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  • phoenix seminar

    High everyone...(oops)!! Just finished level 1, and level 2 is stretched out before me today!! Can't begin to express how AWESOME this is. My mind has been stretched in so many different directions, the possibilities are endless. There were times when my judgements got in my way for a moment or two, and I decided Richard Bartlett was just TOTALLY insane, and what the hell was I doing playing in his reality Then, the moment would pass, and I'd decide that his reality was one hell of a ride He lends new dimensions to what we hold as "normal" I kept looking at him, and Justice & Nate (his children) and wondering how wild and exciting their life must be....and how different from the rest of the world.

    This morning, (at 4;00 a.m.), I'm making a point of noticing what is different. And I notice that I feel very "together". I feel STRONG, I feel POWERFUL, I feel full of expectation about all the things I'm going to learn today in Level 2. I also feel this overwhelming KNOWING that I SO WANT to do this over, and over, and over and over, and over.........and did I mention OVER again!! Once is just not enuff, it's just a wee little taste of the possibilities, dipping your toe in the ocean on a hot day, and just KNOWING that you've gotta immerse yourself.

    There's SO MUCH information, and I'm just trusting that my brain will absorb everything that serves me, and that which will be useful to others. I'm telling myself, that I've just GOTTA go to another one, real soon! As, I'm just starting to get the idea of "letting go" of my need for the results and just playing with it. Last night when I got home, my husband's foot was hurting and he asked me to look at it and see if there was a splinter. Couldn't see I just 2 pointed it, and let it go without much concern whether it worked for it didn't. He got up a couple of minutes later, and said "Hey, it's all better now!!" He said it was an expensive sliver!!

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the energy in that room, I love the way my mind is racing and immediately getting the possibilities. This is the BEST vacation I've ever had in my life, and I haven't even left home. The partner I was working with yesterday said she had a big block in her way, and just couldn't "see" things. We were working on hallucinations! Having had my fair share of them in my mis-spent youth, I easily play that game!! So I had her describe what her block looked like and where it was located, and just moved it for her.....and VOILA! She was a hallucinating fool and pulling strings out of my back and dumping stuff on my head, and generally behaving in the most ridiculous, entertaining way Too much fun!!! I really think I've gotta give up my calm, quiet, relaxing, laid-back, retirement life, and become a M.E. junky..........and take my place in the bigger picture of life. This is calling me in such a loud and obvious way, I'm not sure I can ignore it, even if I wanted to.

    Any of you who are wondering if the seminar is "worth" it...........let me just say YES, YES, YES, YES...........the experience can't begin to compare to just reading a book and applying a technique. It's an alternate reality!!

    Love you guys......and thanks for all the inspiration and the passion in your experiences with M.E. I might have deprived myself of this experience if it hadn't been for all of your stories!



    • Brian

      Originally posted by adam ant View Post
      we shall see SJ, hopefully you are right. or perhaps this isnt the right time for me to attend. (many obstacles in my brain right now)
      Brian, you are going through such an awesome time right now! Just trust me on this one! Even if it does not feel awesome now, you are being prepared for something soooo awesome you can not begin to imagine it! I only know this as I am experiencing the awesomeness right now in my life. Just take it one step at a time and savor it all! Actually you are probablly one the up hill side of things by now as the saddness and discomfort is turning to new horizons. Just process the discomforts and 2 point with open ended questions and the right doors will open for you. You will manifest huge things into your life through all of this that was created by you so magnificently! Seems like soooo much right now to deal with, but it is all perfect! You created it!!

      HUGS Sallyjane


      • Well, Debbie,
        I'm so glad I met you and that you remembered that I had posted here (in January). It was a little quiet on the forum then.

        This was one of the best, if not the best, seminar experiences for me, and it was my 10th Level 1 & 2. I have done 3 of Level 3, plus about a year ago in Seattle, the Practitioner Training. I'm really getting it more integrated into life now, walking around in an altered state. It's trippy and lots more fun.

        I met a woman at lunch Monday who knew a modality for special ed kids called "Neuro-Link", so I had her feel the protocol, feel it in her hands, and transfer it to me as a module that I can now apply to my students.

        This I was doing today while we were sitting in the library. The librarian was reading a story about a girl with stripes, and at one point the girl in the story was melting into her dresser and being at one somewhere in there (I was half listening as I was melting into the "field" myself). I was dripping with frequencies, going from student to student, seeing how this NeuroLink and another module I made up on Sunday called "Matrix Rebirth" would show up for each student. I was just sitting in a chair with all this going on. We'll see how the students show up tomorrow.

        More to come, as I feel I'm just beginning.....

        Love and thanks,

        Last edited by Avatarza; 04-09-2008, 11:27 PM.


        • Newbie!!!

          Hi everyone!!
          I'm new here and I'm SO excited about going to one of the seminars that I want to fold myself up into a paper airplane and point myself towards Miami!!!!!
          Level one and two are coming here to Los Angeles in June, but I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! heehee. I've read the book and the forum postings, and have been trying to practice two-pointing, but I may still be in my own way. I appreciate that the technique isn't so specific that you begin to intellectualize how to "do" it, but I haven't gotten that gut understanding of how to play with it yet. phooey. Maybe I'm too hyper-ly excited about it. Maybe that's not really a word.
          I find myself trying to understand what I'm doing when I'm two-pointing. "What does this wave look like?" "What does he mean bring the two points together?? Imagine they're one? Imagine them resonating the same?? Imagine the two points bending in a physical plane towards each other until they meet?" And then I swing in the other direction and let go of all thought about it and just instinctively let loose and let my imagination go.

          I thought this would be easier for me to play with cause I have a really vivid imagination and I'm very intuitive and trusting of my instincts and inner promptings...but I don't know...I imagine the key is just to keep trying until i feel my way into it.
          I've been playing with EFT and it's really magical when i apply it surrogately! I have some cool stories about that! But I want to play with Matrix!!!! heehee.
          Anyway, it's so fun to read all of your posts!! It is such a magical time to be alive, huh?!
          PS: how do you lovely people add your pic to your name??? It's nice to see faces attached to names!


          • Hi Vanessa,
            I will be in LA, so let's look for each other! It is a great time! I'm so happy I can access all of this.
            The wave / 2 pt shows up how it does for you.

            Connect, defocus, and drop down, let go and see how it shows up for you. Place intent is somewhere in there. Then again, it is not always the same.



            • Vanessa

              You are making it harder than it is! Relax!

              Okay, when you find your two points, then just ask open ended questions from there on... Like what would this connection look like? What would this connection feel like? What do I notice about this connection? What am I noticing in me? What does this two point look like? What does it feel like? and then you can move into other open ended questions, like what would it feel/look like to ...? What do I notice about this? and just keep asking open ended questions for as long as you feel like.

              I too have an awesome imagination (it is the artist in me), but in two pointing I don't put it away, but instead I just let my higher self guide me through this. I do get awesome visualizations... for instance when I am two pointing my abundant monies... the archetype is like a waterfall, but instead a money fall, and the pond at the bottom is my bank account. In some issues like with my job I am at now, when I two point it I always see a door closing! Then I see a new bigger better door opening... New opportunities are already starting to open up to me in my work situation.

              Then there are times where I may not get a visual, that is usually when I two point sleep. There is no visual for it, but when I am done... I go off sound to sleep, and I rarely have to two point my sleep these days! But before Stephen taught me to two point, I took sleeping pills everynight to get to sleep and had taken them for years to just be able to get a few hours of sleep. Now I sleep all night long.

              I also have started using the open ended questions at night as I am falling off to sleep. I don't neccessarily find two points and formally do it, but as I am falling off to sleep I am asking myself open ended questions. Oh things like for instance last night I went to bed asking what it would feel/look like to have a awesomely fast metabolism? I went to sleep with a burning sensation in my stomach area. I also had some other questions I was asking as I fell off to sleep. For me this is awesome, because I am a lucid dreamer, so my questions just kept on flowing throughout my dreamms and I awoke this morning still asking questions at 5 am! Then I put myself back to sleep with more questions. It was awesome! I goal is to make this a normal part of life, just what I do... Living in an altered state of thinking, as to manifest and completely transform my life the rest of the way. Stephen told me the other day I should be the poster child for transformation!

              Okay just in case you have not read my posts, I learned to two point over MSN from stephen. I just bought the book, but I am still in the scientifical part... Today I will get into the magical part! I am very much wanting to experience the seminar, and I am awaiting some magic to allow me to do so in May in Seattle! So if I can do this, so can you! No excuses! Hehe!

              Just a little more about me to let you know you really can do this... from July of last year till March 1st of this year, I was living in a shelter with my kids! Every part of my life I have now was created magically, and not logically! I now have a house, an awesome car I love, and a job that the door is closing on and a new job that the door is opening on. I have complete custodial custody of my kids, and my X no longer scares me or controls me, actually we are able to get along great now and he is helping me get my licensing that I need for my new job (financially). Never JUDGE any situation as BAD or GOOD, just as! Be thankful for everything and appreciate it all as a blessing! Transformation isn't that hard, but whatever you want to change in your life you have to be okay with it as it is before you can change it. This was hard for me, but I am coming to terms with so much... my weight is neither bad nor good it is just what it is. Same with my job... A big issue has arisen in the fact that I have NO HOME... no I have a house I live in, but I have never had a HOME! This has always bugged me, but this last week or so I have come to terms with it. It is what it is... Actually it is and awesome opportunity for me, because I get to pick where I want HOME to be, or I can continue on like a ship on the ocean docking here and there, but never putting down a foundation of cement into the ground, gathering friends at every port and just being where I am at any one point I am at, maybe that is what is more important.

              JUST BE and the REST WILL COME!


              • Matrix Energetics

                Stephen! It looks like you and Grace have some serious Matrix engineering abilities This amazing Matrix Energetics thread you started is usually coming up between #2-5 in Google when people are searching for Matrix Energetics!

                Go to Google and type in Matrix Energetics and you can see what I mean...go click on the thread's link to see that it takes you right back here. There are no other forums for Matrix Energetics listed above your thread in Google showing that most likely, you have started the MOST popular Matrix Energetics thread on the internet!
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • Woo hoo!! Very cool!!!
                  Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                  • Just a little update!

                    This is just a little update! Well today I finally got to the point in the book where it tells you how to two point... so I put the book down cause I was reading about work and I could not practice what it was saying... Another story completely!

                    So Grace told me that my body does not know the difference between a "real" workout and a visualized one... I just needed to meditate on the visualization... I was having a hard time with this! So I started experimenting with 2 pointing and asking what it would look like to go deeper and deeper into the 2 point and the zero point field... Then I decided while there I would do my visualized workout! I spent maybe 3 minutes on my workout part of the 2 point? Okay... I have lost 5 pounds in two days! Is this like exciting or what??????

                    Yes this is me jumping up and down and screaming from the rooftop! I just love it cause it does not fit into the physcial realm!

                    HUGS Sallyjane (All this with no formal training in this, so you all can do this!)


                    • I love it, and the way you describe everything is right on.

                      Aaron, I found this forum because I googled "Matrix Energetics" to see what would come up! It was about at the bottom of the first page when I did, months ago now.



                      • Thanks girls!!!! I'm gonna keep practicing! You guys are so inspiring!!
                        I'll let you know how it goes! Congratulations with the success and magic!


                        • SallyJane,
                          Your reply was so detailed and generous, and i want you to know that I'm going to follow your advice and just trust.
                          Your story is pretty amazing; I'm so glad things have really turned around for you and your girls, that's beautiful.
                          Have a great night! Sleep well and dream about all those great questions!


                          • Thanks Doug!!!

                            Originally posted by Doug View Post
                            Excellent tephen!
                            I have to agree with Grace.
                            It's always great reading your insights and experiences with M E., I appreciate the humor and your encouragement also!
                            M E is something I wanna do. Gotta make it to a seminar. Ha, and it would be the coolest to meet you at one of those.
                            You are very worthy of the !
                            I'll have to see if I can join that club, he he
                            Thanks again for all your help,
                            Originally posted by Doug View Post
                            Hey Guys!!!!
                            I had a pretty cosmic M.E. event happen...
                            My Aunt Donna was having heart surgery yesterday and it went from a few stints to a triple bypass instead. My Mom called last night at 10pm in tears saying complications, a tear in the heart, etc. happened - it didn't look good. She asked me "to send some positive vibes"
                            I realized it was time to 2 point!!! I grabbed the M E book, brushed up on two pointing and used a surrogate for the process. WOW, it's amazing how your mind can work and the Love I felt - that is awesome!! I kept focusing on a well heart, but also saw the doctor being surprised on how well she was - that was cool. I put my heart and soul into it and maybe over did it. I was pretty tired the next morning -- Is that possible? (or mebbe emotions)

                            So..... the next day today, I get a message on my phone from Dad saying her color came back, she's feeling great and may even get out of the hospital today or tomorrow!!!! Whew !!! Awesome!! I was thinking of you guys and was looking forward to reporting good news.
                            You guys are all so amazing and it's so good to be part of this group. I am SO looking forward to a seminar for M.E. It is truly a treasure to be associated with some of the best things we can do for ourselves and our planet and I thank you for bringing them to me.
                            Thank You, Thank you, Thank YOU!!
                            And Thank YOU for your posts including the one with the experience of the two-point for your Aunt Donna!

                            The part about feeling tired has a lot to do with your own beliefs about what something looks like to you. If participating as a facilitator of transformation with M.E. is tiring and 'work', then thats what it will look like for you - it is ALL made up by you! So perhaps when doing two-pointing or other Matrix stuff you might ask as part of your intention for the transformation, something like this: "What would it look like to do this two-point and feel energized?"

                            Matrix Energetics is not 'running energy' thus, there is no need to feel tired (though even if one is doing a running energy modality perhaps a new belief about how that looks - if they find it tiring - might help? ). In entering the matrix of infinite playful possibilities, it is our focused intention and Letting Go, getting out of the way, that allows the shift to come through. I have observed that many new to M.E. tend to hold the 'state' for a much longer time than after some experience with it accumulates. When you watch Dr. B and his entourage, the whole two-point, and other time travel etc, happen VERY fast and they get the heck out of the way!!! Many of them have it set up that even before they interact with someone in person or at distance that it is already DONE and you basically go through the motions of the process, though its important to really FEEL the connection and not just imagine the archetypes and so forth, but to play with what is showing up seemingly 'out of nowhere' or that which is Now Here!

                            Now, another quick story about helping someone in the hospital that I experienced a few months back. A friend of mine barely missed a full-on heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. Later that evening, I set about to do some M.E. and decided to use a pillow as a surrogate. After dropping down, and finding two-points, feeling them connected, I began to notice a strange thing about the pillow - it appeared to be breathing!!! I mean, I tested what I was experiencing to see if it was just my own breathing I was feeling through my arms moving - nope! It was out of time with my breathing. Though I was curious about it, I didn't want to focus too much on that by examining with my eyes (they were closed) so I just went with it and wow, what a strange sensation to feel the gentle rising and falling of the pillow under my hands!! Oh, and essentially the very best outcome came through for my friend. He didn't have to have surgery and was able to leave the hospital very soon after and did the usual allopathic course of rehabilitation before they'd let him go to work. But I'll never forget that sensation of the pillow breathing!

                            In Peace,



                            • Hi gaidujs!

                              Thank you for your post and your questions!

                              Originally posted by gaidujs View Post
                              Dear sir

                              Recently in India i got copy of matrix energetics . I have few querries - Kindly clarify :

                              1) What is the meaning of measure the two points ( in two point method)
                              The two-point has been covered from many directions on this thread by so many wonderful people, however a basic recap on what I 'think' it might be, which is probably sorta true, but works, so I will go with the useful fiction. Finding two points is the minimum needed to 'make a measurement' which goes back to the discoveries of consciousness affecting sub-atomic particles such as the famous double-slit experiment, repeated many times over the last hundred years or more. Thus, with two-points we enter the realm of interacting (observing) with photons (sub-atomic) and by our focused intention. At some point we 'let go' to allow something much more powerful than what our left brain can direct to bring through transformation.

                              2) In the book example is given where the author two points after the bridge - When we are doing two point for relationship , bussiness , or any other thing how to get the two points . ( I mean we just sey teh intention of finding 2 points )
                              Ah, I like this question! For me, it quickly became obvious that the physical two-point where you feel something stuck, hard or rigid and that changes to be more stuck, hard, or rigid when you find the entangled second point, is not necessary! Yes, we can two-point long distance, and with any number of ways to perceive the points and what them being connected feels for YOU. This is where some open-ended questions can help us find the two-points (or more if ya want to get fancy lol). The trick with the questions and with our intentions is to realize the more we try and control the outcome, the more limited we make the outcome look!
                              3) I recently did two points for somebody with sciatica problem - When I try to merge myself ( light form) with the patient - I got goose pimples and I broke the connection - Any explanation for this ?
                              I don't really know what the heck is going on with M.E. most of the time lol but I can offer that whatever it looks like to you is what it looks like to you and to embrace it and TRUST that something useful is happening. Goose pimples sound cool! Grab that goose and take another gander at your patient and ask perhaps, "How is this useful?" or "What else might be useful with this?"

                              Thanks again gaidujs!

                              Enjoy the Magick!



                              • Good post, Jure!

                                Originally posted by Jure View Post
                                Thats so wonderful. Thanks for the report.
                                But no one writes about things that are not happening. I ve been researching a lot about Matrix Energetics, Theta healing, Huna/ Ho oponopono and at the end it all comes to doing it yourself. Either releasing, letting go, letting it happen, ... And the most important thing is that most of the practitioners dont work on those things first - change the programme of letting it go or letting it happen so it will happen. If everything depends on me why would I need someone to open and hold that perspective/ possibility.
                                Thank you for bringing this up!

                                My thoughts are that my own M.E. journey is an ever expanding experience that I pursue with a sense of wonder and curiosity without trying to limit it by my all too efficient judgment system lol. I have had enough 'miraculous' things happen to TRUST that something shifts every time but that I may not know what that is at this time. If things do not seem to be happening, I will go back again to asking "What would it look like to see things happen?" Also, I have observed seeming lack of 'things happening' from time to time that I accept as either a limitation on my own part to be 'bigger than' the situation, or an instance where transformation looks different than what is being thought is the best when something else will work better. I have increasingly noticed how important it is to really FEEL the connection, the state, the realities as not imagination but a 'real' construct we enter. There is also the idea of 'temporal software' where transformation is instantaneous but interpreted or experienced by a person over a period of time. My real point here is that whatever words we use to describe our observations will be a part of the reality we experience. I see it as our senses create the world we experience rather than usual consensus view that you observe something that is 'real' and a 'fact' whether you had senses (or whether there was an observer) to do so or not.

                                Your last statement about
                                If everything depends on me why would I need someone to open and hold that perspective/ possibility.
                                is a very profound point! This is why you will see me say over and over that the Matrix'er is a facilitator of transformation through the act of not-doing, if you will. Facilitator means to help out to me. Its like we open a space for transformation that the Matrix'ee does not realize exists and help them come on into it and experience the shift. I would say there is a mutual experience though -in the sense that we are all connected and one and so the transformation'er and transformation'ee are of the same material and from the same one consciousness. These are of course, just my own musings on this!

                                In Peace,


