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TRV training questions

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  • #16
    Hi Fellas

    I only got to do one session per day over the week-end & found that my (enthusiasm?) motivation was lower today & I kind of had to squeeze some sessions in between errands.
    I sat down initially & began working on it but my aols were ruling the session & I ended up pretty far off target. (no pink noise)

    With the 2nd session I worked through 3 s1's & just stopped because I was pretty sure the aols were strong there too.

    I backed off, had a salad for lunch, a large glass of water, hit the potty (yes, potty. Once you have kids you're vocabulary is irreversibly altered), put on some pink noise for a few prior to starting &.........Smack on target!

    I really want to thank you Aaron & Kevin for your helpful advice and guidance as I'm progressing much further than I would be without it.

    Also, I'm hoping this thread can contribute to other newbies like myself
    Last edited by Ingram; 06-03-2008, 04:30 AM.


    • #17
      I did a session this morning & thought I would post the result. I kept getting the image of a circular depression or low bowl area surrounded by high slopes.
      Accuracy is improving.... (i'm torqued )

      If I shouldn't post target results let me know ok?
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Ingram; 06-04-2008, 04:42 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Ingram View Post
        I did a session this morning & thought I would post the result. I kept getting the image of a circular depression or low bowl area surrounded by high slopes.
        Accuracy is improving.... (i'm torqued )

        If I shouldn't post target results let me know ok?

        That is Great!!!

        Post away on the target results. No problems here.

        Your subconscious is learning the protocol, and beginning to follow the instructions you are giving it to return target data.

        Some might not think that what you posted is any big deal....but what they fail to realize is that you had NO CONSCIOUS KNOWLEDGE of what the target was. You could have just as easily sketched a dog or got impressions of a mountain or a bright shining light in a dark room...but instead you got data that was relevant to the target...circular depression or low bowl area surrounded by high slopes, which is exactly what the target picture shows.



        PATHS For Healing
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        • #19
          Thanks Kevin


          • #20
            great results trv'ing!

            Very cool!

            When I posted any target results on the target practices I just leave out the TRN's in case anyone sees them. I want to keep it a surprise for anyone training.

            True what Kevin says about no knowledge on the target. I think of it this way, out of INFINITE possibilities of what a target can be, even if you got 1 out of 100, that is profound in itself. 1 out of a hundred out of inifinite possibilities...that violates chance big time. Now even with decent practice, 1 out of every handful...that shows beyond a shadow of a doubt TRV works.

            Keep it up!
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #21
              Hi Aaron,

              That's kind of what I was wondering about, I'll crop the trn's as not to spill the beans

              Thanks again for the positive reinforcement


              • #22

                Should S1 sketches be representative of one or more major gestalt's?

                I've been putting down what comes and decoding them but insofar as I can tell they are not really representative of the five major gestalt's.
                So, I'm reviewing the TRV lecture series & from the way it sounds is that the gestalt's I'm getting in S3 should be somewhat represented in the S1 sketch's.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Ingram View Post

                  Should S1 sketches be representative of one or more major gestalt's?

                  I've been putting down what comes and decoding them but insofar as I can tell they are not really representative of the five major gestalt's.
                  So, I'm reviewing the TRV lecture series & from the way it sounds is that the gestalt's I'm getting in S3 should be somewhat represented in the S1 sketch's.
                  The only important thing you should be concerned about is following TRV structure to the "T".

                  Don't worry about the data that comes. Whatever data you get is what data you get. If you start worrying about being concerned if the sketch is representative of one or more major gestalt's, then you are just inviting imagination into your you are going to "color the data" rather than have pure data.

                  Like many great truths/principles, TRVing, on the surface, appears to be a contradiction.

                  What I mean is...the more you really want to become a good TRVer(ie. get really good data), the less you have to be concerned about the data.

                  I am NOT the best TRVer I have seen. There is a guy in Portugal that just blows my mind how good he is. One of the things he is better at than me....

                  NOT caring one iota about the target or the data. He just follows TRV structure. Because he does not care he has a cleaner flow of information from the is not being tainted by his conscious concerns.

                  Whew....hope I communicated that well.

                  Have fun!


                  PATHS For Healing
                  Energetic Science Ministries
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                  ESM Forum Support Link


                  • #24
                    Hi Kevin

                    You communicated it quite well, Thank You for answering my query
                    That's a good lesson, detachment i mean. I will work on practicing that in my sessions more.

                    Practice, practice, practice.......


                    • #25
                      thinking or not thinking

                      Hi Ingram,

                      My observation has been that when you get to the advanced protocols and are in a session longer, the rational thinking idea and meaning producing mind starts to go by the way side and the observer state of being presence starts to become more prominent automatically. Thankfully, it seems to happen automatically after about 30 minutes into a session. I'm not sure if this happens to everyone but it is very prominent to the point that at the end of the session, a lot of what is written down in that state isn't really remembered too well.

                      Anyway, this concept reminds me of an old Zen piece of wisdom: "Do not try to think, and do not try not to think."
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #26
                        Hi Aaron,
                        Thanks for that, I am really limiting myself to S1-S3 until my accuracy is (much) improved consistently but I'll take it on faith and look forward to being able to lose those darn aol's.


                        • #27
                          Oh yea, Aaron is correct. Once the protocol is autonomic as breathing, then the bilocation will kick in sooner and sooner.

                          By the time you hit the 30 minute mark you will be fully bilocated and can go at less than breakneck speed and get all kinds of data.

                          Usually when you read back over the data later you will only vaguely (if at all) remember having written it down.

                          Yes, Ingram, detachment that is what I was trying to describe.

                          Funny story- When Mary, my wonderful wife, was first learning to TRV, one of her practice targets was Woodstock. She was more than 50% bilocated and starting feeling very high...more than 50% of her senses were locked onto an individual that was smoking pot and she was experiencing it real time.

                          Another similar incident- Back when I was doing work for a Police Department we we working a crime where the main subject being TRVed was drinking. One of the TRVers not only tasted the vodka during the TRV session, but he also was more than 50% bilocated and actually felt so drunk that he could not finish the session....oh, and he also actually identified the brand of vodka that was being consumed at the time of the crime that was being TRVed.

                          This kind of thing usually happens (getting MORE than 50% bilocated) once the protocols are totally autonomic, but BEFORE the subconscious learns to stay at the 50% bilocation level instead of "going overboard" and into more than 50% bilocation. It is a passing phase.

                          Have fun!!!

                          P.S. It bears repeating. AOL's will always be with you. Just put them in their column and don't worry about them. As time goes by you will still have dozens, or hundreds, of AOL's but more and more of them will be matching AOL's.
                          Last edited by Kevin; 06-09-2008, 11:58 PM.

                          PATHS For Healing
                          Energetic Science Ministries
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                          • #28
                            Hey Kevin

                            Seems like memorizing the protocols should be job #1? I'm always having to look at my cheat sheet, colors textures..ect... to stay in order so I'll memorize that right away as well as the appropriate decoding descriptors. Perhaps then I can bilocate sooner & increase the efficiency. I fiind that I'm becoming able to recognize the aol & it's type and write it down (again & again & again ) as to stay on thread.

                            Is it awesome to trv with the wife? I think it would be great to have a close partner to work with like that.

                            Thanks again


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Ingram View Post
                              Hey Kevin

                              Seems like memorizing the protocols should be job #1? I'm always having to look at my cheat sheet, colors textures..ect... to stay in order so I'll memorize that right away as well as the appropriate decoding descriptors. Perhaps then I can bilocate sooner & increase the efficiency. I fiind that I'm becoming able to recognize the aol & it's type and write it down (again & again & again ) as to stay on thread.

                              Is it awesome to trv with the wife? I think it would be great to have a close partner to work with like that.

                              Thanks again

                              Hi Ingram,

                              Making the protocols autonomic is the same as driving, riding a bike, martial arts, etc. Just a matter of practice/repetition. Using a cheat sheet may delay the autonomic process a bit...different for each person.

                              That is great that you are beginning to recognize an AOL. This is a very hard thing to describe or teach, but when it happens, you just know it.

                              I like the again & again & again comment. I have had sessions with over 200 declared AOL's in them. In the beginning I would get so frustrated when I would get one AOL after another, I would just quit. But then I learned that if you just keep going, not fighting them, just declaring each one, that eventually (maybe days, weeks or months) the mind gets tired of spewing them out and they eventually subside to a more normal amount.

                              Yeah, it a great to TRV with a partner. Before my wife began TRVing, Jonathan Churcher, (who is a GREAT TRVer) and I lived only a few miles apart from each other. We would work the same TRN, blind, everyday, in the same house (different rooms), at the same time. We would then compare notes to see the corroboration (or lack of it ) and then look at the target together. We did this for a couple of years...was great learning time.


                              PATHS For Healing
                              Energetic Science Ministries
                              Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                              ESM Forum Support Link


                              • #30
                                Big hug for Kevin!!! In a manly way, in a manly way

                                I've been pretty off signal lately & feeling a little frustrated so at Kevin's suggestion, I cranked up the brain supercharger (1st track) and was able to successfully bi locate & pull a good signal. I'm starting to get a grip on the bi location sensation so that I can replicate it.

                                Initially my aols were giving me trees, bark, redwoods, forest... but as I reached S3 I'm bi locating and seeing a mountain with plains around it and forest on the slopes. I'm thinking, another aol! So I declare it but it was what I was getting so without looking at the paper, I'm sketching it & viola!! Mt Shasta!

                                So THAT'S the reason for the less than lovely sketch I wasn't looking

                                (I have to remove older pic's for space reasons)
                                Last edited by Ingram; 07-15-2008, 02:18 AM.

