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The Sliding Doors between You and What You Want...

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  • #16
    wooooooooooooow Rin, what a story ....

    there's no doubt that as much as we believe so much in LOA and its power, we cant help but get our minds blown away when things like that happen ... your story is such a mind blowing one congratulations on your new family member what did u call it btw ?

    since lots of such things are happening to u ... please... keep sharing them with us ... u cant imagine how inspiring they are

    Love, Lama


    • #17
      So how does this work with weight loss?

      I love these analogies and I totally "get" them, well at least as much as I can anyway, but I haven't figured out how to do this with weight loss. If I take my focus off it then I tend to view that as a free-for-all and do (eat! ) whatever I want and don't exercise, all the while *supposedly* thinking to myself that I'm not focusing on my weight (though truth be known, how can I not be as my clothes are getting tigher!). Healthy food and exercise just aren't something I, at least so far in my life, do "in-joy"!

      However, if I "focus" on it and watch what I eat, etc., as I've done in the past with success, that' s a no-no as per LOA though, right? Ahhh, I just don't get this part of it. If I continue to "not focus" I'm going to have to go buy a new wardrobe, yet if I focus I'm not relaxing and letting it in easily! This is all the while on the Ultimate Body module too, and it having been tweaked (and I tried the Shed Pounds one too for a couple of months).

      Anyone care to enlighten me??



      • #18
        I forgot to add...

        Amazing story, Rin! Very inspirational!!! Thanks for sharing it.



        • #19
          Hi Rin,
          Originally posted by Rin View Post
          That was three years ago. I often thought about that particular toy over three years, ...

          To say I was gobsmacked is putting it mildly. I mean really, what are the chances?

          Stuff like this is happening to me all the time these days.
          You was consistently asking the universe for the same toy for 3 years. It finally caved in and gave it to you

          With much love and gratitude
          Save over $1,000 on PATHS
          Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


          • #20
            Hello KimJ,
            Originally posted by KimJ View Post
            I love these analogies and I totally "get" them, well at least as much as I can anyway, but I haven't figured out how to do this with weight loss. If I take my focus off it then I tend to view that as a free-for-all and do (eat! ) whatever I want and don't exercise, all the while *supposedly* thinking to myself that I'm not focusing on my weight (though truth be known, how can I not be as my clothes are getting tigher!). Healthy food and exercise just aren't something I, at least so far in my life, do "in-joy"!

            However, if I "focus" on it and watch what I eat, etc., as I've done in the past with success, that' s a no-no as per LOA though, right? Ahhh, I just don't get this part of it. If I continue to "not focus" I'm going to have to go buy a new wardrobe, yet if I focus I'm not relaxing and letting it in easily! This is all the while on the Ultimate Body module too, and it having been tweaked (and I tried the Shed Pounds one too for a couple of months).

            Anyone care to enlighten me??

            I'm not an expert as this and I'm sure others will chime in, but I would say to focus on your 'target' and the targets (of the reasons) why you want to lose weight. Keep those in mind/printed around the house to remind you.

            As lack of self-esteem at some level can play a part then constantly reminding oneself of what is in the magic pill book will help towards alleviating the feeling of lack.

            Re-reading Illusions first post, focus on everything you love about your target (growing towards) rather than fear (running away from) of your current position.

            With love and gratitude
            Save over $1,000 on PATHS
            Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


            • #21
              Thanks, Alan. That's a really good point that I'd not considered, being so busy obsessing about the "how" when I know that I need to let that go at least a little bit. It's just so tricky when you have to choose part of "how" all the time with things like food choices, and at the same time let that part go...

              I'll try to keep my focus on the reasons though, as you mentioned, rather than the actual physical result.

              Funny you mentioned the Magic Pill book - I just printed it out yesterday to re-read it! Thanks for the reminder!

              Best wishes to you!


              • #22
                Originally posted by firehorse View Post
                You was consistently asking the universe for the same toy for 3 years. It finally caved in and gave it to you
                So it did! But it's when I finally stopped needing the toy to be in my life that it suddenly appeared ... it's wonderful how that happened, and I'm still tickled pink.

                Lama, she's a white rabbit and her name is Miffy! When I press her paw, she "sings" a lullaby. I just love her to bits!


                • #23
                  Hello KimJ
                  Originally posted by KimJ View Post
                  Thanks, Alan. That's a really good point that I'd not considered, being so busy obsessing about the "how" when I know that I need to let that go at least a little bit. It's just so tricky when you have to choose part of "how" all the time with things like food choices, and at the same time let that part go...

                  I'll try to keep my focus on the reasons though, as you mentioned, rather than the actual physical result.

                  Funny you mentioned the Magic Pill book - I just printed it out yesterday to re-read it! Thanks for the reminder!

                  Best wishes to you!
                  I'm glad I could help

                  Another technique is to fake it until it's real

                  So if you imagine yourself in the position of where you want to be and how you want to react when you are there, then keep practising those things now (or resolve the reasons why you can't practise them) and eventually you will be that person.

                  With love and gratitude
                  Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                  Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                  • #24
                    Oh Rin, What FUN!!!!!!

                    How CLEVER of you!!!!!!! I'm really thrilled about that - what a Fabulous example - thanks SO much for sharing it with us!!!
                    It would be Great if you could post a picture of your creation

                    Lama, thank you so much for the sweet feedback I'm THRILLED to know my posts help

                    Kim, you've had some great answers from the Fabulous Firehorse already, and I'd like to add to them....

                    As well as keeping your focus on the end result, find something that takes your breath away. Find something that you feel so passionate about, that you could spend all day on it. Something that raises your heartbeat just thinking about it.

                    Then dedicate some time each day (or at least each week) to it.

                    Eating unhealthily is usually a substitute for something else, but it's often really difficult to figure out what that something else is. So a quicker way to solve it, is to find the thing that makes you feel so excited you could burst (and I believe there is such a thing for everyone, it's just that not everyone has allowed themselves to find it yet).

                    So, focusing on that particular thing, recognising all the expressions of love from yourself, to yourself, and focusing on the end result.

                    The way to focus on the end result without being distracted by your current weight is: Make the decision to not look in a full length mirror or weigh yourself for at least a week - try and go for as long as you can, but at least a week. Wear only clothes you know fit comfortably.

                    Whenever you think of yourself, see yourself as your ideal weight. Design, in your mind, an outfit that you think would look Fabulous on you at your ideal weight - include as much detail as possible, along with the colour.

                    Every time you think of your weight, see yourself in that outfit, at your ideal weight, in conversation with a loved one. And then remind yourself the work is all being done behind the scenes. You can't see what the Ultimate Body module is doing in your brain and in your subconscious mind. You can't see the chemical processes that are going on in your body. You can't see your metabolism speeding up, and you can't see the fat being broken down within your body.

                    You will only be able to see the physical results once all of that has happend. But, like when a house is being built, you won't see even the begining of results until the foundation work is complete. And that is what takes the longest time and most of the work. You won't even see one brick before the foundations are done. It doesn't mean nothing's happening.

                    And, what's more, if you keep interrupting the workmen because you can't see anything, and keep changing their tools, the plans, the site, etc, you keep delaying the work they are doing. So your house takes even looonger.

                    So, trust. KNOW it's going on behind the scenes.

                    As far as food goes. If you're passionately dedicating yourself to something that excites you so much you can hardly bare it, you're less likely to snack so much.

                    Different things work for different people, but here are some ideas that I've found work: The main thing that decides whether you're going to eat something or not, is not the taste, the availability, or the calories - it's your state of mind.

                    The most important thing, I believe, is to Not Scold yourself or deny yourself anything. That is mentally beating yourself up. I believe that if you lived on celery and bean sprouts, but kept beating yourself up for wanting chocolate cake and pizza, you could still not loose weight. Because it's your vibration that is creating, not the food.

                    I have started simply thinking twice before I eat something. And if, after thinking "Do I really want this?" and imagining not having it, If after that I still want it, then I have it - and I enjoy it. If I feel fear or worry about the weight it might add, I remind myself that it's not about what I'm eating, but about how I'm vibrating, and feeeeeeling.

                    My job is only to feeeeeel good. And if eating a chocolate right now feels good, then I know that my body is ready to digest it and use it and it will be absolutely fine. If it feeeels destructive, then I know that, if I continue to feel that way, whether I eat that chocolate or not I'm going to add those calories to my hips!!

                    I focus on healthy food that I enjoy - fruits that I like, and especially proteans, since I learned about the amino acids and our brains But I always have chocolate, crisps (potato chips) and cookies in the house because I've found that if I have them available, I don't want them as much. I can say to myself "I'll have one later" and later often never comes

                    Now, that works for me, of course we're all different, but it's good to consider that we often use food as a way of punishing ourselves. So by not having it available, we sometimes feel rebellious and want it more. And, considering it's the vibration that is doing the creating, not the food, whether the food is in the house or not, if the focus is on those chips we won't allow ourselves to have, then I believe those callories are joining us anyway!

                    I also tried to foooooorce myself to go jogging and do excercise. And I haaaated it.
                    Then..... I'd been on the Shed Pounds module and Ultimate Body module for, I think, about two months, and I woke one morning with an Unbelievable urge to join a gym. Also, I manifested Karate classes - which I love.

                    Something I'd forgotten about for the first couple of months on those modules is that they say you must so some excercise while you're on them - I think they say even just 15 minutes walk a day. Because of the extra energy. I would say find something that you find fun - 10 pin bowling, dancing, clubbing, roller blading, martial arts, or whatever you find fun - and not only will you feel fabulous, you'll also not even notice you're excercising.

                    On the few occassions I managed to force myself out the door, a 15 minute jog felt like a three day marathon to me. An hour and a half strenuous Karate class feels like bliss

                    So the main points: (in my opinion - bearing in mind I'm not a doctor or nutritionist, so Trust your own judgement - these are just points of my own belief to consider - and I believe that what a person believes is true for them )

                    * Your weight is not created by the food you eat. Just like everything else in physical consciousness, it is created your vibration. (How you feel)

                    * Decide to not look in a full-length mirror or weigh yourself for as long as you can manage (at least a week) I have decided to do neither of these two things until I notice my clothing is loose.

                    * For this period of time, only wear things that fit comfortably.

                    * Create a mental picture of you wearing your designer outfit, at your ideal weight and recall that to mind whenever you feel doubt or fear or worry, or just for fun And remind yourself, it's being taken care of - the work is going on behind the scenes.

                    * Find something that takes your breath away, that makes you feel more excited than anything else. And throw yourself into it. Some possibilities for many people are: writing, singing, dancing, art, a good cause, a project to help others, working with children, sculpture, researching a fascinating subject, gardening, golf, matchstick villages, macrame, model painting, computer role-play and/or strategy games, creating something you feel passionate about.

                    * When you do eat something "fattening" remember to just take note of how you feeeeel. It's your vibration (indicated by how you feel) that is determining whether you'll put on the weight - whether you eat that particular food or not.

                    * Be as WONDERFUL to yourself as you possibly can. Treat yourself like someone you've just started a relationship with, and do all sorts of fabulous things for yourself.

                    * Re-read The Magic Pill, and The Second Dose, and adopt that way of thinking, added to the mix of the suggestions above.

                    I hope this helps. Do keep us updated on how you're doing, and of course, post any more questions here too.

                    Love and Light and Magic xxx
                    Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
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                    • #25
                      Marvelous Odille

                      Odille ~

                      I so enjoy reading anything you write

                      You have a way of making everything seem so simple and reminding us all of what we know to be true, but have forgotten.
                      Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                      • #26
                        sweet illusions ...

                        you are one of a kind and your words are sooo specail... thanks a million for saying just the right words at just the right time ..... so many questions i had in mind this morning while driving to work just simply got answered sooo amazingly by you ur reply to sweet Kim ...

                        Kim ...

                        Thank You Thank You Thank You illusions ... i just printed out this reply of yours and pasted it into a word document and separated every idea as a point on its own and printed it out so that i keep it close to me wherever i go.

                        i'll comment on each part of your answer later tonight ... i'm running home now .. weeeekend is starting .

                        Love, Lama


                        • #27
                          Oh, Pamela and Lama, I'm bubbling over with joy at your feedback
                          I so love helping people to understand things, and it's just such an Incredible Bonus to hear reactions like yours

                          Thank you so much

                          Eternal Love and Light and Fabulousness to you
                          Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                          Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                          Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                          • #28
                            Thanks agaiin, Illusions!

                            Ahhhh, Illusions... You always just make me take a deep breath and relax.... It's all so simple isn't it yet so easy to make complicated! I know all what you said is true but how easy is it to get so caught up in this so-called reality and insist on making it real!!

                            Thank you so very much for taking the time to answer and giving so much thought and kindness to it. I'm printing it out and will try (in an attempt to not "try" in a bad way ) to implement what you've suggested.

                            With gratitude,


