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Matrix Energetics

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  • Hi Zero,
    Just so you know Grace and Stephen are old friends and she typically says kind things to pretty much everyone around this no worries there isn't any dangerous lusting going on here.
    Happy reading
    Blessings with Aloha Keoi
    <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
    Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


    • For Zeropoint

      Originally posted by Grace View Post
      Wow, What a fine looking man!! Oops, Did I just say this out loud?

      Ewwww ... can the lusting please go private?

      Hi Zeropoint,

      The Definition of Lust according to Wikpedia:

      Lust is any intense desire or craving for gratification and excitement. Lust can mean strictly sexual lust, although it is also common to speak of a "lust for men", "lust for blood" (bloodlust), or a "lust for power" (or other goals), and to "lust for love". The Greek word which translates as lust is epithymia (επιθυμια), which also is translated into English as "to covet". The word 'lust' originally had no negative connotation, but it has developed a connotation of sexual sin.

      I appreciate everything beautiful, loving and divine, and Stephen is all of these things. I also enjoy humor to the infinite degree, after all, it is very healing. (Check out the Daily ESM Joke of the day thread)

      No offense intended to you or anyone else Zeropoint, but Lust is also not the proper word to explain my post to Stephen. Appreciation, Gratitude, and Love for all things beautiful is. My use of the word "Fine" is an appreciation of all that Stephen is, both inside and out.

      The most important part of this post that I made to Stephen is NO JOKE, and here it is once again:

      "Stephen we can't wait to have you posting back again! I know that you are an amazing individual, and that you are assisting all of us to awaken to our fullest potential! We are all very fortunate that you fell in love with Matrix! May the light that is YOU spread to the deepest darkest areas of this infinite Universe!"



      • Sigh...

        Hi Darling tephen!

        I'm just popping in to echo Grace's loving post to you!!! Oh, Grace...Thank you so very much for bumping up this gorgeous pic of our FABULOUS tephen!!!!

        Honey...Please know that we all Love You and Miss You...BIG TIME!!! I am sending you MUCH Light and LOVE and hope we can do a nice Skypie soon and catch up!!! In the meantime...MUAH!!!

        With Much Love and Gratitude,

        My PATHS Website
        My Art Website
        My Paintings As Prints
        My Facebook


        • Chello Everyone!

          I know I know, its been awhile!

          I've been to that seminar in Vancouver in March, another one in May in Seattle, a Mark Dunn seminar in late May, and now just returned from Denver.

          The Denver seminar was Level I, II, III and a special Intensive day with Mark Dunn after level III. Mark Dunn is the fellow that helped develop M.E. with Dr. B (he was involved in a lot of 'experiments' in consciousness with him lol).

          Holy cow, SO many cool experiences!! I've been 'working' as part of the staff while at the seminars for awhile now - this is a whole new level of interaction with participants and those who organize the events. This last seminar in Denver was my sixth I've attended.

          Some ask:
          Why go to so many? Can't you 'get it' with just one seminar (with a skeptical look in their eye, bordering on 'someone's makin' a lot of money here' )?

          Well, I go for the pure enjoyment of it!!! The interaction with other participants and staff is wonderful! One can 'get it', just by reading about the two-point on the matrix website.
          ( Matrix Energetics Healing seminars taught by Richard Bartlett if anyone is new to this thread. )
          Or, you can get Dr. B's book and learn it from there. The seminar however, is a dynamic, powerful environment specifically set up to help every single person experience matrix energetics and the 'wave'. I think a more important question is: What is Matrix Energetics??? I will weigh in on my own opinion on this in another post.

          Some wonder if they can still 'do' M.E. after they leave the seminar environment - the answer is YES! As we learn and then experience, we are MAKING IT ALL UP! Everything, our individual and collective world and universe. Science, physics, our illnesses, our bodies and beliefs. Thus, we can simply make a rule that says: 'M.E. works as well or BETTER outside a seminar' - feel it real inside and it is SO. What if we think we 'suck' at it - can we still do it? YES! Make up the 'rule' and word it in an open-ended question: "What if I felt I couldn't do this, and things STILL shifted and changed?" You see, you can't lose at this game - keep practicing and asking better questions and improvements will always come. Personally, the biggest shifts have occurred when I didn't really 'feel' much, felt like I kinda sucked lol, but apparently really got out of the way!

          Sooooo, there you have it, a brief recap. I've experienced so very much since I started M.E. last year in June, that its a big part of the reason why I've had a real challenge in even getting to post on here but KNOW that I read every single post, do M.E. behind the scenes, and will continue to share my experiences and answer any questions though there are a growing wonderful group who are contributing SO much - thank you Thank You THANK YOU!!!

          Next...a bit more about the last Denver seminar

          In love and peace,



          • Thank You Grace!

            I REALLY appreciate all of your posts, your encouragement and your LOVE!

            You've been with me on this wild ride for so long now - with PATHS, CEM, M.E. and many wonderful conversations about consciousness and I am so thankful to you for EVERYTHING! You are beautiful inside and out and I never forget the Guardian of my temple! Spiritual relationship transcends mere physical interactions with that ineffable Joy the mystics write about, but must be experienced to 'get it'.

            I hope to post about the forum at the Denver seminar where Dr. Hector Garcia showed his amazing mix of M.E. and CEM which we talked about - incredible. His website in case anyone would like to check it out is: chiropractor San Diego, Garcia Chiropractic Holistic Center - San Diego chiropractor

            Love you!



            • Welcome back tephen!!

              We've all missed your posts, so much, and now you're back! YAY!!

              Can't Wait to hear more about your Fabulous experiences... and please... I believe you have something else to tell us?

              Much Love, my friend!

              M x
              Intuitive Readings
              Web design by Hannah King


              • Dear Wonderful Pamela!

                Amazing Pamela - what a wonderful delight to see and feel the love in your post!!! Thank YOU so much!!!

                I follow the posts on your thread displaying your wonderful art and am CONSTANTLY amazed by the beauty you are bringing to this world!!! This is no accident. You were meant to do this - to bring the Joy and Life inside you to all of us, to help us to remember Who and What we Really Are! Healing transformation occurs just by looking at and meditating on what you have created - THANK YOU!

                Love you!



                • Hi Moria!

                  Originally posted by Moria View Post
                  Welcome back tephen!!

                  We've all missed your posts, so much, and now you're back! YAY!!

                  Can't Wait to hear more about your Fabulous experiences... and please... I believe you have something else to tell us?

                  Much Love, my friend!

                  M x
                  I'm trying, I'm TRYING lol!

                  Thank you for your post and your love!

                  Ok, gonna get to that post now

                  Love and light!



                  • August Denver M.E. seminar

                    Denver in August = HOT!

                    I flew out on July 31st from Vancouver, BC warm coastal weather to Denver HEAT! Wow! I should have brought a portable air conditioner to strap to my back and very long extension cord!

                    The staff meeting for this seminar was at 4pm with the introduction and open-to-visitors seminar to begin at 7pm. If you have been to a seminar and are considering going to another and wonder if you should apply to be an Intern - GO FOR IT! Its great fun, you experience M.E. in a unique and powerful way as you share it with participants helping them to 'get it'. Its joyful and brings new insights to your own matrix journey. Giving, is the same as receiving as you will experience very profoundly as an Intern.

                    The seminar started with a song - I am always SO pumped for this moment! Usually Chicago, or some other groovin' 70s/80s rock song. It really gets the energy up in the room! People dancing and clapping to the beat!
                    I was serving as a catcher again at this seminar and so was right in the front row. Dr. B is really on a BIG roll right now with a lot of changes in perceptions of what is going on with M.E. He is also in the middle of writing his next book. He started writing this last year around springtime and so much has changed in that year, that his guides have told him a lot of it has to be redone! Also, all these changes in his awareness and the 140 or so books on physics he's read in the last few months, make for always new and interesting seminars! No two are ever the same!!! The title will be something like: The Physics of Jesus - Opening the Door to Miracles.

                    This seminar was to be all three levels plus the special Intensive with M. Dunn - a real tour de force!

                    Saturday and Sunday rolled out with lots of opportunity to practice each step of the two-point and other tools in the toolbelt. I've noticed that people 'get it' much quicker now at the seminars. I think this is because of the growing morphic field of M.E. and how really simple it is when one is able to 'get out of the way'. I had the privilege of being a Facilitator at this seminar again, and so was given the opportunity to hold a forum during the last 45 minutes of the lunch break. These forums are on a myriad of different M.E.-related subjects and are held in the main room and you can just choose to join one or sample each of them. The subject of mine was 'The Big Present' lol. This had to do with being Present in the 'now' and how useful this is in 'dropping down' when doing M.E. I am so happy and grateful that I was a part of this experience with everyone!

                    Monday brought an incredible experience for me as well. (I'm getting to it now, Moria! Patience PATIENCE lol )

                    Dr. Bartlett was pacing up and down the stage, really on a roll with this incredible information on the aether (Aaron knows all about this stuff!). Also, things like 'the more you go within, the more leverage you have on the external world'...'What you focus on, locks into physicality'...'Allow your vision to lead you'...and...

                    'Service: the reward for service is more service and you can do more service because you will have the potential to do more service'. This last was particularly apropos since I saw him pass in front of me and catch my eye, he looked away and then said "Stephen, come up here"... Ok, so I've done this many times and am always thankful for the gift about to be departed (though in the case of Frequency 18, that can look pretty different!!!). There was a lot of 'carnage' on the stage (people lying down after some major shifts with the two-point etc) so we moved off to the right of the stage (as you're looking out) and I just stood there for a moment, being open to whatever was to be demonstrated. Much to my and the collective surprise, Dr. B was in rapport and said: "BE, a Master Practitioner" and down I went! In front of almost 500 people! Several of us, especially me lol, were profoundly moved by this as it was a moment of inspiration - Spirit in Action - as he didn't know he was going to say that before it happened. I am so very thankful for this opportunity to be able to share M.E. in even more ways! Dr. Bartlett!

                    You cannot ask to be a master practitioner nor really 'reach out' for it. They are chosen by Dr. B and it just happens. I hadn't consciously intended for it but was and am just happy to be a part of the M.E. scene and having it live through my life and sharing it with others. I intend to start a study group in Vancouver as they are only done by mp's and I think would be a ton of fun!

                    There really is so very much more that was imparted at this seminar - I'm filled to the brim with appreciation!

                    I have been doing a lot of traveling lately and am also grateful for finding some time to post here, and hope to share more very very soon!!!

                    Thank you everyone for reading and contributing here!!!

                    In Peace,



                    • Yay!

                      Congratulations! Dear Stephen,

                      I have been eagerly waiting for you to post about your wonderful achievement. As you know a little bird flew all the way back here to tell me your news who had also been at Denver! You are far too modest! Just casually slipping in the news at the end of your post. It is a signal honor to be recognised by Dr Bartlett for your knowledge, talents & abilities in ME by being made a MASTER PRACTITIONER!! So congratulations once again!!! I only wish that I could have been at the seminar to see you.

                      It was wonderful to be able to catch up with you the other evening & as I told you, just let me know & I will be your first customer to sign up for your teleconferences/study group.

                      Much Love , Light & Matrix Blessings to You, Stephen.


                      Theta Healing
                      Paths 2 Potential

                      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                      • Master Practitioner

                        Congratulations, Stephan!!!!

                        Please sign me up also for your first teleconference call!!!

                        Love and Gratitude,


                        • Message from Dr Bartlett

                          Dr Bartlett posted this message on the ME forum a couple of days ago which I thought you all might enjoy reading.

                          "Actually I think Melissa and Karen hold the record at around 42-44 seminars. They can't wait for the next one, and neither can I. I've taught about 54 seminars now. Each one is different. The energy of each seminar has its own morphic grid and identity. This unique energy grid is cumulative, so the more seminars you attend, the more these grids interlace and interlock into your personal reality.

                          Every Friday night and Saturday, as well as Sunday morning I deliver what ever my guides/high self want me to say. These sessions are, themselves by intent and design, unique templates of energy that continually layer into what has gone before in other seminars. It is always amazing to me to get to be present on stage in a new city or seminar, because I literally do not know what is going to happen next.

                          My children Justice and Nate have probably attended about 40 seminars as well, and they can't wait for the next one! We are a Matrix family, and truly love to be together serving you, and mankind in general at these events. You would not believe the amazing differences in my kids, and their relationship to me, and to each other. That, is a true Matrix miracle, for which I am eternaly grateful.

                          The seminars are not really about learning the information as a technique, and then going home and applying it to your life. It is about becoming something greater than your grandest conceptions. This greatness is based on stepping out of the way, and allowing your greater self to shine through. I certainly don't consider myself a guru, but I at least can for now deliver this energy, which I feel the planet is greatly in need of. Each seminar experience is meant to build upon what has gone before, and to modulate the frequencies of the Matrix Energetics experience continually higher and lower as well, so that these energies become more physical ,practical and readily accessible. This is my sacred labor of love for you and the planet and I am grateful for every single one of you who have so lovingly and generously contributed their shining light to this morphic field of loving intent. Thank you one and all!

                          p.s. I am working non stop right now on finishing the second book, which I am hoping will reach more people, be a clearer, deeper, and infinitely more useful expansion of Matrix Energetics. There will be a lot more cutting edge science, miracle stories from the field, and exercises in order to master the principles and practices of Matrix Energetics. Those of you who are moved to do so, please help me sustain the energy, drive, and creativity I need to finish this book and get it to the publisher no later than Sep. 9. Your assistance in any way that you are led to contribute will be felt, and greatly appreciated!"


                          Love, Light & Blessings

                          Theta Healing
                          Paths 2 Potential

                          "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                          • Dr. Bartlett's message

                            Thanks so much, Sharyn, for posting this message here from Dr. Bartlett as I had missed it on the Matrix forum! How exciting to hear that he is going to be publishing his latest book in a matter of days!!!

                            Here's to supporting Richard in manifesting that dream!

                            Love, Light and Gratitude,
                            Last edited by Raindancer; 08-21-2008, 04:13 PM.


                            • correction...

                              What I read was that the new book will be out Sept. of 2009.


                              • another correction..

                                Richard needs to get the finished book to the publisher by Sept. 9th of this year in order to have it published by, perhaps, Aug. of 2009.

