her eyes. She said she felt some energy she never felt before and got a bit scared and started to laugh. After she started to laugh I got scared what I did so I stopped 2-pointing her. But there were no results for my intention to happen.
              After that I tried another 4 or 5 times but nothing happened.

              The first time I did it, I ve set a intention, cleared my mind, found the "hot" points (i feel them hot) and made a connection and let it all go.
              Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasnīt been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


              • Stephen, thank you for your explaination. It is very helpful. I have read the book, but had trouble with the 2-point. It felt like there was nothing happening, which I know can be the case....but to me it just didn't feel like there was a connection. I am going to re-read the book and try it again keeping your explaination in mind.

                Jure, it sounded funny that you made her laugh! That is Great! You must be doing something right.


                • I've read the book, but I'm not having results yet--at least not in an obvious way. Would somebody be willing to give me a "booster shot" of ME? I assume that's what Dr. Bartlett is doing at the beginning of his seminars.

                  Grace, I don't consider your reaction as "glamor fluff" because it shows that our bodies don't want MSG. At least it didn't trigger a migraine or IBS-like symptoms for you.


                  • inspired

                    What we resist persists!
                    Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                    • My experience since the seminar

                      Well, the seminar was amazing, as i previously mentioned.
                      Honestly i haven't the words to describe it....

                      Since i have been back, I have been purging (like gutting the shed) like crazy... and that has been opening me up like crazy.

                      I have been palying with M.E. with a friend who is level two reiki.... she really likes it.... and has had some really great experiences from it. Sometimes it is a more powerful experience for her than others.

                      she does a pendulum thing with my chackras and say' they are all balanced....and some are more active then otheres each time.... first it was my root chackra and heart chackra....then my crown chackra and sacral chackra... so that is interesting.

                      In truth i haven't been doing it much at all....and i think thats where the 'what we resist will persist' statement comes in.... Sigh.... my biggest blocks i believ are letting go, surrender, trust....

                      However, with just finishing the Book 'Busting Loose From The Money Game' which is about so much than money....
                      more like consciouseness... I am being made aware of my true self by aplying the process outlined in this book...OMG....

                      Dr. Bartlett did mention at the seminar that it was a dangerouse book....
                      And it seems to really fit in with what is being done at the seminar, but not so much in a direct way...
                      And all the higher self stuff....and of course so much more...
                      which i can't even describe...cuz it is like a taste i get (not literally) it's like a deep knowing....sixth sense... my exspanded self...infinit self... powerful self... noding it's head inside me.

                      As it is absolutely possible to Play M.E. for anyone....
                      Key things stood out for me in accessing my own power..
                      Trust, letting go, getting out of the way, and knowing nothing.... And cuz I keep playing this game of resist, well
                      OMG...these have been the opposite of what/how i lived my life...LOL....yes laughing at myself, cuz of what i have created in my world, so that i can truely experience who i really am..... Matrix Energetics is great....

                      well i am here and still kicking around....

                      as for my experience with the two point, i am experimenting with visual and feeling for my points....
                      I see them alot, and it's like i have to not be looking for them... and get my mind, left brain out of the way, cuz it's like am unable to find them.... Yup, practice, practice, practice....

                      WOW, i knew you were gonna be great with it Sharyn....very powerful...Awesome

                      LOve and peace .......Adrienne
                      Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                      • Originally posted by Adrienne View Post

                        Dr. Bartlett did mention at the seminar that it was a dangerouse book....
                        And it seems to really fit in with what is being done at the seminar, but not so much in a direct way...
                        What did Dr Bartlett mean by his statement??
                        Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                        <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                        Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                        • Keoi,

                          Richard says this with a wicked glint in his eye & bit of a chuckle! He is a very funny man & likes to be a bit confronting at times, especially with his clients!

                          I believe that he means that this may be a confronting book for some to read & way outside of their comfort zones depending upon their concept of reality. It can be paradigm shifting to those that are "ready" & resonate with its message.

                          I personally found it to be a great read & although not new in many ways from other reading that I'd done he does present his information in a really good "hands on" way to implement the concepts.I totally enjoyed it! But as my son tells me I'm already "OUT THERE" where ever that is! Out in the Matrix here, there & somewhere!

                          Love, Light & Blessings,
                          Theta Healing
                          Paths 2 Potential

                          "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                          • let's put it this way...

                            It has been a uncomfortable....eye opening...challenging and already (in five days) life altering experience.....

                            And yes I'd agree with sharyn, cuz it was stephen who reminded me of this, when i had the experience of ALL conceptions being laugh now, but then it messed me up......but if one can survive that, then they grow....

                            I am becoming open to things i couldn't see about myself and my life...that i had no clue about...well more like wished to ignore...Sigh...just by applying the process a few times to uncomfortable feelings...
                            Definit wow....

                            Anyways..... very new concepts to me (sort of)
                            probably why M.E. has become so easy to catch onto for you Sharyn.....

                            Love and light........Adrienne
                            Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                            • Sharyn and Adrianne - new masters in ME. I get your message!

                              Just open up and let it happen!

                              As I see it a seminar is almost a must to break through!
                              Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasnīt been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


                              • Jure

                                yes, you are correct there captain.... A break through has been ordered into this paticular hologram...

                                moments now really...just moments..hehe

                                i am rubbing my hands i am patiently waiting for it to manfest itself......evil laughter....whahahahaahaah...I am going to rule the world....


                                Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me



