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Technical Remote Viewing

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  • #31
    Ordered TRV Gen II Course

    Hi, just wanted to say that I just ordered the TRV course today. I've given it a lot of thought, and really want to try it out. I read a book on it a long while back, but it didn't really given enough information to do anything, so it was a real disappointment. I think this is going to be great fun!

    Is there a group of people on this forum who are doing it?

    Oh....wait .... when I said "doing it," I meant "doing TRV".



    • #32
      Hi Carol

      Yes, there is a private area in the forum for people that are TRV'ers or are in the process of learning to TRV.

      Aaron will be sending you the link for it soon.

      You are going to have fun!!!


      PATHS For Healing
      Energetic Science Ministries
      Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

      ESM Forum Support Link


      • #33
        Received My TRV Tapes

        Hi! I have received my TRV tapes and would also like to be included with the group that are in discovery.
        Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

        My Mystic PATHS Website
        Word Whisperer
        My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


        • #34
          general comments re: TRV

          Doing a 'test' to prove or disprove TRV is not the way to determine if TRV works or not. No TRVer claims to be 100% accurate 100% of the time. The best results happen when a small group collectively takes on a target; then the results can be sifted and the common elements of the sessions become the most reliable data. Of course, there are many times when one session nails a target; check out:
          No Force too Great for TRV

          It concerns a session I completed after only three months of TRV practice.

          Ditto Kevin's comments about the energized feelings after a session; I experience an overall sensation of well-being after most sessions.

          For five of the past seven years TRV has been a constant influence in my life as many of the blind targets have looked at my own current and future circumstances (inner and outer). The data plus of own experiences have helped to shape my worldview on a couple of levels:
          1 - clarification of lifestyle strategies - what to do, what to concentrate on, what to leave behind, what to care about, etc. and
          2 - the continued proof, through experience, of a reality that overrides our normal grasp of time and space; this is so important as it provides the kernel of experience upon which to build a cosmology that embraces non-temporal and non-spatial limitations.
          Well, enough for now.

          Get those tapes, work hard!



          • #35
            TRV reading

            One book I found excellent for understanding some of the background to the creation of what has eventually come to be called TRV is:
            Inside Stargate, America's Psychic Espionage Program
            by Paul H. Smith

            Another great read is:
            Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, 1997 by Jim Schnabel, Dell.

            Each of the above give insight into the genesis of the protocols that are now part of TRV.



            • #36

              Thanks for posting this info.

              Have you ever trved the year 2012? (Or do you know of any trvs of it?)

              Also, from these books you mention can you tell me if the term "stargate" in the US miliatary project name is called that because the program actually looked for stargates or wormholes, or was it just that the stargate was the doorway to the info the trvers seek?

              Keep your mind on the aether


              • #37
                2012 and Stargate

                I have not TRVed 2012 but will add it to my collection of targets and it will be picked (at random and unknown to me) sooner or later; I'll let you know the results.

                Paul Smith (in his book) relates that the name Stargate happened this way:
                The project used to be called Sun Streak; as code names need to change every few years, the viewers were given a list of suitable words; 'star' was the only one on the list that fit. Dale Graff added 'gate' because "it has a symbolic meaning, you know, a gateway, a portal, that kind of thing"

                That's from Smith's book, Reading the Enemy's Mind, page 421.



                • #38

                  I just saw a program on the History Channel regarding 2012. Someone I work with has been talking about this date for the past couple of years.

                  I found it interesting that the Mayan calendar is not the only calendar or prophesy that indicates something quite dramatic will occur 12/21/2012. After watching the program, I can understand why many people are unnerved (maybe an understatement) when anticipating this date.

                  Apparently there is also some web program, web bot (not quite sure of the name) that also indicates the world (at least as we know it) will end on this date.

                  There was a recent discussion on this topic on an Abraham forum. I am paraphrasing much here, but essentially Abraham did not deny this may be a significant date in the history of the world. However, according to Abraham, if one is vibrationally aligned, there is nothing to worry about.

                  I am going to an Abe workshop this coming weekend. If anyone else asks about it again, I will post here.
                  Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                  • #39
                    Here is a link to the web bot thing: [URL=""]
                    Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Pamela Vicik-Smith View Post

                      I am going to an Abe workshop this coming weekend. If anyone else asks about it again, I will post here.
                      Pammie -

                      Have *you* thought about asking Abraham about it?

                      Paths To Your Success


                      • #41
                        Please write more

                        I checked out the web site in your post and find it fascinating reading. Please tell us about the Abe event you attended.



                        • #42
                          This thread has many members ordering the Gen II series in early to mid 2007. I'm curious as to how everyone is doing. Have many people persisted & followed though?

                          For my part, I am working hard so that I can pursue TRV as a mode of creating a more bountiful & fulfilled life. A guy's gotta eat

                          I wish I could do the trv sessions back to back as to get as much practice as possible during the hours of the day but alas, respite is required for accuracy so I'm allowing 2 hours between practice sessions.


                          • #43

                            That is good that you are allowing the 2 hours between sessions.

                            In my first 6 months or so of training I would do 4-6 targets a day. Short ones-10-20 minutes each.

                            Nothing replaces practice!

                            PATHS For Healing
                            Energetic Science Ministries
                            Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                            ESM Forum Support Link


                            • #44
                              Hi Kevin,

                              As I told Snowball in the chat room, your reputation proceeds you!
                              (I think I read the entire site. twice!)

                              Most of my s1 -s3 sessions have been pretty brief as well because Joni suggest keeping up the tempo to reduce aol's.

                              Thank you for the feedback & It's a pleasure to meet you


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Ingram View Post
                                Hi Kevin,

                                As I told Snowball in the chat room, your reputation proceeds you!
                                (I think I read the entire site. twice!)

                                Most of my s1 -s3 sessions have been pretty brief as well because Joni suggest keeping up the tempo to reduce aol's.

                                Thank you for the feedback & It's a pleasure to meet you

                                Hey, tell Snow and everyone in chat hi from me. I have not been in the chat room in a Loooong time (years)....but I do keep in touch with Snow.

                                Yep, the faster the better. It is difficult at first trying to go fast and remember all the protocol structure...but with practice no conscious thought is needed for the structure and then it is just a matter of going FAST until you hit the S6 (at about the 30-35 minute mark), then you can slow down a bit and really get rich detailed data.

                                I personally, even after thousands and thousands of targets, find it a pain to begin the TRV is so boring and structured...but once I am "in"-fully bilocated, it is fun and easy.

                                Great meeting you also.

                                Stick with your training and we will probably end up working together on some projects one day.


                                PATHS For Healing
                                Energetic Science Ministries
                                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                                ESM Forum Support Link

