Theory on why The Secret, LOA, Manifestation, etc. can be accompanied by frustration/disappointment.
I have been reading some posts that I am not sure I agree with completely. In fact, I am pretty sure I disagree with some of them.
It seems that The Secret puts forth the idea that Positive thoughts are much stronger than negative thoughts (in their power to create or destroy). Statements have been made that they are hundreds or thousands of times stronger?
Also, analogies have been made between light and darkness and postive and negative thoughts.
A principle that I have seen proven true time after time that is a bit at odds with the above theories:
Everything has equal power to do good or harm.
The more powerful a tool is to do good, the more powerful it is to destroy.
Example: A hand-saw can cut wood at a certain speed in your work to build a house. A hand-saw can also slip and you can cut your leg with it (but probably not too badly).
A power-saw can cut wood MUCH FASTER in your work to build a is much more powerful to do good.
However, if a power-saw slips it can do MUCH MORE damage to your leg than a is much more powerful in its potential to destroy.
I have seen this principle-The more powerful a tool is to do good, the more powerful it is to destroy-demonstrated over and over again. It seems to be a universal "law".
The question is, why would it not apply to thoughts also? My theory is that it does apply to least to some degree.
Negative thoughts fueled by fear can (and in many situations do) bring immediate manifestation of what is feared. (LOA in action). This is a basic psychological understanding that has stood the test of time.
Fear is a particularly powerful emotion that combined with a negative thought is as powerful, or MORE powerful, in manifesting a thought, than a thought combined with Love or hope or gratitude.
Of course the argument against the above may very well be that, as a rule, we humans have a much more developed emotion of fear than love and that is why a thought fueled with the emotion of fear may seem to manifest more quickly than one fueled with the emotion of love.
In any case, let's say that is still is a long way from being able to conclude that a positive thought is 100 or 1000 times more powerful than a negative thought.
Perhaps it is not the thought (negative or postive) that is more powerful or weaker. Perhaps it is the emotion that the thought is fueled with that gives positive or negative thoughts their strength.
If this is the case, then it still seems to me if one has a thought fueled with X strength factor of fear, it will manifest just as strongly as a thought fueled with X strength factor of love.
I 100% agree with the principle that light "chases" darkness away and darkness cannot "chase" light away. (If there is a lit candle in the room there will be amount of darkness can overpower the light from the candle).
Carrying that analogy over to positive and negative thoughts is flawed.
Yes, a positive thought will replace a negative thought. A positive emotion will replace a negative emotion. HOWEVER, a negative thought can replace a positive thought, and a negative emotion can replace a positive one. This is a fact that we have all experienced....feeling good one moment, and then a negative thought or feeling is introduced and all of a sudden we can be feeling bad.
(Of course this does not take into consideration that it is said that "The true definition of genius is the ability to hold two conflicting thoughts in your head at the same time." But this is another matter entirely. )
In any case, light can chase darkness....darkness cannot chase light...but positive thoughts can chase negative, and negative can chase positive.
To fully appreciate and benefit from the Law of Attraction (it is, after all, a tool) it is important to properly understand how to use it and what to expect.
If my theory that negative thoughts, when fueled by strong emotions, are just as powerful as positive thoughts fueled by strong emotions, then we will realize how very important it is to exercise control over what we think and how we feel about what we think.
We will realize if we have 100, or 1000, minutes of negative thoughts/emotions, we need to have even more minutes of postive thoughts/emotions to see a net gain.
I believe that this understanding of The Secret, of LOA, is in keeping with all the teachings that have stood the test of time and been proven to build happy successful lives over the millienea.
Comments, critiques, thoughts, questions, lambasting all welcome!