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Can anyone on the forum Astral Travel (not remote viewing etc)

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  • Can anyone on the forum Astral Travel (not remote viewing etc)

    Hi All,

    I was wondering if anyone here on the forum knows or can astral travel/project. I have done this only once during an operation and it was an enlightening experience. I remember my art teacher at school could initiate and OBE whenever he felt like it. He explained quite a lot to me at the time. I would get him to train me but he is no longer contactable. (cant find him)

    Any help would be great.


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  • #2
    This might help...

    Hi Steve,

    I have never had a true Out of Body experience, but I have a very close friend who has been experiencing spontanous astral projection about once or twice a year for as long as he can remember. Up until about a year ago he found the initial part of leaving the body quite disconcerting, but once out he said it is pretty amazing. Ever once in awhile he will give me a call to tell me he "went flying last night" and then will go on to describe the experience which always makes MY eyes go wide! He gave me a book on it which is a 90 day guide that teaches you how to create this experience consciously and from what I have learned from several people interested in the subject, this is one of the best programs out there. I have been so busy with other things that I have only just skimmed this book, which also comes with a CD, but from what I have looked to, I would say it is definitely worth looking to if you are serious and commited to doing some astral traveling!

    The book is titled "Mastering Astral Projection" by Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer.

    I wish you much fun and further enlightment in your journeys, Steve! Let us know where you travel to, okay?

    With Much Love and Gratitude,

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    • #3
      Thanks Pamela, I actualy have seen that book in the shops. I'll go out and get it, it sounds interesting.


      You can view my vids here


      • #4
        Robert Bruce

        I do concur with Pamela. Robert Bruce is the one with authority regarding astral travel. You might want to read his N.E.W. and Astral Dynamics too. And you might want to conserve sex energy as you need all the energy when practicing AT, and any psychic abilities, remote viewing or better meditation needs sufficient energy. Its not just me saying this based on my experience but their are lots of books and ascended masters pointing to conserve and accumulate energy. Conscious AT needs a lot of vitality. Energy=Psychic power.

        I have several conscious (very aware) OBEs but not full blown, meaning my astral body separated (from feet upto neck I perceived) but my mind was left on my physical body. It seems I didn't attain the mind split--as Robert's coined term. I did hear a very sharp sounds, seemingly a chirping bird sounds that the more I separated my astral body, the sounds keeps getting louder and the sounds varied depending on my progress. The sound frequency was getting higher and lower, or lower and higher depending on the separation that was taking place. Also, I experienced a somewhat painful numbness on my limbs in the process.

        And all of that happens long before I read Robert's work and before I knew sound entrainment of any kind. I just used a simple visualization of some book author and without accumulating energy first (obviously the author didn't know that) but i was in my teen then so I had a robust vitality, so doing conscious AT was almost possible for me. You better read Robert's work its very informative and authoritative as said.

        Hope that helps!


        • #5
          I have been able to relax enough to get to the "virations" stage, but nothing ever happens. Sometimes my arms or legs would feel as though they are floating, but I seem to be "stuck" in the middle if you get my drift.
          You can view my vids here


          • #6
            Hi Steve,

            I have not had an OBE (that I am aware of). However, I have a friend that for all his teenage years and early 20's was able to travel to wherever he desired, whenever he wanted.

            All he had to do was lie down in a dark room and decide where he wanted to go.

            When he first started doing this he thought he was going crazy....he then did a few experiments to document that he actually was traveling (and not imagining) and he was able to verify that he indeed was traveling by gaining knowledge at the site that he later verified to be what was actually happening.

            In his mid-20's, around the time he had his first child, he no longer was able to do this. His belief is that when he started to feel the extra responsibility of supporting and raising a family it interrupted/clogged whatever channel he had free access to previously.

            My wife has had a few documented OBE's. Very interesting.

            This is something I would REALLY like to do. It is definitely on my "to do" list to figure out how to do this "on demand".

            Oh, another thing I just remembered...Many people find that time in a flotation tank can trigger an OBE.


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            • #7
              Originally posted by Kevin View Post
              Hi Steve,

              In his mid-20's, around the time he had his first child, he no longer was able to do this. His belief is that when he started to feel the extra responsibility of supporting and raising a family it interrupted/clogged whatever channel he had free access to previously.

              Hmmm... maybe the reason is, he lost that ability because of lack of energy, due to having a lovely wife and in that time of course you know what would happen? And maybe his working that time, and stresses him draining more energy out of him? This is just my conclusions.

              Kevin, if your serious about AT, Robert's work is for you. This guy really knows what he is talking about. I read a lot of books regarding the subject but no one comes close to the knowledge this guy has re AT. Also doing his N.E.W will expand your remote viewing skill more and more, the more you practice his technique. You gonna be the "god of remote viewing" then!

              Last edited by henrii; 06-12-2008, 10:56 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by henrii View Post
                I do concur with Pamela. Robert Bruce is the one with authority regarding astral travel. You might want to read his N.E.W. and Astral Dynamics too. And you might want to conserve sex energy as you need all the energy when practicing AT, and any psychic abilities, remote viewing or better meditation needs sufficient energy. Its not just me saying this based on my experience but their are lots of books and ascended masters pointing to conserve and accumulate energy. Conscious AT needs a lot of vitality. Energy=Psychic power.

                Hi Henrii, there are many tantric practices that transmute sexual energy back into the body to be used for these other things, or just raising ones consciousness. Sexual energy is very powerful, and when consciously directed it can be an incredible "engine". My husband and I have been into Ipsalu Tantra for a couple of years now and this has definitely been our experience. You can read about it at Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga if you're interested in learning more about that avenue.

                Hi Kevin , I found your friend's OBE experience neat because we have a friend who had almost the opposite experience. He got married and had kids and found that he could "fly" at will after reading a book about astral travel. He uses it as his freedom time, a break from the responsibilities of domestic life so to speak. I hope your buddy gets his channel back open sometime. Pretty cool.

                I've had many OBE's, but only a few now have been consciously induced. I'm looking forward to more exploration!
                Last edited by April; 06-18-2008, 10:58 PM.
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                • #9
                  Some 6-8 years ago I had an OBE where I just regained consciousness in a dream. I suddenly saw my house from above and was flying right to it. I felt another being by my side. I do not know who he or she was, but I felt like I knew him or her a long time, just like a brother or sister. He was guiding me back home and I got sort of a telepathic message from him, that it is not my time yet and I need to get back to my body. Then I traveled through the roof and house walls to my bedroom and suddenly regained consciousness for real. I remember that I felt how my astral body connected to my physical body, there was a feeling of warmth going through my body. Since then I had some other OBE's but nothing of that magnitude
                  It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                  • #10
                    sleep paralysis

                    Hi Jetijs,

                    Did you have any temporary sleep paralysis when you woke up?
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #11
                      Sexual Energy: Necessary for Psychic Power

                      Originally posted by April View Post
                      Hi Henrii, there are many tantric practices that transmute sexual energy back into the body to be used for these other things, or just raising ones consciousness. Sexual energy is very powerful, and when consciously directed it can be an incredible "engine". My husband and I have been into Ipsalu Tantra for a couple of years now and this has definitely been our experience. You can read about it at Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga if you're interested in learning more about that avenue.

                      I've had many OBE's, but only a few now have been consciously induced. I'm looking forward to more exploration!
                      I read the thread ipsalu Tantra, good thing it isn't group orgies as jimmydean said Is he your husband?. Before, I was on a tantric practice too, as you may read at Sexual energy is powerful indeed, and should be conserve especially when doing any psychic practice/work. I am very much aware of this as I have books to support this and practical experience.

                      Here's a little bit of info for those who want to know. This is invaluable in regards to spiritual practice, psychic development, intelligence or having a healthy body.

                      Our human body is like a refinery or processing plant. we normally eat, drink, breath air and go out under the sunshine. All of those contribute and make lymph--the chemical agent which causes the formation of hormones. The glands use lymph to produce the various hormones which activate particular emotions according to what we think. Lymph is the FOOD of the nervous system, especially the brain.

                      Each of the glands surrounding the nerves produces a particular hormone or chemical which activates a special emotion, feeling or tendency within the mind. There are fifty factory-like glands producing fifty hormones or chemicals in the body. Each hormone activates a unique tendency within the mind, so there are a total of fifty mental tendencies. This chemical stimulation of the body affects the mind. Therefore, the cakras are physico-psychic; that is, the body influences the mind.

                      When a particular thought, memory or idea about one of the fifty tendencies or emotions arises in the mind, the glands respond accordingly and that hormone or chemical is released into the blood activating the particular emotion or tendency. So the cakra is also psycho-physical, mind stimulates chemical reaction in the body leading to emotional behaviour.

                      The cakras are also formed by clusters of glands which act like small factories which exist at these controlling centers; around each of the first five cakras are a number of glands. The sixth cakra is located at the pituitary gland and controls all the five lower cakras. The seventh and highest cakra is located at the crown of the skull where as a baby our skull was soft. The seventh cakra is the controller of all the six lower cakras.

                      The network of seven cakras, with related glands, hormones and nerves, acts like a transmitter and receiver. Everything in the universe is sending and receiving peculiar energies in different wave patterns called vibrations. Each and every animate and inanimate energy is transmitting its own special expression of being or existence. The cakras, as a whole, act as an antenna, receiving and sending these various vibrations. These vibrations stimulate the nerves which activate the chemicals of a particular gland, causing the mind to experience an emotion, feeling or urge as a result. Thus, cakras are psychic centers.

                      If you want more lymph, eat plenty of green leafy vegetables or the spirulina that is most talked about here. Also you must have some control of your thinking as this converts your lymph reserve bit by bit. The worst thing you can do is over sex, and this is the culprit of draining your lymph reserve. You don't want to have malnourished brain, don't you or do you?

                      I can expound this a little further but I think that's enough.



                      • #12
                        lymph system pump


                        The gland/chakra connection is an exciting topic for me.

                        Also, besides the human body, I'm a big believer in the rebounders for having optimum lymph system pumping!

                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                          The gland/chakra connection is an exciting topic for me.

                          Also, besides the human body, I'm a big believer in the rebounders for having optimum lymph system pumping!
                          Originally posted by April View Post
                          Hi Henrii, there are many tantric practices that transmute sexual energy back into the body to be used for these other things, or just raising ones consciousness. Sexual energy is very powerful, and when consciously directed it can be an incredible "engine". My husband and I have been into Ipsalu Tantra for a couple of years now and this has definitely been our experience.
                          Yey! we are now 3! anyone else wants to join

                          I am not surprised with you agreeing, because your into qi-gong, you seem to know many practices as well as many others things that I still don't know, yet

                          Last edited by henrii; 06-19-2008, 05:56 AM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                            Hi Jetijs,

                            Did you have any temporary sleep paralysis when you woke up?
                            Aaron, no I did not, just a feeling of warmth that spread out through my whole body
                            It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                            • #15
                              mystery companion


                              I've had the companion with me quite a few times when I was in the twilight stage. Very, very large entity...always at my side where I can't see it.

                              I've had countless sleep paralysis episodes and one even involved a telekinetic experince with a glass moving in a case that I found upon waking...possibly, or I simply saw it at a distance even though my eyes were closed.

                              These episodes are sometimes very scary but when I'm looking around, I'm usually in the actual place where I'm sleeping but things are just different.

                              For OBE, I've had about 3-4 times where I was separating from my body...I could see that my non-body self was almost like solid water but more transparent and thin.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO

