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Matrix Energetics

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  • Hi Aaron,
    the holistic health fair was in Spokane in May. I stopped by to meet Debbra after finding her online before I went to the Matrix seminar in Seattle. I was too curious to wait and wanted to talk to someone who had attended one..



    • Newark in July

      I'm glad to see some of you will be in Newark...

      I will be on staff, so please introduce yourselves.

      I'm so looking forward to this, as I will be bringing my sister-in-law!



      • Isara rocks! Do say hello to her when you see her.


        • John's experience

          Originally posted by jtkya View Post
          I was a little confused as to where to start so I sat down and two pointed me to a place where I knew what to do.

          This story is amazing! And I loved learning from you that we can twopoint ourselves to a place where we KNOW what to do!!! I hadn't thought of that. Very creative! I'm going to try that now with a difficult project I'm working on!



          • Thank you, Jamie, you rock too!

            I totally appreciate you

            I hear Tanika has a new "position" so to speak.

            Are you going to be in Newark?



            • Hey Sue and John, I loved the idea of two-pointing to a place where you will know what to do in a situation.

              Awhile back I was working on a project that was new to me and I had no idea where to begin or what to do. I wish I had thought of doing that then! But since I didn't, I came up with the idea to connect to others who did know those things and downloaded their information and expertise and it worked really well.

              Since then I've connected to people I admire in various fields of work when I want to access a skill they have. Awesome stuff!


              • Connecting to someone who does know...

                This summer my little guy started little league for the first year at 8 years old, so he was starting off much older and behind the rest of the kids on his team. To top it off, he is a lefty, so everything he watched the coach and his friends do was backwards to him! I kept meaning to work with him every evening, but time restraints and having never played baseball made it very difficult. So one day while he was at school I decided to two point his batting skills as he had been unable to hit the ball (to make things worse he is a golfer and a really good one at that, which goofed up his swing in baseball), so I two pointed him connecting him to past and present baseball players who I had coach him throughout the day before his practice. That night his father came to take him to practice, and low and behold he could suddenly hit the ball! At the time he had no idea that he had been two pointed! What was even more exciting was that everyone on his teams skills also got noticeably better! I two pointed him a couple more times, and by his last game he was hitting the ball right over the top of the other teams outfielders! It was awesome!

                I think now I will have to have him connect with some awesome pro golfers and have them coach his golf game! At the age of seven he was hitting holes in one... The kid is amazing at golf and absolutely loves the game! Especially loves the sand traps!

                Just thought you would enjoy this little story, as you mentioned connecting to others for information!

                Blessings Sallyjane


                • Great Story Zartgirl,

                  I like that idea. When I went to the Seattle Seminar, I asked for some golfing and snowboarding help. I will try the instructor thing too. What I have been doing with the golf is ask my body, what does it feel like to hit the ball correctly? I wait until I feel it and swing.
                  Marnyka Z. Buttry
                  Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                  • 2-point for everyone

                    This 2-point is for anyone who is on this forum. It can be used as many times as needed for whatever you would like for it to work on.

                    Time travel - 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

                    Point 1..................................Point 2

                    Ask yourself this question - What will it feel like in my body to experience this 2-point?

                    Breathe and enjoy

                    Marnyka Z. Buttry
                    Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                    • Two pointing to knowing place

                      Originally posted by susieq View Post
                      This story is amazing! And I loved learning from you that we can twopoint ourselves to a place where we KNOW what to do!!! I hadn't thought of that. Very creative! I'm going to try that now with a difficult project I'm working on!
                      Originally posted by zeropoint View Post
                      Hey Sue and John, I loved the idea of two-pointing to a place where you will know what to do in a situation.
                      Thanks! Yes! I've done this quite a few times and I've had a lot of success with it!

                      Originally posted by zeropoint View Post
                      But since I didn't, I came up with the idea to connect to others who did know those things and downloaded their information and expertise and it worked really well.

                      Since then I've connected to people I admire in various fields of work when I want to access a skill they have. Awesome stuff!
                      Dr Bartlett talks about doing this in his book with a dentist and John of God. Very cool stuff!!



                      • An update on connecting to others. I had prepared for a math exam and felt I knew the material pretty well. When I get to the test center I learn to my dismay the test has been changed to that of algebra. I haven't done algebra for many years and of course I hadn't studied it for a test. I decided to two point to algebra experts and just take my chances. The answers were multiple choice so I did muscle testing for the right answer. Guess what - I passed! I have no idea still how to do algebra anymore but two pointing sure helped!


                        • Originally posted by marnyka View Post
                          This 2-point is for anyone who is on this forum. It can be used as many times as needed for whatever you would like for it to work on.

                          Time travel - 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

                          Point 1..................................Point 2

                          Ask yourself this question - What will it feel like in my body to experience this 2-point?

                          I've tried this a few times. I don't necessarily notice anything but thanks.


                          • Yet another two point method

                            Hi All,

                            I was talking with a good friend of mine this weekend, who is having some difficulties with two pointing and I thought I would share parts of our conversation with you.

                            I was telling my friend that I was pondering my clients that I still wasn't connecting with very well. I started out in this whole business as a massage therapist. In fact, I still have a couple of standing massage sessions, which are much easier now because they are ME enhanced.

                            As I was doing one of these massages, I suddenly had the realization (Duh!) that my training with tissues was part of my problem. I am still touching bodies!

                            After that session was over, in an ME session, to get away from the whole tissue thing, I envisioned the client's body as an empty, client-shaped shell. I established a two point and asked to see it in the shell. Two little white clouds appeared inside the shell where my hands were. I then asked to see them connected and a thick white line went from one cloud to the other. At that point this client, who would normally sway very minimally at best, started weaving back and forth. Wow!

                            Next, I had a two point established (forehead and upper-back)but I felt I needed a third point on the soles of her feet. Normally, I would create a pair of Mickey Mouse hands, one at the bottom of each foot. Instead, I created two little clouds on the inside of the feet shells and connected them via-white-line to the other two clouds. At this point, this client who normally feels almost nothing, fell slowly down towards the table! I lay the client on the table and continued the session sitting on my stool.

                            This client came in a bit grouchy and left involuntarily smiling ( "I just can't help it!")

                            I've been using this cloud-method a lot lately and it's been pretty reliable. Getting past the reality of the body somehow is the key. Find your way!



                            • For the Fabulous Stephen!

                              Originally posted by sterlingpg View Post
                              I have enormously enjoyed all of your wonderful posts! I've completed my move with my family to a new city and cannot wait to get back to posting on ESM and this thread!!!


                              I HOPE TO SEE ALL WHO ARE IN SEATTLE THIS WEEKEND!!!

                              I'll be playing in the Matrix as an Intern including having FUN as a catcher up on stage, so look for a guy that looks somewhat like this:

                              Swimming in the Matrix with all of YOU!


                              Wow, What a fine looking man!! Oops, Did I just say this out loud? Well, anyway, Stephen we can't wait to have you posting back again! I know that you are an amazing individual, and that you are assisting all of us to awaken to our fullest potential! We are all very fortunate that you fell in love with Matrix! May the light that is YOU spread to the deepest darkest areas of this infinite Universe!

                              IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                              • [QUOTE=Grace;24800]Wow, What a fine looking man!! Oops, Did I just say this out loud?

                                Ewwww ... can the lusting please go private?

