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Matrix Energetics

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  • Thank you for the suggestions. Yes, I can imagine that "seeing" all of a
    sudden might be mind-boggling. It is something I had considered.
    It certainly would shake up one's view of reality. I once awoke with sleep paralysis and couldn't move. I struggled and suddenly I felt my arm release.
    When I looked at it, it was a pale bluish transparent arm before me. My actual arm was still laying on my chest. Talk about shaking up one's view of reality! It took a while to come to terms with this. I also learned that the best way to come out of SP was to go back to sleep.

    I hadn't considered geometric shapes by themselves as archetypes.
    I know just a little about Sacred Geometry. It's a study unto itself.
    Do you experience these shapes as 2d or 3d?

    I'm glad you mentioned the giggle of the Pillsbury doughboy. I was locked into the image from Ghostbusters. I like yours better.


    • Hi All!

      Hi Everyone!

      WOW - so many awesome posts we have here! It is my intention to catch up this weekend.

      I wish to THANK YOU so much for your participation here and I am truly GRATEFUL for all of the interest and interaction in the M.E. world!

      First, I am going to put up the posts that jtkya has made on the Matrix Energetics forum regarding the December 2007 Practitioners Seminar in Seattle, as promised. John has given me permission to put them up and I want to tell you that John aka jtkya is an AMAZING M.E. facilitator! He has helped me so much in my own matrix experience with his insights and perceptions! Most of these are on the Matrix site and they're worth a read!

      Then, I will get to answering each post in turn and I thank you so much for your patience if you have been waiting for a reply from me!

      In Gratitude,



      • Day One - jtkya

        Here is jtkya's first day summary. Thank you so much for allowing me to share all these, jtkya! Mahalo!!!

        The day started at 3:00pm with Sharyn (now I got a face to go with the voice) reading a poem called The Invitation. Very cool stuff! Here's a link if you are interested The Invitation, by Oriah Mountain Dreamer . The next three hours were spent explaining the whole seminar from the staff side and what the certification and interning processes were all about. Lots o' info!!

        Facilitators and Interns are picked by Sharyn and so if you want to be an intern, you need to have at least 2 seminars under your belt and be accepted by her to be allowed to intern. Practitioner certification is combined with the intern/facilitator program for expediency and efficiency because the goals of certified practitioners and interns/facilitators are the same, which is help more people connect with the morphic field of ME and the transformations that it can bring about.

        Richard scared the bejeezus out of everyone towards the end when he leapt into the room with a yell. He explained that he saw the sign on the door that said it was a quiet room and that just wouldn't do.

        Us newbies were released at 6pm I struck up an interesting conversation with a guy who just finished the Phoenix seminar and was going for his certification. As our conversation progressed, he was telling how he had been practicing lots of different modalities over the years and had been witness to many miraculous healings. He hadn't had much chance to practice ME since it's only been two weeks since the Phoenix seminar and he couldn't find anyone to practice with where he lives in Montana. He was saying how he did a few remote sessions but he didn't get any feedback because he hadn't spoken to his practice subjects yet. I suggested to him to always do remote sessions with the other person on the phone because you can get immediate feedback and maybe the session would go in a completely different direction that might be more beneficial.

        We stood in the long line to get in (almost 600 signed up for this seminar ) the grand ballroom. Struck up a conversation with a guy in line who was having a lot of personal, financial and medical problems but was driven to attend the seminar. I was explaining to him that a lot of what he was happening to him was to satisfy some need in him. I urged him to let as many people work on him to release whatever "stuff" he had without explaining what was really happening to him because then neither he nor his practice partner would have any expectations.

        Richard got up on stage with two screens on either side projecting the action on stage like a double JumboTron. The action was everything you would expect -- the cool musical start (The Who), the Mark stories, the stage littered with people he played with.

        After the night was over, Destiny (Justice's daughter) and a couple of other little girls were standing in one corner of the room knocking some adults out. The guy I spoke to earlier (the one from Montana) was envious of the adults on the ground. He wanted to know what it felt like. He went up to two of the girls and asked if they could knock him down (he really wanted to feel it!) He was really swaying but I could tell he was resisting so I went behind him and said, "Just let go. Don't be afraid. I'm right behind you and ..." Next thing you know, I was helping him to the ground. His night was complete!

        Gotta be there bright and early tomorrow at 7:45am! Night all!!

        Aloha, _________________________
        Matrix Energetics Certified Practitioner

        "Man - a figment of God's imagination."
        ~ Mark Twain


        • Day Two - from jtkya

          Day two from the M.E. Master jktya! Mahalo again! (Sorry jktya - I had to take two little emoticons out for it to post on this site with the 10 emoticon limit LOL)

          Today was the first day of Level I! Hooray!
          As I walked from my hotel to the DoubleTree Hotel, it was starting to snow. Little itty-bitty snowflakes that looked like specks of dust. It was so neat I had to stop and take a picture. What do you want? I'm from Hawaii!

          We started in the Practitioner/Intern room with both Sharyn and Dave. They are so cool together and have so much information between the two of them it's almost unfair. Sharyn started us off with another great poem called The Guest House. Here's a link if you are interested: The Guest House by Jelaluddin Rumi, translation by Coleman Barks. After all the business was out of the way, I was able to ask Dave about a client of mine that's been giving me quite a struggle. In addition to looking at her to see what he could see, he also gave me a ton of great advice. Yes I'm an info pig.

          The line to get into the Grand Ball Room snaked its way up the hallway, past the coffee shop, past the gift shop and folded itself in the lobby. It took about half an hour to register and get into the room. Once we got settled in Richard revved up the crowd with Make Me Smile (Chicago) and launched head long into the material. Today he went over the basics of what ME is and all the quantum physics behind it. Interspersed between the material were more Mark stories and lots of examples of amazing events he and others have witnessed. Before we knew it, it was time for lunch!

          Now it was really snowing!! So, of course, more pictures!

          After lunch, we reconvened to Eight Days a Week (Beatles) and Richard really went somewhere when that song played. He came back to us and described the two point and Justice and Regi did their demos and then they had us practice. This practice session was much more productive than my last seminar because the Interns & Facilitators kept shifting us from partner to partner and would help us to find new partners when we both were done. One guy I was working with had this extremely rigid upper torso and so I two pointed a couple of points on his spine between his scapula and when he was about to open he would pump his arms and flex his pecs. That wasn't helping much so I added a third point in the center of his heart chakra and repeatedly asked him to open. After a few seconds I had to catch him before he fell backwards.

          After the two point practice session, Richard discussed Time Travel and showed a bunch of movie snippets that showed time travel approaches (Back To The Future, The Time Machine, The Philadelphia Experiment, Dr Who). More demos and again we broke up into groups to practice and added time travel to the two point. After the practice session was over they had their closing remarks and class was over. We had to end early because another group was using half of the room we were in and they had to reconfigure it. As I was leaving I saw one of the students lying on the floor looking pretty out of it. In the time travel episode someone started a process that really activated when he saw the Philadelphia Experiment clip. He said he was watching the clip and then his body started twisting and the next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground. He must have been down there at least 40 minutes!

          After a couple of two points to calm him down, he could sit up and doing another two point with lots and lots of frequency one we got him to stand. Not well, mind you but at least he wasn't sitting anymore. He was scattered about in multiple dimensions so we had to bring back all of his parts and integrate them back into him. We also had to clear out a lot of the residue that the Philadelphia Experiment had opened up in him. Time traveled to one year before the activation took place and brought that uninjured state forward and integrated it into his present day body. He was still a bit wobbly so moved him to an alternate reality where he was perfectly stable.

          What a ride that was!

          See you all tomorrow and thanks to wendy down and Anna Marie for their nice comments!

          Aloha, _________________________
          Matrix Energetics Certified Practitioner

          "Man - a figment of God's imagination."
          ~ Mark Twain


          • Day Three - from jtkya

            Again, thank you jtkya - you rock! (took out 2 emoticons again lol)

            Today is the final day of Level I.

            The day started off with Dave reading two quotes from Joseph Campbell:

            There's a kind of regular morphology and inevitable sequence of experiences if you start out to follow your adventure. I don't care whether it's in economics, in art, or just in play. There's the sense of the potential that opens out before you. And you have no idea how to achieve it; you start out into the dark. Then, strange little help-mates come along, frequently represented by little dark fairy spirits or the little gnomes, who just give you clues, and these open out. Then there is the sense of danger you always run into -- really deep peril -- because no one has gone this way before. And the winds blow, and you're in a forest of darkness very often and terror strikes you...Well, mythology tells us that where you stumble, there your treasure is.


            If you have the guts to follow the risk, however, life opens, opens, opens up all along the line. I'm not superstitious, but I do believe in spiritual magic, you might say. I feel that if one follows what I call one's "bliss" -- the thing that really gets you deep in your gut and that you feel is your life -- doors will open up. They do! They have in my life and they have in many lives that I know of.

            After Intern/Facilitator assignments were handed out everyone got together in large groups to bring about a group state. I can tell you the energy in the room was really buzzing! Meanwhile, downstairs in the Grand Ballroom Justice and Regi were busy with a practice session of their own that went right up until 9:00. Then after a little forceful persuasion, everyone broke up and took their seats. Justice and Regi then held a question and answer period until Richard came on the scene.

            When Richard showed up he told a couple more Mark stories and wandered gently down the path of questions of transformation and parallel universes. Tricky stuff, but very cool once you get the hang of it!

            We took a break and when we came back, I noticed that Justice and Regi were dressed all in black. I didn't remember them wearing black, but then maybe I just wasn't paying attention. After a little while the music for Star Trek (Next Generation for you Trekies ) and Justice and Regi de-cloaked to reveal Starfleet Uniforms (not a cheapie Wal-Mart Halloween costumes -- very authentic looking)! They were joined on stage by Bruce and Nate who also were dressed as Star Fleet crewman. For you Trekies, Regi and Bruce were dressed as security crewman and Justice and Nate were command types. So after the music stopped, the crew called for the Captain but no one showed up. After calling for him a few times, the room suddenly went dark. Someone was coming toward the stage but it wasn't Captain Picard . . . it was Batman!
            Again, not a cheap imitation but a very exact replica of what Michael Keaton wore in the movies!!

            The group was demonstrating archtypes with large morphic fields (i.e. Star Trek, Batman) and Richard was punching home the point that you should only expect the unexpected because that leads to an infinite number of possibilities.
            Also, when you pay that much for a costume you better find every opportunity to wear it!

            After the archtype lecture, we broke into groups and my last partner started working on me and all of a sudden she looked like she was covered in pink cotton candy. Eventually what came out of the cotton candy was a complete fairy costume (floor length dress, wand and wings -- all pink - with a gold belt at her waist). I had a hand in front of her and was guided to dust off her wings (fairy dust everywhere)! She started falling backwards and I caught her and once she was stable I dusted her wings some more and then sprinkled some of the dust on the top of her head. Just then her head popped right up and then the entire costume got sucked into her and integrated with her. Once the costume completely disappeared I sent a command to absorb and she straightened right up. She said she felt very light but that makes sense because now she was a real magic fairy!

            At lunch, I went into the practitioner room and we were sitting around talking and Sharyn came over and urged us to practice. What ended up happening is that she did a demo for us and giving us some cool advice.

            After the lunch break, we returned to Steely Dan (My Old School) and dove head long into the frequencies. Richard was happy because the dolphins left him alone this time! When we reached frequency 18, Richard was obligingly responding to request to feel it by mowing down people like a faith healing warrior! The ground was littered with casualties until at the end of the room he became a casualty himself. He taught the remaining frequencies from under the AV table. What a trooper!

            That's pretty much the end of Level I, but not the day. They had a book signing on the side of the room and then at about 6:30 they premiered a beta copy of the new ME DVD! I agree with Ken, the Asian Cajun, that it was more informative and funny. It was much more representative of the seminars and gave much more information than the first DVD.

            After that they had a movie night and played The Last Mimsy!

            Aloha, _________________________
            Matrix Energetics Certified Practitioner

            "Man - a figment of God's imagination."
            ~ Mark Twain


            • Day Four - from jtkya

              In Gratitude, John!

              Level II! Level II!! Level II!!!

              Sharyn started us off by telling how she and Dave started off their very well planned day with a power failure and then 20 minutes to get ready and leave. Of course, this turns into a perfect lesson for ME. She and Dave reminded us all to expect only the unexpected no matter how sure a thing a sure thing is.

              Sharyn's opened with another great poem! Here's the link: A Community of the Spirit by Jelaluddin Rumi, translation by Coleman Barks. There were a lot of logistical details to get out of the way so not much was going on upstairs this morning.

              Down in the Grand Ballroom the group had gotten a bit smaller but was still quite huge. Richard started us off with the theme song to the Superman movie. I swear I could see him in the big red cape! Unfortunately, although very inspirational, it didn't really rev the crowd up. Always one step ahead, Richard had queued up Start Me Up (Rolling Stones). Now, we could start it up!

              He told a couple of Mark stories and then he said he had something cool to show us. He described a he has in his office called a Luminator. The Luminator, invented by Patrick Richards, is a tower-shaped device about 1.3 meters (4 feet) high, which has two internal fans which move air over a series of liquid-filled rings. The instrument was designed to collapse normal occurring temperature layers in a room. Because it also changes the electromagnetic state of the photons in the room, regular photographs come out pretty weird depending on the state the subject is holding. You can read all about it at: Bio-Luminetics. Check out the case studies link and you'll kind of see what we saw.

              Next, Justice and Regi took us into a practice session that applied all of the Level I toolkit (everything up to frequencies). One of my partners led me through this amazing puzzle session. During a time travel, we needed her childhood address down to the street name and the color of her house. Next we saw baby (her) and it was scared. She seemed more like a bear than a blankie person so we gave her a teddy bear as big as her and a night light and a mobile and music for the mobile. I asked if we were done and I got a picture of a safe. Eventually we figured out she needed to feel safe. Then I got two big golden words on thick gold chains like some rappers wear. The words were trust and change. I put both around her neck and the chain on the word trust was shorter so the word change fell under the word trust. Then I got it! She wanted to feel safe trusting change!! Yes, he can be taught.

              That brought us up to lunch. A few people were upstairs finishing up their last pages of session notes for their certification requirement. A ring of people were gathered in the center doing a group session on whoever was in the middle. I was sitting in a group listening to Dave for more tidbits of wisdom.

              The afternoon session started off with skimming and windows. This lead into another practice session skimming off of Richard's list in the manual and practicing finding out what each person's windows feel like. A real toughie for the ME newbies but mostly everyone got it.

              As we went into modules, I noticed the list got a wee bit shorter. I remember Patty Lynn saying the list had gotten longer but my old list was longer than the new list. It really wasn't much different at all.

              Richard demoed most of the modules on his victims. This was helpful because at the Kona seminar we didn't get it that in depth. This was a great presentation, Dr Bartlett!

              After the module practice session, we ended the day with Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Beatles) and With a Little Help From My Friends (Joe Cocker) and the whole staff dancing on the stage.

              This seminar was even better than the first!! I love this stuff!!!

              Aloha, _________________________
              Matrix Energetics Certified Practitioner

              "Man - a figment of God's imagination."
              ~ Mark Twain


              • Day Five - from jtkya!

                Mahalo jktya! (Darn, had to take 5 emoticons out - and you use such COOL ones! I made sure to leave the coolest of them though!)

                Practitioner training!!

                Moved to Grand Ballroom 3 today (right next to grand ballrooms 1 & 2 where we were. This room looked just a little bigger than the room we used for the Kona seminar. This was the biggest certification class to date -- about 220!

                I went to help out with the audio/video (AV) setup so I got there about 6:30AM. Both Nate and Ben did their best to keep us occupied with running wires, setting up speakers, taping wires, plugging in power supplies, etc. These guys are really underappreciated. Next seminar you go to, be sure to let them know what a good job they've done. These guys really rock!

                The class started around 8:00am with Dave doing three quotes. Here's the link for the first one:
                Joseph Campbell, the Hero with a Thousand Faces

                The next one was from Chuang Tzu:

                "Therefore understanding stops when it has reached what it does not understand. Who can understand discriminations that are not spoken, the Way that is not a way? If he can understand this, he may be caled the Reservoir of Heaven. Pour into it and it is never full, dip from it and it never runs dry, and yet it does not know where the supply comes from. This is called the Precious Light."

                The last one was from Eugen Herrigel, Zen in the Art of Archery:

                "The inward work, however, consists in his turning the man he is, and the self he feels himself to be and perpetually finds himself to be, into the raw material of a training and shaping whose end is mastery. In it, the artist and the human being meet in something higher. for mastery proves its validity as a form of life only when it dwells in the boundless Truth and, sustained by it, becomes the art of the origin. the master no longer seeks, but finds...The man, the art, the work -- it is all one...Steep is the way to mastery. Often nothing keeps the pupil on the move but his faith in his teacher, whose mastery is now beginning to dawn on him. He is a living example of the inner work, and he convinces by his mere presence...
                Wherever his way may take him, the pupil, though he may lose sight of his teacher, can never forget him. With gratitude as great as the uncritical veneration of the beginner, as strong as the saving faith of the artist, he now takes his Master's Place, ready for any sacrifice."

                We broke into groups and did ME circles. This is where the MEee stands encircled by a bunch of MEers. We had a couple of neat ones along the way. In one session, one MEee wanted us to herself as a surrogate for her son. When the son appeared as done, the focus shifted to her. We noticed a blockage in her lumbar area. Two pointed that with the intention for it to open. When it did open she crumpled and cried a lot of that stuck grief out. In another session, one of the MEees wanted to be more in touch with ME. We all put our right hands on the person to our right and our left hands on the person in the center. The energy went and she went .

                After we got through everyone in our group and almost everyone we added to our group, Richard arrived and he brought Dr Hector Garcia up on stage. He's the one Richard refers to as the Wizard Garcia. He always tells the story of how Dr Garcia will have patients that come in saying they have a tumor and he says they don't and they don't! Richard made mention several times about the size of cajones it would take to make a statement like that. Let's just say that Richard says they are so big that they have treads like tires. While Dr Garcia was on stage, Richard ran up to the front and energetically took a cast of them and then ran laughing all the way to the back. Minus the casting, the rest of the day was all about repeating the morning. It was all about gleaning information from Richard, Justice, Dave, Sharyn, Regi and Melissa. It's too bad not everyone gets to experience a day like this. We get practice, tips & hints and new information! Too cool!!

                Near the end of the session, we went over a Distance Protocol and Richard's and Justice's Matrix Process. Great for skimming and scanning!!
                It really is the next level!!!

                Class was done by 4:00pm and I got more autographs for my book and got to chat with many of the master practitioners. Everyone was kind of hanging around doing the same thing for the next couple of hours. I was helping with the breakdown and clean up and so by the time I got out of there it was about 7:30pm.

                Incidentally, if anyone forgot anything -- we found a camera, several drinking cups, lots of binders, a couple of signed books, a pair of glasses, a contact lens case, a pillow, a beanie and a sweater -- please contact the office.

                Aloha, _________________________
                Matrix Energetics Certified Practitioner

                "Man - a figment of God's imagination."
                ~ Mark Twain

                Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH JOHN!!!




                • Dear Grace, Thank you!

                  Originally posted by Grace View Post
                  I have been impressed with your ME abilities since DAY ONE! YOU are GIFTED! I am also aware that your sons are profoundly fortunate to have a father that is so AWARE of what they need!!! Stephen, as I have said to you before, YOU ARE AMAZING AT ME!!! This is no coincidence!!

                  I also know that you will be writing several books on this matter! I would not dare to post this if it did not test 100% strong!! So enjoy your good fortune and live the life you are meant to live!! YOU ARE POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE!!

                  I am looking forward to your works and what you will do for this world, just by working on yourself!!! Life truly is absolutely fabulous!! Thank you so very much, tephen!

                  WOW, what can I say? Other than, THANK YOU SO MUCH, Grace!

                  I mean this far beyond just your kind words in your post as YOU have been an INSPIRATION to me! You are ACTION IN SPIRIT (inspiration)! I have only known you consciously for about a year and yet, so VERY much has shifted and changed for me in this time and YOU have played a very important factor in helping me to see the GREATNESS that is in ALL of US and in ME and for that I am extremely GREAT-FULL to YOU!

                  In Gratitude, you have made me able to put this in front of my name,



                  • For Stephen!

                    Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post
                    WOW, what can I say? Other than, THANK YOU SO MUCH, Grace!

                    I mean this far beyond just your kind words in your post as YOU have been an INSPIRATION to me! You are ACTION IN SPIRIT (inspiration)! I have only known you consciously for about a year and yet, so VERY much has shifted and changed for me in this time and YOU have played a very important factor in helping me to see the GREATNESS that is in ALL of US and in ME and for that I am extremely GREAT-FULL to YOU!

                    In Gratitude, you have made me able to put this in front of my name,

                    Dearest tephen,

                    There are no coincidences in life! In this forum I have witnessed and experienced the GREAT energy of YOU, Sharyn, Keoi, Maggie, Pamela, Jamie, Adrienne, and others! YOU and the People of this forum have left me Breathless at times!

                    Using Kinesiology I can test where they are, on the Map of Consciousness. (Power vs Force by Hawkins) this has been great confirmation to me in recognizing the power of YOU and others (of ONE)! I have witnessed the rise in consciousness since this Fabulous Forum began in February of 2007 (Thank you Aaron, Kevin, Ahimsa for creating this forum ).

                    The Amazing work that you have done tephen is truly remarkable! I also know how much work you have outside of this Forum and yet you are here present and willing to help so many others!!

                    The Love and Gratitude I have for YOU and what you have done for yourself/others is more than I can express in mere words! In taking the steps to study and practice ME you have opened a Universe of possibilities for so many!! This has created a ripple effect of POWER that has manifested in not just helping those that read your words but FAR BEYOND!!

                    Again I say there are no coincidences! We have all attracted each other for the benefit of ALL!! YOU Stephen were born with the in front of your name and I AM forever grateful!!!!




                    • introduction

                      Thought it was time to introduce myself and thank all of you people for the joy and excitement that your posts have brought me on a daily basis
                      The entire energetic forum is so full of positive energy and wonderful people, it's truly an inspirational experience to hang out here!

                      Your stories about the M.E. seminars were the final nudge that I needed to register for the upcoming levels 1&2 in Phoenix. I can hardly wait I've spent the last couple of months glued to the main M.E. forum and this one, which I've read from start to finish...and the energy is certainly contagious. You guys ROCK...and this is my favorite hangout!

                      I've been studying conscious creation for many years now, as well as many healing modalities such as EFT, NLP, TAT, Hypnotherapy, Silva Method, Sedona Method, and anything else that captures my interest. I've also been a HUGE fan of the Abraham teachings, as well as Seth & Elias. As a result of all these teachings and understandings, I've finally reached a place in my life where I'm totally digging being me!!!!! Manifesting has become fairly easy for me. I adopted the idea that everything I want and need comes quickly and easily and every single thing that happens in my life happens for a reason and purpose that serves me. It's such a "high" to watch life unfold perfectly and there is nothing left that could "rock my boat" to the degree that it would unravel my state of acceptance. I love how my life is evolving.......and I'm in love with all the possibilities that M.E. brings to the table! For the most part, I'm fairly reserved in personality, so the opportunity to PLAY and let myself be the child that lurks within, sounds SO exciting....and challenging at the same time. It's a little outside my self-imposed behaviour box!!! My first readings of the experiences left me feeling quite resistant, but then I started thinking about all the growth possibilities and the contributions that I might be able to make in helping others transform.....and well..I was hooked!!

                      On a personal note, I'm 52 and happily married for the 3rd (this one is perfect), lost my only child to drugs about 10 years ago, but have 3 fabulous adult step children and their mother as part of my life and I'm happy to say that they all love me as much as I love them! How good is that! I live half the year in B.C. Canada, and half the year in Arizona.....and my strongest desire in life is to help people transform anything that gets in their way to being all that they want to be, and having and doing anything that they want to do, be, or have.

                      Thanks everyone for reading this.........and I'm looking forward to some great interactions.



                      • Hi Debbie

                        Thank you so much for sharing your story - it's Wonderful to meet you!

                        You have a lot to contribute here, and I'm really looking forward to hearing more from you!

                        Love and Light and Magic xxx
                        Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                        Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                        Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                        • WOW!! Stephen, Thank you SO much for sharing John's posts with us!! It was so Amazing to read them, and to hear such detail!

                          Thank you for sharing your own knowlege as well - much appreciated

                          Love and Light and Magic xxx
                          Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                          Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                          Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                          • An amazing thing happened....

                            Hey Guys!!!!
                            I had a pretty cosmic M.E. event happen...
                            My Aunt Donna was having heart surgery yesterday and it went from a few stints to a triple bypass instead. My Mom called last night at 10pm in tears saying complications, a tear in the heart, etc. happened - it didn't look good. She asked me "to send some positive vibes"
                            I realized it was time to 2 point!!! I grabbed the M E book, brushed up on two pointing and used a surrogate for the process. WOW, it's amazing how your mind can work and the Love I felt - that is awesome!! I kept focusing on a well heart, but also saw the doctor being surprised on how well she was - that was cool. I put my heart and soul into it and maybe over did it. I was pretty tired the next morning -- Is that possible? (or mebbe emotions)

                            So..... the next day today, I get a message on my phone from Dad saying her color came back, she's feeling great and may even get out of the hospital today or tomorrow!!!! Whew !!! Awesome!! I was thinking of you guys and was looking forward to reporting good news.
                            You guys are all so amazing and it's so good to be part of this group. I am SO looking forward to a seminar for M.E. It is truly a treasure to be associated with some of the best things we can do for ourselves and our planet and I thank you for bringing them to me.
                            Thank You, Thank you, Thank YOU!!

                            With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

                            Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


                            • ME in Rhinebeck, NY (April 25-27)

                              That's it! I signed up for the 4/25-4/27 ME seminar at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. I'm very excited
                              I'm paying a little more for the room and board but I think the learning experience will be that much better in the pastoral environment of the Omega Institute.

                              I was wondering if anyone reading this thread is either going to this seminar, or is from the NJ/NY region? I've noticed the bulk of MEers are from the West Coast.

                              Last edited by lgambis; 03-12-2008, 09:19 PM.


                              • To Doug

                                That is so great!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have noticed that I am totally drained when I have been doing ME. While I'm at work, I use it on everything and certain people that have asked for me to work with them.
                                Marnyka Z. Buttry
                                Divine Openings Giver & Healer

