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TRV training questions

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  • #31

    Originally posted by Ingram View Post
    Big hug for Kevin!!! In a manly way, in a manly way

    I've been pretty off signal lately & feeling a little frustrated so at Kevin's suggestion, I cranked up the brain supercharger (1st track) and was able to successfully bi locate & pull a good signal. I'm starting to get a grip on the bi location sensation so that I can replicate it.

    Initially my aols were giving me trees, bark, redwoods, forest... but as I reached S3 I'm bi locating and seeing a mountain with plains around it and forest on the slopes. I'm thinking, another aol! So I declare it but it was what I was getting so without looking at the paper, I'm sketching it & viola!! Mt Shasta!

    So THAT'S the reason for the less than lovely sketch I wasn't looking

    Hey Ingram,

    Talk about a synchronicity!

    Just yesterday a friend sent me some pics of their road trip to Mt. Shasta!

    Then today you post about TRVing it!

    You got data of "trees, bark, redwood, forest".

    Well take a gander at these two pics that were taken just a week ago on the road to the top of Mt. Shasta!

    That one big tree may or may not be a redwood, but it looks sorta like one to me...and there are a BUNCH of trees there.

    You were Definitely ON TARGET!


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
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    • #32
      awesome session!

      Great session Ingram!

      Every time I nailed a training target...each and every single time it felt like a brand new experience because it is such a mind boggling concept that it is repeatable!!

      AND out of infinite possibilities of what a target could be

      I've been to Mt. Shasta one time a couple years back and the energy was incredible!
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #33
        Thanks Fellas!

        Positive feedback is much appreciated as it seems like forever getting the s1-s3 down

        That is rather a synchronism Kevin. Weird, but very cool! I'm kind of new to it so it helps to know what to look for.

        I know what your talking about Aaron, It's exciting for me too every single time I nail a target


        • #34
          Ok, I'm a little boggled now

          I'm working on the S4 and am getting a mixed message (my fault I'm sure) so if anyone can clarify this I would much appreciate it.

          Per S1 - S3 I have been doing three (3) S1 sketches, One (1) S2 sheet, & One (1) S3 sketch sheet of the major gestalt's & That's it.

          Here's my question(s),

          Is that the correct process / structure?

          Assuming that is correct, as I move into S4 do I maintain that same structure and do one S4 worksheet per S1 - S3 process?



          • #35
            S4 Protocol

            At this point, you only do one single S4.

            Right after S3 you get a new paper, number it, put S4 (I usually underline S4) then write your categories and columns. After you're done with S4, you put END and the time in brackets at the bottom. So yes, 1 s4 for each series of s1 to s3.

            You won't do another S4 until you get to the movements' (from the top of the target, etc...) s1, s2, s3 then'll repeat that s1 thru s4 process for each movement (but this is later on).
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #36
              Thank you so much Aaron! Just in time for my next TRV session!


              • #37
                Whew! That was a little mentally challenging after doing just the S1-S3 for the last two weeks. Interestingly, I tend to have greater accuracy in S3 & S4 than in S2. Go figure!

                Thanks again, very much for the quick feedback Aaron! Very much appreciated!


                • #38
                  Today I (finally) was able to push through to two complete sessions & I see why they only recommend two a day, It kind of takes it out of you!

                  I mean to say that I worked three views of the targets & I though you might like to see the (best) result. The target was a volcano on the moon Io that orbits Jupiter.

                  I was probably the most bi-located yet & I'm still a little.... "groggy"? No driving heavy machinery please.

                  (I have to remove older pic's for space reasons)
                  Last edited by Ingram; 07-15-2008, 02:19 AM.


                  • #39
                    That is fantastic Ingram!!!!

                    It is amazing how following the protocols and using two 4 digit numbers can give you information about anything you want!!!

                    PATHS For Healing
                    Energetic Science Ministries
                    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                    ESM Forum Support Link


                    • #40
                      great s3!

                      Very nice! You are cranking!!!
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #41
                        Thanks for the positives fellas!

                        I wish I could say that whole session was dead on but I'd be lying
                        The S3 sketches are often pretty darn close though no matter how much the aols distract me from the target

                        At present I'm just trying to keep working full sessions so that they become rote but I'm only getting in at most two a day. S'allright though, I'm probably at about 30- 50% accurate with the data overall.

                        You know I sure would like to know if anyone else here (present company excluded of course) followed or is following through and doing this as well. I'd like to think that our give and take about trv is helpful to others


                        • #42
                          trv msg

                          Hi Ingram, sent you a private msg.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #43

                            Got a few questions....

                            How in the world does one get through an S1 - S4 in less than 5 minutes and get any usefull data?

                            According to the advanced series, when doing a movement & SSBP you sketch directly after finishing writing SSBP. Similar to how you sketch in S1 immediatly after writing the TRN.

                            Is this correct?

                            Also, I have taken to sketching the three trn's in S-1 on one sheet, is that acceptable?

                            Thanks in advance
                            Last edited by Ingram; 07-01-2008, 07:05 PM.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Ingram View Post
                              Got a few questions....

                              How in the world does one get through an S1 - S4 in less than 5 minutes and get any usefull data?

                              According to the advanced series, when doing a movement & SSBP you sketch directly after finishing writing SSBP. Similar to how you sketch in S1 immediatly after writing the TRN.

                              Is this correct?

                              Also, I have taken to sketching the three trn's in S-1 on one sheet, is that acceptable?

                              Thanks in advance
                              Hey Ingram,

                              Been out of town for a few days, just saw this.

                              I usually do the initial s1-s4 and I do FOUR ideograms on this initial movement (rather safe than sorry), then I do another TWO s1-s4's before taking a 5 minute break.

                              So that is the initial four ideogram movement (s1-s4) and two more for a total of 3 sets of s1-s4's. This takes me between 15 and 17 minutes.

                              Since the first movement has 4 ideograms and the subsequent ones only have 1 ideogram, the first movement is going to take longer. I have not timed it in years, but I reckon it is close to 6-7 minutes.

                              Now for the bomb! Almost everyone else I have TRVed with (Dane, Joni, Mary, Jonathan, Gene, to name a few) is faster than me.

                              Speed is the key, it is literally a matter of mental AND physical practice to go as fast as possible in the first 30 minutes of a session.

                              While many accomplished TRVers are faster than me, that is as fast as I have been able to go.

                              No thinking (this slows the process down), just autonomically go thru the protocols as fast as you can physically write.

                              OH! That brings to mind a few shortcuts.

                              1. Always say out loud (can be a whisper) EVERYTHING that you are writing down.

                              2. When I decode the ideogram I make no attempt whatsoever to make what I write legible. Basically it is the first letter of the word and then a line.

                              3. When doing the S2's you can sort of develop your own short for me blue=bl, black=blk, red=r, sweet (taste) = swt, square (dimensions)- sq, etc.

                              This way you spend far less time writing things down, but still can read your data when done with the session.

                              It is not unusual to go back and read a session and not be able to read some of your writing. That is ok. It is better to GO FAST. If it is important data it will show up more than once in your 45 minutes sessions, so even if you can read it one time, chances are you will be able to read it another.

                              Finally, the first 3-4 movements (sets of s1-s4) are not so much for getting useful data (although there will be some there) as they are for establishing target contact-getting a strong signal. The real useful (and detailed) data comes in the 4th-6th movements...the last 20-30 minutes of the session.

                              I know you have heard it a thousand times...but it is like riding a the beginning it seems daunting, but after enough practice you don't even have to think about it. It is ez.

                              Have fun!


                              PATHS For Healing
                              Energetic Science Ministries
                              Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                              ESM Forum Support Link


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Ingram View Post
                                Got a few questions....

                                How in the world does one get through an S1 - S4 in less than 5 minutes and get any usefull data?

                                According to the advanced series, when doing a movement & SSBP you sketch directly after finishing writing SSBP. Similar to how you sketch in S1 immediatly after writing the TRN.

                                Is this correct?

                                By sketching, do you mean doing an ideogram and then decoding it? If so, that is correct. The ideogram should take about a needs to be an autonomic reaction to the TRN's.

                                Also, I have taken to sketching the three trn's in S-1 on one sheet, is that acceptable?

                                Many, if not most, people do 3 ideograms on one sheet. Because I do 4 ideograms (only at the beginning) I do 2 per sheet of paper.

                                Thanks in advance

                                Sketching is what you do in an S3.

                                PATHS For Healing
                                Energetic Science Ministries
                                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                                ESM Forum Support Link

