If you have not read Part I Click here to read it
What is Technical Remote Viewing Part II
I shared a bit of what TRV is in Part I, and promised to finish it up in Part II.
This is Part II, but there will be a Part III (and possibly Part IV) coming soon.
If you will go HERE you will see the Murakami Model diagram. It shows how each individual has a conscious and subconscious. It then shows that the subconscious is always open to what is known as the Universal Mind, Collective Unconscious, Matrix, or Infinite Mind.
For purposes of this discussion we will call it the Matrix. The Matrix is like a gigantic library of information containing every idea, every thought, and every event that's ever happened, is currently happening or that is destined to happen. This information is stored like blueprints equivalent to reference books stored in a vast library waiting to be accessed. Some believe it is "The Book of Life" referred to in the Bible, where everything is recorded.
Looking back at the Murakami Model, you will see that there is an open gateway between the subconscious and Matrix. HOWEVER, there is NOT an open gateway between the conscious mind and the subconscious.
There is an aperture between the subconscious and conscious. This aperture is very small, and does not let much information through. This is to protect our conscious mind from being overwhelmed with the vast amount of information contained in the Matrix.
People that are more intuitive (or psychic) have a larger aperture, that is how they ?know? something?that is what an intuition is. Some psychics have even learned how to control this to a degree and get information on demand. However, this is VERY rare, and most of them will tell you that they do not know HOW they do it, they just do it.
Think about the documented cases of a twin knowing what is going on with their ?other half?. One might be in New York and the other in California. How does the one in New York know the minute the one in California was in a bad accident, or just got a promotion? Their aperture is open and sensitive to information in the Matrix coming through their subconscious and through that aperture between their subconscious and conscious mind?and they JUST KNOW.
This is all very exciting if you have natural intuitive ability, but really what good is it if you cannot control it, if you cannot ?Target? what you want to know. If you cannot ?walk into the Matrix Library? and pick the information you want to know off the shelf and have it at your disposal?
This is where TRV comes in. By becoming skilled in the very specific and strict protocols (procedures) that TRV is comprised of, one can literally walk into the Matrix library and retrieve the exact information defined in the ?Target?.
Remember, the Matrix exists outside of time and space, as we know it. Everything that ever was, is, or will/could exists there?.available for the skilled TRV?er to pick it off the shelf and bring it back into their conscious mind and onto paper.
TRV protocols open that aperture between the subconscious and conscious mind. But not indiscriminately. The skilled TRV?er can control the opening of this aperture, and WHERE it is aimed, so that they get only the information they need to answer the ?Target? question.
One of the things that a TRV?er experiences during the TRV process is something called bilocation.
In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it is defined as:
Main Entry: bi?lo?ca?tion
Pronunciation: 'bI-lO-"kA-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 1858
: the state of being or ability to be in two places at the same time
In TRV terms it is quite literally being in two places at once. After the TRV protocols are initiated, the TRV?ers attention splits. One half of the TRV?ers conscious and unconscious attention is at the target matrix site (or the target blueprint in the collective unconscious) and the other half is with the TRV?ers conscious senses tending to TRV structure. Bilocating in TRV structure induces a heightened sense of awareness referred to as "a state of high attention." This is the optimal mind state to effect the remote viewing process.
Another interesting thing about TRV. I have written above that ?Everything that ever was, is, or will/could be exists in the Matrix?. This INCLUDES thoughts, conscious and unconscious. Think about that for a minute. The world literally opens up into another entire dimension when one becomes skilled in TRV.
Now, what does all this have to do with Energetic Science Ministries? If you look at the www.eshome.org Mission Statement, you will see:
?Our mission is to develop a unified spiritual and scientific model that seamlessly uncovers the connections between consciousness, the infinite quantum potential, and the large-scale universe.?
TRV is an excellent tool to use in accomplishing this.
I want to make something very clear before wrapping up Part II of this article.
I am NOT recommending that anyone learn how to TRV. I am also, NOT discouraging anyone from learning to TRV. It requires a TREMENDOUS investment of Time and Discipline. 99% of those who begin the training to develop this skill drop by the wayside. The expense is high, not in dollars, but in time, effort and discouragement experienced along the learning curve.
Myself, and fellow Professional TRV?ers have spent THOUSANDS upon THOUSAND of hours developing our skills. This is not something learned in a few hours. It may be possible to learn in a few hundred hours, but to really get good at it, one is looking at many thousands of hours.
What I do want to accomplish by sharing this information with you, is to show the connection that we all have to everything and everybody, past, present and future. Most of you know that already, but this illustrates the actual mechanics of how we are connected.
For your reference, myself, and all the Professional Technical Remote Viewers that I work with, were trained by PSI TECH. This is the private Corporation that was formed with the blessings of the Army by military personnel who went civilian.
PSI TECH - Remote Viewing Training since 1989.
In the upcoming Part III, I will share some actual work that we have done, what the data looks like coming out of the Matrix and into our conscious realm, as well as some interesting, and sometimes hilarious experiences.
What is Technical Remote Viewing Part II
I shared a bit of what TRV is in Part I, and promised to finish it up in Part II.
This is Part II, but there will be a Part III (and possibly Part IV) coming soon.
If you will go HERE you will see the Murakami Model diagram. It shows how each individual has a conscious and subconscious. It then shows that the subconscious is always open to what is known as the Universal Mind, Collective Unconscious, Matrix, or Infinite Mind.
For purposes of this discussion we will call it the Matrix. The Matrix is like a gigantic library of information containing every idea, every thought, and every event that's ever happened, is currently happening or that is destined to happen. This information is stored like blueprints equivalent to reference books stored in a vast library waiting to be accessed. Some believe it is "The Book of Life" referred to in the Bible, where everything is recorded.
Looking back at the Murakami Model, you will see that there is an open gateway between the subconscious and Matrix. HOWEVER, there is NOT an open gateway between the conscious mind and the subconscious.
There is an aperture between the subconscious and conscious. This aperture is very small, and does not let much information through. This is to protect our conscious mind from being overwhelmed with the vast amount of information contained in the Matrix.
People that are more intuitive (or psychic) have a larger aperture, that is how they ?know? something?that is what an intuition is. Some psychics have even learned how to control this to a degree and get information on demand. However, this is VERY rare, and most of them will tell you that they do not know HOW they do it, they just do it.
Think about the documented cases of a twin knowing what is going on with their ?other half?. One might be in New York and the other in California. How does the one in New York know the minute the one in California was in a bad accident, or just got a promotion? Their aperture is open and sensitive to information in the Matrix coming through their subconscious and through that aperture between their subconscious and conscious mind?and they JUST KNOW.
This is all very exciting if you have natural intuitive ability, but really what good is it if you cannot control it, if you cannot ?Target? what you want to know. If you cannot ?walk into the Matrix Library? and pick the information you want to know off the shelf and have it at your disposal?
This is where TRV comes in. By becoming skilled in the very specific and strict protocols (procedures) that TRV is comprised of, one can literally walk into the Matrix library and retrieve the exact information defined in the ?Target?.
Remember, the Matrix exists outside of time and space, as we know it. Everything that ever was, is, or will/could exists there?.available for the skilled TRV?er to pick it off the shelf and bring it back into their conscious mind and onto paper.
TRV protocols open that aperture between the subconscious and conscious mind. But not indiscriminately. The skilled TRV?er can control the opening of this aperture, and WHERE it is aimed, so that they get only the information they need to answer the ?Target? question.
One of the things that a TRV?er experiences during the TRV process is something called bilocation.
In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it is defined as:
Main Entry: bi?lo?ca?tion
Pronunciation: 'bI-lO-"kA-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 1858
: the state of being or ability to be in two places at the same time
In TRV terms it is quite literally being in two places at once. After the TRV protocols are initiated, the TRV?ers attention splits. One half of the TRV?ers conscious and unconscious attention is at the target matrix site (or the target blueprint in the collective unconscious) and the other half is with the TRV?ers conscious senses tending to TRV structure. Bilocating in TRV structure induces a heightened sense of awareness referred to as "a state of high attention." This is the optimal mind state to effect the remote viewing process.
Another interesting thing about TRV. I have written above that ?Everything that ever was, is, or will/could be exists in the Matrix?. This INCLUDES thoughts, conscious and unconscious. Think about that for a minute. The world literally opens up into another entire dimension when one becomes skilled in TRV.
Now, what does all this have to do with Energetic Science Ministries? If you look at the www.eshome.org Mission Statement, you will see:
?Our mission is to develop a unified spiritual and scientific model that seamlessly uncovers the connections between consciousness, the infinite quantum potential, and the large-scale universe.?
TRV is an excellent tool to use in accomplishing this.
I want to make something very clear before wrapping up Part II of this article.
I am NOT recommending that anyone learn how to TRV. I am also, NOT discouraging anyone from learning to TRV. It requires a TREMENDOUS investment of Time and Discipline. 99% of those who begin the training to develop this skill drop by the wayside. The expense is high, not in dollars, but in time, effort and discouragement experienced along the learning curve.
Myself, and fellow Professional TRV?ers have spent THOUSANDS upon THOUSAND of hours developing our skills. This is not something learned in a few hours. It may be possible to learn in a few hundred hours, but to really get good at it, one is looking at many thousands of hours.
What I do want to accomplish by sharing this information with you, is to show the connection that we all have to everything and everybody, past, present and future. Most of you know that already, but this illustrates the actual mechanics of how we are connected.
For your reference, myself, and all the Professional Technical Remote Viewers that I work with, were trained by PSI TECH. This is the private Corporation that was formed with the blessings of the Army by military personnel who went civilian.
PSI TECH - Remote Viewing Training since 1989.
In the upcoming Part III, I will share some actual work that we have done, what the data looks like coming out of the Matrix and into our conscious realm, as well as some interesting, and sometimes hilarious experiences.