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Technical Remote Viewing

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  • #46
    Hey Kevin,
    I did pop in to the chat room & say hi and to let them know you said hello but sometimes the folks there aren't too chatty so I just go on my merry way

    I like Snow, she's quick on the uptake & fun to talk to. Seems like some of the trv'rs are kind of jaded to newcomers though, I imagine because of the constant attrition & off the wall questions? Like, can you rv the lottery for me? I'll give you 10%

    I came into this with a bit different idea of the level of difficulty & man, it's challenging sometimes! Especially becoming accurate in the s1- s3 arena (which is all I can talk about as that's all I'm doing right now), But I feel that ultimately it will prove well worth it so I'm bound & determined to stick with it & I do hope to be able to be proficient enough to contribute to a group someday soon.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Ingram View Post
      Hey Kevin,
      I did pop in to the chat room & say hi and to let them know you said hello but sometimes the folks there aren't too chatty so I just go on my merry way

      I like Snow, she's quick on the uptake & fun to talk to. Seems like some of the trv'rs are kind of jaded to newcomers though, I imagine because of the constant attrition & off the wall questions? Like, can you rv the lottery for me? I'll give you 10%

      I came into this with a bit different idea of the level of difficulty & man, it's challenging sometimes! Especially becoming accurate in the s1- s3 arena (which is all I can talk about as that's all I'm doing right now), But I feel that ultimately it will prove well worth it so I'm bound & determined to stick with it & I do hope to be able to be proficient enough to contribute to a group someday soon.
      Hi Ingram,

      Yes, I was in that chatroom everyday for years. Quite a few characters pass through there...and some of the old-timers there can be abrasive at times....and of course, there is the constant flow of skeptics.

      Snow is a gem. I have done LOTS of projects with her, she is sharp, honest, and a Great person!!!!

      Yep, the attrition rate for people learning TRV is guess is more than 98%. I can count on two hands the number of TRVers that I know are still TRVing after having started or completed their training...and this is out of hundreds that I saw begin the process.

      I do not believe this is because any one of them "could not" learn, but rather a matter of priorities (takes lots of practice) and inability/unwillingness to follow TRV protocol structure exactly.

      Add on top of that the skepticism that may be encountered from friends and family, or even worse, friends/family believing it is the "devil, demons or some sort of evil" that is the source of the information.

      Keep at you know, it is a skill and nothing replaces practice to make the structure autonomic.


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      • #48

        I find TRV very intresting, I myself have tried it and to some degree mostly misses, of course with practice it will be fine tuned. This is a subject i would like to get more into and learn about.

        I understand somewhat of the concept of TRV and how it works. My question would be, does the human mind exist independently of the brain and the example of how remote viewing ability works, shows how the mind can see at a great distance. During the dream state would it be the mind that's active, not the brain.

        And if people have a picture in there mind for something that are anticipating or seeing before hand is that the imagination or the mind trying to see
        Last edited by Lance; 08-18-2008, 06:12 PM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Lance View Post
          I find TRV very intresting, I myself have tried it and to some degree mostly misses, of course with practice it will be fine tuned. This is a subject i would like to get more into and learn about.

          I understand somewhat of the concept of TRV and how it works. My question would be, does the human mind exist independently of the brain and the example of how remote viewing ability works, shows how the mind can see at a great distance. During the dream state would it be the mind that's active, not the brain.

          And if people have a picture in there mind for something that are anticipating or seeing before hand is that the imagination or the mind trying to see

          TRV is a very structured protocol. You can learn more about it at the following links-

          PSI TECH’s Premiere Remote Viewers Services for Remote Viewing Training since 1989.

          Yes, I believe the mind exists outside our physical body. Aaron has a great post on that somewhere. Hopefully he will jump in here and remind us where that is.


          PATHS For Healing
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