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Teen Girl's Success in Using Unconditional Love on Bullying

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  • Teen Girl's Success in Using Unconditional Love on Bullying

    Hi Everyone

    I've been away a long time as there's so much going on, but a couple of days ago I received a message from a teenage girl who wrote to me a while ago, asking me to help her to use unconditional love (which I was writing about at the time) to change issues with bullying etc. at school.

    Her message is so inspiring, I asked her if I could share it to help others realise the possibilities...

    Subject: Unconditional love changed my life!!!


    Hey we haven't talked for so long, i haven't been on here for awhile iv been busy with school i forgot my password but just recently i found my password in my super messy room so im back on!!!

    Anyway i just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you for teaching me unconditional love!!! My life changed like crazy iv used unconditional love on so many experiences and it worked 100%, it took a bit time at first but then i got it and it worked, i changed the way everyone at school treats me(like everyone) and i got really succesful at everything im in every school activity the teachers love me the students love me my parantes love me im getting straight A's and best of all im not being bullied i changed everyone that didnt like me before its like im in another world and i love it!
    How fabulously inspiring is that.

    Lots of Love to all of you (unconditional of course ) xxx
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  • #2
    That's really great. Should help a lot of others facing similar situations. But, it must have been really, really tough to offer unconditional love to people bullying you. Congrats to the teen who at this young age was able to achieve this. Truly and fabulously inspiring.
    Roger D

