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Technical Remote Viewing

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  • #16
    Thanks for the info, Kevin!!!

    I'm glad the sluggish feeling is a good sign for a noobie TRV'er!
    I am also interested in all things to do with opening up that aperature - lol, nevermind :P
    Anyway...the intuitive flow must go on!

    Pamela, thank you for the reply and yes, I'd be happy to compare notes - perhaps we can either PM or else instant messenger if you'd like - its a little quicker and more interactive and I type like a demon so you won't have to wait for my replies

    Cheers and Namaste to All!



    • #17

      I'm sorry if I offended you or anybody else. That was certainly not the intention.
      As I said, this subject is fascinating to me, but I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much about it. Only since my time on this forum have I had any real exposure to the subject.
      So if I question came across as "uninformed" that's exactly what it is.
      I approach things like this from the angle of the openminded-skeptic. I really WANT to believe these things, but I can't really put much faith in them without seeing them for myself.
      I would not call anybody a liar, and that is certainly not my intention.
      More than anything, I'm curious what kind of information can be retrieved. Are symbols easier than numbers? Or a picture, versus an item of some kind?
      Since you all here have first-hand experience I figured you all might be able to answer some of those questions.
      I would think, if I could do something like that, I would be more than happy to share/prove that kind of skill to somebody who's interested.
      That's just my opinion though.
      Once again, I apologize if I offended anybody.
      I'm here to learn. I'll do more research on the subject so I don't ask silly questions anymore.

      Take care,


      • #18
        Hi Ben

        Hi Ben,

        Not the least bit offended. I was just hoping I did not offend you.

        Here is a really good site to do your research:

        PSI TECH’s Premiere Remote Viewers Services for Remote Viewing Training since 1989.

        There is more there in documentation than you can go thru in a week of Sundays. Then, when you want to actually try it for yourself, they have a $10 thingy.

        I got the full Gen. II when it first came out, they had a 30 day money back guarantee. But after working my first target I saw that it was the real deal and have not looked back.

        When I mentioned that there are only two choices...and one of them is that I am a liar, that does not bother me at all. The fact of the matter is that is true. I either am lying or am telling the truth. (I suppose I could be totally delusional also ). In any case, it was nothing personal, it was simply stating the case in an intellectually honest manner.

        It is nothing for you, or anyone else to back away analyzing a situation such as this, if one gets concerned about hurting ones feelings it can sacrifice the road to true knowledge.

        Oh, I do not know if you truly consider yourself an open minded is a link to something I just learned recently:

        Regarding what you are curious about-More than anything, I'm curious what kind of information can be retrieved. Are symbols easier than numbers? Or a picture, versus an item of some kind?

        The above PSI TECH link will answer you fully on that, however, the short answer is as follows:

        TRV data cannot deliver numbers or names. The reasons are complicated, and it is something that the US Government and private business has spent large amounts of time and money on, unsuccessfuly. TRV'ers do get numbers and names periodically, but not reliably or in a replicatible manner like other data.

        TRV data is downloaded from the Matrix primarily in words and phrases, sometimes in paragraphs. Secondary data comes in sketches.

        Since a good TRVer can do an average of 7 TRV sessions a week, that take about 1 to 1.5 hours of their time each, I think you would quickly tire of doing sessions to prove something to someone. There are always more real world questions to TRV than there is ever time for.

        For example, right now I am back-logged about 2 months on TRV jobs, and that does not even include personal targets that I am interested in.

        Keep searching!

        Kindest Regards,


        PATHS For Healing
        Energetic Science Ministries
        Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

        ESM Forum Support Link


        • #19
          Hi Kevin,

          Thank you for the great info, and links! Definately gives me a starting point.
          And you've also cleared up a couple of questions that I had.
          I didn't have any concept of how easy/difficult the process would be. So doing a "simple test" like that may not be as easy as it sounds.
          I'm going to try the $10 job, along with some more research and make opinions of my own.
          Believe it or not, I have high hopes!
          I have to explain my specific stance on being an open minded skeptic.
          I am completely open minded to any/all possibilites. The only thing is, I have to see it work with my own eyes, or experience it for myself.
          I was hoping that "simple test" would do that, but now I see it's not that "simple" or "easy".
          So I'll try that introductory deal, and talk more with you and the other people here who have more experience than I do.
          I'm actually very excited to try this out!
          Thanks again for the info!

          Take care,


          • #20
            Originally posted by hypnogogic View Post
            The only thing is, I have to see it work with my own eyes, or experience it for myself.
            hehe, well be careful with that theory when it comes to microbes because you cannot see them and some can kill you and that's something you don't want to experience!

            There is something you need to keep in mind, and that is that a skeptical or sometimes pessimistic attitude will hinder the very thing you are trying to accomplish. If you are a believer in the Laws of Attraction and how things work, you can absolutely sabotage yourself with negative beliefs or a naysayers attitude.

            In this universe, there are things, that are very real, that will never be proved to you or tangible enough for you to hold in your hand. If you choose to ignore or doubt their plausibility, you stand a chance of limiting what you would otherwise be capable of accomplishing.


            • #21
              Hi Ben ~ hypnogogic

              Hi Ben,

              That is great that you are going to give it a try! It is a very powerful tool.

              Yeah, there are a lot of people that "remote view". they just sort of close their eyes and "travel" to the target and get some info....some actually get good data sometimes, most don't get anything.

              TRV is a very structured, disciplined skill, it takes a lot of time to develop the skill, and then to do a really good session it is an investment of 1 - 1.5 hours. A good TRV'er can actually do several targets in a day, but not day after day. Most everyone maxes out at 7 targets a week, many at even 4 or 5 a week.

              While it can be produce good feelings, it is also a bit draining.

              I found it very interesting that sitting at the desk TRVing for one hour, would drop my blood sugar more than if I went for a one hour walk. Lots of energy being burned when TRVing!

              Let us know how it goes for you!


              PATHS For Healing
              Energetic Science Ministries
              Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

              ESM Forum Support Link


              • #22
                I finally got the time to do the quickstart program.
                Now I have a MUCH better understanding of the kinds of data one can expect. At least at the beginner level. It's more along the lines of descriptors. I was under the impression that a remote viewer would actually be able to "see" the target in some sense.
                Is that the case for somebody of a more experienced level? Or does it stay along the lines of descriptive words and sketches?
                I was pretty amazed at some of the targets I got. One of them I was WAY off. But a couple of them I was really surprised how accurate they were.
                It was definately a great learning experience, and I'm glad I did it!
                I can safely say that I have very low aptitude for it
                I couldn't help but feel like I was "guessing". And my imagination really wants to take over and form an image of what I think it may be.
                I'm sure you can train yourself to disregard that kind of influence with time.
                I really wish there were more hours in the day to devote to all of the things like this that interest me! Maybe I'll just stop sleeping. That wastes a lot of my

                Take care,


                • #23
                  Yes, when you first start, there is a guessing feeling that you experience. Imagination and real data seem very similar. By staying in structure and following the rules, over time you will learn the difference between real data and imagination.

                  Before I formally began learning TRV, I too had heard about it through rumor and poor sources, and also thought that you would actually show up at places during the process. The fact is, if your doing it right, the data gathering process should be very little of an experience and really quite boring, basically dumping information that you are in no way analyzing or thinking about onto a piece of paper.

                  I would say the only way that changes when you become more advanced is that staying in structure, and discerning good data from imagination becomes much easier. you can then really push yourself in the data gathering processes without falling out of structure or getting lost in imagination.


                  • #24
                    Received my GEN II yesterday!

                    I'm SO excited!
                    I've already watched the Introduction and the first three lectures - wow

                    Exciting stuff!!!

                    Cheers - Stephen out, and will report later heh


                    • #25
                      hmmmm...very interesting

             all i seem to be able to come up with right now.
                      all i can say for myself is that after talking with a friend who just got Gen II and did the $10 thing on psitech (hi stephen) is that i can't put it into words, but it's a intuitive feeling that runs through my center, that tells me that i get what you are talking about....and i have had images/visions (is that what it is, if it comes natuarally, like remote viewing opposed to technical remote viewing)
                      they were so profound that i went to the cops and had given them drawings and feelings and stuff, alot of pictures came out of it. i don't know if it helped them at all though.
                      this TRV fasinates me...and am getting my finances in order, so i can do it to, cuz WOW...i definitly see/sense the potential. once again it's not a intellectual knowing, i guess it's totaly intuitively knowing that it's huge.
                      i sense it strongly.....hmmmmm

                      anywho...i guess what i am saying is get what you guys and gals are talking about....not saying that i know how to do it though, or woudn't be overwhelmed, just....WOW again....

                      lots of love and laughter....Adrienne
                      Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                      • #26

                        I was really excited when I read all the information about TRV & I also feel that I just have to do it. Unfortunately, the finances aren't available at the moment. It's very frustrating, as there is so much I want to do & learn about!

                        I'm hoping to do the quick $10.00 try out on the weekend though. So glad that I found this site.

                        Looking forward to reading Kevin's next installment concerning findings on TRV with Paths.

                        Theta Healing
                        Paths 2 Potential

                        "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                        • #27

                          hi sharyn,
                          i am just too excited to put into words how i feel when i think of the time and the right time, it will happen....there is a money thing going on at the chinese energetic medicine thread go there and read...Gracie is such a blessing......sharing her and light......Adrienne
                          Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                          • #28

                            I know how you soon as I read about TRV I just couldn't get enough. It is so great and interesting....I just can't imagine what it would be like to have that skill.

                            I wanted to rush right into this as well....but I had to relax a bit, and just go with the flow...I know when the time is right it will happen.


                            • #29
                              Hi Adrienne & Nadine,

                              Adrienne, I'm the Sharyn (introducing myself) on Grace's CEM thread that you have already responded to. Thank you! Definitely want to get the abundance going so I can start some Paths modules & TRV instruction.

                              Nadine, I completed the $10.00 trial yesterday. I wasn't very good at the first 3 targets but the on 4th I got everything, even a sense of motion (won't say what it was, as it will give the target away). I found it quite amazing.

                              This may have been a bit of a fluke though, not sure if my imagination just decided this image fitted the shape I first selected so to speak. I read that if you think you know what the target is then you're not really doing it properly & by about halfway through I definitely had the thought of what the target was.

                              Anyway, I'm going to continue to try & practise the techniques with some blind targets by myself for a while & get my brain in training until I can get the course later on.

                              Theta Healing
                              Paths 2 Potential

                              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                              • #30
                                Long nights...

                                After three long nights filled with absolute ecstasy I finally finished Ingo Swann's Remote Viewing "The Real Story".

                                Its still being written but all I can say is wow. Ingo is really an amazing person. In reading the story I have learned so much about every facet of life, it has literally been a life changing experience. My perceptions have changed so much. I suggest the reading not only for the TRV aspects but from a philosophical standpoint. Excellent references and book lists throughout the reading as well.

                                Its long but worth the read. It made me laugh, think, but most of all re-evaluate my approach and knowledge about everything!! Believe it or not I delayed reading the last chapter because I didn't want it to end.

                                No wonder he is credited with the creation of TRV, an extraordinary person.

                                Remote Viewing--The Real Story

                                I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did.

                                Just received my GEN II today as well.

