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Matrix Energetics

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  • Originally posted by Yoda View Post
    Could someone please two point me so I can two point?????

    Thanks in advance, Yoda!!!!!

    How about a two-point for you to feel you have enough TIME to learn it on your own. I've sensed from some of your threads that you feel you're moving so fast you can't slow down and really absord and catch what's going on. I hope you don't take offense to this, it was not meant to be a harmful statement.

    Marnyka Z. Buttry
    Divine Openings Giver & Healer


    • Yoda is just very tired and broke!!!!!

      Hernia seems better today, thinking maybe someone two pointed it or God or something helped!!!!!

      With hernias, until they FULLY heal, they can pop anytime!!!!!

      Stuck in Houston, but know I am to head out west, Phoenix for sure and await the adventures and learning!!!!!

      Typing is difficult and my mind needs help with info, please keep me in your prayers!!!!!

      Yoda out!!!!!


      • P.S. In the time it took you to lecture Yoda on two pointing, you could have two pointed Yoda!!!!!

        Just for the record!!!!!


        • Yoda

          I did 2-point you
          Marnyka Z. Buttry
          Divine Openings Giver & Healer


          • Kevin/Yoda...

            I totally understand your frustration as you are trying to learn this new stuff. You sound very frustrated and in a hurry... I totally understand where you are as I have been there myself!

            I did do a 2 point on you, but not for what you might think... I 2 pointed you for peace and understanding and patience! There are several main things that I see in your posts, and one of the most important is that you are tired and a little overwhelmed! On the forum you will hear a lot of us talking about being in the NOW or just Being! This is very important to learn to do, as it is where you connect with the source! The best way I know how to describe this is to find yourself a time when you will not be interrupted and where it is peaceful (although I can do this with my kids in the other room being kids, so...) I love to call this place the silence, but it does not mean the outer silence it is the inner silence! If there are sirens and people being people and what ever just tune it out! I like to use a circular breathing, but you can use any breathing method you want. Start by relaxing from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet or vice a versa! NOW just observe! Observe your brain chatter, as if separated from it! Just let yourself be there. Don't worry about trying to make it perfect or feel some awesome whatever... Just be there! OBSERVE!!!!! The observation takes away the power from the ego mind and its chatter. As you learn to practice just being then as time goes on you will just be in your daily life!

            The second, is NO AGENDAS! God, not only did I hate this lesson, but so did a lot of people as were learned it the hard way! You know the thing I learned about agendas is that my idea of what is of my highest and best... is not nearly as good as what is truly intended for me! Yes you want the hernia to go away! This is your preference, but when you have an agenda... you tend to get so focussed on the agenda that you manifest the opposite of what you want! Let go of the agenda and start to work on just 2 pointing or intending for wholeness in your body! Balance in your body. Completeness in your body! It is hard but try not to speak of what ever it is that you desire to be gone from your life, and if you need to talk about it or ask for help, call it by another name... For instance when my kids have an ear ache they tell me that they have mickey mouse ears! That way I know what part of them needs work, but the universe never hears the traditional label put on it so it does not create more of it! So I tend to call all sickness either just symptoms or yuckies. They are not real, they are just a creation to bring you to a point of where you are ready for another layer removed or a higher level of who you really are. They do feel real, I know that! This is part of the learning.

            Now the big thing I see with you... You are sooooo caught up in TRYING! that you are missing the experience! This is about playing and experiencing. You are working way tooo hard! You are fighting against yourself! You are defeating yourself! The 2 point is just sitting or standing or whatever and picking 2 points on yourself or a serogate (pillow, doll, or I like my wallet) then asking yourself open ended questions. Example: What would the first point look like? What would the connection feel like or look like? What would the wave collapsing feel like? What would a whole body feel like and look like? Now we are back to the whole just being there, and experiencing it, playing with it! Back to being in the NOW!

            I am not sure how my 2 pointing you to 2 point would help you, because then it would take away your experiencing and playing with it... The whole point of ME is that there are no rules and there is no perfect way... my 2 point may be totally different than yours or Stephens or Brian's or Marnyka's. I think the 2 point is something you can be guided on, but you have find it on your own in your own way. It is kind of like waving a magical wand over my life to zap me out of the shelter into a beautiful home of my own... Well as much as I desire a house of my own... I need the process of learning what I need to learn that then is now manifesting the new home! If it were not for living in the shelter, then I would have never be here talking to you and learning to 2 point, and learning to manifest a fantastic life for myself. I would not walk in peace and joy, and most of all I would not appreciate or have gratitude for anything that is now in my life!

            Gratitude is a huge key to manifesting and transforming your life!

            Blessings Sallyjane Zartgirl (Maybe not the answer you wanted, but it is the answer that came to me as I was 2pointing you! I have awesome intuition and can see into peoples lives, and you my friend created me to tell you all this... So you have already started to recreate your life!


            • Matrix Energetics need clarification 9-2-8

              Dear sir

              Recently in India i got copy of matrix energetics . I have few querries - Kindly clarify :

              1) What is the meaning of measure the two points ( in two point method)

              2) In the book example is given where the author two points after the bridge - When we are doing two point for relationship , bussiness , or any other thing how to get the two points . ( I mean we just sey teh intention of finding 2 points )

              3) I recently did two points for somebody with sciatica problem - When I try to merge myself ( light form) with the patient - I got goose pimples and I broke the connection - Any explanation for this ?

              Waiting for your reply


              J S Gaidu
              J S Gaidu
              India (Mumbai)


              • Get ready for a ton of posts haha!

                OK! So, I have an incredible amount of life situation things going on but KNOW that I have thought of this thread and ALL OF YOU EVERY DAY!

                Sooooo much I've wanted to share as well as answer all the superb questions on M.E.!!!

                But FIRST - I'm going to finish the day by day experiences of the last M.E. seminar I was at in December where I received my Practitioners Certification.

                Lets get to it!

                Day TWO, Saturday December 1st (or Oneth as my oldest son likes to say LOL):

                The pre-session PC participants meeting in the morning included fine instructions on how to be PRESENT fully with the seminar guests with nothing more important than attending to THEIR needs to experience M.E. Since M.E. is not about technical knowledge or finite procedures to 'do it', it is absolutely awesome to share with them an energetic experience which can represent them as having 'got it'!

                Better than the instructions though, was the Presence that Sharyn and Dave (couple) maintained in silence at the front of the room! As I mentioned in the other post on this seminar - it really was about the personal transformation of each participant for shifts in their own lives - transformation on a big scale!

                As I mentioned before, one of my 'jobs' as an Intern was to be a catcher, however I also was part of the larger group of non-interns who would rove around during the practice sessions. Many had assigned areas they were to stay in so that the whole crowd (almost 500 people!) were covered. I wasn't given an assigned area, but rather could rove wherever I wanted which I thought was COOL! (I'm into that freedom stuff, eh ) I was already in 'seminar state' and found myself in a sort of 'dowsing' mindframe where I was just going seemingly aimlessly through the crowd but actually would find the exact right people to assist, or matching up singles standing on their own to be with someone else to practice with - very cool too!

                Interesting comment I wrote down in my notes: "Once you're convinced, and they're convinced, its like the universe is convinced and says OK". Even if such convincing about the effectiveness of M.E. is based upon 'useful fictions', THINGS STILL HAPPEN! Makes you start to realize that many if not most of the things we think are SCIENTIFIC FACTS aren't just made up stuff - and in 'fact' lol, the evidence is that consciousness, even that of scientists, contributes to the creation of the so-called 'laws' of this universe, the outcomes of scientific discoveries, and other 'facts'.

                A metaphor was described as being the 'creation of a new idea or symbol which takes on a reality of its own when defined by human consciousness' - interesting hmmm? 'At a more subtle level, we could even allow this naming tendency to operate, without accepting the conclusions as final'!

                In Matrix Energetics - the modality is based upon the power of Consciousness Observation. If the Observer can indeed affect that which is observed, then what has been found is that the Greater Observation Always Wins Out! Thus, a practitioner of M.E. seeks to be in a different reality and state than the person coming to them with their 'complaint'.

                Those were some of the awesome points of the second day. Also, at this time I had the job of being a part of the catcher team for the long list of people coming up to Dr. B after the seminar to have their books signed and pendants charged etc. This was freakin awesome as there was an incredible energetic state around that table. I had to pay attention to keep myself upright as I felt the shifts they were going through! Also, it was fun to track the guests as they stood there getting played with by Dr. B.

                Next - Day Three!

                In global Transformation,



                • Day Three!

                  Hi Again!

                  Day three of the PC seminar was FILLED with new doors opening up for me. Every seminar is SO different (I've been to three now) in experiences, perceptions, and transformations. With M.E., it becomes evident that the Magick is when we are out of our comfort zone, when we aren't sure what we're 'doing' or perhaps better described as not-doing in the fashion of Carlos Casteneda. When we think we 'know' something, we limit what that situation or idea might mean, thus, if we open the door to it possibly meaning more, or something entirely different - then transformation has room to play in!

                  The cool thing I have learned about practicing M.E. is that when it is practiced a lot, it starts to become part of our subconscious. This is the road to the facilitator of such a 'system' of transformation BECOMING THE SYSTEM. This then is the place where transformation happens because of your very presence with others or by your focused attention on them without any agenda or particular attachment or need to any specific outcome - as Grace might say: FABULOUS!

                  Day three had the really cool experience of some of Dr. B's family and colleagues coming out on stage dressed in authentic Star Trek uniforms...and in the semi-dark, with the theme from the Superman movies playing, and with expectation of what would happen next, Dr. B comes out in a very realistic Batman outfit! But if you have ever been to a M.E. seminar or know anything about morphic fields, Dr. B really WAS in a Batman reality!!! It was incredible to observe - I knew it was him because of shape of body, height etc, but he didn't seem like the person - he truly was embodying the morphic field of this comic-book character! Also, using the outfit in 'work' made it a legit tax write-off! LOL The Batman episode was definitely a unique highlight of this seminar!

                  During a break in the seminar, I was talking with a good friend of mine and a woman came up and asked her to work on her with M.E. The lady who came up looked rather sad and concerned and since it seemed like time for me to move along and give them some privacy, I started to leave but my friend grabbed my arm and told the lady we would BOTH play with her. The woman seemed to notice me standing there for the first time, and after a little concern/surprise, she agreed to it. Now this is the first time I've ever worked with someone else to do M.E. on a third person. But WOW what an experience. I found my friend and I naturally aligned ourselves with a integrated session - intuitively working together and having intuitive information come up simultaneously! Then, it was obvious, the woman was going to drop to the floor so I quickly caught her and gently lay her on the floor where my friend and I continued to play with whatever showed up. The woman's eyes were closed and her body was definitely moving with tremors and other signs of shifting, when all of a sudden her eyes opened and she looked right at me. However, something was different in her look. I began to understand as she addressed me as her son, who had passed away some time previously, and so I just played out the role for her as this was obviously something major she was releasing and transforming with! I shared a state of unconditional love for her. How Privileged and Honoured I felt to help this wonderful soul! This is a very special experience for my friend, this beautiful woman, and myself.

                  There were MANY other experiences just on this one day - it would take hours to write them all out! One cool thing was how to introduce children to practicing M.E. Children take to the modality VERY easily especially since they do not have all the preconceived notions that adults usually do. They 'get out of the way' so easily! One such way to teach them is to say: "Find a point on something, on your body even, where there is a thing that you want, and then pick a second point where you see yourself getting that thing and then join those two points and think of something else"! This is so simple and easy that any of us can use this, not just children! Since that last seminar, both my children spontaneously began to do two-pointing just from watching me and so I have shared with them the above easy suggestions. Especially my oldest son is very adept at finding 2 points, connecting them and letting it go! I have FELT the wave big-time from him doing this to me! Also, he is very perceptive on feeling what M.E. can feel like - I am blown away!!! What a fantastic, priceless gift to have such a powerful transformational tool as a young person growing up through all the situations of life!

                  I believe it was this day also, that I got played with by Dr. B as well! This is the first time I was called up during a seminar by him. Normally I had not sat right in the front few rows at the other seminars (where it is more likely you'll get hauled up there lol, though he does lots of roving deeper into the crowd as well) but at this seminar I was right beside the stage so I could carry out my duties as a catcher. He no doubt saw the surprised look on my face as he brought me up there! Now the catcher needed a catcher LOL. The strange thing was that I didn't at first 'feel much' going on. I didn't fall over but I DID notice that after his first few words about what he was noticing with me - something to do with coming through the birth canal stuff lol - that I could no longer make any meaning of what he was saying. I remember hearing speaking noises but it was nonsensical to me! Crazy stuff, but then no one is surprised by this by now, are you???

                  Ok, enough for Day three, on to Day four!

                  In Peace,



                  • thinking and reality

                    Scientific Facts are just made up LOL.. so true.. like all the "laws" of physics, etc..., which are nothing more than just conditions that appear to be so based on certain parameters that are perceived. When thinking is so rigid and unbendable that dogma starts to dictate the thinking, the so-called "scientific thinker" has lost touch with reality and has possibly become quite ill.

                    It has always been unscientific thinking, wild speculation and other "absurd" thinking that has always caused mankind to look for the next thing that we have not yet seen. If we all were stuck in our scientific facts from the beginning, we would be a bunch of naked people running circles in a cave trying to keep warm because there was no proof there was any other way to keep warm! LOL

                    Of course logic and common sense are useful but a true scientist is as balanced in imagination and speculation as they are in strict logic.

                    Also, I like how you say that the one with the greater observation wins out! Perfect! Our reality is just a group consensus, which is totally subject to anything we say it is.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • Day Four! : )

                      Hi Again!

                      By day four, I was really really starting to enjoy the morning meditative silence followed by profound sharing from Dave and Sharyn. This morning, one of the things presented was the power of a question. Questions can divide. Or, questions can open a door. If you've followed this thread, then you know how often open-ended questions are referred to. They are a doorway to accessing something much bigger than the conscious mind - priceless!

                      This is the last day of the regular level I and II seminar. In the morning, Dr. B shared how difficult M.E. can be for him (part of this is the two degrees he has - the left-brain doesn't like to let go of what it thinks it knows) but also we put up various barriers of expectation and attachment to whatever it is that we are facilitating with M.E. The point is: Difficulty is GOOD! It is a way to 'calibrate' or Notice What You Notice and open a pathway through the difficulty to something New occurring! A wonderful saying shared during one of the PC morning or afternoon sessions is: 'What is on the path, IS the Path. What is in the way, IS the Way' - practical to all of life, no?
                      Justice (Dr. B's daughter) shared that 'the more she lets go of having to experience or 'do' with M.E., the more useful things come to her and not need some attached explanation' - powerful stuff!

                      This day of the seminar is focused upon Level II - which includes all kinds of neat stuff like the Modules. These are self-intelligent 'software'-like programs applicable to specific 'ailments' that may come up intuitively to be 'put in' and 'turned on' with a person - truly phenomenal to watch demonstrated and then to practice with someone else!
                      The Modules were suggested when you don't feel or are aware of being particularly clairvoyant (intuitive). Amazingly, in the 'state' of M.E. session, you can simply draw your finger down the page with the modules on it, observe the shift, however slight, though it could be major when you touch upon the one that will help that person, and take it and apply it to them!!! Wonderful!

                      Information that comes up into your awareness is really COOL. Its not that we 'do' anything with this information - the information IS the DONE. Windows is also taught during this day which is essentially a term borrowed from the computer software of the same name and is a type of kinesthetic testing response to check for what might be useful in any moment of a M.E. session.

                      The songs that are played in the morning and afternoon really get everyone cranked up and the energy high in the room. Another thing that the last two seminars had, were a presentation after seminar hours but in the main big auditorium of The Last Mimzy. Dr. B said he knows of no other movie that embodies so much of what M.E. is about than this one. It is Awesome! The boys and I love it and you might too!

                      Another evening of helping out as an Intern including catching the guests in the line-up while Dr. B shared freely with everyone some Matrix Magick.

                      Next: Day Five - the Practitioners Certification Day!

                      In Peace,



                      • Day Five!

                        Practitioners Certification Day!!!

                        The seminar location was moved to a slightly smaller room for the last day, the PC day. Anticipation was high, and the energy of the room in the morning fairly crackled! This would be really cool for me since I had attended Levels I and II three times so far so this was going to be something totally NEW!

                        I was a catcher again but there was a lot less interaction with guests for this last day and a LOT MORE information from the stage. Interestingly, a lot of this was presented by other people rather than Dr. B. However, there was no disappointment as the other facilitators shared many profound treasures on taking M.E. to a new level - becoming practitioners! A lot of the information throughout the day was to do with distance sessions. Also, there was an extensive Q and A session with the crowd.

                        Perhaps the most wonderful experience was the group M.E. sessions we did on each other. Basically we all divided up into groups of about 10. Then one person would stand in the middle while everyone else surrounded you. You would share an intention such as 'I would like to be confident in taking M.E. into a clinical type practice'. Then everyone would go wild with two-pointing you, or anything else that came up! Time-travel, radionics, parallel universes, modules, frequencies on and on - this was the time for transformation in a big way!!!

                        The first session I went through, I shared a specific desire to do with releasing all fears associated with doing M.E. for the public, in a practice type situation. It didn't take long and my good buddy, a fellow catcher named William, had to catch me as I went down like a ton of bricks to enjoy the wave moving through me for several minutes! Later I joined another group and again either went down myself or participated in others going through major transformation, often having to catch them as the conscious brain seems to go 'ACK' 'error error, Reboot Now!' lol. The next group session I did, I just left the intention open-ended for whatever would serve my best, highest good.

                        There was another very interesting sharing by one of the M.E. entourage who used to work in the pharmaceutical industry. You could title this: Making a Disease. Essentially, drug companies seek to keep people in the system of drugs. Its a vicious cycle in health care. They are there to make money, lots of it, not to cure people and get them off the drugs. Nooooooo, far better in their eyes to 'manage' the symptoms, preferably over the rest of their lifetime. She related information describing the planned creation of 'diseases' that matched ready-made drugs. Its like a morphic field, that is started by a drug company through the power of suggestion in a group of people, with various advertising and so forth. The drugs for the 'symptoms' that are being created in people, are already on the shelf!!! At the right time, it is brought out for sale to 'help' all these people with the symptoms! Other amazing things that don't really surprise me are that placebo tests are often not used anymore in clinical trials since they are SO effective, sometimes more than the drug. They will lie, cheat, and payoff people to get drugs through the tests and 'system'. Trials have been conducted where a group of people to be tested are ALL given the placebo, and those that it helps are then culled out of the study - often a MAJORITY of the total number. The ones left over are then divided up with some getting placebo, some getting the drug and EVEN THEN the PLACEBO starts to work on some of those who didn't show effects from it before!!!
                        One other piece of trivia is that a lot of drugs are in purple coloured pills because they found that PURPLE is the most likely colour to trigger the PLACEBO EFFECT! Drugs need a helping hand!
                        Besides all of this, there is much information out there to show that perhaps MOST drugs are a form of placebo - the interconnection energetically between the energy 'signature' of the drug with the intelligence of life seems to have far more to do with what a drug appears to do than any 'scientific' tests or explanation by chemistry alone. This is a huge subject, but if you want to get a taste more, see Bruce Liptons - Biology of Belief and the Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.

                        The seminar ended with another great song and I felt very honoured to be invited up to the stage with Dr. B, his family, and his closest facilitators to dance along with the gang. Also, we spent part of the song intentionally focusing our attention upon 'encoding' the PC seminar for all the guests so that they could anchor the feelings and experiences inside themselves and use that morphic field at anytime they wanted to when practicing M.E. I wasn't really sure what it meant to do that, but I figured my lack of knowledge would allow something much more intelligent and powerful to come through me to benefit all of us! Its when we think we KNOW something, black and white - whatever it may be - that we CLOSE the LID on the BOX and prevent any further information from coming to us, which may in fact show our closely held beliefs to be completely wrong lol.

                        I did some more catcher play after the seminar as Dr. B stayed until the last book is signed or whatever else anyone may wish to ask him or have him help them with. Then, I said goodbye to many awesome friends, some new, some from the first seminar in June 2007, and headed out - another unique, profound and amazing M.E. experience! I'm HOOKED and will go to more seminars whenever I can just for the joy of being around so many awesome people, getting M.E.'d, doing M.E. with others and seeing those great friends as many of them have gone to more than one seminar as well!

                        Now to get to answering some of your awesome posts!

                        Also, I am going to cut and paste John's (ESM member jtkya) much more professional account of this seminar because I just love it and oh ya, he said I could haha. The originals are found on the Matrix Energetics website where he posts under the same name.

                        In Gratitude to Source and all of YOU - ONE and the SAME



                        • Stephen,

                          Thats so wonderful. Thanks for the report.
                          But no one writes about things that are not happening. I ve been researching a lot about Matrix Energetics, Theta healing, Huna/ Ho oponopono and at the end it all comes to doing it yourself. Either releasing, letting go, letting it happen, ... And the most important thing is that most of the practitioners dont work on those things first - change the programme of letting it go or letting it happen so it will happen. If everything depends on me why would I need someone to open and hold that perspective/ possibility.
                          Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn´t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


                          • The Skeptic in ME


                            A lurker comes out the shadows. I've been following this and other threads for a few days now. Actually, I printed (to read during my train commute) 100pages of threads (since the thread's inception) to get up to speed on the accumulated knowledge you've all contributed to this topic. I'm up to mid-January and hope to catch up by the end of today.

                            I'm hoping to attend Dr. Bartlett's seminar in Newark, New Jersey (just 15 min away from me) in July '08. There is another one earlier in April in upstate NY but the accomodations are a little pricier (granted it's in a beautiful setting: the Omega Center in Rhinebeck, NY).

                            I am a skeptic at heart, and I must admit that reading this thread, reading Dr. B's book and watching the videos on the ME site and YouTube, I was (still am to some degree) skeptical about the whole ME experience. It reminded me a bit about hucksters in a French comic book series (Lucky Luke) who travelled in the old West selling miracle potions and planting their people in the audience to demonstrate the magical powers of their wares. The simplicity of the techniques (2-pointing, time-travel) is both appealing and disarming.

                            At the same time, I find the morphic field theory extremely appealing. I remember first hearing about it during a Sheldrake presentation in the late 1980's in Paris (Science et Conscience). A few years later, the "What the Bleep do we know" film and Talbot's book, "The Holographic Universe" really strengthened my conviction that the material world in which we live is only the tip of the Quantum iceberg.

                            I very much appreciate the generosity people like Stephen and others on this thread who take the time to help others on this extraordinary journey. Stephen: I don't know how you find the time, raising your boys and dedicating so much energy to this threads.




                            • ME seminars in Europe

                              I emailed the ME office to inquire about possible seminars in Europe. I was told they're looking at 2009 for a seminar in the UK.

                              Is anyone on this threads on the West Coast (US)?



                              • welcome Lance

                                Hi Lance,

                                Welcome to the forum! One other resource you might find helpful to put the puzzle together is Bruce Lipton's Biology for Belief... great companion study to Sheldrake's.

                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

