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TRV insight

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  • TRV insight

    Hey Kevin,

    You might already know this but Bryan (Yoda avatar on esm) says you
    can cut down how much time you need to do trv by studying this guy
    (not sure which link from here) :

    david hawkins power vs force - Yahoo! Search Results

    Learning to TRV is no different than learning to read, learning to ride a bicycle, learning to drive, learning martial arts, etc. It is a simple matter of learning basic principles on a conscious level, and then practicing enough that they become autonomic.

    I imagine that there are MANY modalities that one could employ to learn anything more quickly.

    OR, if you are saying that you can just know things without having to TRV...Yes, there are many ways to do that. The Intuition and Insight Mod and the Synchronicity Mod both give a person conscious information from the collective without having to TRV. Also, many people can develop their natural intuition and be quite accurate.

    However, TRV is a science, repeatable and able to be done by anyone at anytime without wondering whether it is an intuitive insight or a conscious thought.


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  • #2
    what i said was one could probably use kinesiology (dr Hawkins methods) to speed up the long process of TRV.


    • #3
      I will more than probably do this!

      Dr. Hawkins book has come up here and there for some time.

      I got it today and am so grateful to be blown away once again!!!

      My inner circle of enlightening books is getting BIGGER!

      I'm doing Joe McMoneagle's Remote Viewing Secrets and Power vs. Force at the same time lol

      In Peace,



      • #4
        i was successful with a few TRV tests, but then got overwhelmed (too many in a sinlge day) and accuracy fell off dramatically. my kinesiology testing is VERY unsuccessful. i test strong no matter what i ask, and people that i use to test with me all go strong as well.

        this is why i only mentioned it as a possibility, because i personally cannot get it to work. but my logical mind is probably getting in the way, and my intent overpowers the results.


        • #5
          I ve learned that the most accurate results are if you do only 1 session per day and repeat the same target at least 3 times. That way you get some data that is truly relevant. Thats why there are TRV teams.
          Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasnīt been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


          • #6

            I have Learn Remote Viewing, just got it. And soon the killshot DVD. But I don't intend to ideate on that malefic event, just wanna watch, don't wanna get paranoid you know!

            Now for me to practice RV, I have to be inspired again, because after sometime I had been attending a small business that got my attention all there. I have to pull myself again with these topics! Hehehe. My brain seem slow...



            • #7

              Hi Henrii,

              How long have you been doing the learnRV method?



              • #8
                Late Response

                Originally posted by kiran View Post
                Hi Henrii,

                How long have you been doing the learnRV method?

                Hello Kiran!

                My Apology for late reply, I just got here again been so pre-occupied for some months.

                To tell you the truth, I didn't like Learn RV. Because of the method, I didn't resonate with it. I studied eastern technique and philosophy, that's why I disagree with beta state doing remote viewing protocol. This is based on my belief and my experience. Although their are great remote viewers out there who incorporates this beta state method but somehow they jump into theta state the moment they bilocate.

                So, my reasoning was that, I better get directly to theta state to do remote view, much logical for me. And it won't take years of practice. This is just my opinion and my belief, I don't intend to push my belief with anyone. I respect their preferences.


