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TRV a career

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  • TRV a career

    Hi Kevin,

    I read an article about how your TRV'd your move to Hawaii, how fascinating!
    Somewhere on that site it says something about TRV'ing someones career... how can that be done if the person doesn't have any idea of what they'd like to do?

    I find all of this extremely interesting!

    Moria x
    Last edited by Moria; 03-23-2007, 06:48 PM.
    Intuitive Readings
    Web design by Hannah King

  • #2
    Optimum Trajectories - Career, mate, home, etc


    In the Matrix, there are infinite possible trajectories.

    If one has access to the information in the matrix, it is easy to see what is the Optimum career, or optimum anything else. Optimum is optimum, it takes everything into account, happiness, abilities, opportunities, etc.

    This is outside the normal paradigm that most people live in, because they do not have access to as much information as resides in the matrix.

    This is a very short answer to the very complex subject of optimums and infinte possible trajectories.

    I will be posting more on this at a later time.


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link


    • #3
      Thank you, Kevin!

      Am looking forward to hear more about this!

      Have to ask... have you ever heard of Matrix Energetics? Matrix Energetics Healing seminars taught by Richard Bartlett ? Am wondering as it somehow seems to tie in with what you are doing.

      If not, it is some kind of 'healing' modality (not really healing as it goes way beyond what the other modalities are about), that is based on Quantum Physics and seems to have some extraordinary results.

      Thanks again!

      Moria x
      Intuitive Readings
      Web design by Hannah King


      • #4
        Matrix Energetics

        Hi Moria,

        I watched their video and read much of their website back a month or so ago. It is very interesting.

        I have not TRV'd it.

        It will be interesting to look into. The video is quite impressive.


        PATHS For Healing
        Energetic Science Ministries
        Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

        ESM Forum Support Link


        • #5
          Anybody looked into this Matrix Energetics yet? I have bought the new book by Richard and it is unlike anything I have seen to date! Very gifted individual like us all, but has been able to tap into much more powerful abilities than most people can even dream about. Also time travel is mentioned in the book and on their forum, which is in a way like TRV, but then again, not really. They are saying anyone can easily do this, but to me with TRV, only a few, if any, will be able to have success. There are too many ways out for the teachers of TRV. They can say, not enough practice, mind not in the right frame or mode for the work, trying too hard, did not follow directions or protocols, and on and on and on. Kinda like EFT and other modalities of healing practitioners. They can tell you a hundred times, after hundreds or thousands of dollars, that you must still have hidden beliefs or past issues that need to be worked out. Maybe Matrix Energetics will fall in line with all these other so called life transforming techniques or healing modalities and LOA methods. Still worthy of a look see!


          • #6
            Invisible Man!!!!!

            I was wondering when you were going to show up. What took you so long?? I am happy to see you
            Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


            • #7
              Hi Invisible Man,

              I just ordered the book about a week ago & am eagerly & impatiently awaiting its arrival. Unfortunately, I'm in Australia so it may take up to 3 weeks to arrive but I can't wait to read more about it.

              Theta Healing
              Paths 2 Potential

              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


              • #8
                Hi Invisible,

                I am absolutely fascinated of ME and would love to bring them to the UK for some seminars!

                Just ordered the book but haven't gotten it yet. Am sure I will love it!

                Moria x
                Intuitive Readings
                Web design by Hannah King


                • #9
                  I ordered the book a couple weeks ago, it should be arriving soon. What I found interesting about Richards seminars that they have, is they are not outrageously priced. I think for a weekend it was under 300.00.


                  • #10
                    Found out why my book is taking so long!

                    I checked with Amazon this morning and the reason my order is not here is because I had 4 books ordered and one of them was going to take several weeks to arrive! Soooooo, I got them to drop that one book and the rest of the three, including the ME book, will be here in a few days lol.

                    SO looking forward to it!




                    • #11
                      Hiring a TRV team.

                      Hi Keving Im interested in hiring a team of competent trv'ers possibly full time. do you have any advice for this?




                      • #12
                        Matrix Energetics thread

                        Here is a thread for Matrix Energetics discussion:

                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #13


                          I have sent you a Private Message on how to get in contact with a group that TRV's full-time. They may be able to work with you.


                          PATHS For Healing
                          Energetic Science Ministries
                          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                          ESM Forum Support Link


                          • #14

                            I have dabbled a bit with it but wanted to really practice it. My abilities in this field seem to be very bad. I found a couple of TRV universities and so on but it would require $1000 plus to even take one class. Anyone that can advise a book that can at least give me a good technical start?



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bluelq View Post
                              I have dabbled a bit with it but wanted to really practice it. My abilities in this field seem to be very bad. I found a couple of TRV universities and so on but it would require $1000 plus to even take one class. Anyone that can advise a book that can at least give me a good technical start?

                              Try reading through the posts here

                              There's a quickstart for $10 and a course for $159.

                              Love and Gratitude
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