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Matrix Energetics

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  • RE:Publishing Date Clarification

    Awesome, Rhozzi! Thanks so much for the clarification!

    Love, Light and Gratitude,


    • Many congratulations Stephen!!!!!


      • I knew there was a reason for me to get back in touch with this forum. Congrats Stephen
        Marnyka Z. Buttry
        Divine Openings Giver & Healer


        • tephen! How Amazing is that?! I am in Awe of You!

          I echo our Dear Sharyn 'You are far too modest! Just casually slipping in the news at the end of your post. It is a signal honor to be recognized by Dr Bartlett for your knowledge, talents & abilities in ME by being made a MASTER PRACTITIONER!! So congratulations once again!!!'

          tephen, Sharyn, & Grace, you are All SO Fabulous in the way you assist us all! Thank You!!

          Pamela, I will bring you in to this thread as well, because your Soul filled Art ( is that a word?) is making a Huge impact on All of us!

          Thank you All for being who you are and for being a part of this Life Experience!

          Moria xxx
          Intuitive Readings
          Web design by Hannah King


          • Master Stephen!

            WOW Stephen!!!!!!!! My hat is off to you, that is just so kewl!
            Blessings with Aloha Keoi
            <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
            Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


            • Congratulations, Stephen!!!


              It is NO Surprise to any of us that Dr. Bartlett has chosen YOU as a Master Practioner!!!

              After all...The Beautiful and Precious Light that IS You is Exquisitely Brilliant and Loving !!!

              Shine on, Darling tephen...Shine on... (...sigh... )

              With Much Love and Gratitude,

              My PATHS Website
              My Art Website
              My Paintings As Prints
              My Facebook


              • For Stephen!


                This most recent accomplishment of yours is truly magnificent and inspires all of us to shine our light But I would like to add that it was over a year in the making!! This did not happen over night and YOU have been working on raising your level of consciousness for years now!

                This AMAZING accomplishment is to prove/inspire all of us to keep at it!! With consistent/persistent effort, AND WITH PATIENCE, we all can achieve amazing results!!




                • Congratulations!

                  Wow Stephen, congratulations on becoming an ME Master Practitioner!!!

                  I still remember you deciding to go to that first ME seminar last year and reading the book on the way as you drove!!

                  How far you have come my friend, really, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!

                  ~Viviana -
                  "The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba


                  • Holy Cow!!!! Congrats Stephen!!! I am more than impressed but less than surprised. From the very first seminar you attended, you "got" it and ME has certainly been your passion.

                    You are blessed to find something in your life that fills you with abundant joy
                    Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                    • Awesome!

                      What an excellent accomplishment!


                      • Hi All,
                        I have not attended any seminars. But I found from others that Matrix energetics did not work for everyone even after attending the seminars. They said Richard is able to do all what he says in seminars. What is your opinion.


                        • Originally posted by mctxp View Post
                          Hi All,
                          I have not attended any seminars. But I found from others that Matrix energetics did not work for everyone even after attending the seminars. They said Richard is able to do all what he says in seminars. What is your opinion.

                          Rajan, I can only speak for myself but I certainly found ME worked for me from the time I left the seminars even though I was feeling rather bemused at the time to now. I have used it in many ways for many people.

                          In fact I had my first opportunity for using it on the way home from the seminars last year during my long flight home. I used it to keep an empty seat next to me so that I could stretch out my legs as I had severe knee pain in both knees on the flight coming over. I ME'd the empty seat next to me & myself to be invisible . I was in the 10th row from the front & I watched everyone keep filing past me until the plane was full. Apart from the last few rows at the back of the plane where there ended up being some empty seats I was the only one in the rest of the plane who did not have a passenger next to them. The flight was full!

                          I then was able to 2 point my knees a couple of times throughout the flight once they became sore again, the pain disappeared & they have been fine ever since.

                          As for Richard, he more than delivers on what he presents during the seminars. He is DOING & BEING all of the time & more. A lot more is going on than what he is saying.

                          The seminars are highly interactive & as Stephen said in his previous posts there is often a lot of "carnage" going on on the stage representative of Richard's handiwork. If you came to a seminar you would be left in no doubt that Richard can DO & BE what he says with ME!

                          Love, Light & Blessings
                          Theta Healing
                          Paths 2 Potential

                          "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                          • Whoah!

                            Many thanks to everyone!

                            I hope to go on sharing the magick of life, which M.E. is a portal into, with as many people as possible! Being a master practitioner is another door that opens to do this in new and greater ways.

                            In Peace,



                            • Thank you for your question mctxp!

                              Originally posted by mctxp View Post
                              Hi All,
                              I have not attended any seminars. But I found from others that Matrix energetics did not work for everyone even after attending the seminars. They said Richard is able to do all what he says in seminars. What is your opinion.
                              The best way to find out is to go there for yourself!

                              If there were only 50% that found that 'it worked'...wouldn't it be cool to find out if you were in that group?

                              Really though, the Matrix Energetics experience goes so far beyond 'it works or doesn't work'. If you have at least read the book, then you can see how we are all 'making it up'....our beliefs, 'healing modalities', SCIENCE, Everything! Our expectations + observation = the reality we observe around us. For most people their expectations (programming) and powers of observation are largely unconscious. To me, M.E. is changing that equation up a bit to say: Observation (beyond physical 'things') + Focused Intention + TRUST = the new reality we observe around us.

                              I know working as staff at the seminars that every single person is able to experience what M.E. feels like. If some do not come forward even after all the practice sessions in the seminar, then its pretty hard to help them. I personally have never found anyone who didn't get it and do it. Their powers of observation, including Noticing what you Notice, might need some practice - (we all did and do!), but still they can experience something.

                              Of course 'not work for everyone even after a seminar' is totally subjective, so if you elaborate what is expected to 'work', I will try to help you better answer this. What I know is this: The best way to come to a seminar is with no expectations and be totally open to whatever 'shows up' for you. There are miracles in progress and far more amazing things are happening than the limited physical changes that we can so often end up focusing on.

                              I'm not sure if you are saying you heard Dr. Bartlett could or could not do all he says at the seminars but if I imagined him responding to similar questions, he might say he doesn't DO anything lol. Matrix Energetics is all about getting out of the way and not-doing. The magick is in letting go. It is not a technique or modality to me, but rather a portal into consciousness and eventually realizing that WE ARE THE SYSTEM OF TRANSFORMATION. Trying to 'fix' aches and pains pales in comparison to this incredible gift!

                              Thank you again for your question Rajan,



                              • Wow, way to go Stephen

                                Stephen, Congratulations!!
                                Master Practitioner? Perfect
                                I like how you explained M.E. and it being a different paradigm in a way, not a different technique. I liked how Dr. Bartlett said it wasn't healing. It is shifting isn't it. The conventional "doctoring" that's been done for a gazillion years is very old school. Sure we've gone to medicine from homeopathic of yesteryear. But medicines have side effects (which are illnesses too) And, that's still healing either way. I'm sure it's a challenge having people being very "objective" in their questions about something that's really very "subjective" This is a way to get out of our own way in the creative process and access different versions of our own reality, eh?

                                Stephen, I like your "have an open mind" approach. Being too analytical, just slows us down-- especially those looking for proof. I wanna thank you and Sharyn and everyone else that has helped us absorb and know what's possible with this "portal"

                                Your explanation to Rajan was great and it furthered my understanding of Matrix Energetics even more, Thanks!

                                With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

                                Hear how here: Live the Energized Life

