What is Technical Remote Viewing Part III
Part I and II are in the forum already.
In concluding Part II about TRV, I said I would share some work we have done, some experiences, and what the data looks like coming out of the Matrix (Collective).
We recently worked the following target for an individual Client.
The Client had a large sum of cash stolen out of his home. He wanted to know the identity of who took it, and what the optimum steps were for him to take to recover it.
That is all that I knew. The other TRV'ers did not know anything. For all they knew we were TRVing for a coporate client on an optimum marketing strategy.
Attached to this post is a MS Word document that is the report we gave the Client.
AFTER we had worked the target, and given the report to the Client, I found out the following:
The reason he had so much cash at home was because it was unreported gambling winnings from casinos all over the world.
The Client had had work done on their house a month or so before the money was stolen. Most of the work crew appeared to be illegal aliens.
The Client did NOT report the theft to the police or neighbors for obvious reasons.
The Client had been quite accomodating to the work crew when they were there, and got to know them a bit.
So, obviously, once the Client got the data, he knew who has stolen the money.
A week later he called me with the following report.
The day the money was stolen, two illegal aliens (who had worked on the job the month before) were seen in the neighborhood in uniforms with name tags.
Nobody thought anything about it because they had been working on different houses in that area for quite awhile, but when he went to talk to his neighbors, armed with the TRV data, it was apparent what had happened.
He tracked them down via the company that he had contracted to do the work. Two of the workers had not been showing up for work, and there were rumors flying that they had bought some drugs and were selling them.
Turns out the two had been fighting a lot, one of them wanted to get back to Mexico, the other wanted to stay.
He observed them for several days, then went and confronted them. He did not tell me any of the details, but said the TRV data helped him with his strategy of how to talk to them.
Turns out they still had most of the money and he ended up getting most of it back!
The above was a bit of an interesting target to work. The last 3-4 years we have been doing a lot of corporate work (optimum employee to promote to a position, optimum marketing campaigns, etc). Borrring!

What I am really surprised about....no one has asked me publicly, or privately, have I TRV'd how PATHS works? What is their proprietary technology?

No, I am not going to share it. TRVing company secrets to use the data for a competitive advantage is corporate espionage. This is illegal, and morally wrong. We do not take any jobs that fall into that category. It was just an interesting target to work.
Another interesting thing that happens, especially to new TRV'ers: I covered the principle of bilocation in Part II; When someone is TRVing a person, they will many times feel what the person they are TRVing feels.
I remember when Mary was first learning, she had a practice target of Woodstalk, and she zoomed in on one individual. All of sudden she felt like she was high, like she has smoked a couple of joints. She could not even continue the session.
Usually, with experience, a TRV'er is able to keep the emotions and experiences of what they are TRVing at a distance and simply document it, but not have it actually affect them physically.
However, there are some very good TRV'ers that simply will not TRV violent crimes, because the emotions at the target site affect them too much.
On a related subject, one of the more interesting targets are Mind Probes. It is easy to make the target someones Conscious or Subconscious mind. This can be done in current time, or anytime in the past, and can be general, or targeted to a specific subject or event.
We have done work for Clients where they wanted us to probe the mind of a decison maker that they were going to be making a presentation to. They wanted to know how to form their presentation to get the optimum response from the decision maker.
Obviously we can also mind probe a suspect in a crime to find out if they really did do the crime, and if so, why...what was their motivation.
Below are posted a couple of websites that offer TRV data services. I am NOT putting them here as a solicitation of business. We are overbooked with work for the next several months and are not taking any new jobs for the foreseeable future.
They are here so that you can look at some of the testimonials and more info on how TRV works.
Remote Viewing Investigators & Psychic Data Collection Detectives
www.FourPointsResearch.com - Welcome
Take a look at the report attached, compare it with what the Client actually found out.
If you have any questions or curiosities about TRV, please post them on the forum. It is one of my favorite subjects.
Also, if there is interest I will dig up some other targets and post them here.
