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Matrix Energetics

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  • To Lance

    I took Spirulina every morning before I went down to the seminar. My brain was still fried but I do believe it did help. You're gonna love it.
    Marnyka Z. Buttry
    Divine Openings Giver & Healer


    • Looking for some ME advice and help

      I posted this in the CEM thread too but I am looking for advice and some ME help on the subject below. I wonder if I am too personally involved to really allow the letting go piece.

      I have been spotty in the forum lately. I have been going through some major shifts and admitting to some pieces of me that no longer serve me and letting them go. I released a big one relating to being sneaky about money and hiding my spending from my husband and not being honest with myself about what I am doing. I had used this part of me for so long that I didn't want to see what I was doing. NE way... This happened right before I went to the Matrix Energetics seminar last week. Because of that I changed my PATHS modules from a platinum to a 4 module. I picked the following ones:

      Dynamic Biofield
      Stimulate Intuition and Insight

      Ever since I made the switch, my desire to do them is completely gone. I have sat and did them twice in the past 4 weeks.

      As I am writing this, I'm getting that anxious feeling in my stomach like something very big is going to change. I'm just observing.

      Another thing has shown up this week. My father is visiting for the week.

      Another big 'issue' that has been brought forward is this 'urge' that both me and my father have about putting ourselves in situations that require us to be bound by a 'contract' of some sort.....Loan, verbal agreement ..etc.. to someone or to an organization. Then getting upset that we put ourselves in the situation and not wanting to honor our part of the agreement. I recognized it for what it was before I left for the ME seminar and I am in the process of rectifying things for myself as we speak.

      One of my father's situations showed up this week by me getting a voicemail from a creditor looking for my father... no need to get into the details but I did see that it came up while we are together for us to resolve/heal this piece of us.

      It is such a touchy subject for my father that I am finding it hard to approach him about it and how to go about it. I have used some ME stuff on it and asked for change in myself and in him.

      If anyone would like to do a distance ME telephone session, I am up for it. I am logging my hours toward Practioner's certification.

      Also if you could see what's going with me and the PATHS modules, I would be greatful.

      Marnyka Z. Buttry
      Divine Openings Giver & Healer


      • Thanks for your experience Aaron!

        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
        Hi Bryan,

        I had a similar direct/indirect experience with two-pointing. I was watching a movie and the frame kept locking up in the same spot. It just wouldn't get past a certain spot. I two-pointed and suddenly heard myself saying "Go clean the disc." I went to open the dvd player, took out the disc and sure enough, it had fingerprints all over it from the video store. The solution passively came to my conscious mind instead of me actively trying to figure out what is wrong. I cleaned it off, put it back in and the movie played fine.

        If I didn't two-point it, would I have spent a few more minutes wasting time hitting fast forward/rewind, etc... lol
        Wow, great two-point!

        I have SO much to share from the recent Vancouver M.E. seminar I just attended, but an experience related to 'inanimate' objects being two-pointed is as follows. BTW folks, I put inanimate in apostrophe's because I've come to feel that all 'matter' even down to the smallest bits has some form of consciousness innate to it.

        Soooo, I'm coming back from Vancouver and for some time my car has exhibited a noticeable misfire. Well, at some point, I thought to facilitate a shift to something different and 'connected' with the components that make up the ignition system - i.e. spark plugs and wires. I saw them in wholeness and actually put my awareness into the ignition system! Almost immediately, the car began to run better, and shortly thereafter the misfire condition virtually disappeared! Yes, there seems to be a very minor, rare blurp, but I'm quite happy with the change which has stuck now for many days! I'm come to see that our attitude and state with our inanimate 'friends' makes a difference in how we experience them.

        More on the seminar and the major shifts in my own awareness of this Interaction with the Field called Matrix Energetics!

        One quick thought that I know is right up your alley, Aaron, is how Dr. B has incorporated a whole new segment of Scalar wave theory into the seminar! Fantastic! He talked about how thoughts/intention creates 'ghost forms' in the Field which then manifest into our experience of material 'reality'. He brought up Tom Bearden and his work in this field. Dr. B said he has his phone number but is working on his understanding of the concepts more before he has the gumption to give him a call lol.

        In Peace,



        • Great points, Adam ant

          Originally posted by adam ant View Post
          then that makes me wonder if the Two pointing somehow subconsciously knows which is the MOST effective way to answer/solve our questions.
          will a "magical" quantum jolt fix it, or is it simply easier to walk over (physically) and fix it ourselves.

          interesting that we even distinguish between physical and spiritual (quantum) duality constantly, i bet the universe looks at it all as ONE. physical or quantum, there is no difference, it is our perception that changes.
          Two-pointing puts us in the realm of interacting on the quantum level - thus the Observer making a measurement between two entangled points plus adding intention puts one in the state of weighting a new probable outcome out of infinite playful possibilities. Then all we have to do is 'get out of the way'!

          Sometimes it is seemingly easier to just walk over and 'fix' something - I find that I do whatever I feel inspired to do in the moment and am OK with whatever shows up and with however that looks like. Thus, there is no 'it didn't work' for me, but perhaps a more useful response such as "If this did shift, what would that look like?" or, just plain accepting further practice without judging that 'this doesn't work'. Only our left-brain type thinking forms the box within which we need to have a certain thing happen to meet our criteria - remove the need and the criteria and see what shows up!

          I totally agree that physical and spiritual are One and that it is only our current perceptual structures we've decided are 'reality' that differentiate themselves into duality, or separate 'things'. The same for all the categories of the nature of the soul, such as superconscious, conscious, subconscious, unconscious, physical/emotional/causal/astral/mental 'bodies'... these are constructs we have made up to 'make sense' of things within our experience but that our perceptual awareness need not have any such limitations or separations. Simply make up something new! However, we need to REALLY FEEL and KNOW and SEE the new thing for it to become our new experience!

          In Peace,



          • Holy cow, Zartgirl - you rock!!!

            I wish to THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the stuff you've shared on here about your Matrix experience and all the awesome help you've given to others, and wish to say - You are Fantastic!!!

            Thank you so much for contributing such profound insights into two-pointing and all about the art and science of Transformation!!!

            You are AMAZING!!!

            In Peace and Gratitude for your Awesomeness!



            • Originally posted by Coz Sally View Post
              Hello everyone, I'm brand new here!

              A bit of an intro... I'm an American certified massage therapist living in Cozumel, Mexico. I've been here for almost 10 years and can't imagine moving back to the States to live. I get up there a couple of times a year to visit family or to take a massage class, and it feels very foreign at this point. It's a nice place to visit...

              Enough about me! Hope to meet some of you in Phoenix or perhaps further down the road.

              Barefoot in Cozumel
              Massage: Barefoot in Cozumel
              Welcome Sally! Hi I am Sallyjane or zartgirl. I am way (well compared to our Canadian friends like Stephen and Adrienne not that way) up north in Eastern Washington where it is cold right now. I would love to live someplace tropical and warm that never gets cold. I am creating that as we speak and have been for some time. Oh just to let you know that I will sometimes sign Sj but there is another SJ here on the forum. That is why everyone calls me zartgirl here!

              Blessings and Sallyjane zartgirl.


              • A quick update!

                Okay, I got a new job, a new house, and gosh a whole new life it feels like! At hire of my new job I told them I could not work nights... So then they scheduled me nights. I was very upset, but then I decided to two point the situation. Started asking open ended questions... No matter what the question I asked was I saw this door closing and a new one much bigger and brighter and much better opening. I muscle tested and everything tested for my creating the situation to move me on to something better. Ended up keeping my job and not having to quit by taking a weird shift of 3 11.5 hour shift and a 7 hour shift, and having 3 days off with my kids. It will work, but also be the just uncomfortable enough to keep me moving forward towards my creation that is even better!

                Then an opportunity came up for a different job that would be a promotion, and part of me wanted it. Again muscle testing said NO! It will interfere with the new creation! So then I two pointed the job and asked what it would look like and immediately saw a cage! It was awful! This is sooo much fun to have these tools!

                Blessings and HUGS!!!! Sallyjane


                • Hi Stephen:
                  I am kicking around the idea of signing up for ME in Seattle next month.
                  Can you please tell me how many people they usually pack into his seminars?
                  I imagine there is not a lot of one on one activitiy and I wouldn't expect it, but I want to get a sense of the size of the group.
                  I bought ME book a while back but wasn't ready for it yet. I read it, but I couldnt grasp the concept. I picked it up yesterday and it has a completely different feel. Amazing how that works. Student is ready and the teacher appears!


                  • ME Seminar, attendance

                    Originally posted by maggieb View Post
                    Hi Stephen:
                    I am kicking around the idea of signing up for ME in Seattle next month.
                    Can you please tell me how many people they usually pack into his seminars?
                    I imagine there is not a lot of one on one activitiy and I wouldn't expect it, but I want to get a sense of the size of the group.
                    I bought ME book a while back but wasn't ready for it yet. I read it, but I couldnt grasp the concept. I picked it up yesterday and it has a completely different feel. Amazing how that works. Student is ready and the teacher appears!
                    Hi Maggieb,

                    I think it depends on the venue. I know that for the New York seminar (Omega Institute, 4/25-4/27)) for which I'm registered, there were only 15 people signed up as of a week ago, which seemed kind of low for these type of seminar since I've heard that as many as 300 people can be in attendance. I do expect there will be at least a hundred people.

                    That's another reason I paid a little more for this seminar rather than the one in Newark (NJ) which is closer to me but might be more packed. It's also next to Newark airport, not as nice.



                    • Thank you Lance. I would be interested in hearing about your experience with the seminar. The one in Seattle is in mid-May.


                      • ME seminar sizes: Bigger is better!?

                        Originally posted by maggieb View Post
                        Hi Stephen:
                        I am kicking around the idea of signing up for ME in Seattle next month.
                        Can you please tell me how many people they usually pack into his seminars?
                        I imagine there is not a lot of one on one activitiy and I wouldn't expect it, but I want to get a sense of the size of the group.
                        I bought ME book a while back but wasn't ready for it yet. I read it, but I couldnt grasp the concept. I picked it up yesterday and it has a completely different feel. Amazing how that works. Student is ready and the teacher appears!
                        Thanks for your question maggieb!

                        My first seminar in Seattle - June 2007 - was attended by I believe between 200 - 300 people. Howze that for accuracy? I might have posted about that seminar near the beginning of this thread, perhaps a more accurate number is there. The next Seattle seminar (December 2007) I attended was closer to 500 people!!! Freakin' Awesome!

                        Both of those seminars and the one coming up were also Practitioners Certification seminars. This means there is an extra day tacked on the end for those signed up for certification. This also means there is a LOT of hellp available for all the practice sessions. The seminar is *likely* unlike any other you have attended.

                        If you feel compelled to go, then go, otherwise a bunch of planning and effort around details of a more mundane nature will be the very focus in your reality that you get more of. I recommend you pack what you need but leave your left-brain at home because it will only get in the way of you 'getting it' but never fear there have always been a lot of people to help at the seminars and a LOT of one on one time to practice regardless of overall seminar size. If you have a question during the seminar, I recommend you put your hand up and ask Dr. B, as he will be quite eager to assist - you'll see what I mean

                        The seminar is about being in the Matrix. More people lend more presence to the 'field' of energy present in the room. To me, I'd way rather have a larger seminar for this stuff - the impact increases with the numbers. However, it is our expectations that will determine what we 'get out of it' like I mentioned before. There will be surprises, thats for sure!

                        I hope to see you there - that would be WAY cool!

                        In the Matrix,



                        • there is a chicago conference april 18-21, but i just started a job and there is no way they woiuld let me off for three days. that and my money situation wouldnt allow it at this time either. maybe next year.


                          • Originally posted by adam ant View Post
                            there is a chicago conference april 18-21, but i just started a job and there is no way they woiuld let me off for three days. that and my money situation wouldnt allow it at this time either. maybe next year.
                            Or sooner! I see you manifesting another seminar in Chicago sooner than a year Brian!



                            • the book

                              I finally ordered the book! LOL! Although I am loving the whole 2 pointing and open ended ?. Totally AWESOME! I am currently two pointing a seminar in Seattle next month. I am feeling it deep within me! A while ago I could not imagine where I would be able to come up with the money, and now I am just feeling like it will just be there for me at the right time and place! Hmmmm maybe it is just the experience of having manifested so much into my life already and then seeing this huge awesome door opening and my job door closing as I was two pointiing a week ago. Who knows, but I do feel that everything is perfect! All is always good!

                              Blessings and HUGS Sallyjane


                              • we shall see SJ, hopefully you are right. or perhaps this isnt the right time for me to attend. (many obstacles in my brain right now)

